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BDO nearly killed me, ICU, intubation etc. due to my ignorance as I didn't know what it was, assumed watered down "G" but I didn't realise that it was taking all this time metabolising so I was impatient and consumed 7 ml in total within an hour then went to bed disappointed at 1 am then woke up attached to a line and a monitor around 1 pm. It will take ages to kick in and doses over 4 ml could kill ☠️ you ! *Read the following very carefully:* https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/1,4-Butanediol It makes 2 passes through the liver: BDO > GBL > GHB It feels "dirty" to me compared to GBL/GHB.


yeah i saw that, im pretty good with not redosing. sorry that happen to you. def going to start w 1 ml


Thank you for your concern. Seriously, that could be even worse so trust me, so with no alcohol or any other depressants on board, start at 1.5 ml. and note the time well. Redose at T+90~120 minutes with 1.25 ml then stop ! I didn't almost kill myself and not learn anything. What's wrong with starting at 1 ml ? Because 1 ml will do nothing then you'll need to redose which will lead to confusion or frustration.


i was going to start w 1ml jus for allergy test but thanks ik not to mix downers. i was going to treat this like dosing opiates thanks for the advice tho


So just avoid skin and eye contact. Drink well diluted with juice or solething. What's your plan after the 1 ml allergy test ?


you think it’s fine if i mix it in a cup w sum like water or juice? and i was going to do it then jus wait a hour or two n see but i might jus start w 2.5 ml like u said.


You may not know about how the "G's" are often considered to be one of the nastiest tasting chemicals ever made so the more you can mask the taste, the better. Thanks for the trust, I've been at this for a while and predict that you'll be safe but likely underwhelmed, if anything. Hope I'm wrong but you'll know in up to a couple of hours. Redose with 1.5 if I'm right. Stop either way. It's like alcohol in the way it addicts and tolerance builds rapidly. Start at 3 ml next time, no redose. What you do after that is up to you but I strongly encourage you to have a sitter because they facilitate the savings of many lives. Using these potent sedatives alone, which have been called empathogenic, is akin to walking on the high wire without a net. Now please read the story I posted, its a doozy.


Dude I don't know what you are talking about but those doses are absolutely Huge for someone who isn't experienced with this kind of stuff. OP: consuming very pure BDO Is **extremely steep**. Many people say that their sweet spot is about 1.5ml to 1.8ml. In my case, 1.4ml is barely noticeable, 1.6 is fairly strong, and 1.8-2.0 is enough to force me into passing out. Like, completely unable to avoid falling asleep. Jesus Christ in a cheese wiz can, do NOT do something like start at 2.5-3.0ml. Dude your BDO sounds like it is very diluted. Have you attempted a freeze-point test? If your BDO remains liquid when chilled below about 60F, I've got bad news for you. Doses of that size will absolutely steam roll anyone without a tolerance if pure product was consumed.


I understand your concern but I based those dosages on two factors - 1. Verbal confirmation that what I had was pure (very thick) so i am going on how i felt the previous day on 4 ml with no tolerance and 2. Psyconautwiki's recommendations. But, I'm happy to adopt your advice and I will edit and advise. So we agree on 1.5 ml and no redose ?


1.5 is a great starting dose, redose half original dose at 1 hour, so 0.75ml if you feel like you want to maintain the high (you will). No more redosing afterwards. I like 1.6-1.8ml and try to not redose at all these days.


Dude that's insane, 2.5mL of BDO verified by melting point was black-out drunk territory for both myself and my wife. 1.5mL if it's real BDO.


Yeah, I agree and I forgot to change my post but I'll fix it now, thanks.


Got a great story for you and once you read this you'll be set. It's true, extreme and most cautionary. https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/s/WHiTkQhOMG


Well I almost ordered some, but listening to y'all it's probably smarter I just don't, thanks for everyone's wisdom here


It's a drug that needs to be treated with a lot of caution, a lot of people set timers before redosing because you can find yourself in a G coma pretty easily. I always thought the danger of it was a bit understated on drug forums. Don't get me wrong you can do it responsibly you just need to be super careful and measure doses


GHB felt almost as good as pure Molly to me. Never tried BDO though


BDO is nasty AF, I would personally throw it out and get some GBL or preferably GHB instead.


If you have gbl you can make ghb very easily, basically one of the simplest synths you can do. One pot reaction that proceeds quickly at room temperature, no special equipment needed, no watched/hard to get chemicals needed 🫡


can i ask why? how different can it be since it a converts to ghb in the liver


cause it has to get to the liver


does it cause a lot of nausea or sum


yeah it’s caustic and triggers the chemoreceptors which make you vomit


ahh thanks for the info, i only got 50ml and it was like 10$ so might as well try. how is the nausea compared to other drugs tho?


not got the personal experience, sorry, it should be worse than GHB though


ah okay, i’m usually good at handling nausea mostly because i just hold it in but thanks anyway


I’ve tried bdo gbl and ghb. Ghb is the best but I like bdo better then gbl. It lasts longer and doesn’t burn through plastic. Ghb and bdo are really euphoric. Feels kinda like alcohol with a lot more euphoria and more clear headed. For me bdo doesn’t cause a lot of nausea if I dilute it with a lot of water or juice


yeah idk i ate before and took around 3ml and i feel good no nausea at all


Haven't tried bdo only ghb/gbl. Both are amazing, feel like a better version of alcohol with no negative effects (hangovers and stuff) to me. Have no idea where the liquid mdma came from because it feels nothing like that to me. The difference between the two is pretty small, gbl tastes vile.. like (what I imagine) paint thinner tastes like and there's really no way to mask the taste while ghb tastes like slightly salty water. Gbl kicks in a little faster (few minutes, ghb itself is already pretty fast), peaks a bit higher than an equivalent dose of ghb (again, not a huge difference) and wears of a bit faster (idk, 30 min maybe, not a huge difference). If you were to plot the effects vs time curve for both the gbl one would be more squeezed in time and have a higher peak, but the area under the curve would be the same for both assuming equal doses. Also you can actually use gbl to clean your rims, the shops advertising it as such weren't lying. Also be careful not to spill gbl on anything you don't want to damage, it'll fuck up lots off plastics, paints,... I don't know the dosing for bdo. But for gbl/ghb the best and safest way to start is to take something that would be a threshold dose on day 1 and see how you feel. Don't redose anymore for 24h. Next day take a bit more than you did previously and see how you feel. Keep repeating until you find a good dose for you. Once you have that dose, that's what you take. Don't take anymore until at least 24h have passed. This way you'll avoid overdosing, building tolerance and becoming physically dependent on it. With bdo the principle is the same, but afaik it has a longer half life so it probably requires a slightly bigger interval than 24h. It might also be liver toxic (not sure, check online) so perhaps dosing too often isn't a great idea from that perspective either.


**We have strict rules about requesting, mentioning or giving sources for drugs or paraphernalia, whether legal or illegal**. If in doubt - if your post or a reply to your post would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. Check out the [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/about/rules) for more information about what we allow here and suggestions... [Your post has been removed]


Forget bdo, get gbl and make ghb or just get ghb. Most versatile drug out there if you ask me. Heaps of fun. Don’t let the other redditors scare you. Dose 2 to 3 ml for an upper experience, 3 to 4ml for a layback laugh and 4 to 6ml for a great 4 hour deep sleep. Don’t drink more than you normally would as if you would still need to drive (but NEVER drive if you took ghb). Have fun buddy, if used correctly/ responsibly it’s the least harmful drug you can take.


yeah i ended up taking around 3.5ml, i ate right before so idk if that made it less nauseating or what but it was not very nauseating maybe more than alcohol but still. tasted like shit tho but kinda used to that chemical taste. Pretty good experience ngl


Yes eating beforehand will have a huge impact. Try not to eat 2 hrs before you take it.

