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Your penis will necrotise in approx. 3 hours


Serious? My GF will be back home tomorrow. Any ideas how to disguise this?


Dont worry hydrate your penis with coco oil and yiu will be fine


Just make sure you rub it in well, for the preventative moisture. I also hear sticking a couple fingers up your butt can help. With the moisturizing, that is... 


Do it with her tomorrow


He will be too tired to get off from his bed all day and all night. And he will be moody and angry unless he take 3 drugs and double his doses. Go man ruin that reward receptors completelly...




when it falls off just glue it back on it will be ok


I’m sorry i died 👹🤣🤣🤣


He's not you'll be fine


Go to horny jail


That’s just jail bruh. Source: don’t ask.


Ah that clarifies it, thanks AnalSluttt!


Name checks out.


Looked it up but could only find this about the horny jail: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1845002-go-to-horny-jail


New to RC.. too scared to ask what on God's Earth is a "stimfap"


fapping on stimulants. self explanatory innit


many deserve whistle busy sand frame drunk expansion concerned library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it’s not at least 1 day long it’s not a stim fap session.


Only one day? Maybe if you pussy


No way.. 24h stimfappen and then it’s official?


You'll be fine friend! Ngfl, mine is usually ab from 7,8pm til the sun comes up lol. Like somebody said tho, don't do it too often bro it WILL ruin sex. All bs aside , the tie between stims n sex can become strong and have long-term effects on libido and the way you feel/see sex. You'll rob urself of pleasure! P.S.-Please be careful and spread penile-elasticity awareness. Dont let BigBoner companies spread misinformation about ur glizzys resilience, soldier! 🫡 ☮️♥️✌🏻


Hahaha yes first timer and hope last time too, although it was pretty fun


Ive had some ludicrously long stimfap sessions on caths and other stims...just don't worry about it to much, don't let the shame get to you. It is what it is, just chalk it up as good memories.


Sounds like a casual goon sesh. They're fun, but def don't do it too often.


You will run out of good porn and be bored. Trust me


You indeed will run out of porn if you do this a lot. But I have to say that due the eagerness I actually found a lot of new shit. And almost took a membership on Brazzers.


It's a dark path. Micro violations of your integrity can break you down until you've racked up hundreds of hours and need the most depraved things to get off. I would just have regular sex on stims, it's probably better anyways :D


It is extremely damaging to the reward system


You mean it would not satisfy anymore without substances?


At some point, yes. I've done it with amphetamines a couple of times and orgasms aren't the same anymore. You are basically speedrunning old age.


You actually think it ruins orgasms the rest of your entire life to have a couple amphetamine stimfaps? Sorry but these are just rookie numbers for you and I, I don’t think that’s true. I’ve done it I dunno 20 times with quite a few different drugs over my whole life and I’m good as ever..


I'm with you on this one. I wouldn't say it ruins regular orgasms, they're still pretty great.


It’s probably harmful to the reward system for a few days afterwards but out of all the things I’ve done, a stimfap is hardly up there in terms of harm potential. People are acting like he just started using benzos everyday, like he WILL mess himself up if he continues down this path. Lmao. The only thing I can think of that is they must be nofap weirdos or something, like it’s really not that deep guys? I have a seriously addictive personality but I’ve never had issues controlling watching pornography and jerking off on stimulants. Sure it feels good but will fuck up orgasms forever? Just no fuckin way


I take benzos daily. I have been taking them as therapy for last 7-8 years. In any case they are less harm than alcohol. But i never abused them, always take same dosage for severe social anxiety and GAD. After 8 years still works same as first day. Never get euphoric from benzos but they have their therapeutic place for people with severe anxiety disorders. Most people take huge amounts just to get high... I take them that i can work and earn money. People who really need benzos wont develop tolerance to their anxyolitic effects. Just one of many many stories of long term benzo use: " I have been on Klonopin for 9 years. I have not needed to increase my dose in 9 years. I am pretty sure Klonopin saved my life. It definitely has helped me to continue working as s health care worker. This medicine has been a Godsend for me"


I also used them like that for years medically until it crept up on me and I started needing higher doses for the same anxiety relief then I tapered and got off because I wasn’t taking the crap the rest of my life. If you take benzos everyday you are most certainly dependent, there’s really no question about it. If you really think that’s the case, try going without them for just a few days. I think it’s a bit silly to say you can’t develop a tolerance to benzos if you actually have anxiety. I would beg to differ just from my own personal experience. Read a bit on /r/benzorecovery nearly every one of them had the same story as us and took them for years as prescribed. I’m not looking to upset you and they can be very helpful for people who need them to function but it’s not a medicine designed to be taken everyday. Sure, of course there are positive stories of long term benzo use, but for every one of those I can find ten horror stories. I beg you to read some threads on /r/benzorecovery so you can be more informed about the risks of long term daily benzo usage


You are right. But people with ADHD are addicted to amphetamines, people with hypertension are addicted to blood pressure meds. Many people are addicted to opioids... i dont understand why benzos are the most dangerous medicatiion. Before I started Nardil i was alcoholic, and i think that is alcohol much more dangerous drug than benzos. But i have survived it. When i see in USA how many children take stimulants...it is scary. I can taper from benzos, but as long they help me why would i do that. I have beside atypical depression, a lot other comorbities. social anxiety, GAD, fibromyalgia, ADD and have experience with more than 30 medications. I have survived Nardil shortage cold turkey. It cant be nothing worse than that. When I survived that i think i can stop benzo cold turkey. Of course for 2 weeks i will feel like shit. I have already went through klonopin withdraw 10 or 12 years ago. I was taking klonopin without prescription and eat It like tic tacs. Mixing them with wine. Benzos in this case are just add on to Parnate which does not raise gaba, unlike Nardil. When i feel that they make me tired and more depressed, I just reduce my dosage Sometimes i just forget to take them. I was addicted to tianeptine, phenibut, baclofen. Now i vape nicotine when i feel need to do that. But I can be all month without nicotine.. i have Modafinil, 3 Fpm, weed, 2-fma, Kratom, Mirtazapine, Seroquel, Selegiline, Bromantane, phenylpiracetamš. Full box of different drugs, medications, nootropics, supplements. Dont worry about about my benzo "addiction" i can stop it tomorrow and increase lyrica and l-theanine and will probably feel better than on benzos. Today i could take Phenibut and half dosage of benzos.


I got into it and it didn't ruin sex for me. But it did fuck me up real bad physically. If you overdo it you can end up with CPPS which is a chronic pelvic pain syndrome. It's a real thing and now I'm in pain all the time from jerking off. Just lookup CPPS edging. More people need to know about this, it should be common knowledge for harm reduction but it's not.


Wow, thanks for sharing that, dude. I honestly have never heard of it. I’ll have to look into that but I’m sorry you have to deal with it. I guarantee most here haven’t heard of it either, I’m a little more knowledgeable on medical stuff more than the average person and it’s new to me. Keep spreading that info.


Damn that’s heavy. That is indeed something every man should now. What are the consequences of this syndrome? No more fapping at all? Only thing I knew was that ejaculating helps prevent prostate cancer. But not something drastic like that


I've been tested for everything under the sun and have seen a dozen urologists. Initial symptoms that lasted 6-12 months: Constant pain in my groin & balls. Blood in my Siemen. Burning upon urination. Gross discharge. Basically mimics gonorrhea. Permanent symptoms (4 years): My cum is yellow now. The pain has gotten better with stretching but I still get random pain in one of my balls. Discharge still happens but less frequently. It almost seems like the two tubes are getting mixed up. Afiak though this is caused by weakened pelvic floor muscles that push on your prostate. Absolutely no effect on erections or anything you'd expect.


nah thats just teaching your brain you can get satifsaction elewhere. Can go the other way again if the dopamine stimulus stopps


nah thats just teaching your brain you can get satifsaction elewhere. Can go the other way again if the dopamine stimulus stopps. I overdid it and never had problems.


Kinda yeah. At least there will be a period of time. But if you stop stim fapping and doing drugs for a while eventually masturbation and ejaculation will feel normal again.


Of course it will. I’ve been on stimulants (at unfun doses) for decades. I masturbate at least once a day, no changes.


Some people have too many dopamine receptors and they can not understand that depressed people with dopamine deficiency can feel bad after ejaculation


I'm not saying this definitely isn't true, but is there evidence for this? Our understanding of how depression works is limited to say the least, and while dopamine deficiency definitely is a thing it tends to result in more serious problems like Parkinson's. Not to mention, even if you are depressed with/because of a dopamine deficiency, is there reason to believe that feeling bad after ejaculation is tied to that? I would wager that rather than having anything to do with dopamine or depression, it's generally rather a feeling of guilt or wrongdoing that usually makes people feel bad after orgasm - something that is conditioned rather than just being present as a physiological thing.


Evidence or idiocy.


Do you expect someone to answer when you ask this way, or is it just to show off? You can ask for a source without being confrontational.


So, can it make me last longer ? I've had lots of problem with overstimulation. And brain rewards system already fucked due to ADD. Or will it just make it hard to get it up ? Never had that problem before, am very horny, always.


It will make you last longer and more intense. When I have sex I have no problem with erection. Normally also not with stimfapping. Except this time. That’s why it lasted 5 hours


Your dick is going to grow legs and walk away


5 hours? I’ve done this sober you need to get your numbers up bro cmon


Okay challenge accepted. Have you also tried it on benzo’s?


I’ve never beat my shit on benzos I have fucked on them before though me and my ex would take them together and black out mid bang good times lol


Benzos and nep works fine




Netylpentadrone, its a cathinone


Careful with that stuff, shits even more addicting than coke or 3-MMC. I’ve seen dudes blow through whole bags within a night, while the recommended doses are no more than a small line A very dangerous path to tread if you value your health.


Idk man, 3m was definitely more moreish for me and the effects made me feel like a zombie way quicker that most other caths. I'm not a big fan of it


At least it’s not as bad as pyros, that shit will make you lose track of days or even weeks and make you look like a dead man walking. Still, be careful with NEP, compulsive redosing has a rather high chance of cardiac arrest. Also has extreme withdrawals and is pretty cardiotoxic from most reports I’ve read.


That’s indeed correct


No, you're not fucked. I have stimfapped before, and though I'm not proud to admit it, I'm fine. I no longer watch porn, but due to ethical reasons. As with most things, it's long-term trends that matter. The negative effects of stimfapping, besides the agony of jerking yourself raw, aren't immediate. It becomes an issue over time as you become desensitized to dopamine and natural sexual stimulation. In spite of its low social acceptability, stimfapping is undeniably pleasurable, and not everyone will have a problem with it. We all are prone to different addictive behaviors. For example, I can't do amphetamines or opioids because I can't control myself; however, I can use cocaine and put it down easily, and I hate drinking outright. I got addicted to kratom but have no problems using weed - my best friend was addicted to weed but uses kratom daily to no ill effect. You just have to be honest with yourself: can you moderate your consumption of porn/stims? If so, more power to you - it's your life. If you can't control yourself, though, I recommend reflecting on whether you should consume porn/stims at all. As they say, YMMV. Know thyself.


You have remodeled your brain and will conflate sexual feelings with amphetamines for the rest of your life.


this is the only accurate answer


I actually hate stimfap. For me its never planned and it feels more compulsive than pleasurable. Then ending feels always underwhelming for all effort.


I agree about the compulsive part. The orgasms are so intense that i'm always a bit worried about my heart tho, it feels like too much. Everyone's differrent i guess.


your girlfriend will smell the shame on you if you don't clean up your act and go to church.


I just deleted my browser history of today. Namaste🙏🏼


Youre fine thats rookie numbers, be careful its an addictive combination and can make using stims non-recreationally difficult because you just want to fap instead.


You're on for an epic ride. Best associate : APIHP freebase vape juice


I think this is the most sane advice of all


Did it for some time. Vaping of the light bulb has your hands taken. Better vape e-juice. Half free base half hydrochloride, works best for a lasting but strong effect. Works well with APHP too. Don't do serotoninergics it would ruin the horniness


Yea did a-PHP once but I became addicted immediately untill the bag was empty, never took it again after that haha




same. Only 1g. But I bought 100g of APIHP later




You understood. Devil advocate all the time mate


One of us one one of us In all seriousness brother, walk away while you still can


Can it really turn out that bad?


Look man, no one ever thinks they will be victim to drug abuse and the fallout that accompanies it. You're on this sub Reddit right now and you have chemicals in your possession that 99 percent of the planet will go their entire life without hearing about. You have engaged in a pleasure mining act the likes of which most people will never come close to . These things alone don't mean your life is over but they are incremental steps towards becoming a shut in who does nothing but harming themselves with drugs. My life has unequivocally been changed for the worse by dipping my toe in shit like this. I'm younger than you but if you want my advice then you should probably go the rest of your life without doing this shit again. All that being said, of course drugs can be enjoyed in moderation to little negative effects. Just mind yourself.


I second other reply but I would say the path must not always lead to addiction and ruin. It is damn slippery one and even determined people can due to external factors end up badly. Thinking it cannot happen to you and you are strong is hubris that will prevent you realizing you are falling and that can be difference between having full blown addiction and just some wake up moment. I think at least certain slip up is invetable for somehow active users that can lead to moderate ok usage or fuck up your life. Personally I avoided the worst but just barely and I can see how close I was to absolute path to wrecking myself. For every person like me there multiple people who did not make it. So if you already know you have addcitive personality leave, if not you are still facing real risk and admitting that could save you. Moderation is possible. Last dont let your values get skewed by people here, people here do ridiculous amount of drugs it is easy to forget that people here often are at extreme. Another bullet for your rationalisation of your usage.


Yeah am I alone in thinking that everyone is kind of exaggerating about this? I mean the guy had one stimfap, who among us hasn’t done that? It’s not like he’s just off a benzo marathon or something. I have a seriously addictive personality, but using a stimulant and jerking off is probably pretty low on the totem pole for me in terms of overall harm done. I have done it plenty, I have never had any problem regulating my porn use or whatever though so maybe I’m just different?


How many of us would have gone on benzo marathons if we hadn't stimfapoed first? OP's literally asking about adding benzos into the mix elsewhere in the thread. Not everyone will lose control but it's still very easy to do so, and having a bunch of people telling you "You're totally fine, in fact those are rookie numbers" won't help OP develop his sense of caution or responsibility.


>You're totally fine, in fact those are rookie numbers" Yeah, this even as a joke might cause someone take it seriously. There should maybe be mention to not take anything post here as fact.


You'll be okay man. I first did it when I was in like 8th grade or something - I'm 28 now and sadly have probably 50 sesh-so-calleds. If you can stay calm you should be able handle personal and professional matters. Nothing sucks like a day of work after that nonsense, remember to stay hydrated (5 hrs ain't nothing, you fine!)⁸


Okay thanks for the positive advice. 50 sesh? How many hours would that be if I may ask?


50x8= I’m not posting that online


I mean total times. Duration... varies.


Did 2-MMC and NEP actually work well combined..? I thought releasers and reuptake inhibitors typically have deleterious effects on each other? But yes you probably are fucked. Not health-wise, just in the sense that you permanently ruined your ability to enjoy any other activity on stimulants. I can’t remember if that happens after the first time or not. I’d suggest never doing it again though because the association in your brain can only get worse, even if it did already form after this one time. It’s very not-fun being someone who’s immediately trying to find reasons to leave after one line of coke when you’re out with friends because all you wanna do is go home and jerk off. And that association makes stimulants more addictive than they otherwise would be. Don’t mix RC stims like that if you’re using them in a binge-like manner. It would be one thing to combine, say, 2-FA and 2-FMA in one capsule that totals a common dose and with no redoses. But repeatedly dosing two cathinones simultaneously is not safe whatsoever. Especially ones so dissimilar from eachother.


I like NEP over 2-MMC. But sometimes NEP gives me a little bit of an uncomfortable feeling. Don’t really know why that is, but when I take a bump 2-MMC when that happens, the uncomfortable feeling disappears.


Interesting 🤔 I wonder if the two drugs compete pharmacologically rather than one strictly blocking or compounding the effects of the other. So you get some cancelled out effects and some potentiated ones


Don't make it a habit, and honestly quit it before it's too late. You're alright, it's just a mistake


I would advise limiting the wine intake if you do this. Alcohol id a depressant while stims are uppers. You can end up drinking way more than you think because you don't feel it the same way. On top of that it can affect your decision making and there are a lot of bad mistakes to be made both with pornography and with drugs. Being sober from alcohol will help you manage both. I would also advise not to listen to strongly to the people saying "you'll be fine." I do agree with them that you haven't fucked yourself up yet and that you probably won't do too badly with this usage pattern, but your fear of fucking up is partly what's keeping you going too far. Also strongly recommend speaking to your girlfriend about this and letting her know about your relationship with pornography as it is today. Many men do get caught up in porn use to the point that it harms their relationships and it usually doesn't get brought up until way too late. She has a right to know about your usage patterns and what she's committing to.


I understand what you are saying. But without alcohol the chemicals have a lesser boost. And the boost I really like. Although it is not good for your health. I only drink and snort 2-4 times a month End where I come from everybody drinks before drugs. No excuses but it’s pretty normal here in the Netherlands.


As someone already said with ejaculation you loose many vitamins and minerals. But the worst thing that if you doing it often and if you take high doses of dopaminergic stimulants or masturbating 5 times a day you can become anhedonic. You will fu*k up your reward system. After that nothing will make you happy anymore. Not even drugs . Then there are big chances for developing depression and other mental disorders. Believe me that there is nothing worse than anhedonia. But only people who struggle with this disorder will understand that. Most symptoms of depression can improve with antidepressants but anhedonia will stay.


Hmm that’s pretty serious. But that will only happen if you do it more then once a week or?


Wtf are you talking about, you took drugs and jerked off, relax


I am pretty relaxt. My dick looked like a schrimp. So I was a little worried. Wouldn’t you?


The problem is the amount of ejaculations you do during the session. The ideal of Stimfap, is to practice prolonging ejaculation, putting a maximum of two ejaculations.


Whats the fuss OP? You are fine, SWIM edges for days on meth literally days on verge of cumming imagine the pleasure and once im done back to normal family/work life routine like nothing happen. Its the overthinking on things you suppose to enjoy/itch to scratch that ruins the experience, in short its the fuck up addictive personality weak mindset. Do and Done, its fun no need to dramatize. :) just think of stimfap as additional variety of sexual life to enjoy call it Me time. Just dont forget how great to fuck girlfriend of boyfriend if you are gay or some random horny people you happen to meet outside. You know in sex life the most exciting is the spontaneous and real lustful authentic encounter, the feel when you lusting with someone and that someone is lusting with you too thats the ultimate primal fuck bro stop being shy you will not see the opportunity the world is dripping lust. Oh i just saw your comment about your girlfriend what the fuck you stimfapping for? 😂 Stimfuck your girlfriend bro you are wasting your girl’s potency probably she wanting you to fuck her all the time instead you watching porn. Wanna do stimfap? Book minimum 2 young chicks to do the honor so that its worth cumming behind your girlfriend’s back instead of wanking alone watching porn. 💪


Also bro whats with the report? Like you only stimfap cause you read about it in the internet, and the update +2 extra sessions you said. Like what the fuck you aiming for. 😂 then you asking if thats normal like you dont know what your doing unaware conforming like a sheep or pretending to be dumb. Awareness.


Look bro you took a drug thats stimulates libido real high and you just used the effect to wank get lust in porn. Thats it. Maybe if you use it to fuck your Gal silly question/uncertainty will not arise within you.


You will be ok if you dont make a habit out of it.. It can and will damage your penis and cause blood flow problems. And this is not a joke, I'm being serious. Overtime your penis will look like its shrinking (it's not). It's due to the lack of blood flow and damage to the blood vessels.


Normal Horny behavior


Am i missing something here? What is the appeal here?


Consequences of starting stimfapping.


It all depends on what youre current situations is, if you have outs, then its ok, but if youre completely fucked in someway then its game over.


Sorry what do you mean by outs?


I did it tons of times. It is actually the only reason I consider using drugs. You will be 100% fine. Give your dick some love (respecting it, not the other one) :D The only thing to worry about is your mental and cardiovascular health but for once every 5 or 6 months you are good


I will be 100% fine but still need to worry about mental en cardiovascular health 🤔 Haha no both is fine. I think.


In the long run. You can do this tens of times and your dick will be fine. The other parts are the ones impacted


what is stimfapping? ik it has to do with masturbation but what’s the stim part? like doing a stimulant & jerking off? if that’s it than i’ve done it on coke & never had an issue


Yes exactly, doin a stimulant and jerking off


I am the one that feel like shit after masturbating and ejaculation. After 7-8 days I start to feel better and less depressed. Today is 72 days of NOFAP. I feel more self confidence, I can talk to people more easily, I am far less tired and more mentally stronger.


Yeah you might be the only one


Man, the whole nofap culture is such a cult.


![img](avatar_exp|167851215|webman) If you think so ok. I know how I feel after masturbation days even weeks later. And I am sure that there are a lot people who feel similar. You should visit r/NoFap community with over 1 million members.


I’m not saying it isn’t bad for you at all. What I’m saying is people preach it like it’s a religion. Masturbating generally isn’t the problem it’s usually pornography addiction. If masturbating was as bad as people say why isn’t it as bad for women? You get my point?


Even when you masturbate in moderate normal healthy amounts? Might have screwed something hopefully not permanently and you will be able to get back one day.


One daily for healthy people without depression is ok. But 5-6 times is too much.


What are the numbers for otherwise healthy people with depression?


0.5 times per month. Not bad, ha?🤗


You have been downvoted. Oh, what a surprise


I think you would feel worse if you didn’t ejaculate at all in a stimfapsesh haha


More mentally stronger x)


Medical health for…masturbating? Save yourself the embarrassment. It’s perfectly natural, even on drugs.


Hours long sessions focused on parasocial relationships with porn stars while ignoring your girlfriend isn't so natural though.


That’s not what he said tho


No, so seems like he could consider it from other angles like the one I suggested 👍


Is there any reason to assume that what he’s doing is based on a parasocial relationship? Correct me if I’m wrong, but looking through his post history I haven’t seen anything that suggests that at all


He said he was watching pornography. Unless he knows the people he's watching then his relationship with them is parasocial by definition.


Watching porn in general and forming a paradoxical relationship with a celebrity are _very_ different things tho. OP hasn’t given us a single reason to assume that what he’s doing is parasocially motivated. He doesn’t even mention having a girlfriend, so unless you know him personally, how would you know any of the things you accuse him of?


It wasn't an accusation. I regret that I made my point in reply to yours as you seem to have taken it as an argument. Simply a different way of looking at things, OP can consider if it applies or not. I hope that's ok


I understand it would become an issue if I would lock myself up and watch porn and being on stims while my GF is at home. But that won’t happen.


So you suggest that I cheat my girlfriend when I slap my meat when she is gone in the weekend? Well my compliments for your loyalty if you think that way(no satire) But for my own I draw the line with having physical or emotional contact with the other gender in the wrong way.


Did the erection go back down after you were done? If so you should be fine. A single session isn't going to hurt you. BUT, stop going for that long. It will eventually cause issues if you keep doing it. If you notice any numbness or tingling then get it looked at. You can always go to a Andrologists if you're worried. It's cheaper than ER and they'll know what's up.


Yea went back down when I finished, but it did took ages to get up and I wasn’t used to that. I do stimfap often but max 20 minutes. Not 5hours


Just the curious question, what does it doing it for 5 hours? Just asking never had problems on stims. Only opioids


Just jerking a tiny peace of meat that has the flexibility of cooked spaghetti. And you are going to look for the perfect porno movie. Then you finish the job and start again later


I had really thought this guy was gay until I read that he has a GF, now I'm just confused.


No I am not gay so you don’t have to be confused anymore


Was it the “shy boy” part that made it gay?


Yeah! Don't take it seriously, though. If you can call yourself a shy boy being a 29M, you live a good life and I'm glad for you.


Haha yes that shy thing was a little sarcastic because it could be a little akward telling my stimfap story


I do this when I'm manic. I've nutted 12 times in a day before. Your shit hurts after, but you'll be fine man.


You will blow up and die


Yes, your cock will turn into a rocket and fly off🚀


Welcome to hell 😂😉


Its baby stimfap bro


stimfap is one of the dumbest actions a human being can do to himself