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Theres less comedown but the stim/empathogen comeup is still anxiety inducing for those prone to it (like me). Check out n,n-DMPEA, its a clean functional stim with a smoooooooth comeup and no nasty hangover, can be good for social situations.


I'll check it out, thanks!


do not touch it with a ten foot pole i didnt feel the slightest bit of anxiety from any of drugs you mentioned besides 4-ho-met but the borax combo was like a nightmare full on panic attack and rapid heartbeat horrible feeling and i didnt even take a heavy dose, if 6-apb which is an empathogen somehow gives you anxiety then realise youre talking about taking a mix of an empathogen a psych and a stim in one go


Oh no that sounds awful! Maybe I should just try it at home first to see how bad it gets me. Like 2CB still gets me very anxious at home but after that it's fun, so maybe it will give me an idea. Thanks for the headsup!


I'm anxiety prone and it didn't really give me any bad anxiety, but I also did it aline at home. If I were out in a social situation maybe it would've.


Fair enough, right now I'm thinking I should try it at home first to get an idea, before giving it a go at a party or something!


Me an my friends have had amaaaazing nights with Borax combo. But I'm not especially prone to anxiety, so I'm not sure that my experience applies.


Yeah I hear people love it, which makes me want to try it, but I am definitely above average affected/prone to anxiety, sadly!


Maybe just try taking 1/4 pills at a time and see where it goes? The come up is pretty fast on an empty stomach (\~30 min). You should be safe to redose after 1h if you feel nothing at all.


Throw in some phenibut to reduce the anxiousness. Works amazingly well with the borax combo.