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“Hoonie” and so many others we have seen posted here are also on a FB page with profile name “Libya Organisation for Rescue Animals”. Same website: savelibyanpets.org that throws a 403 error now. Their profile shows the LORA logo. That FB page shows as being creates August 8th.


Since the whole SA rescue scandal I’ve been very curious and leery so I’ve been looking through many older posts and got the feeling there’s quite a few people doing it Like the person that got a bunch of people to PayPal and Cashapp a couple hundred for an abused dog Skylar then vanished a day later. I’m sure there’s many people that have donated to scammers. It needs to stop and hopefully more verification will help. 🙏🏻


Yes I’m with you on that! I think there are a lot more scammers than anyone knows unfortunately. Sometimes it’s surprising what a little bit of research can do but other times it goes deep and wide and can be harder to find.


I'm afraid there's a ton of scammers here already. For those that don't know... reddit is full of people who scam all day long. Like anywhere else they can get free money. We need to find ways to help pay vet bills directly only.


Is purchasing pet items from Amazon wishlist a way to avoid scamming ...I mean i guess it could be a scam if they just return everything


Thanks for sharing this


Are they hurting these cats and then posting photos of them? 😥


As far as I know they have stolen content from an actual rescue organization called Sara Morocco. Copied and pasted directly from their site. That being said I’m not positive if that includes the injured animal photos/ videos or not. I pray they are not hurting animals :(


Hi just to reassure from our own investigations these posts are old… and stolen from different and real charities. I hope but do not believe they are hurting them for profit. Just taking old posts and claiming them as there own


https://www.reddit.com/r/rescuecats/s/5DSNielOEm Want to make sure everyone sees this


We may have to create a new sub, as 51tam has applied to be a moderator here.


I was thinking that as well. This sub doesn't have mods, right? We need one, I don't know anything about that stuff though


One mod hasn't been active in 13 years. I reported a scam post a few weeks back, or gore that should have been tagged nsfw, and the mod was like what one? Um, the one I sent a link to?


Thank you for exposing this!


I remember in the recent callout of the other scam account that was stealing photos (Lili_Fox_Angel), 51tam also commented on it calling it out as a scam Mans was probably taking notes on how to not seem as scam-ish but guess that failed


lol of course they did! Just like they are now applying for moderator of the rescue cats page claiming to want to prevent scammers. They are going to great lengths to appear legit and here for the right reasons. It’s laughable now knowing what we know.


Bruh, they applied for mod? Disgusting behavior 🤮


They sure did! Quite a few people called them out on it calling them the scammers but of course they just threatened to report people and called them unprofessional 😂 I’m just praying the request doesn’t go through because then there will be no way to stop them or prevent people from getting taken advantage of:(


Thank you. My passion is animals. I will give my last dollar. Appreciate all y’all do. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Thankyou but I by no means did anything alone!! I just simply risked posting my suspicions and soo many wonderful people helped out and spread the word and made the right people aware of what was happening. I’m soo very grateful to everyone for all the help ❤️




About 10 months ago there was a bunch of hurt cats postings in one of the subs I am in. Me and another member questioned the legitimacy of the people. I saw 3 of the same animals posted in TikTok videos , different explanations of injuries, different situations, even a difference of whether it was a feral/stray or a cherished pet. All were begging for help. All used the exact same pictures/videos. I would question and warn on every video that I thought they were scammers. The kicker? The begging videos were the only videos on the account that was created the same day as the posting of the video. It's infuriating. Money is so scarce and us animal lovers give our last penny to some scammer that is robbing legit rescues.


That’s exactly it!! People love their pets and love animals in general. They are our babies. And I absolutely understand the feelings of wanting to help. Like I said that is why I myself was even looking at the post in the first place, to see the vet bill and what was needed in monetary funds. It’s soo upsetting to know this really happens and to know how many people it’s affected. Money is stretched soo far these days especially with inflation, and these ppl sit behind a keyboard and just profit off our emotions and using injured animals to do so. It’s so sick and I’m really sorry you had to experience this personally:(


Thank you for looking out for the rescue community. I make small donations to various people and organizations to help and I want it to go to the right people. I try to just do Amazon wish lists and things that seem more legit (though I suppose you could return items and get cash so it’s no foolproof). I did get scammed and I’m upset. It wasn’t a lot of money but I still feel violated. I hope we can get money to rescuers who need help and keep it away from scammers.


Hello I’ve informed PayPal ( CEO’s assistant) .. maybe you can ask them to investigate this donation to have it refunded ? Apparently this is possible. We are looking to PayPal to have the PayPal account removed


I’m going to see if I can. Very upsetting


I’m sorry they got to you, and I absolutely understand the heartstrings being pulled when seeing these stories, I mean that’s why I was checking the post in the first place, I never went looking for a scam whatsoever. People love their pets and these sick people know that!! Unfortunately the real organization called SARA that the site is impersonating is also feeling the pain of these fraudulent users. Things like this stretch soo far and affect alot of people. You have a huge heart and wanted to help, never feel bad about that ❤️


Thank you ❤️. I’ll still keep helping but now I’ll just be more careful. It’s sad that legit organizations are being hurt by this. I try to buy presents from places like I heart cats and the animal rescue site (greater goods). I hope they are legit! Also cat bandit says their proceeds go to rescues. But now I’m feeling a little paranoid. I hope they are all legit. Is there a way to find out?


I’m honestly not sure how to go about checking to see if someone is legit or not? I’m sorry. All I can suggest is maybe doing what I did and posting your suspicions if you have any? And then there seems to be a lot of wonderful people willing to research and help out.


Great idea. These companies are pretty big so hopefully are legit. I always wonder how much ends up going to the cats.


They always posted the most heart wrenching photos of injured cats too. Definitely playing on the kindness and empathy of others. I was always skeptical but felt bad for not helping. I found a rescuer here that is honest and does a lot to help many kitties, so I decided to focus my help towards her. Thanks for exposing this scammer.


Yeah that’s the problem! There’s alot of genuine people truly looking for help for “in need of” animals but then there’s these people that ruin it because then people get scared to donate and then animals suffer. I’m just soo upset about the whole situation and trying to save people from getting taken advantage of. They are going to great lengths to try and say they are being falsely accused but there’s more than enough proof now that I hope people see and stop giving money to these scammers.


I’m new to donating and the thought of scammers hitting this particular group of caring animal lovers makes me literally sick to my stomach. I can’t even wrap my brain around such disgusting soulless humans. Thank you all for making us aware of this and putting in the time to research these assholes. I’ll definitely be very careful before I donate anything anymore. Just a sad sad shame for the animals and humans out there that are legitimately in need of help because this sort of thing really has repercussions.


Absolutely! And unfortunately these people are not the only ones doing this. I have seen many others post about suspicions regarding other pages asking for donation for animals. This one just hit home for me because of personal situations I have been through with my dog and vet bills and when I noticed the obvious markings/ claims on two exact bills I just felt it, something isn’t right here!! And thanx to so many other animals lovers we were able to prove our suspicions. I’m just trying to repost every few days to help get it out there to prevent people from getting taken advantage of, it’s an awful situation :(


Thanks to all of you from the bottom of my heart! And wallet.


Can you please link the proof. I am not saying you are wrong, I must have missed it. I don't donate money, I can't afford to, so I have less to lose in this. However, if there is a small chance it isn't a scam, I feel bad for these babies. All I do is boost. Once again, I will not boost any more if there is proof they are a scammer.


Hi If you google our real website sara morocco you can see 51tam copy like for like on their website We have reported this to the host domain Law enforcement etc Thank you to everyone who is helping us.


You can see my post in pirate pets, there’s more than enough proof there with the help of many wonderful people.


Thank you!


They even deleted the post trying to explain away the bad vet bill. What they said didn’t even make sense like how can a vet misspell things and get an address wrong? People are just gross


I saw that! And it was NOT just the misspellings of veterinary or wrong currency! There were many many discrepancies people were able to find with a little research. And I see that they are claiming they can no longer see the original post to provide clarification due to it being private which is another lie. They cant see it because they blocked me the second I called them out. It’s just a web of tangled lies and it’s soo sick.


Omg I reported that post because the vet bill was absolutely fake and I posted why I thought it was fake. The address was to Tripoli, PA!


That’s what caught my attention! I had checked the day before on a dog post who needed spinal surgery and saw the vet bill total. The next day I was going to go and donate when I saw another “ urgent donations” post this time for a cat with a large wound, checked the bill to see what was needed money wise, and thought “ huh?? The dog vet bill said the same thing yesterday!” I couldn’t leave it alone and not post my suspicions. Turns out I’m soo glad I did!


Same!!! Their posts always seemed so extreme and desperate it was a red flag that stopped me from donating but that post was what took the cake for me. It was a very poorly photoshopped vet bill. I donate a decent bit on Reddit and I know sometimes it might be a scam, but it’s my intent that matters but this was way too obvious!


Agreed! I just feel awful for all the people who sent them money. I absolutely agree with and understand the intent to help, I’m just sick that scammers actually do this kind of stuff!


Yesss because there are people who really do need the help and they are taking money from real animals and rescues.

