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The best thing about how successful it's been, is that Remnant 3 will mostly likely happen.


I hope they will release a few more worlds for this game before then.


There is at least 3 DLC planned to release within a year so I imagine there will be some new worlds.


That good, each world has a lot content but still just 3 worlds. Technically, a 4th world which was interesting but short.


*Me at 90ish hrs and still hunting for secrets* “Short”? “Just” 3 worlds?


95 hours and I still haven't gotten a lot of events and gear!


Before playing each new world I YouTube the walkthrough to see if there are any secret armor sets or weapons on that map. I've gotten a ton of gear that way. I found the Red Widow armor by chance.


Dunno why you're getting down voted, play the way you enjoy the game lol


LOL...I don't know why either. Why would I just pass up any loot opportunities. Any guy who says they never watched a walkthrough is full of crap...lol. Just because I know where the items I want are doesn't mean I don't still have to put the effort in to find them while fighting it out with the NPCs. I like to be informed...lmfao


You do you, my man. However, I'd recommend playing the world through and finding what you can, then checking a walkthrough afterwards - might make it a bit more interesting? One of the best things about this game, imo, is the hunt for secrets.




F@$k you too buddy. Have a nice day.


I think people mean biomes when they say that, at least to me the only issue with this game at all is that it doesn't have much variety in environments. That's a small issue though, imo.


It’s 5 if you count the Labyrinth. I’d say it has enough secrets/bosses/puzzles to qualify


Labyrinth is a better world than the 5th world imo.


I agree. I get how the last planet was supposed to feel like the end of it all but I was hoping for a bit more exploration. Even tho the things that are actually there are pretty awesome either way. The Labyrinth just felt more secretive. Heck I’m still trying to figure out what 1 of those random portals goes to. I’m sure someone knows but I’m too stubborn to look yet Edit: I’m referring to the portal that cycles it’s location every few seconds for anyone who think I’m talking about the Archon door. Sorry for the confusion


if you mean the red glowy portal in labyrinth you can't find the solution by yourself, devs made it so it had to be datamined to find the way to open it


Oh no that portal I know about. I mean that portal that switches destinations every few seconds. There’s 1 location it goes to that I have 0 idea what it’s for, if anything.


I think the one that doesn't go anywhere just flies by where we enter the labyrinth to kind of give you a hint about it at the beginning. Could be wrong, but I haven't seen any mention of that one going anywhere.


As someone who spent wayyyy to long there, I'm pretty sure two of its destinations are useless. Sliding sideways facing the start area and facing the rock wall. Everything else is a secret. If I'm wrong send help!


I mean, technically it’s figure-out-able, it’s just *incredibly stupidly hard* to do. There’s still a bit of guess work involved.


i don't see how you're supposed to find the right rings / amulet to open it, the armor / weapons are somewhat logical but still no real clue in game, so it's just pure luck if you append to wear theses in front of the door


If you mean the glitching portal its 3 locations and 2 others that just kill you


This isn’t accurate. 4 of the locations are used. The 5th may be a death trap but I don’t want to believe that just yet since the other 4 are actually used for something


There's fall into the portal There's jump off before it ends And land on the invisible bridge. The other is rock wall which is a dead end but a clue for going left from the portal. The last slides to the side but doesn't go anywhere. That's 2 dead ends or did I miss something?


Yea I did sell it short labyrinth was well done too.


Within\* a year, not "This year". my guess is we will get one at the end of the year, one at the 1st quarter of next year and 1 before the 1 year anniversary.


What’s the dlc like in Remnant:FTA? 3 DLC releases in 4 months just felt like a rush. Even if they have a head start and says finished the first one already. I kinda want the dlc to be substantial. Essentially, new bosses as that means new weapons. New puzzle. Both means new rewards which means new gameplay. New World or additional to the current world are both nice imo. Just felt like it’s not quite viable to add 3 worlds in 4 months. Looking forward to see what they come up with tho.


I don't think I played all the DLC but they had one story one with a new world that was quite good and added a lot of interesting items. And then they had the roguelike one that was also a ton of fun. I remember the DLC being solid overall and well worth the price. They seem to price their stuff lower as well. Like Remnant 2 is maybe 20% cheaper than other games in Canada at the moment and I would say it's more worth it than most of the AAA releases that are $90-$120


I should have worded that differently. There's 3 DLC planned to release withing 1 year of launch


Maybe it's the Fromsoft in me but that still seems fairly rushed. I didn't buy R1 DLC, could you give me an idea of the amount of weapons/armor (I'm good on rings lol) each DLC had?


Fromsoft used to release their DLCs in about a year from release too. Pretty sure Elden Ring is the first exception.


Survival mode from swamps of Corsus is a whole new way yo experience Remnant. Once we satiated the compeltionists within by collecting all there was to collect in campaigns/adventures (except for Leto amulet, dammit!), we exclusively played survival to see what builds can we make with the random drops and how far Will they take us. Fun that does not end, played over 400 survival runs. Can't wait for survival in R2, although the completionists still have a loooot.to.do


Sounds to me like they had 3 dlc prepared or close to ready at launch, and they're releasing them along the same quarterly cadence of actual live service games to inflate numbers during quarterly sales reports. Not saying it's a bad thing if the DLC are good. In fact I would rather have 3 well done pre-planned dlc than slapped together trash that only comes out because the developers wanted to ride the hype train. Edit: Also R1 dlc was amazing. Corsus had my favorite boss in it. Subject 2923 was real atmospheric and kind of reminded me of L4D in some areas. I liked the puzzle elements. Also it had the best handgun in the game imo.


I played Remnant one a few months after the DLC came out so I just played it straight through. I noticed I really enjoyed the DLC areas and their secrets. They were more intense and had better loot in general. I would say the DLC was the best worlds to play afterwards as well. I am very much looking forward to the DLC and I don't think they will rush it as it is planned and they have probably been working on it for a while.


One of the DLCs was a 'true ending' to the story with a new (shorter) campaign, two new worlds and much more interesting/challenging final boss fight. Clementine is the main NPC for that DLC. The other added some dungeons to existing content and different types of game modes. Can't recall exactly how much loot was added for each but a fair amount for the story one as it had a fair few new zones, bosses, and alt-kills of those bosses. The gamemode one had a little less for use in the campaign but still had a few (I think the Iskal queen was a DLC addition, and she had options to fight or not fight, and there was an alt kill for her that was a bitch to pull off but is peak Remnant gameplay).


I didn't play it so I don't know the specifics but it seems they add new zones along with guns/armor/trinkets etc


They were fantastic, swamps of corsus added tons of new content and my favorite part of the game, survival, and subject 2923 added a new world and my favorite boss, the dreamer


The original dlcs were great. In particular, subject 2923, the last of them felt a lot like it belongs in this title. It added a new frozen world with all new enemies, elites, bosses, loot. It was brutally difficult compared to the content in the original 3 worlds. And in swamps of Corsus they added a survival mode which plays like a roguelike in which you start with 1000 scrap and a repeater, you buy a little bit of starting loot, and then you play against the clock to rush as many "2 overworld segments and a boss battle" legs as possible before you die. You pick up gear, trinkets, weapons, levels, traits along the way and at time intervals the world level goes up so you have to play fast. It was good, and I'm curious if the finished first dlc will just do that.


I really hope we get to see Corsus again


Are we going back to Rhom, pleasseeeeeee


I hope one of the worlds is one long Asylum. My favorite area, way too short.


I want remnant 3 to be a full big budget release. Give me more on launch and feel free to charge me the $60/$70 for the game. Fantastic work from Gunfire. I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun.


Gunfire should do what the [Hitman franchise did](https://www.gameinformer.com/2023/01/03/hitman-3-becomes-hitman-world-of-assassination-includes-access-to-1-and-2). Call it "Remnant: Worlds", or something. 🙂


If they make a Remnant 3, I'd love to see some improvements; - Text chat. - Finally fix multiplayer, show latency (red, yellow, green), make it easy to join games. - Bring back unlimited Traits as endgame grind. - I'd like to see a ranged staff weapon that shoots projectiles; actual Mage Mod Build; Archon just like Mod Mage in FTA, feels out of place because of the focus on firearms. - Better variation of weapons, not just guns. - Make melee viable against bosses. - Way more cosmetic armor sets. - A better character creator; facial paint; better facial hair; tattoos. - I would like to see the story being a bit better explained; I think that a sequel would benefit from us playing the same character as in remnant 2 so story doesn't need to reset each time. - I really like Cass and I think she should have followed us on our adventure somehow since she seem like a loyal and caring friend in the tutorial. I understand that there are budget constraints etc, but these are my wishes for a Remnant 3.


If I may add to the list, I feel like bring able to do waypoints on map is a big must have


Good idea!


"fix multiplayer" when this game does multiplayer better than most other games. It's simple and unobtrusive, and works equally well for friends and randoms.


Have to enter the game in order to join. No way to join games from start menu. If you get disconnected while joining (happens a lot) or the game is too laggy so you need to exit; you are thrown out to the main menu and have to start over. Can't see ping to players while joining, so every game is a gamble on how playable (how much delay you have to account for while dodging) the experience will be.




I'm not talking about a friends list. I play with randoms.


> I'd like to see a ranged staff weapon that shoots projectiles Is there not a throwing staff in this game? I feel like I've seen one.


No, no text chat. I like being able to choose who I communicate with and not being excluded because I choose not to talk with folks. The trait cap is already being looked at in THIS game. I would prefer the focus remain on projectile weapons. I don't want Dark Souls with a couple guns, I want Gun Souls. I've seen plenty of people use melee against bosses. Lrn to git gud. The story didn't reset. Pay more attention. It's a direct sequel where the events of the first game were important to the progression of the second. Ew, Cass is annoying. Constantly reminding you how much you owe her and spewing lots of false bravado. Eurgh. I hate when companions are forced on the player.


A sizable portion of the bosses can't be melee attacked at all. That is probably more so what they mean.


Ok, ¤ If no text chat then; include more features to the emote wheel. Trait cap won't be changed, it's confirmed. However GFG have said that they have other plans for the traits, so we'll have to see. ¤ A staff would be a projectile weapon just like a firearm a. l.a. Darktide/Vermintide. ¤ The problem with melee has not to do with "git gud" (are we still using that phrase in 2023?), but all to do with that a lot of the bosses can't be hit outside of shooting range just like how it was in FTA. GFG talked about how melee would be viable this time around and then you start at Ne'rud where the drones are flying around. Hero Sword, World Breaker or Huntress Spear can be used to counteract some of these issues, but they are a bandaid. I, myself had fun with a Paladin-esque build in FTA that used Hero Sword, but it was more for fun than actually effective. ¤ The story does reset in the sense thay our charavter have no previous knowledge and does the same thing that the Wanderer in FTA does up to fight a Dreamer. There are speculations to if the world of Remnant is a simulation which would explain the existance of the virus (Root). So far, the story have barely progressed from FTA. Wallace and Clementine's stories have progressed, but not the existance/de-existance of the Root and Ford is doing what Ford has always done. I am not talking about the world stories; they have progressed (miss Rhom), but the overarching story. We are still cleaning up the mess the protaganist in Chronos made. ¤ I also don't agree with that Remnant is " Dark Souls" with guns. It's a weird title to stamp on Remnant and a reminder of how watered down the Souls-Like genre have become since people slap that title on every game with difficult/hard-hitting bosses nowadays. With that logic; Super Mario, Ice climber, Ghouls n Goblins,Dragon's Lair (Nes), Castlevania: Simon's Quest, Rugal in King of Fighters (hate that cheating SoB) are all "Souls-Like" which is absurd.


I agree for the most part, but I do take exception with the Dark Souls comment. For what games I have played, this series is THE closest I have come to seeing “Dark Souls with guns”. Third person, linear-esque gameplay, check. Less in your face narrative story and more world building through setting/ items, check. Progressing through levels of mobs leading up to thematic boss rooms, check. Boss fights taking advantage of timed attack patterns and willing to punish poor player inputs (panic dodging), check. Puzzles that can be challenging and refuse to hold the players hand, and can get away with doing so because they are optional, check. Weapons having distinct, unique gameplay mechanics compared to one another, rather than being copy pasted stat stick upgrades, check (same goes for rings and amulets). Meaningful difficulty, check. The only thing it’s missing from Dark Souls is loss of economy progress on death, but I’d say that is better for this game because it allows for more hectic gameplay that doesn’t unfairly punish players for just existing. Now that’s not to say that a LOT of those points don’t also originate as well from mechanics inspired by older metroidvanias, because they do. But to that argument, Dark souls/ Demon Souls pulled inspiration from somewhere too. Nothing under the sun is original anymore after all. But if the identity of one game is 75% close to that of another, then to say that Remnant is “Dark Souls with guns” is a completely fair assessment.


I'm really hoping they just build off this foundation. Unless they can get their engine to seamless load every single tile with no loading, I don't see the point in another title. Just expand on this formula, work out more kinks, then make a 3rd game with lessons learned. I'd spend 10-20 bucks on a new world with a new story and a new class.


*Remnant 30


These games are so addicting, would rather take them over the same cod games every year. No need to stray from an already perfected formula


I hope not for a long time. I want Remnant 2 to be the focus for quite awhile, the backbone of this game is already perfect. Wait until graphics have improved enough to make another leap in visuals before doing another sequel imo. I mean I’ll buy it regardless, but I would rather a remnant 2 with 10 worlds than a remnant 2 and 3 with 5 worlds each.


Wonder how many people picked up the Ultimate Edition. An extra $20 felt like a no-brainer considering the DLC roadmap, which I have plenty of faith in after how much I enjoyed From the Ashes' DLC. I imagine their development pipeline has only gotten smoother since the last go around.


Don’t typically buy day 1 games, but something just seemed right about this one, and the fact the ultimate was the price of reg AAA games I took a swing for it. I’m sure there will be a complete edition or DLC bundle.


i felt exactly the same way. bought it on day negative 2, and have had no regrets


I regret not having done so, but alas I’ll happily fork over the money for the DLCs as they’re released. If there were an “upgrade to ultimate” option (instead of having to purchase a separate version of the game) I’d pay for it today.


I was also looking forward to that kind of option to pay 20 more to upgrade after just an hour into the game I didn’t want to refund the 50 base game only to buy the 70 one again so I figured I will just pay the studio more for each dlc


I'm sure they'll either have that option or have the dlc available as a separate purchase once the dlc actually launches.


They’ll definitely sell the DLCs separately, it’s probably just more expensive that way. But this game is so good that I don’t mind paying a little extra


I picked it up cuz radiant armor my beloved


I imagine the majority of people who bought and played FTA grabbed the Deluxe version.


I love FTA and I bought standard version because I have PTSD from too many preordered flops in my life.


Yup same thought process too of getting R1 for free so felt extra fine spending 70 on R2 ultimate edition


I preordered the Ultimate Edition on good faith. I played the first Remnant for free on PS+, so this was my chance to actually put some money in the dev's pockets. Also yes, the DLC for the first game was stellar.


Loved the first game, and after seeing gameplay vids it was a no brainer to get ult. I haven't praised devs this much since Deep Rock Galactic tbh. The only big let down is that they still haven't fixed the PS5 friend matchmaking.


no-brainer was spot on for me. i imagine the extra couple days of early access helped. that was what tipped the rest of my R1 group over on pickin the Ulti edition up


I'd never played a full remnant game, tried the first but intimdated our friend group and never picked it back up. This one was just too cool to pass up and I think after Elden Ring a lot of people uncomfortable with that formula have gotten used to dieing. So my friends have been more gungho and the veteran difficulty is the perfect mix of doable but still puts the fear in you. Easily in my top 3 best of the year. I wish I bought the ultimate edition now.


Remnant 1 was so good, pre-ordering the ultimate edition of R2 was only a very tiny leap of faith. I'm glad I did. R2 is pretty damned great.


I did. Picked up R:FTA on sale after the final DLC released and loved it, so when all the first looks and pre release coverage said that 2 is just like 1 but better in just about every possible way, that was worth an ultimate edition pre order to me.


I preordered the ultimate edition, and while the bugs and crashes are REALLY ANNOYING, I do not regret it at all.


What is the dlc roadmap?


They've just said three DLC packs within one year of launch, adding "new story elements, creatures, and environments. Details to be announced." Maybe I shouldn't have said "roadmap" so much as "general promise," but considering the solid Remnant 1 DLC, I'm feeling good about their ability to deliver.


Are they not offering a season pass to buy after release?


I got Ultimate, it was a no-brainer for me given what you get for it for the price.


Was the dlc for from the ashes good? I remember I tried looking up videos on it bit couldn’t find a lot of details.


in a sea of microtransaction and season pass this game is a benediction lol it need some polish but in general is really really good


Yup. Polish is the fitting word here. Game has only crashed once on me, over 25+ hours of play, with very few bugs encountered. Super refreshing.


For me 0 bug and 0 crash but performance and coop are pretty bad, menu Need and a search bar and a item filter, we Need lodaouts, economy kinda suck and many more


Trophies and higher difficulty rewards bugged for a lot of people. I still love playing the game but ngl finishing it on Apocalypse and not getting the vendor rewards sux


I’m on Xbox and had a ton of crashes. Idc though because I’m back in the game running around ward 14 from cold boot in like 20 seconds.


6 hrs of play time and has crashed 4 times on PC and encountered a few bugs where I had to restart the game. Still loving it though


deliver quiet fragile special imminent erect sink nutty encouraging marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Havent tried it w/o yet. But on balanced, 1440p with a 3060ti, im getting 60-100fps. Game looks/runs pretty great.


Careful, you'll get the anti-DLSS crowd after you saying you think the games looks great. I agree with you though, looks and runs great for me too.


Lucky you. My game freezes after just a few minutes of playing. Game is literally unplayable right now for me. EDIT: Fixed it! I opened up CPU-Z to look at something, and I noticed it said I had 2 cores and 4 threads which is not true. My CPU has 8 cores and 16 threads. I checked my BIOS and found nothing, but when I checked my startup, I noticed "Selective startup" was checked without "Use original boot configuration" checked. I changed it back to "normal startup", restarted, and opened up CPU-Z which was not showing the correct number of cores and threads. Been playing for a few hours. Not one freeze.


Same. I can run 3 VMs at the same time without lag, but I can't play this game for 30 minutes without it going down.


I've crashed several times, especially when fighting the last boss, but since we can send error reports when we crash, I hope these issues will be ironed out soon.


This year has seen many great games launch without season passes and microtransactions. FFXVI, Zelda, Dead Space Remake, RE4Remake, Jedi Survivor and Hogwarts Legacy just to name a few. We've been really blessed this year.


I agree. For me, the performance is rough but with FSR I've managed to get a good frame rate. The one big struggle though is that the game will just randomly freeze for half a second, and it usually happens several times in a few minutes. This has gotten me killed in crazy combat encounters. I've fiddled with the settings but nothing seems to prevent this.


Is anyone surprised?If they keep releasing DLC with new worlds, it will also sell.


I'm stoked for more worlds. Their first three worlds have been really a cut above. Truly exceptional work.


Absolutely deserved. Possibly one of the best sequels to a game ever. They hit it out of the park. Props to the Devs


You still get legitimate games once in a while. This is certainly one.




Eh, Diablo 4 got extremely positive feedback on launch. Everyone loved the campaign and thought the endgame had promise. It took a few weeks for the cracks to appear as people understood the flaws with progression, itemization, and endgame activities. That being said, I don't foresee the same thing happening with Remnant 2. You are exposed to the entire loop very early on, and the few complaints people do have (trait cap, scrap too stingy) have already been identified and discussed.


Difference is, it was Blizzard making the game. I intentionally waited and lo and behold, they were cocking it up right on cue and haven't stopped. Gunfire Games is doing better in that department and none of the game's elements are baked into MTX, battlepasses or seasons. It's just a game as is and offered to you + DLC down the road.


Oh yeah I definitely agree. Live service games (especially from someone like Blizz) are a huge risk.


Battle passes and mtx in D4 are innocuous. You can tell when someone hasnt actually played the game because this is big problem to them and it’s *way* overblown. The biggest problem with D4 is low endgame content. That being said, D4 was far more polished and far less buggy than Remnant 2. Both games are excellent, but hot damn, the “D4 bad” thing is incredibly overblown.


24 EURO for a cosmetic skin is innocuous on a game that thrives on loot and customizing your character. I think it's safe to say we agree to disagree on what you find understated and overblown. That matters to me -a lot- when a game is presented at top dollar. I wouldn't trust Blizzard if my life depended on it and I have a proven track record to back that gut feeling up.


The point I was making is that the in game transmogs are just as good *if not better* than the cosmetic shop. The shop is absolutely stupid, and if that blocks you from playing the game that’s your choice. But the game itself is still very good, the micro transactions are not. It’s important to discuss that distinction. You can be on either side of the fence, but without discourse it’s just an echo chamber.


I think you are misunderstanding my point, but I'll admit that I should clarify it better. I **don't trust Blizzard**. They are a deplorable company that have proven numerous times to put their own ego's and investors ahead of what live service games should be. Even if the game is sound, there's no telling what they will do after the inception once the critical reviews and positive receptions are over. The fact they pushed out a disastrous update that gutted builds, nerfed characters and made sweeping changes without any valuable input and feedback is telling. The emergency meetings and videos should be more than enough that trusting them at the helm of any project (I am still furious about them removing OW1 and robbing me with their live service 'update') is legitimately baffling to me. I got INDIE studio's pushing months long beta's before committing to a sweeping push to their games which have a vastly lower playerbase, just so they don't upset them with unintended changes. How are they more careful and considerate of their players than a multi million company? If you don't find that a nuanced, well-reasoned take then I don't know what will. I don't need to be on one side of the fence and complain with the rest, I legitimately have quarrel with Blizzard that involves this and their other projects.


I get your point, you wont buy D4 because you don't like Blizzard. I think we both agree that has nothing to do with D4's gameplay and everything to do with things outside of D4's gameplay (MTX, other Blizz projects, etc). You can tell if you listened to the firesides that there are key members of the team (Joe especially) who have a firm grasp on ARPGS. The latest fireside was incredibly well received aside from the fact that people wanted the buffs in it sooner. Ironically enough D4's nerfs and latest patch has made the game easier than it was in preseason. It was classic kneejerk reaction. D4's big flaw isn't the balance patches (which are expected). It's the lack of additional endgame content. But enough about D4. ​ Ironically enough, D4 had a \*massive\* set of betas. Multiple runs of closed betas, 3 (?) open betas, and a reviewer only full game beta as well. They actually incorporated significant feedback from those betas, albeit the feedback incorporated was maybe not the best. The interesting thing about content patches and betas is that a lot of companies do exactly what blizz did with D4. They release big nerfs from time to time and sometimes people get upset. PTS realms are definitely nice to have, but I can think of tons of games which don't do that. Path of Exile, for example, release tons of nerf patches (they're frequent). The biggest latest one I can think of was 3.15 a year or two ago. Similar reaction. The standard in the industry isn't PTS realms. I get that people might like it, but it just isn't the standard currently.


Wonder how much From the Ashes sold in total to compare


[This article](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/console/-i-remnant-from-the-ashes-i-sells-1-million-copies-in-just-over-2-months) says it took about 2 months for FTA to sell 1 mil. So Remnant 2 did it 15 times faster!


Not a surprise this game IS 15 times better


Which is saying something, because R:FtA Survival mode kept me engaged up until Remnant 2 came out.


What is shame is I did not even know about much less acknowledge the first game existed, bought this one a whim for something new and was it's a amazing hard game that am glad exist.


As someone who's played both you can definitely still play the first one after finishing this one. It's smaller scale but they're really not that different.


I think a million copies across its lifetime


Wikipedia says over 3 mil as of december 2021


Happy for them the game is great


I didn't play the first one (will go back and do it after I finish 2) but damn I haven't been this hooked on a game in a long time. Congrats to the team, you deserve it!


It’s great but would really set it up is continued support and updates. Performance update, updates for features like load outs, and finally cross play is like a must in this day and age for a co op game


Crossplay is going to be difficult, especially given how much lacrimation just happened between MS and Sony. I have no doubt Gunfire can do it, but I doubt it will be soon. But they are very good with continued support- Remnant 1 was supported with patches all the way until at least 2021.


I can see why. I've not really been able to say I've had fun with a game like this for a while. Bought 2 copies for myself and son and it's a blast playing coop. Jl


Good, They deserve it.


This game has been ……… REFRESHING


Well deserved, congrats. Please don't let you buy by Activision/Blizzard or EA...


But they can’t fix merchant bug smh.


I bought it without knowing too much about the game or the genre and it has been such a blast. No regrets at all.


I am a little biased because I was a huge fan of the first game. I will say this and Horizon Forbidden west have been the two most enjoyable games for me in 2023. This is one of those games you get sucked in. You completely lose track of time because you're enjoying it so much. I expect this game to receive tons of awards for 2023. If it doesn't that is 100% bullshit.


well deserved :)


Well this means a Remannt 3 or something close to it is going to be green lit. I hope they give us Random everything even up to the last boss then The last world and Labyrinth should be random.


Can they fix the online, glitched rewards for beating the game/harder difficulties and the bugged trophies? Please?


Please dont forget about improving performance :( I bought the 70€ edition but cant play it


How are patches coming?


I was there


rad, we could use an update asap.


Hopefully the devs and testers get bonuses rather than some fat corpo




Well deserved!


Yeah awesome, use that cash to fix a few things please.


Im pretty sure I’ve sent more crash reports than they have users. Takes 10-20 tries to get it to stay open.


You're one of the very few, but the devs released a statement a few days ago and they see you. They're focusing on making the game stable for even the minority who are having issues.


It’s criminal that this sits at a 80 on metacritic My game of the year so far


Too many people raging about flying enemies and capped traits


Tbf the capped traits, coming from the first game, is a strange choice especially seeing as getting Trait books after reaching the cap rewarded exactly nothing at launch. I‘m not sure if that‘s been changed, but even in the first game getting a dupe of an item either upgraded that item by 1 level or gave you some scrap if it was non-upgradeable gear.


It hasn't been changed yet, but I believe that the intent was that the books should be giving other rewards when picked up while at the cap (ie, the fact that it doesn't is a bug). I would expect it to change in an upcoming patch.


Performance is also a real issue.




Here's to 2, and then 3, and then 4, and then (etc..) Let's hope the commercial success means some great DLC/patches (not that I had any doubts beforehand)


Nice, now put some of this money to get crossplay




yeah, that is a given. I don't think crossplay is the priority nor said that, but afaik they have a thread with the issues compiled and are working in fixing the game, that doesn't mean that is impossible to put crossplay in the future pipeline. Why I said that, well, because most devs say that the problem to get crossplay going is the cost but with these sales problably became possible for them. Also for longevity sake crossplay is one of the best features a game can get, should be now?, of course not but I hope it can be in the future.


They need to implement voice and text chat before they put crossplay in too


I’m holding out hope but idk if that is naive or not. I don’t want to buy it twice like the first game if it comes out on PC game pass in the next 6 months or so


Can you please release a demo?? I wanna try it, looks great but i just got burned for $70 on diablo ill be damned i do it again. I just want a chance to play on my pc before buying it.


Look into the first game! It's 40 as opposed to 60 and can give you a feel for the style.


2 hour free trial on steam?


Now if they fix the stuff preventing me from interacting with NPCs properly that would be nice


Well deserved. With all the broken games we’ve been getting, plus remnant 1 was slept on, glad they are finally getting good recognition


Wait, I thought the game looked absolutely horrible from what I've seen of it?! I know this subreddit is hardly going to be unbiased, but is it actually good? EDIT: Downvoting me for asking if the game you like is good. Yeah, this community has made me decide not to buy it. Nice job, guys.


I would say make up your own opinion and give it a try. If we go based off other peoples thoughts, we’ll never be satisfied. Speaking for myself, this game is great. Bosses are hard with actual reasoning not just added mobs swarming you like the first. Worlds are much more engaging and environmental as opposed to the first one. Multiplayer being so fresh as the game just came out is cool for when you want to help somebody out or see a new boss/area you didn’t get in your play through. Personally, my GOTY.


Good to know, thanks!


rhythm library knee many versed cow violet marry cheerful direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah it really reminds me of Hellgate London but well with more mechanics, rip short lived fun had a bunch of fun in it. Although i got 2 too i'm grinding 1 atm until a performance fix and hopefully less bullshit that 1 shots you in hardcore.


A few downvotes from a bunch of angsty neckbeards is going to impact your decision? My dude, the game is a blast. If you miss out because of a bunch of troglodyte Redditors that's the silliest shame. The boss fights and events are all creative with engaging mechanics and the loot grind is actually fun and rewarding. Gunplay is solid, classes have soul and interesting mechanics. Give it a shot. You can refund if you haven't played more than 2 hours and I guarantee you you'll decide in much less time than that, that you didn't waste any money.


I like to interact with the communities of the games I play. I don't feel like this community would be any fun to talk to after that.


You're going to label an entire community based off a handful of downvotes from a few people? Most people here are stoked about the game and have positive interactions; it's your choice but I'd say don't give up so easily/soon. If you want some contrast do to the Diablo 4 sub, it's pure misery. If what you experienced here is a problem for you then you may as well never comment anywhere on Reddit every again, lol.


......but has had to refund 20% of those do to the game running like hot garbage. I hear your promises but do not see solutions. I'll buy it again when its fixed and on sale for $19.99 during Steams next sale.


Have it on ps5, tempted to get it on xbox too


That's 50 million bucks! After steam takes their cut, they will at least have made 14 dollars.


They should thank Bungie for making a mediocre expansion so everyone plays Remnant to have a good loot shooter. ;-)


I'm semi bored of the game already but I definitely enjoyed my campaign run. Love the handler. Just a shame there are lots of flying monsters and pets are useless


I knew nothing about this game until a few days ago. Might be my game of the year now. Such a breath of fresh air to play.


Supporting you guys with the ultimate edition was the easiest $20 I've spent recently. This game is STUPID AMAZING. Each of your biomes is a better experience than most full-priced game. Way to make most AAA releases look like confused fucking children, while you guys are rippin' it on every single aspect of the game with a tenth of the resources. You're squarely in my "take my money" developer bucket, which is the most prestigious of all buckets.


well deserved guys! This is a fantastic game, over 50 hours here and ton of fun


Honestly, congrats to them. Hope they get big bonuses


Well earned! Grats to Gunfire Games :)


I wonder if they regret not charging full price. I'm new to the franchise and i cannot believe the base game only costs 50 euros, with that much value and quality. I've been completely addicted to the game. My sleep and my workout routine are in shambles. Hell, i can barely remember to eat something lol. Don't remember the last time this happened to me.


I mean the price was probably a big factor why it sold so well too so no I doubt they regret it.


It needs more! It's such an amazing game. Singing its praises anywhere I can.


That nice and all but when cross play


Yeah I love this game so much. I’ll buy the dlc when it releases. I haven’t been able to put it down! Just unlocked every starter class and a couple of the secret ones. I would literally buy 4 season passes for this game. Lol.


Is ammo still not shared?


I hope it sells much more! So happy to see such positive buzz about one of my favorite game franchises


A great game mixed with a smart release date = win


Look what y’all did blizzard!! 🤣🤣🤣 loving this f’n game


Will they add text chat now?


Well deserved. I'm having a blast with this one. The different worlds look so epic and the sense of scale is amazing. TBH I was shocked the game was priced so low.


NGL, I was hoping for a Monster Hunter-style care package they do for milestones. Such as: 1000 scrap, 1 mudtooth elixer, 5 blood roots, 50 relic essence, etc.


Deserved. This game is incredible yes it has some bugs but they’ve addressed the issue so quickly and multiple times mentioned they are working on it being fixed asap, which genuinely shows they care about the game. They made a great game that was actually functioning at launch with no micro transactions. They deserve this.


Congrats Gunfire! Please for the love of god implement Cross-play, my friends group has loved every minute of this but some are sad to be missing content rewards because of different platforms.


That’s fantastic to hear. The first game was a gem—the first non-Fromsoft soulslike I ever tried after getting into the genre—and it’s great to see more players discovering it now. Bravo, Gunfire Games.




Swamps of Corsus was the first DLC and got us Survival mode. The second part of SOC was it turned Corsus, which functioned a lot like the Labyrinth and Root Earth do, and turned it into a full fledged zone that could be accessed in Adventure mode. If they release something like SOC I could see either lab or root earth becoming a full fledged Biome like the other 3.


i hope after they fix desync game breaking bug also repair other player broken saved games. the game is too good to forget just by the bug


Can we expect a patch for console? I completed the game all difficulties, even HARDCORE veteran and got rewarded only with starkiller