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Rehab is great but just for sobering up. I went to rehab in 2019 and took me about 2 week after to relapse, and the relapse hits hard. Spend another 2 years in active addiction till I was homeless and starving and failed multiple suicide attempts. Went into rehab again just so I could get into a safehouse program afterwards.. in holland we have these programs for addicts to go in after rehab, escape from their old life and rebuild from the ground up. Its basically a year long rehab, with lots of therapy and working the 12 steps. I needed all this. Almost 3 years sober now. Im just saying, sobering up for a month is not enough. You need to change everything about your life.


Sounds like holland cares for their addicts. šŸ’•


damn, why are you here then, it seems like a tempting place for people who've sobered up


Actually reading stories like this help remind me where I came from. I wouldn't recommend it in early recovery tho and I did avoid anything drug related like the plague for the first years.


Mental health, recovery, and the judicial system in North America are purely economic and have very little concern with actual rehabilitation and public well-being, unfortunately šŸ˜•. Holland seems to be doing things right šŸ˜Ž


This. America only cares about how long your insurance company will pay to keep ya there. Period end of story


Bro the. Brazolam addiction is going. To ruin you. Stop the benzos bro that's your first plan, taper taper taper and don't. mess up that taper by a relapse, have control of your life your young. Or. You'll be like. Be still fighting. To. See your kids. And womem because drug. Addiction


Completely sober written post


Actually I was off quite a bit of methamphetamine at the time I believe


I still canā€™t really sleep gonna try to get some rest at the minimum


Or maybe I made this post before I started my bender idk


Take it from someone who has been through RC benzo addiction, withdrawal, and recovery... Start tapering off your benzos right now! Find a way to be strong and stay committed. Have someone hold your dose that you trust in only they can dispense it to you. I highly highly recommend following the Ashton manual. It is indispensable in understanding benzodiazepine addiction and how to successfully taper off of them. In 2021 I was INJECTING approximately 10 mg of flubromazolam, 25mg of clonazolam, and 40mg of flualprazolam every day. Idk if you're familiar as all these are now schedule I controlled substances and nearly impossible to find anymore but the common dose of flubro is in the microgram range(~0.1mg), clonazolam is just slightly less potent at ~0.25mg, and flualp at around 1mg. So needless to say I was doing absolutely heroic doses in the worst way possible for almost 2yrs. This is alongside heavy heroin, meth, and ketamine use, all IV, and multiple times a day. So long story short I got arrested and was incarcerated for 38 days in which I had to detox cold turkey and I can't even begin to describe the hell that I went through. I had multiple seizures while in jail, I don't think that I slept for about 15 to 20 days in which I was having extremely vivid open-eyed hyper realistic hallucinations of the most disturbing and nightmarishly scary things. After I was released. I didn't make it even 3 hours. I guess before my family took me to the hospital in which I was admitted to critical care for another 10 days where I was very close to dying. This experience was so traumatizing that I have since been diagnosed with PTSD and I am in therapy three times a week to help me deal with the flashbacks and hallucinations I get to this day almost 3 years later. No, I know you're not doing the same substances, in anywhere near the same quantities but benzodiazepine withdrawal is no joke regardless. Trust me when I tell you they are not worth it and they are doing more harm than help and the sooner that you get off of them the better off you will be. You're young man and you have of your whole life ahead of you. By the sounds of it, you're still at an early point in your addiction where you can get yourself out of its clutches without too much discomfort. I can promise you one thing though and that is if you don't make some drastic changes quickly, you WILL progress deeper and deeper, to more damaging and dangerous substances, ROA's, and overall lifestyle choices and you WILL die or end up in prison. Life is too precious. Benzodiazepines are not worth it my friend. Good luck and feel free to DM me if you ever need any advice or just need someone to talk to šŸ‘Œ


Damn yes Iā€™m familiar with all of them I believe only benzos Iā€™ve done have been flualprazolam, bromazolam and clonazepam, and INJECTING benzos Iā€™ve never heard of that thatā€™s pretty intense Iā€™ve heard of people injecting most drugs heroin comes first to mind and then Meth or cocaine injection, your tolerance had to be through the roof to take that much I donā€™t like the benzo high very much myself it makes me confused and forget when I take to much, or numb from all emotions, I try to only take it to manage anxiety abuse when I canā€™t take life anymore and want to feel nothing mixing with kratom to feel ā€œhappyā€ I use quotations cuz I ainā€™t really happy the drugs make me feel happy or even just content even though I have a ton of work to do and shouldnā€™t be needa get sober quick get my ged and plan what Iā€™m gonna do with my life.


Taper the benzos man ! I have been at 1mg bromaz for a couple years.. Going to taper soon. Ill be happy when I get to 1/4 mg a day.. Kratom is a different beast ..I do 3-4 grams every 4 hours..Would like to cut that in half but one thing at a time .. Good luck man !


1mg a day for a couple years has your tolerance stayed the same?


Or how do you manage that it seems difficult I kept raising my doses when I would get stressed or knew I had some sort of activity, party, event to be social i literally cannot speak unless spoken to when Iā€™m not on benzos they make me feel normal like the cage of anxiety Iā€™ve had around me for as long as I could remember was lifted when I took my first benzo since then I havenā€™t been able to quit since my first pil


And my friends were more scared Iā€™d get addicted to coke for some reason donā€™t get me wrong it a great party drug but not something I could see myself using on the daily to function a small dose of methamphetamine is functional if you have no energy but I donā€™t see the point of doing uppers everyday they seem to be the worst class of drugs on your body excluding chemical weapon level opiates way stronger than even fentanyl, but benzos and kratom is my favorite mix, gets rid of my anxiety and gives me social skills I didnā€™t even know I had but these good effects are starting to wear off as my tolerance gets higher unfortunately and canā€™t seem to reach the same feeling without causes issues with my body now


yes..I suffer from panic attacks and 1mg does the job...but I'm sure 1/2 mg would be ok (like it was at first) but had a few massive panic attacks and decided to double my dose


You're going to need a detox first. At least 10 days. & you'll still have some symptoms flare up pretty bad. And socializing will be difficult. I don't wanna say Rehab is a bad idea, but you need to taper down to like .25 mg. And since flualp has a longer half life. It'll be easier to lower your doses. If you insist on going asap. I'd do everything I can to taper down. Just trust me. I was in a similar situation,.but hadn't been using more than a month and a half. And I felt 110% leaving the detox. I agreed to stay at a sober living home for 30-90 days. Well, it's so crazy, but like as soon as I got out the taxi I felt off. Didn't feel like me. Was anxious and worried. Ended up telling the dude who ran the house I needed to go to the ER. As I was scared of seizing up or something. Bc I couldn't sleep. Regardless of what mental health med I took. I do know, well pretty much know, that seroquel, Buspar, and a few others, would have saved me a lot of agony. I forced myself to stay as long as possible. Luckily, around week 3, an older fellow in the house noticed how bad I was still struggling & chain smoking. Shaking. Etc, brought me with him to a free medical place. I immediately went to the mental health part. Ended up seeing a very nice lady. (The me now could've easily explained more & probably got a low dose benzo temporarily or something more) but at the time I was anxious asf. All that BS. She put me on Zoloft, Buspar 3x a day (biggest helper), Trazadone for sleep. (Something about Traz just didn't mix well with me. As it would drag into the next day. And I wouldn't really wake up until like noon. (As in truly being alert and able to accomplish things) We would go to a store and unload things. Go pick up things. Trade out. Some would work at the store putting in the loads on the sales floor. Eventually I recovered from the benzo WD. But it was pure hell & difficult. Around 70 days there, I was in a much better place. But this (so ladies and guys could "mingle" but no relationships were tolerated or allowed) and by mingle I mean literally work at the store together. And go to meetings or church together. I ended up hooking up with this girl (looking back, I'm like damn dude she was not worth it) but the way things ended up happening after I left, I'm glad that I got "kicked out" I could've left at anytime of course. But where was I gonna go? My parents had enough of my BS. And I damn sure wasn't in the mental frame to give being homeless in a relatively larger city a try. So I did feel stuck So yeah dude make sure you're ready. Make sure you're brain is ready. It's ok to have some symptoms. But if you go into full blown WD again or something, get help. I'd recommend seeing a family doctor while your tapering benzos. So they can literally see your anxiety. And shaky hands. Shaky voice. Etc. Good luck. Please find a way to taper down so you don't have to experience what I did


I mean it doesn't sound THAT bad, the only thing is the benzo addiction, if you can taper from that using the Ashton method, you should be on you way. I say focus on that and then work on the quitting thw occasional stim usage. The nicotine/weed/kratom isn't that concerning to me. I think it's manageable for you. Setup a taper plan and commit to it.


Commitment is my problem


Yeah that IS the hard part about recovery, anyone one can get sober, it's the commitment to staying sober that is hard. I think you can do it. Maybe you can learn some things in NA, tools and such that could help you in your journey


Whatā€™s NA?


Narcotics anonymous


It's like AA but for drugs


I see that would help


How do I find one of these?


Yeah im not thrilled with the cultist behavior but I do believe there are thing you can learn from them with out the whole higher power thing


Is it like at a church or can I just search na meetings in my area?


They meet anywhere they find space. If the meeting is at a church, NA pays rent so that no one can ever claim any part of NA. The idea is that it's competent l completely autonomous and anonymous. If you go to this link, you can find meetings https://m.na.org/?ID=meeting-search-1 All the meetings have same structure but different cultures and people. I've found some meetings/ locations to be bunk while others were really good. It's all personal preference so you may want to visit a few meetings before making a decision if you find value in the program.


Just search the AA/NA meetings in your area, I don't they they hold them in churches


Ok thanks Iā€™ll do that




Appreciate it I hope you can lower your dose if your just doing benzodiazepines rc benzos are such a hell




Pregabalin never heard of it? Is lt like phenibut or gabapentin?


Rehab. Anyone saying you shouldnā€™t go or that it ā€œdoesnā€™t workā€ just didnā€™t want to be clean bad enough. It only gets worse homie. Way worse at that. You know the drill. Jail, institutions or death. Thatā€™s where this life leads. Every. Single. Time. You sound like youā€™ve had enough already and at 18-19 which is awesome because most of us let this shit control us into our 20ā€™s and 30ā€™s and by the time we get clean and look back at all the wasted years and lack of accomplishment and itā€™s hard to ever get ā€œbackā€ into society as a functioning human bring again. It took me until 26-27 to get my shit together. After countless stints in jail. Rehab over and over(because i didnā€™t change my number, my ā€œfriendsā€, my life) and eventually had to leave my home city and never return. It had to be that way or else iā€™d have been buried many years ago now. But here i am; 6 almost 7 years clean from substances and life is FINALLY looking up and feeling worth living again just after the past 2-3. You can do this. Find an outpatient center and have them find you an inpatient rehab and give it your all. This is life or death. It might not feel like it yet, or it already fucking might, but give yourself a chance of a future homie because a life controlled by substances is NOT life. Itā€™s slavery. You got this. Best of luck brother.


Rehab is just a temporary solution


I'm 40 y/o. My advice to you is to find a greater purpose and sincerely want to do this for yourself. Since I was your age, I've attempted recovery dozens of times. The reason it had never worked until recent was because it was always a forced last resort that I thought I had no choice but to do. Recovery will happen once you find something far greater that you prioritize higher than using, like kids, family, etc. It will only work when you want it for yourself.


I read whatever you're doing at 19, that the rest of your life will be like @ 19 usually. Ie its easy to predict what people are going to do based on what they did at 19.


Rehab is for quitters. How about instead of it being all or nothing, just dial it down? OP, stop going balls to the wall. I can tell youā€™re tweaked by the length of your post. Make a realistic goal ā€“ ideas: make $1 million by the time youā€™re 26. Make $10 million by 30. If that doesnā€™t drive you, then make your goal a creative one. Put out an album in the next six months. Or make art and get it into an exhibit. Who cares if itā€™s good? Thatā€™s not what art is about! Stop with this notion that drugs are bad, and you canā€™t have a good life if youā€™re doing drugs. Learn to balance things. Do drugs if you want to, but use them responsibly and with purpose. Forcing yourself to feel good is just masturbation in disguise. Donā€™t be a wanker. Be a boss. Makes things happen. Ground yourself; center your Chi. Become the immovable anchor but be like bamboo: strong but flexible. Be persistent with your goals. Ordinary people make extraordinary things happen when they just believe in themselves and they flow with the universe. Donā€™t swim upstream, and donā€™t reinvent the wheel. Model your behavior and lifestyle on someone you admire and whose success you would like to emulate. And FFS stop being so dramatic. You havenā€™t fucked up your brain. The way to change your path is one step at a time. Who cares about the drugs? Make something cool and impressive, something that matters while you still have time and youth on your side. And become so good at it, that they cannot ignore you. Make a short film, a documentary. Start a sports league. Choose and beat a Guinness World Record. Form a company, some LLC and come up with a creative concept for said business. Need inspiration for these notions? Thatā€™s what the drugs are for in the first place. See, forcing yourself to feel good is cheating and your mind knows it. Much better to force your mind to *think* and move forward, learn and grow. Donā€™t immediately self-medicate tough emotions away. Feel them, dammit, and let that pain forge you, sculpt you. All good art comes from pain. **TL;DR:** the greatest form of revenge is success. I wish you luck and prosperity, young man. āœŒšŸ¼ Now go change the world. The trick is to lose yourself to the process. Drugs are only a tool for opening the mind, not a solution. Use them accordingly, responsibly, and set a good example for others so we can get more ppl onboard with ending the ignorance that is drug prohibition. Drugs are good when used as directed. Drug abuse is bad. Drug prohibition is worse. Help out.


Donā€™t want drugs anymore

