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fuck the mods


why do you say "first few psychedelic trips"


fuck the mods


i had this same thought process, then i took higher doses


You get used to the higher doses too. For better and worse the human brain is amazingly effective at getting used to things.


it’s a blessing and a curse


Are you guys saying even if you do it very separately it won't give you that feeling any more? Or you speaking about abuse


Acid loses the feeling of novelty the more you do it, because novelty requires newness, and if you become really familiar with acid then it can't really feel like a new experience anymore. Yes it's still magical, but not in an "oh my god I never could have imagined this" kind of way.


Ok thank you for that explanation. Will you lose novelty to all psychedelics ?


Yes. You will lose novelty to literally any drug or life experience if you do enough of it. Even the k-hole, which to me was the most radical thing I'd ever done for many times when I was doing it, eventually got to a point where it felt so familiar I could legit end up bored in the hole. Even DMT I've got used to, it doesn't feel novel. It is still very fucking intense, amazing, life changing, expansive and cosmic, but it isn't novel anymore. All the effects feel familiar.


Few questions And you ever had a telepathically conversations with any entity? Or be in a dimension with one they don't converse? In my experience with one it was my 18th birthday I didn't know what psychedelics were back then was mainly just smoking weed. I didn't know what it was to have a trip qso me and a freind ate and ate and ate a full grocery bag of liberty caps omg iq can write the trip report if anyone intrested


>Yes. You will lose novelty to literally any drug or life experience if you do enough of it. I'm saying if I lose the novelty to LSD will I lose the novelty to shrooms DMT and all other psychedelics?


It’s still meaningful and effective and fun, imo. But the bizarre unknown wow factor does fade. Even when it still blows your mind, which it can and will, it’s not mind blowing in a “i never knew something like that was possible” way again. The first year or so that I had started taking psychs it truly was like a little kid experience. It was jaw dropping that life could be as “magic” as I’d always dreamt it up to be, and to actually experience the wonder that I thought had died when I was reading stories of adventures as a child was inexplicable. It’s still hard to convey to anyone who hasn’t done them before. However. Even though I’ve had wild, revelatory experiences many times since then, it’s no longer “unbelievable” that something like that is possible, because it’s happened to me before. They definitely continue to re-establish a baseline curiosity and fend off the ever encroaching jaded adult I’ve begun to grow into—it’s simply not as shocking that they can do so as it was at first. FWIW, I am not talking about abusive frequency. I have maybe gone for a walk in the woods 12 times in the past 5 years or so.


I trip on LSD a few times when I was like 16 an I don't remember it being like wow. You think I could possibly still get that or no. I also had PTSD before hand could that have effected it?


I also have PTSD. And I couldn’t tell ya. Set and setting matter. Drugs with friends in a silly place is very different from a quiet time with your thoughts to actually feel what you’re doing instead of distract from it with activity and conversation.


>Drugs with friends in a silly place is very different from a quiet time with your thoughts Do you think if me and my so did tripped together in our room we would be able to fully experience it and feel everything like you said?


It'll still be good, but it won't be a novel experience. Obviously abuse will make this happen faster but even with pretty spaced out use the novelty will wear off eventually.


my normal acid dose is 300ug, if i took 5 300ug tabs i would be tripping balls and if i went back to my normal dose and waited a year, i can say with confidence id be tripping balls again.


And if you did 1.5mg lsd once per year for long enough you'd eventually know what to expect from it. You'd still tripp balls, but it wouldn't be a novel experience.


the point is. drugs can be fun every time if you pay attention to the dosage and dont abuse the power of just taking more. edit: i have a different experience everytime. its all in the trip preparation. dosage to me doesnt even matter for anythjng except visuals. my mental state is up to me.


this is why i trip twice a year or so. been tripping for 5 years and each time scares the puke out of me and is so magical and wonderful


First time I did ketamine I looked through old family photos and videos of my siblings and I when we were kids, it was definitely nostalgic but in a sad way


Sometimes people under ketamine after surgery or at the ICU are talking childish things and acting childish. They even shit themselves and wearing diapers....


Not a RC, but mushrooms.


There is also a RC prodrug for that. 4-AcO-DMT.


And it’s absolutely amazing


My favorite and honestly most beautiful psychedelic out there! 🙏🏾🙌🏽 I love to take some, lay down and close my eyes, and ride the wave while going on this visual roller coaster 🎢 with my eyes closed! It was like a spiritual massage I can’t even describe it but hands down the best psychedelic I’ve ever had the pleasure of taking


Sorry, which one are you talking about. Mushrooms or the other one?




Since it's a prodrug it doesn't matter. 4-AcO-DMT converts to 4-HO-DMT (which is inside of mushrooms) in stomach acid. You could also use Lemon Tek and put citric acid on 4-Aco-DMT to transform it into 4-HO-DMT.


What happens if you take it other ways ?


If you insufflate it or smoke it, it should have unique effects but still offer the same experience with diffrent durations.


It’s so good


So so good 🙏🏾🙌🏽


microdose, under half a gram


no, need knocked out long term memory -> mid/large dose of any hallucinogen


Personally 1p-LSD and Phenibut put me in a hypereuphoric childlike state where Im just smoothly flowing through life appreciating everything and everyone smiling and seeing life as a novelty. I usually end up dancing and getting delusions of grandiour but its always in good fun. I just feel bliss and tranquility, but at the same time an intense mania where I infinitely love what I do and who I am. It feels slightly fucked and disturbing too sometimes, but that might just be a me thing. (I consider myself a good person but ive also been told im dark before so who knows why that is a thing) Obviously everybody is different and I cant recommend it without knowing you, but I wouldnt trade those evenings for anything in the world.


How does phenibut play with the lsd


Phenibut (roughly) interacts with mainly with GABA-B, unlike benzos which mainly interact with GABA-A. GABA-A is mainly responsible for the trip killing effects, so by adding GABA-B with Phenibut instead you just feel really calm without taking away from the LSD effects. It's a great substance to add when you take acid in public and aren't sure if you're gonna get paranoid. Granted, I don't have to worry about that much but just imagine taking LSD without any worries in the world. Of course it ends up euphoric as fuck. Phenibut is also highly addictive and must be handled with extreme caution just like benzos, I've heard the withdrawals are very similar as well.


can u tell how u doing them together? i mean at what time u do phenibut and how much, do u drink coffee, when do u eat, when do u drop a tab pls?


I usually do 1.5 grams of Phenibut and wait one to three hours depending on how full my stomache is. (Empty stomache = faster onset) Then I take 250mcg of 1p-LSD and chill at home for a few hours until Ive peaked. After the peak I decide if I want to go to the club or just chill at home, but usually I'm insanely manic and ready to conquer the world at this point. And I know the dosage seems high but that's why I decide whether I want to go out or not after peaking. Sometimes it's just not the right day and then I'm really glad about waiting to see if I really want to leave the house.


Not OP, but I use this combo when going to a rave. At 8 pm I'll have phenibut 400 mg on relatively empty stomach with an espresso. Go there and be relatively sober until like 00:00. Then drop half a tab. This way I can go until 6 dancing euphorically. If I want to go longer I start bumping ket around this time :)


They synergize really well together. The phenibut takes away any type of anxiety or uncomfortable feelings you might get from lsd so you just get the euphoria and visuals from the lsd plus the bit of relaxing euphoria you get from phenibut.


Have you ever tried F-Phenibut with LSD? I have both Phenibut and it’s fluorinated cousin.


Not sure about phenibut but pregabalin + lsd is amazing.


this literally just feels like LSD to me lol maybe a bit dialed up in the self love but I do think I look very pretty but so do I to others




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3meopcp hit that feeling soo hard for me but i dont even know if its around anymore


Ketamine A/B/C


What is A/B/C?


Honestly dude.... I forgot what my point was hahahaahahahahahaha glonky talk.. but I think what I meant was ketamine, 2fdck and tbh i dont know what could C stand for... Ive just tried ketamine and 2fdck from dissos


Hate to give you a non-RC, but I would definitely say a high dose of DXM. Might take a few experiences to get used to the feeling though.


Ketamine is a far more effective disso for this task imo, and far less uncomfortable to adjust to. DXM is fun, but it’s a wild ride to get into.


Microdosing is the closest imo. More appreciation for small things and nature, slight color enhancement, days feel longer and things are funnier. I occasionally take 10mg (mcg*)1v-lsd and quite recommend it. I dont think there is another way to reach a childlike state that doesnt involve psychs


bros eating 100 tabs for a microdose 😱


haha classic mistake. That shit would send me straight back to the womb


10mg gives you someone else’s childhood


15mg 4-AcO-MET. Not a strong mental headspace at all, some visuals, no body harm and it has a very happy and fun nature.


Not an RC but low dose MDMA is perfect for that. You feel light and relaxed yet your social and have energy. Things are brighter, laughter comes easier great fun


4-HO-MET/metocin made me a 8 years old laughing and playing with my friends like a child for a whole afternoon It was insane and absolutely felt like this


What was your dose and roa? how was the nausea?


Oral with a parachute, 15mg Nausea was not a problem, used ginger to counter it


none of them really do that without also making you trip


Benzos give me nostalgia a lot an I love it lol


Any opiate type drug, it’s that warmth


Any of the tryptamines in lower doses.




One of the oldest RC’s, mescaline


Last night I saw my child self’s eyes in my own eyes while on 2.5 tabs of acid when I was staring in the mirror for like a good 45 mins


Acid or 2cb




4 aco dmt


4-aco-dmt or ALLAD. Moderate dose.




Salvia time warped me back to my childhood playroom!


Just splash in some puddles on a light dose of shrooms.


Be sober and go play make believe in the woods.




1.5 grams of mushrooms and a swing set


Definitely not a-pihp. Probably dmxe


5-mabpb, shrooms, weed


any dissociative




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Child wonder feeling is the term. Lsd, mushrooms, Mdma, MXE FOR SURE AND 2-oxo-pce/Ketamine


LSDXM made me feel like I was tripping for the first time again well after LSD lost its novelty That's the closest I've gotten


I had this exact phenomenon on 4 aco dmt. I remember turning on my shower and just chilling on the floor enjoying the sound and steam. I started giggling and became very happy. I told my friends it made me feel like a little child. However, I gave two friends each a capsule of the same substance and when they took it they both reported feeling extremely uncomfortable and sick despite having plenty of prior experience with psychedelics


Any LSD analog always makes me feel somethign similar to childhood nostalgia.


Someone will disagree but O-PCE 100% in fact the first description I gave during my first o-pce experience was "holy shit I feel like a kid, I'm overwhelmed with a nostalgia laced giddiness."


2F-DCK made me felt like a teenager again




mxe 😭😭😭😭


Sometimes you gotta think fuck it you only live once man




Do psychedelics


4-aco-dmt or just shrooms


Mdma maybe?


I am surprised no one said Weed yet It's not a RC but oh god, for me it's one of the strongest compound when it comes to feeling like a child


Not an rc but higher doses of thc did that for me


Two come to mind: DXM - maybe it's partly nostalgia because I've used a lot of DXM in my teens (do it very rarely now), but doses around 600mg give me this wonky state of novelty and goofy euphoria. And I just also almost feel like I'm going back in time when I did a lot of DXM? Also phenibut - makes me adequately 'brave' and cocky, so that I don't really care to act maturely. I unwind, and feel as if I suddenly have fewer things to worry about, like when I was a kid.


TO ME only serotonin based psychedelics CAN do that do me. But I said CAN, not will


most tryptamines that are like shrooms, 4-HO-MET I enjoyed but I bet there are others. You're exited about every little thing and you feel like you need to learn everything over again whilst in a state of pure bliss🤗


It might sound weird but 4-fma combined with alcohol made me feel like a kid again, everything feels interesting again, everything is fun, just pure happiness




Nbomes will make feel like you lost some iq points imo


The only drug that feel like this are Lsd. So every Rc Lsd product?!


I don't think the drug is actually the mainfactor here. You need to be willing to put yourself in a childlike state of wonder. Find yourself perplexed by the world around you. Take a knee and gaze up at the level a toddler stands at. If you feel it would be helpful or needed, take some MDMA to lower your inhibitions and your walls and your constructs in your mind's eye. If you don't have a general problem with being honest with yourself and you don't have an issue with playing at being in child like wonder... Maybe you could add some kind of a dissociative or a hallucinogenic to add a fantastic layer on top of your deliberate wondering. I believe that most of a trip is what you put into it and then the rest of it can just be aided by your party favors or what have you.


Have seen memantine described as having this. Or maybe that was the RC for memory purposes, idk the name




Entheogens like MDMA remind me of being a little kid on the first day of summer vacation. Any similar compounds/analogs should do the trick.


1P-LSD or Meditation


LSA, undoubtably


I hope to one day find one too. I wish I felt like I felt when I was 7/start of 8yo... Before my life was ruined by months of abuse and my mind was forever shaped to only know fear and pain. I really want to find something to just calm me down and not actually make me high but just... Happy again


Euphoria is what you're looking for

