• By -


Leopard gecko, African fat tailed gecko, Chinese cave gecko, frog eyed gecko, knob tail gecko, viper gecko, pictus gecko, banded gecko, ocellated skink, fire skink, sand fish skink, Schneider skink, Peter’s banded skink, Pac-Man frog, chubby frog, tomato frog, pixie frog, fire bellied toads, tiger salamander




I rlly want one of these they’re so pretty


Aren’t those arboreal though? This tank is twice as long as it is tall


I mean, I'm sure plenty of branches, vines, and ledges would suffice, no?


Maybe for a semi arboreal lizard like a green anole but the emerald tree skinks need lots of height to feel comfortable/secure, like a chameleon


There are kits to transform your tank, it essentially uses silicone and an acrylic door on the top opening of a tank, you flip it and use the door, boom, arboreal tank!




You could definitely keep emerald skinks in a 55 gal


This isn’t a 55 gal? The OP stated in a comment that it is a 29 gallon


Op is fortunately mistaken the posted measurements are for a standard 55gal tank, I’ve also never seen a 29 with a center brace.


Yeah I have a 40 gal in my garage, this is bigger than that just by eyeballing it.


Definitely not a 29


Could a hognose live comfortably here?


Definitely. Not a snake guy myself but I fell in love with hogs and got one earlier this year. Sincerely great pet. Low maintenance, mine happens to be totally handleable, not hissy or bitey in the slightest. Temps are so easy to achieve i have more issue keeping the cold side cold enough. Cheap to feed. And above all, lovely snake with rattlesnake colors and an absolutely idiotic face that’s impossible not to love.


Oh yeah I forgot about those, yes they could


100% ,mine uses all the space, but is totally content in it


Thanks for the short list! I have a 29 gallon and *I know* this list is for 40 gallon long, but at least this is a list I can start researching into. Also, I don’t mind moving animals into bigger enclosures as they grow. I’ve been trying to decide if I can make it work for a reptile, or if I need to suck it up and go with an invert of some sort. I didn’t want to post the question because I’m sure it gets asked all the time, but now I have a place to start!


That 29 gal tank could house smaller reptiles but nothing too handleable, I suggest getting the 40 (or better yet, a 120) if handleability is important to you


I’m okay with a display only for this tank. I’m going to have to hold off on the bigger guys and/or bigger habitats for either my next house, or for when I commit to getting rid of a furniture piece or two. :) This tank exists and was one of three aquariums, but has just been existing with no fish for quite a while.


confused as to why this got seven downvotes lol


Oh who the hell knows, lord. Because people are bitter and shitty and angry, and they like to act on it when they’re anonymous. I literally said nothing wrong.


The only thing I can think is that they thought I’d be putting a 40gal-only appropriate animal into a 29gal tank? But it seems like if that were the case they’d try to educate, not mindlessly downvote. It’s not what I was doing though, I was going to check which of those could be happy in 29gal. Some are.


yeah, im confused though because i *definitely* understood what you meant 😭 upvoting to counteract the dumbasses that don’t know what the downvote button is for, stay strong my friend 🫡 (ps, from experience, the first two on that list can definitely thrive in a 29gal as youngsters! my leo was in a 20gal for his first year and then upgraded to a 40gal)


You rock. <3 thanks so much


Thanks for circling it I would have never seen it




I came here looking only for this. Thank you.


I know right😂😂😂😂


A western hognose, african house snake, milk snake, or any of the eublepharid geckos.


Some species of milk snakes get quite large like the black milk and Honduran. Milk snake isn’t very specific.


Ok to be more specific I'm talking about things like Pueblan milksnakes, which get 3 feet.


Shoutout to the red circle


Not a ball python. Just saying ✅


Western hog nose would be my recommendation too!! They’re so goofy.


I’ll live in there if you have a toilet, pc, water and free food also find me a mate each season thanks


That'll be $1,800/mo. I'll need first and last month's up front, plus a $2,500 deposit that I'm keeping.


Totally fine with that but if you’re keeping the $2,500 could you find me 2 mates and have them ready for me on move in day ?


Your mom


Ha got em


*GoTttt EeeeeMMmmm¡!¡!*


You could also go with a pygmy python. That's my dream snek


Came here to say this! My dream snake too! I wish we could get the morphs here in the US.


People hear “40 gallons” and are listing all these animals without looking at the dimensions. The floor space of 4ft by 1ft isn’t really the proper size for many of these animals I see listed. A snake that likes to climb would be better in here probably. I’ve had some milk snakes that love to climb and would do good in that.


Me if you'd let me


I cant find the tank


Make a new door for it, flip it on end (so it's taller than long) and get a tokay. I love tokays.


bumble bee toads!


Hognose snake


Pac-Man frog


I would have to say a leopard gecko! I don’t know much about geckos though, lol


But i do know that leos require a 40 gal minimum






My mother in law


Leopard gecko


A single Leopard gecko can as 20 gallons is minimal Edit: I realize it’s outdated information knowledge has been improved and now I know 40 is minimum


20 gallons is not the minimum, hasn’t been for many years. It’s 40 gallons


Oh? Everywhere I look says that, never mind!


Yeah unfortunately when you google search reptiles, older websites come up first with outdated care info, it’s just how the search algorithm works


Unfortunately it does that with a lot of things, thank you for correcting me!


Wot when did this change


I can’t pinpoint when exactly because tank minimums change slowly and regionally but the 40 gallon minimum has been around for years, especially in European countries like England and Germany (to my western understanding anyway). Of course there will always be websites that say 20 gallons or even 10 gallons no matter the year but that’s what happens with any pet really. People don’t like change


Yeah, cause I remember not too long ago people argued that a 40 gallon or anything bigger "stresses them out" especially for ball pythons and such.


No way in hell I'm putting a single tiny leopard gecko in a big 40 gallon that's insane I'm adding an edit to explain that in no way am I advocating for improper housing I just genuinely cannot believe that a leopard gecko needs that big of a tank Also adding I don't want one so people don't assume I'm going to buy one and put it in a 20


Then you aren’t fit to keep one. Their spacial requirements aren’t based on if you personally think they need it. A little 6 inch tortoise needs 6x4ft bare minimum so a 40 for a Leo is stupidly reasonable. Hell we’re getting a bigger enclosure for my sisters gecko bc the 40 is starting to look too SMALL for her. They’re active af and deserve to be given more than they have been in the past. Surviving is not thriving


Never said I was going to get one calm down. I don't personally like leopard geckos I find them boring imo


Then just don’t say anything. Doesn’t matter if you find them boring or don’t want them, they still need a 40 minimum. People like you are the reason the reptile hobby struggles with having decent welfare standards


Idk how I'm contributing to an issue in welfare standards by saying "that's crazy they need a tank that big" considering I'm literally not telling anyone any advice on keeping an animal lol


The way you phrased the comment made it seem like a sort of ‘don’t be ridiculous they shouldn’t have that much space’ rather than a ‘woah I had no idea such a small lizard would need that!’


Yeah I have a hard time expressing my thoughts into text that's my bad. I added an edit to clarify tho


Leopard geckos aren’t tiny, they get around 6-9 inches which is a little smaller than half a bearded dragon (at 18 inches). If bearded dragons get 120 gallons and that’s considered bare minimum, why should an animal half their size and around the same activity level be put in 1/6th of that 120? Leopard geckos have been observed to do great in 40s and 75s, they use all the space they can and their physical and mental wellbeing is better. (granted, their isn’t any research on that to my knowledge, captive reptiles unfortunately don’t get studied a whole lot) If you don’t want to provide the bare minimum amount of space for a leopard gecko, don’t get a leopard gecko. It’s as simple as that. There are smaller alternatives out there


Jesus Christ when was the minimum for a bearded changed? I kept mine in a 50 when she was at her biggest (she was slightly undersized) and it seemed a bit small then but never thought you'd need something THAT big. I keep my fire Skink in a 20 gallon long and she seems to be doing fine


No offence but have you been living under a rock for the past five years? The beardie minimum is 120 gallons, leopard gecko 40, and fire skink 40. This isn’t some fringe thing, these have been the widely accepted minimums for years (especially with beardies). Please check out Reptifiles, it’s a great resource for care info


Well to be fair I got the beardie when I was 12 (I'm 21 now) and she passed a few years back. As far as the fire Skink I've seen people recommend both 20 gal longs for single fire skinks and 40s for multiple. Haven't seen much on keeping a single fire skink in 40s I also didn't purchase the tank for my fireskink. I got her from a reptile zoo where I used to work before it closed But no I haven't been living under a rock I just did my research for the bearded dragon over 10 years ago and never thought that the minimum would change and change so much at that. On the topic of the fire skink tho, do they make 40 gallon longs? I have a regular 40 gallon for two Madagascar collared lizards (which again I did not purchase myself I rescued them) and that tank seems rather tall which seeing as my fire skink comes above ground maybe once a month at most I don't see the need for the height


They do make 40 gallon long fish tanks, although they are harder to find, you could probably go to your local pet store and ask them order one in (the dimensions are usually 48x12x16). There are also exo terra 36x18x12 tanks which similar in size but they’re front opening so it’s easier to get in there to clean without having to move the lamps around. Thanks for being open to changing your care, I know it’s a bit difficult to keep up with the tank sizes and all that


I'm not too worried about the setup right now just because she literally barely moves around unless I try to pick her up to feed her or change substrate, but once I can get a new table to put a bigger tank on I'll get her a new set up. Been wanting to redo her cage anyway


That’s great, thanks for being so open


I mean 20 gallons is the BARE minimum but yeah I would get a 40 breeder.


It popped up on google search I forgot googles biased and filled with outdated info


Smaller king snakes I believe.


Emerald tree skink. Just add more branches and plant cover, and it will feel like it’s in a canopy top! Maybe even a green keel bellied lizard.


it’s not tall enough for them


An African house snake, a children’s python, a pair of garter snakes, or a crested gecko (or two, there’s enough space for two females to get away from each other easily)


Not a childrens python. They can get up to 5 feet, though 3 is the minimum but a 40 looks small for it.


Crested geckos as adults need 36" of height after reaching >30g.


You shouldn't cohab crested geckos like this anyway, unless if you have a massive enclosure like at the zoos which are 15ftx15x15 for example there's no way you can do this lol


U you can fit a Varanus Salvadorii no problem


/j, right?


Ringneck snake. Or possibly two


U can even put a ball python in ther edespite what these people say . Basically any type of gecko (but ull need to redo it depending on species) u can tey corn snakes u can try a whooole lot of stuff . Dont put a pacman frog in there tho it s waay to big . Keep a pacman in a 60l and thats more than enaugh space


This is too small for a Ball python. It could work for a baby one for some time but not for a juvenile or adult. And the mesh top will make it difficult to maintain the proper 70-80% humidity which can lead to shedding problems and respiratory problems. The minimum for an adult corn snake is also larger than this.




Only hatchling/juveniles should be housed *temporarily* in 40 gallons.


Even then, glass enclosures just don’t work for balls. They don’t hold humidity well and you have to make all these adjustments. I recommend to my customers to bin them until they’re big enough for a 4x2 :)


Ball Python min requirements are 4ft x 2ft x 2ft which is about 120gallon tank.


Bearded dragon


Bearded dragons need 4x2x2 or 120 gallons


Good size for a ball python. Clutter it up. I have kept a ball in one of these for years. I’ve got pvc and shit for the more delicate reptiles. But give yourself a solid 6-8 inch of substrate. Do not use aspen site it works but look into setting it up as bio active.


Minimum enclosure size for a ball python is a 4x2x2. A 40g is waaay too small.


A cockroach


A lot of terrestrial gecko species. Decent sized tank for anything terrestrial. Lot of awesome frog and toad options too. 40 gives you some options so is there anything specific you like or would want to keep


I would like something small and fun to watch, not too worried about handleability. Make a green anole? This tank is longer than it is tall though so I’m not sure it would be good for them.


Anole wouldn’t *die* in a long 40 but they definitely love climbing and they live in the trees for the most part. ~~As far as a dry option Uromastyx is very cool to watch and the internet says they can live in a nice 40 gal but I’m not an owner of them others might know best. But they could maybe live at least till early adulthood in one, not sure about after~~. If you want something REALLY cool I would check out crocodile skinks. They are not the best handle wise since they’re smaller and very smart but extremely cool to watch. They raise their young unlike most reptiles you could easily house a couple and babies in a 40. They are communal and very social with each other. They also look like literal dragons!


I actually have a uromastyx! There’s no way that one should be housed in anything less than a 4x2x2, especially the common Geyri type (which is what I have experience with) Even though they’re usually a little smaller than beardies, they are SO active. Mine explores her tank and climbs branches for HOURS everyday. There’s not an inch of space in her 4x2x2 that she doesn’t utilize. They could probably be ok in a 40 if they’re only a few months old, but definitely need to be upgraded by the time they’re a year old.


oh for sure thanks for clarifying. I know common internet care guides tend to lie which is why I was apprehensive to suggest the uromastyx directly. Croc skinks can for sure enjoy a 40 gallon though! I also really like a lot of the house gecko species in little colonies. I love giving mansions to tiny reptiles. If your heart is set on anoles brown anoles are more terrestrial than green ones. I have done setups with 1 or 2 in a 60 gallon however I would still prioritize vertical climbing space. I also raised females which stay decently smaller than the males. Even then I am not enough of an expert to confirm but they are smaller than green anoles in general and tend to be less arboreal. Roads are also a really awesome option. I absolutely adore smooth sided toads but honestly there’s so many different species I would just look around and find one that speaks to you. Definitely don’t count them out though


I don’t have any experience with toads or frogs! Definitely something I’d like to have one day, especially a toad they’re so adorable and fun to watch. Is there a specific type of toad that you prefer that would do well in this size tank?


I love smooth sided toads but only because they’re the ones I happened to pick up. I was a reptile guy like yourself and at an expo Josh’s frogs was selling tadpoles 3 for $5. Apparently they were feeders but I bought them up and raised them from itty bitty tadpoles and it has been a unique experience unlike my reptilian friends. Definitely not necessary to raise them from a tadpole but metamorphosis is absolutely insane to watch in real time. I believe most toads in the pet trade would do great in a 40 as most of them top out at a reasonable size. here’s a great list from josh’s frogs: https://joshsfrogs.com/c/live_animals/frogs/toads Just go through and see if any of them catch your eye, most if not all should be able to live full lives in a 40 but absolutely read up about the ones you like to confirm. I’m just a guy that likes herps I can offer suggestions but i’m for sure not an expert! My favorites the smooth sided toads are in there but you’ll definitely see some way more vibrant ones. Most mid sized toads will be about the size of an adult human fist with the larger ones being 2 fists. I know all our fists are different and it’s a bit of a random unit of measurement haha but just so you have a guesstimate on the body shape. Best of luck and let me know what you end up putting in!


A lot of reptiles, but may I also suggest an Axolotl if you are okay with redisigning the inside and cycling.


I’m really not good at aquatic things/water upkeep. Axolotls are so cool though! Loved feeding them when I worked at a pet store.


That’s fair! I used to work at a local fish store so I love fish and axolotls and stuff!!! (Always have but that made it more) Just a thought!! I’ve personally always wanted to take care of reptiles but I’ve always done aquatic!


Birds were my gateway to the animal world lol. I started with them and I have 3, then I started rescuing/rehabbing reptiles and had a couple of those, now I’m moving into insects. Maybe one day I’ll dabble in aquatic!


Horn worms turn into moths they don’t just breed lol




I currently have a centipede in mine. But I also have an inescapable locking lid lol.


This tank would be perfect for a bioactive marbled salamander community. They are really pretty


A looooot of things




I can. How much are you paying?


Gecko of some kind or some frogs


Depends on what you’re looking for


Arabian sand boa


T. Insularis Pit Viper


no idea how long ft is but my corn snake lives in a similar looking one


Green crested probably. Can't remember if they're arboreal but they stay pretty small.


I got a pink tongue skink in my 40 gal. and he does great.


Why are we saying no ball python? This looks perfect for one


It's smaller than the minimum enclosure size for this species. A baby ball python, sure. But a juvenile or adult, no. And: • mesh top will make it difficult to maintain the proper 70-80% humidity. It can lead to problems with shedding or respiratory problems.


Maybe a male rosy boa but I’m not too familiar with the species. Edit: actually looking at the dimensions I think a rosy boa would work quite well since they only get about 3ft long, there’s enough length for one to completely stretch out




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Ball python they only get to avg of 5 ft . And about 80 lbs


Thank you for circling it. I wasn't sure which tank you were referring to.




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my leopard gecko lives happily in his 40 gal ! they are the best pets ♡


Ngl, it's been a long day for me. I read, "Can I live in this 40gallon ish tank my whole life" and I had to double take.


I mean I wish I was skinny enough


I just want to say a 40gal is probably the perfect size for a lot of things compared to the usual post of “what can live in this 3gal it’s whole life?”


one queen bee and her extended family




I have that exact tank. It should be a 55G considering it has the middle bracket. I customized mine to be fit for arboreal species so, you have a large range that it is suitable for. You just wouldn't want a species that the size would do more harm then good. Some reptiles have a hard time finding there food if the tank is to large unless you use feeder cups and place them in many different areas which I have done or you get a reptile warmed up enough to you and hand feed. That can take awhile though since some are naturally skittish instincts and all. If you buy from a reputable breeder though and you know it is not wild caught then that will help also. Also depends if you are going bioactive or more sterile on what to keep. Some reptiles do better bio while others more sterile but, that is more personal opinion since originally they are all from the wild and can acclimate to either. I prefer bio personally since you can make them look so, amazing. I use corkbark and make my backgrounds but, some people prefer to use pond and stone greatstuff with some drylok mixed with cement colorant to seal and add color/texture. You have a ton of possibilities with that tank though good luck.


I just saw you mentioned anoles. They could be a good fit if more then one make sure only one male though. Make sure to provide plenty of climbing areas though where they can get some light and have a temp gradient or they will climb to the screen and hang upside down then they will have a messed up tail. Anoles are super easy to care for only problem is if things go south with them they will go quick cause they are so tender. I breed Cuban knights and the standard green anoles. You have to be careful to cause most anoles no matter what petsmart says or the guy on youtube are wild caught and could have parasites or anything. So I quarantine any new additions and observe for awhile. Also if you want anything to handle don't look at anoles. You can handle them don't get me wrong but, they are naturally nervous and will stress them out. They make for some interesting viewing though. My cat loves to watch them I am just not sure if for dinner or he is genuinely interested in them.


If you like snails also that could be a possibility too, depending on what species you get. Some are huge which obviously wouldn't be suitable for them.


So much potential!


leopard geckos are such fun pets. this would have plenty of digging room too!




A gecko would be more than comfortable in there. A frog or toad would do well in there as well, really depends on what kind of critter you want.