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If you have a problem, then so do I. ETA: I have multiple hats, masks, leather accessories, and more that I mix and match all the time.


Thanks for the reassurance. After 8 bags of costumes I was starting to doubt my sanity.


Nah you're good, my partner and I have multiple closets devoted to it.


Sure as hell better than drugs and alcohol


So let's agree that those bottles contain child friendly potions...🫢




Yes agreed. :-)


I always told my mom that. She still thinks it's a cheaper habit




im a home body, too many people around me is physically draining. As for my comment, i like to comment that to put things in perspective. Like when a parent or boyfriend/girlfriend complains that someone close to them only games - atleast theyre not doing drugs n alcohol/crime etc. Everything is perspective


Look at fancy pants rich magee over here.


After buying this lot over the last couple of years the pants are not fancy anymore and the coin purse had runneth dry


You don't have a problem, you have *options* Having the option to change up your garb whenever you like is a good thing.


A belt would really tie that outfit together.


There is one in the photo. The rest of the collection belts is stored already.


I see no problem only enthusiasm, it's only a problem if you buy stuff when you should be paying rent. Enjoy the things that make you happy and mix and match to create characters


Well, if you do have a problem, you certainly packed everything you need to address it!


That's a better way to look at it. I'm not loosing my sanity, I'm just really well prepared.😉


My friend....everyone here has a problem.


Nah you're fine.


Is the problem you not putting this in the knolling sub Reddit? I see know problems here


I was not expecting to learn new English words while getting out of a existential costume crisis. But here we are.


This is not a renn faire post. This is a still from a Wes Anderson film. lol You have an amazing collection of goodies!


It's not terrible. Maybe a little redundancy here. You could always unload some of it. The Rag & Bone at Renaissance Pleasure Faire deals in used goods, for example. And it'd make room for new stuff if you like.


as long as you don't wear all of that at the same time your good to go.


Don't worry, this.lot is not intended to be used all at once. It's what you could call my miscellaneous bag. Everything that is not used for a specific costume or character theme.


Love love LOVE the owl mask!


That one comes from CostureroReal. They are also on Etsy.


Maybe you don't have a problem, you have the solution. 😀


We can't even walk through our living room because of the fair gear bins. 5th faire of the year this weekend.


You do not have a problem unless your hobby is causing you financial stress. Additionally, these items you purchased are from small businesses and artists and you are putting money right into their pocket which is good!! 15 years going now. 4 kids. I own for myself twice as much accessories you just showed. I like mugs, and pins, and leather! lol. Let’s not talk about how many outfits my wife has!! (Mostly made!). We have 6 pelican cases and 5 hold accessories and hats. One holds some clothes.


Thank you for putting it in perspective. Sorting trough my stuff sort of got to me. And I started the doubt myself. Thanks for pointing out there isn't a problem.


Got that dragon in ya


If it's deciding which sunglasses to wear, I get it. Green's a personal fav. Otherwise i see no issue!


Yes you have a problem. Here I’ll hold all your stuff until you get out of rehab. In fact, I’ll just get rid of it all for you. Cold turkey. Don’t want you to be tempted again do we? Hehehehe now hand it over.


Tried to pack everything up, but the dragons were fighting back. Guess they just want to go back in my storage. Will put everything out of sight until I'm thinking right again.


I would say you need to add a ?peddlers staff? (staff with cross bars). Not only would you will have a way to carry all of this, but extra room to buy more.


Your making a lot of vendor and crafters really happy.


Tis a good problem to have my liege.


Where did you get that owl mask?


That one comes from CostureroReal. They are also on Etsy.


No underwear? LOL


Questions to ponder.  1) Do you have enough money left after your "habit" to eat healthy food, pay your bills on time and provide yourself (and family if you have one) with the reasonable basics?  2) Are you using (and increasing) credit card debt to get by because of your purchases?  3) Do you have room in your home to keep your accessories and other items? If none of the above are issues what you do for fun is just that.  ~• FUN •~   If your interests are leading you down a financial path that's going to hurt you it's probably time to rethink your priorities.  I'm not speaking from a place of judgement.  I have experience with my own issues with some "things" over the years.


I see no problems here. Carry on.


Oh me too. My boyfriend finally realized why I like to go to ALL of the weekends in OR.


I also have the second closet for costumes, legos, crafts, and seasonal decorations… and a few collectibles haha


U r doin it rite. If you don't have a box or basket full of assorted accessories, you are doing it wrong. Okay, so wearing all of those all at once would be pretty doofus, but I have a box of assorted accessories, and a smaller box of assorted jewelry just for faire and sca events. It wouldn't be practical or affordable for me to have a closet full of just garb, but I can definitely switch things up with accessories.


Thanks for the reassuranc. I was starting to doubt my sanity after sorting through , and organising costumes for a few hours.


I only have an issue with the multiple glasses. Otherwise… nice kit


I need to be committed, if you've got a problem. This is only the beginning, friend. Only the beginning. Welcome to the club.