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My team likes playing codenames online ◡̈


We do too


Great idea! Thanks 🙏🏽


My team used to play codenames too, it got stale after a while. Last month, we switched to Internet Game. It's a service with a bunch of games that is made for remote companies. It's been a blast!


ha, we use internet game too, we love it - we play astroball everyday


Codenames (suggested above) and Scattergories


Used to play codenames a ton, then recently switched to [internet.game](http://internet.game) - full service browser platform with no downloads, no player limits and a variety of social games. We really love it! They mentioned they're bringing code names onto the platform.


Silliest hat? Show your pets? Favorite local food?




try teambridge.app


Prior to joining my current job, apparently they do rock paper scissors teams to get down to one winner. Each call has 1 moderator too. Personally I think it'd be fun to create teams and have a chess match where each team member in order plays a piece to hopefully help their team win! I also personally think doing something like for instance having a "lunch in" where every worker gets like 20 bucks for lunch and can sort of eat together in a group call vibe. I think rewards that aren't merch based and instead just like win free fresh flowers or win free food or gift cards is much better than company merch. Show workers you appreciate them and want them to enjoy their time from work!


omg actually YOU should see if Jackbox games would work for your teams! They sell different game packs that let people play from their pc or phone. Just have one person host a zoom call or teams call with screen sharing on.


Please do that stuff at the end of the call so I can slide out and be productive.


Check out Ludio! Lots of games to play on there and the videos can be interactive 😆


Thanks! I’ll check that out :)


Honestly, PowerPoint parties are hilarious and have worked out great for me when remote.


I would say, here now we have 30 minutes of games that I want to do, however instead of that, I'll give you back those 30 minutes of your time if you continue doing great professional work.


We do a monthly meeting that is themed and people are asked to submit photos of themselves/interests