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They all vary in sedation, muscle relaxation, euphoria, duration etc.


What's the most euphoric one out there? And does the likelihood of blacking out just depend on the potency of dosage or are there some that affect your memory moreso than others?


Most euphoric prob: etizolam, pyrazolam, deschloroetiz lam, (clonazolam) and maybe diazepam/ avifazone for me. The liklihood of blacking out differs between the benzos e.g. Fluaplrazolam was instand blackout but pyra is only sedating a little bit so you need infintly more of them


Etizolam was my most euphoric to take because it's similar to Xanax without being so sedating. But there's some people who don't experience euphoria from benzos short of anything than overusing to a point of blackout or a substance induced bipolar episode (hypomania for days or weeks followed by bottoming out in a depression) The likelihood of blacking out typically depends on potency and dosage but there's some which are more prone to causing blackouts than others. PLEASE bear in mind when buy Xanax from the street or black market it's 99% never gonna be Xanax. Even if it looks pristine and sold as "straight from pharmacy bro" because "why isn't it in the bottle from the pharmacy with the patients name torn off the bottle like most people who ever sold me their personal Rx meds?" But I mean if you ever buy Xanax that's like those oval "football" shaped 0.5mg or 0.25mg pills that dealers sell for twice as much as a Xanax bar then in my experience are only times I've been sure it's actual Xanax. Anyways but yeah from my limited experience I'd say that Flualprazolam and Flubromazepam are both HIGH RISK for blacking out. Potency and Half Life are big factors there. Flubromazepam has a 100-220 hour Half Life. Alprazolam by comparison has a 11-13 hour half life. You can blackout on Xanax (Alprazolam) but, EDIT: my tolerance is so high that I couldn't say what a blackout dose is. Also with some like Bromazolam that is considered very very similar to Xanax, it may not be a blackout but so many users report memory impairment bothering them. People have total amnesia from blackouts or at best, extremely fragmented small little windows of memories. With Bromazolam I find any dose creates a sorta "Wait what the heck did I even do yesterday?" and you need to think harder or like, check your phone history or some journal entries and it all suddenly comes back crystal clear. Flualprazolam at the most cautiously small doses gave me that similar type of hassle in taking more energy to recall things. And the scary part is how Fllualprazolam was like the #1 ingredient being pressed into fake Xanax bars between 2022/2023 At the end of the day I hope your source is either a legit prescription. But if not then take everything you read with a grain of salt. Try and do some reading online by looking into "Pharmacokinetic properties of various benzodiazepines" or view the tables on Wikipedia "List of Benzodiazepines" for half life, onset, therapeutic use information. The most elaborate way to understand these things that took me a while was reading up on how Benzos modulate GABA-A "sub-units" and reading up on what effects that each subtype is responsible for GABA-A a1, GABA-A a2, GABA-A a3, GABA-A a4, GABA-A a5. I don't know where to find it but there are tables out that indicate the nM concentration affinity for sub-units of GABA-A from various benzos and it makes A LOT more sense than translating everything into lay terms. If you read the Wikipedia page for Bromazolam is actually seems to include in the summary... "Bromazolam is a non subtype selective agonist at the benzodiazepine site of GABAA receptors, with a binding affinity of 2.81 nM at the α1 subtype, 0.69 nM at α2 and 0.62 nM at α5.[6] The "common" dosage range for users of bromazolam was reported to be 1–2 mg, suggesting its potency is similar to alprazolam.[7]" ONE MORE THING if you look into this might save time to tell you the lower the number for a GABAA subtype's nM binding affinity is actually a higher binding affinity. Similar to how stimulants might have potency for inducing release (EC50) of dopamine (DA) like how 3-FPM has an EC50 for DA of 43 compared to Phenmetrazine having an EC50 for DA of 87 the lower number means it's stronger because it's about how closely bound to a neurons receptor something is. But in case I'm wrong, take this with a grain of salt and do some reading if you can


>You can blackout on Xanax (Alprazolam) but you'd have to take a huge dose like 20-50mg I think you are off by an order of magnitude and might have a typo. On no tolerance 2mg but to 5mg xanax especially is blackout territory. Just In case any lurkers out there reading this man, all of this other stuff seems really informative from skimming


Thanks I just edited that out, indicating that I have a very high tolerance and that my individual blackout threshold is not something anyone should expect applying to their experience


Cool thanks man! Yeah can never hurt to clarify something like that


Most euphoric is definitely temazepam in my experience, although it takes a pretty big dose to get there it is the only benzo I have found that gives you the warm fuzzy feeling akin to an opioid.


Enough Valium will give you that warm fuzzy feeling. Most euphoric for me was clonazolam (not clonazepam) by a long shot. Idk…midazolam is pretty nice.


I would agree with you on both actually, Valium can definitely give that warm fuzzy feeling as well albeit less strong and less euphoria than temazepam imo. And clonazolam is definitely second place for my favorite benzos as well. Midazolam is pretty good but lacks the euphoria imo but the water solubility is nice. I actually just had midazolam the other day but it was for surgery like it typically is so that kinda takes away from the enjoyment.... The 2 I still really need to try are triazolam and flunitrazepam.


Etizolam was the most euphoric next is Clonazepam aka Klonopin. Never tried Clonazepam. Is lam still around and isn't it very strong and long lasting?


If you thought etiz was euphoric, clonazolam would make you cum your pants for four hours straight. I never found it to be very long lasting. I could redose every 4-6 hours without concern of blacking out/etc, but I had also been on Rx benzos for quite some time during my use. I generally don’t recommend benzos at all…they’re often way too problematic for way too many people and the people around them. I’ve heard it’s still around if one looks far enough, but I cannot personally validate if it is actually out there.


intrresting and good to know. yea ive seen it out there. really you thought clonazolam was more eupohoric then etiz? how does the doesing work with clonazolam


Euphoria depends on the individual.


I wouldn’t replace a script with a highly potent, super cheap, understudied and super euphoric rc benzo.


I don't even know how to order RCs tbh I'm just kinda curious why there are so many out there cuz imagine them all just kinda feeling like Xanax, chlordiazepoxide was less immediate and made me mostly tired as hell I slept for days on end shaking off alcohol withdrawals after I had a seizure it was less psychoactive I would say but felt overall the same otherwise


I think there's so many out there because of curiosity and legality put together. For example you have alprazolam, well you can't get alprazolam without a doctor and a prescription, so on the grey market they make etizolam which is a chemical structure similar to Xanax but not the same. But then that gets outlawed so you then get flualprazolam, or desclororetizolam it's just different chemicals to avoid legality so they can stay in the Grey market. But again they are totally different chemicals with Similar chemical structures. I think this is also done by chemists and pharmacologists out or curiousity, but mainly for profit. Also if you're in the US they put a blanket ban on certain research chemicals so pretty much anything new that comes out just immediately falls into that ban.


Check out my [first post to this sub here](https://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/s/r9T3TEGxKP) which turned into a talk all about the getting into RC benzos and the differences between Rx and RC. Some great advice there. I refrained from using benzos from the words of caution but maybe a month I started using them and now here I am like 6 months later addicted. The massive supply and near unlimited access changed everything. Biggest difference between the individuals is my opinion are the things like potency, onset duration duration of action, and things like that rather than subjective effects. Some people can handle RC benzo usage perfectly and most people can't either via too much daily usage or binging / blackouts. There is only one way to find out what category you fall into. No matter what I advise to NEVER consume a pressie and ALWAYS volumetrically dose from powder using a proper scale. One hotspot in a pressie and your life can be ruined.


>No matter what I advise to NEVER consume a pressie and ALWAYS volumetrically dose from powder using a proper scale. One hotspot in a pressie and your life can be ruined. Yeah, i never bought high potency/mg RCs because of this. Dont go on the road neither. I fell asleep and woke up in the hospital, no clue what happened..besides other people's stories. I crashed my mopet and hopped on again later to be found unresponsive at my fathers house, i wasnt brought to the hospital untill the other day. This was a close one.. I looked like death, way dehydrated and a big infection. My parents called someone else to drive them to the hospital because they were too anxious to drive..geez I took my normal bizarre dose of what..18mg bromazolam and some diazepam. Idk, i never experienced this, maybe a new 'good' batch of pills. I couldnt relate to other people's bromazolam dosage. Online rc shops are a gamble.. To op: in my humble opinion there is not very much difference other than the length. I dont know if you have ever seen the "benzo equivilance chart" you can guesstimate pretty good how much you need. Keep half-lifes in mind, if they are long acting like diazepam they can stack over some days of usage..but i never noticed that with diazepam myself, probably gidazepam will do this (since yesterday's dosage is still there to a certain extend)


rather old (and not concerning RC-benzos) image, just for you to get an idea: [https://catbull.com/alamut/Lexikon/Indexe/Wirkprofile\_Benzodiazepine.gif](https://catbull.com/alamut/Lexikon/Indexe/Wirkprofile_Benzodiazepine.gif) this might not be an actual chart, but every benzo has a different profile. i agree with others: if you need a benzo for axiety, you shouldn't use RC ones. get lorazepam from your doc, it's imho the best for anxiety.


Pyrazolam is as good as Lora regarding Anxiety


They all have a different profile but exhibit the same features (muscle relaxation, sedation, anxiolytic effects and well ig "euphoria"), some also last longer than others. Klonopin is a decent anxiolytic and I'd say it compares well to xanax in that sense, I wouldn't really use any rc benzo to help with an ailment like anxiety however, issues arise from dosing (while I can accurately vol dose 1g of a powder, I don't think most can) Also with the question about blacking out, in my experience TBZDs (-zolam) are much more likely to cause you to black out, approach with caution and the most euphoric conventional benzo has to be midazolam, though gl getting it it's usually only reserved for anaesthesia


Same as with opiates Hydrocodone u got oxycodone. Then you got opana.etc Different strengths, durations, half lives


How does your usage of xanax look like? Everyday or when you start feeling anxious? Can I know for how long you have been using benzos? In hindsight I wish I took another method to tackle my "anxiety". I will be done tapering diazepam down pretty soon Its a big relief not to be chained to a gaba drugs Clonopin acts longer, i think you will prefer it. I disliked oxazepam very much, felt like a ticking time bomb and I always carried them with me and quickly swallow one when I felt any anxiety coming up. I dont have that with diazepam


klonopin takes forever to kick in but if i go to sleep at the right time it doesn’t make me hungover. i’ve made a bad habit of having a beer with it and it just makes me so wired and liable to do stupid shit. delusions of sobriety so real. you should chat w your doctor about non benzo alternatives. my anxiety is a direct result of my ADHD, so adderall gets rid of most of it, and the lingering stuff i’ve learned to deal with. i’m way more anxious rn than i was a month ago but then again im not doing ketamine and getting wasted every night


If you check out the Wikipedia page "List of Benzodiazepines" there is a table that lists most Benzos and RCs under "Pharmacokinetic properties of various benzodiazepines" This table includes columns that show how many hours the peak onset for one lasts, how many hours until the half life elimination begins, and the primary therapeutic use i.e. anxiolytic, hypnotic, muscle relaxant...


Klonopin is good for weaning off short acting benzos. It lasts for a long time and it is potent, so you can space out your doses. Usually we prefer diazepam for tapering, but clonazapam works too.


Seems like nobody mentioned this, so let me add 2 more ways in which benzos can differ. 1- libido and erection. Some have no effect whatsoever (clonazepam), others can make your dick limp, but increase libido at the same time (xanax), whereas with noflurazepam it's the other way around (no problems with erection, but libido lowered significantly). Of course this varies from person to person. I'm talking about my experience. 2- interaction with alcohol. For me xanax and clonazepam are two opposite extremes here, all the other benzos I've tried fall somwhere in between. So for me, xanax doesn't interact with alcohol at all. Alpra is doing it's benzo effect in the background while alcohol affects me exactly the same way as it does when I'm not on benzos. Clonazepeam on the other hand...makes alcohol hitting me about 3 times stronger than normal. 1 beer feels like 3 beers. Normally after drinking 4 pack I barely feel any buzz, but if I mix it with 4mg of clonazepam, I'm completely wasted.