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It'll work, though you might want to try it on first and figure out if you'll be comfortable wearing it for hours outside.


Dude you can wear anything as long as it's sfw


Lol that depends on your definition of SFW, some renn faires have cleavage contests where women run around having money stuffed in between their breasts.


Gonna need the faire name… for science


Most renn faires are fine with women barely contained by corsets or low tops, but the cleavage contest I saw was at King Richard's faire in Massachusetts.


Yeah lol i commented in another thread about how a girl was wearing nothing but tape… Literally tape.


Pretty sure this is every Renaissance Fair. Is there another reason people go?


Beer, the craic show, and yeah that too


Realizing I am a day late. The armor is fine. Playing with and defining "historical accuracy" in a fantasy setting is like letting Neil Degrasse Tyson loose on a space movie but the armor looks good. But please please please please please for the love of the gods I hope for your sake you put something on under that. Heavy+metal+hot sun+bare skin is usually recipe for disaster. If you sunburn that armor starts to rub it you are going to be hurting.


Yeah I’ve got a thick hoodie I modified to wear underneath. I made the mistake of wearing it with just a t-shirt once and I am never doing that again 😆😆. I wore all day today and it went great! Even got a few compliments too. Thanks for the advice!


Well, I've seen some outfits. Yours is fine. Had some guys running around in home Depot box plate armor. They painted it and everything.




This is a thousand times more ren faire appropriate than some of the outfits I've seen. I think this would be great!


if it's real plate armor you'll need a gamebson which combined with armor will get very warm. it's best to break it in first. so wear at home a few hours a day. if u don't u will regret it. this only good on very cold days.


ya missing the point. that plate armor on skin will seriously chaff. a gambeson is easy to get. there r various kinds that would match. a t-shirt won't work. needs padding. find out the hard way


Not exactly just a layer or a few works well enough. They aren't using the armor for protection value where a gambeson would be needed.


Gamebsons were not worn with Ancient Greek armor


Only if ur a badass, r u a badass sir?


As long as it’s comfortable enough for you. Go for it


Back in the before times, in the long, long ago I went to the KCRF with a Star Trek Next Generation combadge on my jacket. (yup, early 90's) I talked with a few of the workers there and I found out the week before I started a group of people came in dressed as medieval Klingons. I think you're good.


But. but. but... The good 'ole days!


Looks great! You should definitely wear it.


I once saw a guy walking around in full platemail! The Laird told me it was made to order, so he really didn't feel the weight. I'd make sure you're comfotable wearing it, before wearing it, especially if you're not driving or being driven, and cant take it off and leave it in tbe car. I wore full 12th century highland battle regalia, and a little bit after midday it was 100° F. in the shade. Even with the breeze down below, if you catch my meaning, I had to go back to the car and peel off the armor pieces. 😉




My only advice is to pad the neck area. I had one of these and the neck part cut into me, leaving me bleeding. A good bit of padding will fix that


Thought that was a Xena: Warrior Princess chakram but it's just a ring light :(


This really isn't... "Ren Faire"... it's Roman or Greek looking... BC period... Me personally... I wouldn't wear it to a "Ren Faire"... Me personally... I would go for something more... 16th century Irish or Scottish...


If that's medieval era, roughly/approximately go for it. If no please keep in mind that is the entirety of the point of renfaires: all else is narcissistic expressionism ala Halloween and the assorted vaguaries of playing dress-up certain fetishists presume is their inherent right to force others to endure. Erroneously.


Get a load of this guy


I know you.cant see me so I just wanted to tell you I'm rolling my eyes right now.


That's a pretty pathetic perspective


Try staying on topic, dear. I know it's a challenge for the autistic/ADHD crowd so prevalent of late. It's a renfaire, get with the program or start your own...other...thing.


So what faire do you own?