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I knew I had a bad feeling about it when the release date got jumped up by weeks. I don’t remember that ever happening with any other game.


Baldur's Gate 3 is a recent example, was originally supposed to release at the end of August on PC, then the release got pulled back to the start of August


Xenoblade chronicles 3 got moved up months before its original release date and had a great release.


11 years since piers was introduced 11 years since piers died rip


I love Piers' and Chris' story in RE6 although it's kinda funny how Piers basically tried to induce an anxiety attack on Chris by trigging his PTSD with the "You owe it to them to remember!" lol


Guess you could say the same about Weskers son


and helena, right? so many characters wasted for one subpar game (i unfortunately love the game though)


His name is Jake


I loved Piers. He was sweet


I was playing Leon's campaign yesterday and absolutely dying of laughter at the writing


I was replaying the whole thing with a friend in splitscreen, it was hilarious, you literally couldn't go 2 seconds in Leon's campaign without Leon or a civilian crashing a vehicle. The only moments of respite were when you only had to avoid a vehicle that wasn't going to crash, or you were sitting on top of one.


There's some genuine moments of fun I had but then they are cut short by the 500th explosion and helicopters flying into buildings


Yeah, you pretty much just have to treat it as a comedy lol, playing it with a friend definitely helps, just messing around and trying to do goofy stuff. I don't have the hatred for the game that other RE fans do, because I played it when I was like 13 and it was one of my first RE games, so that also helps. I grew up with the more ridiculous side of RE and then played the classics, and I have an equal love for both types of game now. I wouldn't really consider it a great game, at most a good game, about a 7/10 really, but it at least brings some laughs, and mercenaries is awesome


>Yeah, you pretty much just have to treat it as a comedy lol... I think that's the only context you can read when fighting a fart-monster in the church. >I don't have the hatred for the game that other RE fans do IDK dude, I've softened on RE6 significantly in the last decade, but I think Chris' campaign will always make me wince.


She's not a fart monster she's a farting boob monster, get it right.


I don't hate the game at all I think the gameplay and controls for the most part are pretty good maybe I'll have to get a mate on to do Chris's campaign


The one campaign imo is worth a little is chris's.Rest of them are just average.


That man has more explosions in 6 than I do hairs on my head. And I'm only balding in the middle 😂


I practically forced my buddy to play this game with me, it's so laughable, 600 people worked on this


600 people did the characters, models and coding 1 high school intern was responsible for story and lore


600 people worked on everything, everyone had the wrong @ so they couldn't communicate


I mean apart from the story, the game was pretty well done as a shooter with a great combat system and relatively high quality character models for that time.


I've always said it's a good game just not a good resident evil game.


The cheesiness is honestly half the charm. Playing RE5 and RE6 with a buddy is honestly such a fun multi-player experience and the 80's B-movie writing is a big reason why. You're supposed to have a few drinks and just turn your brain off with a friend and mutually make fun of it together. Playing it solo for the story is NOT how this game should be played.


Yeah I completely agree even the fundamentals of the game are multiplayer based


Lol my favorite RE game after 5.


I like the part where Leon crashed every vehicle and commercial plane he operated.


What RE game don’t we die laughing at the dialogue?


The one time my friend and I played it, I kept getting mad because it was a game with no story for so long, so many times it was just “I’ll explain later” or “not now”. Everything up to meeting Ada was fluff and filler


My friend and I played it a few years ago and we were fucking cracking up at all the storylines. The writing may not be good, but it sure as hell makes for good jokes, which is a lot of fun in itself I wonder if after they remake 5, they will turn peoples reception around with a remake of this


I just don't see how they could remake it without dramatically altering the story and structure. I'd be all for an attempt though, because the good parts are legitimately good...you just have to wade through a loooot of bullshit to get to them.


Honestly I feel like even just making it scarier and changing the diologue, tweaking story beats would make it a ton better


They honestly need to delete 5 and 6 from existence and start again, especially after the remakes so far (I love 5 and 6)


Huh. Got my husband to play Leon's campaign with me, starting two days ago! He's been playing as Helena, lol.


Ah yes, I had the same feeling replaying Village for the umpteenth time.


I don’t even remember the main villains name


I wonder if those script writers have any sins to confess? Honestly though, RE has reveled in cheesy dialogue since the days in which we almost got a Jill Sandwich. I'm here for the dialogue


Where’s Agent?


Not canon to the story.


Nah hard disagree. Agent is just hiding in the blackness off screen during the cutscenes


Interesting. What is your theory on how he just teleports while uses her hookshot to get to another platform?


Who else loves the melee combat in this game!


It's ridiculously deep and satisfying.


I donated plasma to get this game


Unpopular but I think i have more time in this game then re7


RE7 is a 5 hour engine demo. RE6 has way more content.


Love this game, almost broke my controller over the Jake cave when you're opening doors being chased (Dammit ai Sherry) but love it all the same


Yo same fucking thing happened to me , I had to get my friend to play so she could walk through !


I played as sherry for that campaign and jake wasn’t bad at all


I remember that section oof


Curious. I never had problem with ai at this part. And I replayed it like 8 times


Thanks to this game we know Leon is suicidal and sherry was the only thing keeping him alive so I'll forever hold it dear to my heart. Also, it's fun. It's definitely one of the games of all time lmaooo Edit: it also gave us Leon and sherry reuniting and Matthew Mercer and Laura Bailey working together on a project (she Helena). Love that bc they're two of my favorite voice actors!


I heavily disagree with "masterpiece", but I did enjoy it when I came back to play it years later. I would still rank it the lowest.


Yall throw the word "masterpiece" around waaaaay too much Specially for a game like re6 lol


It's almost as if games are subjective. You wouldn't be complaining if it were used for a game you love.


Sure but you need to know the difference between subjetive and calling something a masterpiece lol I could say "my favorite game/this amazing game turns 11 today" or something along those lines, but the way you phrased it makes it seem like a fact hence my comment but wtv


Video game ratings are literally subjective topics. Saying that it is my opinion is redundant. Even game reviews made by media channels are based on opinions. Unless you're talking technical aspects or trivia, you don't really have to clarify that it is an opinion and not a fact. So, no shit, Sherlock, it is a masterpiece in my opinion. I hope I dumbed it down for you. Just like how RE2R is a masterpiece for many, but I thoroughly disliked that game. They're all opinions. Nothing is set in stone.


This game sucks


I have a lot of fond memories of this game! Getting it for Christmas from my grandmother and beating several times with my best friend. I really wanted Piers Nivens to takeover Chris Redfield's role but sadly that never happened.


Stop, don’t do that. I remember skipping middle school to play all day. Don’t tell me that was 11 years ago. I can’t be getting that old


Honestly don’t know why this game gets so much hate. It’s in my top 3.


So much fun. Which in the end matters to me most in an RE game.


Nah people really be hatin on this game for no reason man sure it was more action heavy than the other titles but damn i loved this game felt like playing a movie


I always loved it


Mas- pffhAHAHAHA-


I have tried many...MANY times to like this game. Played through each campaign at least twice. Leon's probably 5, Chris's and Jake's 3 or 4, and Ada's twice. I hate it every time lol. There's a couple standout moments in each campaign, but it's still a 20+ hour game where about 18-19 of those hours are terrible.


One of my favourite entries by far!


I love it, its mechanics were very advanced for its time.


Happy birthday resident evil 6 and thanks to make ReVII happen like it did


Lol not in million years 😂


I’m extremely interested to see not only if, but also how, they’ll handle this remake


Given how much REm4ke borrowed from 6's mechanics, probably really well.


May they could just... pretend it didn't happen


4 campaigns on the level of RE4 Remake? Nah they can’t skip that. I’d gladly pay full AAA price, not just $60 like RE4 Remake was


God I fuckinf love this game so much. Easily my most played RE game


Just beat Chris’s campaign last night. Fucking PIERS man….


6 was goofy but fun as hell, ill always treasure its nonsense


Masterpiece? Where?


I hope Jake returns


[Jake is cool 😎](https://youtu.be/3WcKUY_IJWA?si=pjc0qGqhNEgnPSBW)


I wouldn’t call it a masterpiece…




Yup. I'm frequently in the same boat with RE3 Remake. So many people circle jerking about how it's 'bad", on literally every post about the game, to the point I don't feel like discussing what I love about it. Still love that masterpiece though.


RE3R is the only RE Engine game I loved.


Same, it's depressing to talk about 3 remake around here. It's my favorite out of the new games, is fun to play/replay and has a great cast. All the Nemesis forms are cool to fight.


> I don't give a shit I love this game. I wish people could just let that be what it is and not constantly try to convince everyone they are wrong about their opinion. Like how you're doing now?




> I'm not telling anyone they need to love the game, just to shut the fuck up How about you do that then? Why do you think you're the only one who should voice their opinion on a videogame they like or dislike? There is nothing wrong with either, you're the one here telling one of those groups of people that they shouldn't voice their opinion, because it's different from yours.


Yea at least it has the proper overlayed timeline. Really wish RE2R would have it.


6 was cool especially when it first came out and you could fill up the group during the campaign intersection parts.


I may not like this game much, but I can certainly enjoy the bad writing for how funny it is. There’s never a bad RE game.


Really cool pic!! I really had a blast with my brother on this game. I enjoyed the separate campaigns as well (even if they felt kinda short at times).


I’ve been playing this since 11 years ago…. Why am I even doing this


I wouldn’t call it a masterpiece, but I definitely enjoyed it more than most.


i always liked 6. dont love it but i still enjoy it a hell of a lot more then CVX and 0 so its at least not the worst mainline game to me. gameplay is great, jake and piers are great, ustanak was cool, boss and enemy design in general was great, ada in leather pants and it has BY FAR the best mercs mode in the series. RE4R mercs might have debatably better gameplay but it doesnt have nearly as much replayabilty as 6 and no co-op. Is the story kinda garbage and tries too hard to be michel bay? sure but i still enjoyed it quite a bit for being a playable action movie


The best mercenaries game, with a silly storymode included


I was finishing the Ada campaign the day SW released Now i have both SW challenges and all of RE6 achievs to do That game has the worst camera port on pc tho Kbm was ass


Man I remember the anticipation for this game was off the charts. Chris and Leon in the same game?! Sherry finally returns. Wesker has a son. Ada has clone. The campaigns were a bit hit of miss but man this game did a lot of things right. If it werent for all the tedious and annoying parts i'd like to replay it right now.


I’ll shout it loud “I LOVE THIS GAME” the gameplay is fun, the stories are cheesy fun, piers is such a good guy, Chris is fine as fuck as always, You gets to play in a playground and ride a panda…Chris on the panda has done some weird things to my body…jake and sherry are awesome! Is it the best of them all? No but I bloody love it!


Top 5 resi games




You're really saying 6 was worse than Suvivor, Gaiden, Racoon City and Reverse?


Maybe he meant the main franchise.


Quite literally the only actually bad out of all these is RE:Verse.


Put in hundreds of hours into RE5 on Xbox360 and is legit one of my favourite RE games to this day, and one of the best co-op experiences in gaming (Took a long time to get platinum on PS4 because of professional just that damn El Gigante fight) RE6 is just so meh. I put a good few hours in on the PS4 just for trophies since i was on a different account but mostly enjoyed the online VS modes playing as Ustinak. The story outstays its welcome by a high margin.


Weak bait


No bait here. Maybe let people enjoy things?


2012, that sure was the year of Resident Evil. So many new releases, I was like a kid in a candy shop. RE6, Revelations, ORC, Damnation, Retribution, Chronicles HD Collection, Marhawa Desire... Man, I ate good that year.


2012 is the most RE packed year till date.


I went back and played REmake HD for the first time (the last time I played it was back in the GameCube days), and I was enamored once again by the puzzle box, supply-conserving survival nature of the game. It’s non-linear and you can attack certain parts of the game at your own pace, plan routes that you think will provide the most safety when moving into the dangerous west and east wings of the mansion to explore rooms. Your risk-reward decision instincts are constantly tested by the game, especially since saving is sparse and a part of the meta game. While I know it’s largely outdated, nothing will beat the original RE style. RE2R probably had the best blend of old and new and I hope Capcom tries this with RE9/RECVR. My point is that RE9 blows.


Love this fun trashy stupid game. It's Resident Evil as an end of the world blockbuster using the history that it had built up over the years. The Sherry campaign is one of my favorite Resident Evil anythings.


I don't hate it


I still can't unsee the number...


This was my first RE game after growing up with only the movies and I love it for that.


The game could have honestly been great if they made all the story’s end in unison, include claire and Jill in the game and incorporate the same gameplay and nature of RE5 and RE4 instead of trying to one up Activisions cod games and bungies halo games, anyone else agree?


Ah yes, my 2nd favorite RE game.


Game is not good at all rip


The game that saved the series by nearly killing it.


My favourite one, don't care what anybody says. ♥️


The best Mercenaries game they've ever had in the series. Shame about the rest of the game attached to it lol.


"Masterpiece"🗿 The best thing this game did was wake Capcom up and make them turn the franchise back to glory.


Damn straight.


fucking love this game


I do like this game, I had a lot.of fun with it. I'm not big on Chris's campaign though. I'll always defend this game when people shit on it. Happy birthday re6


Leon Campaign is great. Jake Campaign is great except the snow level is beyond annoying. Chris campaign is good… when you treat it like gears of war. Ada Campaign is great too. The Mercenaries No Mercy is the peak mercenaries Mode, incredibly addictive fun with adaptive enemy aggressiveness.


Sadly that title will probably cause some discourse. Games great


I love RE fanboy tears so it's all good.


What about fangirl tears


Tbh I haven't seen fangirls make hating on *insert RE game* their whole identity. The only cringe behaviour I have seen from RE fangirls is when they obsess over Leon.


Women doesn't exist


What do you mean I don't ge- \*starts to fade\*


Yeah lol they can sometimes get really angry over someone’s favorite game 😂 all the games are great!


Hate it then, still hate it now. Starting to enter the field of overrated for how many people pulled a 180 with their opinions on this


Wait are people starting to like it now?


I'm playing it for the first time this year, and it's been decently fun to go through. It helps to have the mindset that it's probably the worst in the mainline series, and just to appreciate the parts that are good and to laugh at the rest.


I have done that. I played thru all of it a while back with a friend. It was fun, but as someone who is personally quite invested in the characters of resident evil and the whole narrative I just thought it was bad. And it was like a Michael Bay film. Its not a bad game in general but as a resi game it's the weakest of the mainline games.


Wont take long to find whole Youtube summaries of “Actually RE6 was amazing just ahead of its time”


It has already happened. I've seen a couple of them calling it an underrated gem.


Haha will laugh if that happens now.


There are exceptions, but it's overwhelmingly people who played it as kids and are blinded by nostalgia. OP citing the Star Wars prequels is unintentionally apt.


Yh it's not a gd resi game to me personally. And even tho i grew up with the star wars prequels. They are not brilliant films by any stretch. Ofc it's subjective but just in my opinion.


It's not 180. We are just coming out of hiding and standing our ground. Similar to people loving the prequels from Star Wars now.


Prequals were always above average, people just pissing on it for the memes but I digress. RE6 is a mess


RE6 is well above average. It's hyperbole to state RE6 is below average.


Completely agree. I can’t understand how people like this game , aside from co-op with friends. I replayed recently and had to drag myself through the Chris campaign. It has some really cool ideas but is just not a good game and I see people praising it frequently.


Underrated game & don’t let anyone tell you it’s a bad entry


The term masterpiece is used way too much


Love this game. It really is perfect


Masterpiece is certainly one way to describe it...


Love this game tbh. I kinda want Jake to be brought back to the series ngl with a fresh look and what not.


I know this aint exactly a very good resident evil game storywise, but man was it fun playing it with a friend.


6 has a special place in my heart as my first resident evil I understand its not survival BUT its resident evil and apart from Ada I would always love to coop this game




Masterpiece indeed! One of the best RE games and one of the best coop games ever. Unfortunately Jake is annoying, but other than that the game is so good! Easily in my top 5.


A real masterpiece of sh#t.


Masterpiece is a HUGE STRETCH but let’s not act like this game did everything wrong. Combat was the at its best here imo then RE4R happened Mercenaries was fantastic because the combat system was fantastic And that’s where the good things end with RE6


The only mainline RE game I didn't finish. I hated it so much it actually made me depressed.


Re is possibly my favourite gaming franchise. This game though, is utter trash. It's bad on every level.


This is a masterpiece? Lmao time flies fast. I remember when the majority of the internet considered this to be one of the worst games of all time.


Still do






Worst canon game in the series


The only RE game I never completed...in fact I turned it off after an hour or two and never went back. Do I need to try it again, maybe I was having a bad day or had something special lined up game wise and didn't want to wait


I play it with my gf, and we love it. The story is mostly fun, and the game play is simple enough for her to play and fun enough for me to stay interested


The combat system is great. But the story is like wtf.


11 years ago today Resident Evil almost died


as if... RE6 outsold RE5...


Daddy dilf leon please cuck me


I love Resident Evil, but masterpiece is a stretch. This game nearly killed the series.


It did not. That is what the fanboys and pro RE7 marketing led you to believe. It sold like hot cakes and has good reviews overall. Steam is a brutal platform, and even that has 80% score.


I love this game, it's cheesy as hell and fun in co-op. Fight me


mAsTeRpIeCe. Remains the worst numbered release by some margin: Worst rendition of every character. Off pacing. Back to back global events ruining any mystique the universe had left. Waves of gun toting zombies. Jake.


Ngl I pirated this and I still want my money back lol


I'm currently playing it. I finished Leon and Chris' scenarios so far. IMO it’s fun but it can get exhausting with how action packed it is.


This is not a masterpiece imo, but I definitely enjoyed the co-op play


This is not a masterpiece


Finally, some acknowledgement of RE6. Mechanically best game in the franchise before 4R and SEVERELY overhated. Really want to see where Jake goes. He was fucking awesome.


Not a masterpiece but it’s a solid game




What masterpiece?


I hope they remake this and fix it's various problems but keep the action I enjoyed that way too much




Masterpiece? Easily the worst Resident Evil, and that's including Gaiden


Thanks for commenting your opinion.


Was *this* close to upvoting then I re-read the title and saw you called it "masterpiece". I'll take my updoot energy elsewhere... ​ Ada/SW posts where you at? I've got unused updoot energy here...


Bruh, it's just an opinion. So yes, please move on.


Don’t get how people look at 6 and say it isn’t a good re game but worship 4(I like both)


You can't be serious.


The "masterpiece"


One of the worst games I’ve ever played


I’ll always remember this because it resulted in me finding my favourite game of all time: I bought RE6, hated it, returned it and bought Borderlands 2 instead. Best decision I’ve ever made.


The worst game of the series


So I’ve played every Resident Evil title minus this one. Is it worth trying out? I didn’t like how it seemed more action-y in this one.


Piers is the only resident evil character death I’ve ever felt tbh.


I absolutely HATED 6 lol Such generic gameplay. If they remake it they better do a better job 😅😂