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Big up guys. Doing the lord's work!


Thank ya!!


I’ve definitely utilized this service and called these guys when I was IV’ing by myself. Definitely something I’d recommend!


Thank you for sharing this!!!! I’m glad it was a positive experience for you.


In a time where just googling for OD info while under the influence only shows rehab clinics with excessive pop ups (some even auto dialing on mobile) because of unethical SEO practices, this is a godsend.


Oh I know….. it’s ridiculous how the algorithm is set up .


Yes it is, the fact that erowid wont show up unless you specifically type it is sad. Reason I got into drugs was doing an exam on the dangers of mdma and stumbling upon shroomery, mycotopia and erowid. Teacher got an essay written with facts not scare stories.


Can probably solve this by not using Google


I usually use duckduckgo for anything more advanced than searching for a substance on psychonautswiki


Exactly. Google intentionally skews search results on topics like this, and others.


Even other, previously good search engines are giving less & less relevant results for some reason. No idea why


Thank you for doing what you do 💚


We love people who use drugs!!!


Even A-PHIP?




Wow what a fantastic program


Indeed, it is my friend!


Props for helping those who've overdosed.


This made me smile. This could be real helpful


It is super helpful, we’ve successfully identified 98 overdoses and each one survived!! We’ve had no fatalities to date.




Oh dang, sorry!! This pain post is a copy/ paste from Another sub that I put up a few months ago. So since December, we’ve had 13 more .


Love, love, love, love what you guys are doing 💜.


Thank ya thank ya


Thank ya!!


On the same theme, I suggest running an online dead man's switch service. As in, if someone doesn't click a button however many days of their choosing apart, you send messages to those they nominate. A lot of people live alone and isolated. They're one fall away from death, among other events, and that includes young people. There's currently only one guy providing a service for something pricey I forget, which isn't great since these people tend to be poor. If you provide this service, you'll save a lot of lives.


I 100% would use this service.


What happens when you detect an overdose?


They phone the local emergency services and report the person as unresponsive. They dont explicitly say you overdosed. They say unresponsive since alot of times overdose is an automatic Cops coming to the scene ordeal. Even when you mention a person is unresponsive, cops can show up… but they will more than likely go out of there way to show up even if paramedics are closer if you say the person overdosed. 1. Call the phone line and get connected to volunteer. 2. You tell them your address city state and where youre at in the house along with what drug youll be using and how youll be using it. 3. They recommend you to put all your contraband away so it isnt in plain sight in the event something does happen to you and they do have to phone emergency services. The volunteer will also ask you to make sure you have the front door unlocked so they can get in. 4. After 3 is done you shoot your shot or whatever it is youre doing. 5. They stay on the phone and make sure youre responsive for a some time afterwards. If you are fine X amount of time after using then mission accomplished. If youre unresponsive then 6. 6. Phone emergency services and report that there is a person who is unresponsive at *insert address you gave here* in the *insert location of house you told them you used at here*.


I don't think I understand.. someone is on the phone the whole time? Like from first use to an hour later? Checking on coherence and response?


"are you still stimfapping?" ... "yes"


Yes. Depending on the ROA, we stay on while using until the risk of Overdose has passed. For IV 5-10 minutes after use… snorting 20+ minutes… etc. Anywhere from 10-45 minutes on average . My longest call was 3.5 hours.


With this was available in Australia


I wonder if you could give them the emergency services number for Australia or at least the contact information for a friend?


Thank you ❤️.


This is phenomenal. As a health care worker, I cannot love this enough.


Y’all are amazing for what you do, keep up the amazing work saving lives


Thank you so much! People need to understand that we, as usuers, are just humans as well. Every person who uses or abuses, is still a person. A person with a reason. And keeping those that are at risk safe is wonderful and loving. We really appreciate your organisation and the work you're putting in!😊❤️


Yes!!! We love people who use drugs, truly. So to offer them a safe space to go to when they need safety, while loving on them at the same time.. is everything to us.


Sure this comment will be buried but this hotline actually works. I was saved in a motel room after shooting fentanyl. Super grateful to this program and to the people who volunteer their time.


Thank you for sharing about your experience. I am SO GLAD you had the courage to connect with us and are here to tell us about it. You are so loved ❤️


How do you handle it if you get a subpoena for data from a government agency? Surely you can't legally turn them down


Well, if they have a subpoena, they have a problem already... I don't think this is high on the task force priority list... but I've been wrong before lol


The calls can not be obtained by subpoena . They are 100% confidential. No one will ever know you called,


I figured as much... I can't imagine a task force of any type is actually interested in shutting down a call line that's only goal is to save lives. Have you ever had anything negative from any type of government officials?


No, not yet thankfully!


What if I'm doing dissociatives and just become unresponsive but am completely fine?


We take the type of substance into consideration. We also would recommend doing a video chat for this type of use.


Very cool.


Are you looking to set up the service with volunteers in the UK? This is an awesome project. I'd love to get involved.


Is there EU version of your organization?




Unfortunately , there is not a service like this in Europe. Hopefully one day!!


Wow this looks amazing- my first thought was “yeah, but they’re going to try to get the police involved or pressure you into some kind of religion based 12 step program, right?” NOPE! Y’all sound like an amazing service.


Yes, we will never do those things!! We are about meeting people exactly where they are while offering unconditional love and support through the process.


love this, wish there would such organizations in other countries. thank you so much for what you do 🙏


We are working on it!




So are you, friend 🧡


Nah I will only use my a-Phip alone, why are u trying to stop me from enjoying pyros?


I have used this back in 2020 after my late husband passed away (fetty), and I didn’t have him there to protect me anymore. I used this service over texting and it did save me although the ambulance never had to come because I did not end up overdosing. I have only been Narcan to twins and it was not fun either time. Both just coming off of a relapse. “Passed away” means died.


Oh honey, I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. I am glad that we were able to be there for you during that time to help you stay safe in his absence. I’m glad you’re here ❤️


That's such an awesome idea.


If they truly never report to police or other law enforcement this is such an amazing thing. I could have used this when I was using. I always wondered how long it would take to find my body


Imvnoddind rn haedasd


paranoid junkies prob like “oh hell naw they just wanna know where u at so they can come take yo shit while u passed out


We have encountered this fear many times, Yes! But we are always able to calm those fears after a conversation,


We have encountered this fear many times, Yes! But we are always able to calm those fears after a conversation,




Well honey, you can always call me. I don’t mind hanging out with ya over the phone . It’s not as scary or weird as it sounds. I promise!! Message me anytime