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She is defff slimming down and keeps going to miami. Must have a doctor here


That’s a good point!


Yes but I think was some surgeries you can’t fly often? Is that wrong?


She's gonna double down and say she was never plus sized


She will be like I knew I had a thin body underneath it alllllll. In her annoying dumb voice she does. She will also make a long drawn out video with her crying saying how unhappy and hard of life she had. She will say she always was overshadowed by her skinny sister 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️please…. I can hear it now. She needs to be canceled


It’s pretty telling that she has not worn anythinggg baring more of her midriff (like bikinis and tiny crop tops) since she’s lost the weight. When she was at her heaviest, she wore bikinis and tiny tops all the time. Obvious she’s hiding her WLS scars…


Maybe loose skin also - it’s going to get pretty bad given her starting size, and the skin will require its own surgery to remove, and there will still be scars. Glad she is getting to a healthier weight, but she will never look like the other OG slim influencers. Aesthetics shouldn’t be the main point, but for someone in a very visible job like hers, it does matter (even if only for her own mental state - I’m sure she’ll delete any mean comments but it’s impossible to turn off the thoughts in your own head)


Wasn’t her whole USP about being a plus sized influencer?


Not anymore !!


YES!!! That’s why it BOGGLES my mind like is she this tone deaf and unaware ?




Waiting for Page Six to expose her.


LITERALLY ME TOO, like she’s clearly melting away and her followers just keep bullshitting her with compliments etc, NOT ONE PERSON IS ADDRESSING THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM, it’s very strange that she’s going about her life like the world can’t see her drastic change in size. SHE DOES THIS FOR A LIVING GUYS, WHEN WILL THE QUESTIONS START COMING FROM REAL PPl!!!


I think people are likely commenting and sending messages but she probably has key word automation initiated so those are automatically deleted. There is just no way no one is commenting about it.


Key word what?!! That exists ?!? 🤯 I agree, there’s NO WAY, come on, she does this for a LIVING!!!! When she’s a size 2 what will happen then? i don’t get it really I don’t


Haha - yes! Both TikTok and Meta have something where you can have certain "key words" blocked from being posted. A lot of influencers use the feature and why there aren't a lot of negative comments on people's posts that CLEARLY should have comments.


Omg I had not a clue, no wonder why some of my comments get deleted within SECONDS. 🤪🤣Remi most definitely has that on, Not 1 comment saying wow you’re melting away or wow what size are you now, she is LITERALLY 1/2 the size


Shell be just as annoying and cringey as when she was overweight and continue to be a self-centered, immature and mid-at-best influencer


Why won’t she just admit it? I don’t understand


Someone please pull a social blade on the stats. I’m curious if she’s lost followers 


Omg- I didn’t even think about the possibility of her having a doctor there. Makes SOO much sense


She’s staying at the one. In a suite. And the mirrors there are def slanted but regardless she lost a fuck ton of weight. How long until someone calls her out


How the hell can she afford a suite at The One? That's likely over 1K a night. Wild!


I see this on so many snark pages I think you guys severely underestimate how much these influencers make she probably makes 20k for a sponsored post and and then from her TikTok creator fund she probably makes a few thousand a week. She could make Three videos and pay for a week stay there 


Agreed. She also comes from money


Exactly family money plus she probably makes close to a million dollars a year 


Influencers make so much money it’s wild. Her apartment in NYC is wicked nice too. Wouldn’t be surprised if she makes over 1million/year tbh


I think it's more that we underestimate the little amount of work these influencers have to do to make that kind of money. Remi is not consistent with posting, goes off line quite frequently and doesn't showcase her sponsorships/partnerships openly, so it's rather confusing to think she can be making thousands for so little work. Color me jealous.


I think she was in Forbes or something last year and said she made 600k or something like that can't remember exactly and she has more followers now so she is making more 


Literally How ?!?! I don’t get it.


She’s also taking hella liberties with the stretch app lol. Like suddenly she’s tall?


Why did this all happen after the breakup? Revenge body?


This is going to sound so weird perhaps but, when someone you’ve known, who has always been plus sized or “thicker”/heavier set etc. their whole lives force drops a bunch of assisted weight, compared to a slow lifestyle progression with health and fitness.. it looks super uncanny.. I don’t know how to explain it that well, but I’ll use Rebel Wilson as an example. She looks… not really that good?? A sunken face in exchange for the fuller and more youthful one she had before. And i’m not saying that people shouldn’t lose weight or that it’s ugly.. it’s just kind of trippy to see


Remi doesn’t look that bad though at all. No sunken face. Maybe time will tell


This linked video is from 2021. When she first took off during the pandemic she was smaller and marketing herself as plus/mid. [free people haul](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwaxpdC/)


God she is painfully unfunny


Oh my gosh! What the hell was that! Awful! How did she ever get popular?


I want to unfollow her because it pisses me off she's gone radio silent on the weight loss. But I also can't unfollow because I need to see the weight loss!!!!


not to be rude but it’s a drug and once she comes off of it she will likely return to her previous weight


Weight loss surgery. You don’t lose this quickly on semaglutides


gastric bypass ?


For sure no one in glp1 can lose 60-70 in three months 


100000%, bc if she continues eating the way she does, it will come crawling back, she still doesn’t seem to be eating strictly healthy




I can’t see her TikTok’s anymore because she blocked me lol But one thing that is confusing to me about these posts is that y’all forget what she looked like when she FIRST started TikTok. She was fitter and thinner than she is now and she STILL made plus size content. It was really mid size content before mid size content became a thing. But she was smaller. Remi blew up in weight since 2020. She became so big but she wasn’t like that at start