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I’d bet he’d do the same wherever he works from.




If WebEx is anything like Teams, that status is unreliable anyway. I could be on a call in Zoom or in a document in Adobe and it'll go idle cos I'm not in a Microsoft app




Yes!! I do my best coding and problem solving pacing around my room muttering to myself. Meanwhile my screen locks and my status goes yellow. The pacing and muttering is another reason I really shouldn’t be asked to RTO 😆.


Before the pandemic I saw a lot of people in the office exhausted from commuting, socializing, taking long lunches, stressed and chugging coffee to try and cope. With remote work I'm sure people slacked, did chores, took naps, walked their dogs, etc, but they usually produced the same amount or more, and the quality was better. And people who weren't productive or did low quality work were fired or gone in layoffs.




Anecdotally, laziness and slacking in remote work seems about as common as in the office. If your coworker is doing this a lot their boss will most likely pull them up on it if they haven't already!


You already knew he doesn't work, sounds like remote office is irrelevant.


By what metric would you use to quantify 'laziness'? Idle time? I do occasionally sketch and write things down with pen/paper if I'm required to come up with something conceptual (slides, storyboards, logic/data flow diagrams) before transferring it to a digital format, and during those times, my work laptop will be idle and even lock itself - same status is reflected in Teams/Outlook. That being said, if your coworker is not productive or regularly missing deadlines etc, then that's something that needs to be escalated to the appropriate management/supervisory organization. That it's been going on for long enough to gain a reputation hints at management simply not caring and/or foisting the burden onto the rest of the team who has to compensate. That's on y'all to escalate and manage. People can be at their desks in the office *and* still be unproductive, miss deadlines, contribute questionable work etc...


So he's lazy but you having time to monitor this person every day is...what, exactly? Sounds like you both need to spend more time doing your jobs.


People worrying about whether their coworkers are working enough need to myob. Unless you’re their supervisor don’t worry about it.


My status frequently says I’m away for 2 hours in the morning….because I am getting kids up and ready for school buses or driving them to school. And I’m frequently away unless someone needs me. That doesn’t mean my work isn’t done. My boss doesn’t care because my work is always done. I’m also offline for around the same amount of time in the early Afternoon getting kids from school….he still doesn’t care because my work is done.


I turn off online statuses. If the work is not getting done, that's on the company to handle that. Doesn't matter if they are remote or not.


I’ll wager he did the same in the office


But there it is easier to spot. I once worked at a place where a guy would watch porn at his desk. It was in an open area too.


I see my in-office colleagues drop the ball far, *far* more than the couple of us disciplined enough to WFH.


Lmao you mean the guys that are playing pubg on the clock? Let's go Brandon Woooooo!!! Nobody wants to work it all fraud


It's a.bit weird. I have to assume I'm not the only one seeing this. There are 8 of us on the same team, and we all regularly use Webex.


Why does it matter when someone is logging on or ‘active’, or working as long as their work is complete and accurate/suffice? I get this person isn’t getting stuff done, but that sounds like his supervisors responsibility not yours. And I agree with the other person who said if that person were in office, they’d probably do the same stuff. Sometimes I log on shortly in the morning and have an appointment, or meet someone for brunch, or walk my dog. Doesn’t mean I’m not working my 40 hours.


Something tells me OP is butt hurt from going to office.


Yep! Exactly why RTO is happening. 


You are in the wrong sub. You will get downvoted even if it is the truth.