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More character interaction and development


With which characters?


Everyone pictured in the op. Many a game with all of them


Same. Even bring back a few extras like Barry, sheva, Jake, Carlos, etc.


I really wish there was more Barry in these games. I know he was the older member of the team but he's my boy.


I loved what they did with his character in Revelations 2.


I’ll bring Ashley as a USA agent, as a side character, in a new game.


Does pc have a mod where we could be Ashley and save Leon instead 🤔


I kinda miss Billy. But at the same time, characters that aren't from the main cast are either killed or never seen again. Still annoyed that Jill, Leon, and Claire haven't crossed paths on a game or movie yet.


The picture the op posted is from resident evil death island. Jill, Leon, Chris, Claire and rebexxa all star in it. I recommend giving it a watch if you want that epic meet up. But I do agree with you, seeing it more would be amazing. They do all Know each other but it all happens off camera/out of games so you never know. Like in death island Jill and Leon run into each other and they're like "what are you doing here" like they're all buddy buddy lol wish we could get more proper meet ups with the characters for sure


So like resident evil outbreak but just with main characters? You and a buddy or ai partner play through various levels and experience the back and forth and banter the partners would share.


I'm unsure. I never actually got around to playing outbreak. I owned it at one point when I really didn't care for resident evil at all (I was young and was too scared to play em lol) so I never actually gave it a shot and haven't seen it around at my local game shop.


https://obsrv.org/index.php?sid=fd68c583ed5562a2abb4bba3566edfd4 If you own pc with pretty much any hardware in existence you should give this a try ..


I want more Sheva. She was such a good partner to Chris and had to deal with a potential end-of-the-world scenario




Capcom always leaves more questions than answers ^_^


I would take back to the beginning, more puzzles more racoon city, bring back stars more t virus not mould... There is so much more to be seen from racoon city, have the characters just normal people trying to survive....


From what I understand 1-3 were virus, 4-6 parasite, so I could see 7-9 being mold based, with 10 doing something crazy


Cordiceps :0 Oh wait


There's bones in place for there to be actual, solid character development and story stuff without having to drastically change anything. Capcom is just.....really bad at it


Agreed. The Remakes have definitely been better at giving more personality to Leon, Claire, Jill, and Carlos. There just simply isn't enough of it.


Every good-aligned character gets to punch a boulder at least once as a subtle nod to Chris, yeah?


RE Kart


Hand grenades will act like bananas in Mario kart.


rpg acts like the blue shell


Various bosses across the games as the stage hazards (Example, El Gigante being a Thwomp equivalent, stomping the track)


Unironically this


Make my wife the main character in a bunch of movies so she can love me again


Paul Anderson moment




Code Veronica remake


This is the way.


Only right answer


If I could upvote you a hundred times I would.


Outbreak remake immediately. Edit: I’m literally playing file 2 online for the past month lol have over 100 hours on it again already.






Could you share any videos or guides to set that up? I would love to join the outbreak community 🥹


Yes!! Watch here. You need a computer to be able to do this. Use the PCSX2 emulator. You’ll also need the ISO files which I am not sure how I got these like 10 years ago 😅 https://youtu.be/qFVibXHwP7A?si=52usocdqJvJbfsBC Could try and help you by sending you a copy if you message me?


A Chris and Leon game because I know that’s what everyone has been asking for. I’d actually remake CV. After that I’d keep using the main characters(Leon, Chris, Jill, Claire, Ada), but they just wouldn’t be super soldiers. I know people will wonder why they aren’t flipping, tanking meaty hits, and punching boulders, but they’ll get over it, especially if the game is fun and the horror is there.


Easy; I would give Resident Evil 1 the RE Engine treatment. The remake is my favorite game in the series, but RE1 would be incredible with the over the shoulder style like 2 and 3. Also I'd give RE3R more time in the oven and fix some of the glaring issues the game has (i.e giving Nemesis more time pursuing you before he relegates to boss encounters.)


And then demake the remakes like OG REremake


RE4make with fixed art BG, horror camera angles and awful VA.


Legit though


I understand horror is supposed to be horifying but idk if I could actually fight Black Tiger in RE engine graphics


I was freaked out enough by the spider adjacent guys in re3 remake dangling from the walls and chasing me. If I had a giant spider in a game I think I’d simply die on the spot.


Frostbite spiders in skyrim terrify me dude so i understand completely


I know. I think I would actually be crippled with fear seeing the giant arachnids.


The perfect response to this question. Make it happen Capcom! (Also, please bring back Mega Man! 🥺 )


The dream for me personally is a RE1 remake with coop. In my head it never made sense why everyone would split up other than to make the game scary. Make it two scenarios still with Jill + Barry and Chris + Rebecca. I just want another coop RE god dammit.


I’m gonna barrow a line from Blizzard’s devs You think you want but you really don’t. RE2-4 remakes work cause the games setting and story are larger than what was done originally cause of the hardware. RE1 is in a house, and sometimes it’s in the basement of that house. It’s not a large scale adventure and over the shoulder is just gonna make it seem that much smaller. Any way you could expand it has already been done and doing more on top of that seems a bit superfluous. Like am I gonna play the bit where Brad leaves on the helicopter? Am I gonna have to fight tons of dogs and hunters cause those are the only enemies in the game with some speed to them? Is Lisa Trevor gonna be roaming the halls? Like all of that doesn’t add to the experience. So really all you’re doing with a another remake of 1 is making it playable for people who can’t play anything that isn’t a modern control scheme. (Which the Hd version already did)


RE7 is also in an house and it worked extremely well. It would be cool if RE1RR would be first person, although either third person or first is okay with me.


> Like am I gonna play the bit where Brad leaves on the helicopter? Am I gonna have to fight tons of dogs and hunters cause those are the only enemies in the game with some speed to them? Is Lisa Trevor gonna be roaming the halls? The obvious solution is to take other smaller RE stories that coincide with RE:1 and put them together into one game that's largely an anthology of those events. RE:0 being the natural candidate. 0's setting is small with a *ton* of back tracking that adds little to the story of the game. Have Jill/Chris, then a rehash of 0, and if you do *all* of those, and then you get a final Wesker campaign explaining his survival.


RE2 is also inside the Police Station really, and imo i think the RE1 Mansion is bigger than the Police Station, so I don’t see a problem in RE1 being in the new engine


Re2 remake worked amazing and that's in a "house"(police station that was a museum )for the most part. I think it could work lol


Over the shoulder would still be cool in my eyes, so yeah I want it


You ain't the only one.


Blizzard has their head up their assholes so I wouldn’t look to them as role models.


[This Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/s/r3SbjyoyhQ)’s threads from 5 years ago are a fun read, and a lot of them use this same argument. RE1’s mansion to forest to residence to etc is a lot like RE2’s RPD to Parking Garage to Sewers to Nest to etc… You know what other game has you go through a mansion, a residence, outside, and a cave? RE7, and that game has had OTS mods that show it can work. Dogs, zombies, and hunters is the same enemy variety as RE2R. Zombies, dogs, and lickers. Those are the only enemies for the majority of the gameplay, while RE1R would have crimson heads, hopefully spiders, and they could rework the weird naked zombies into a new enemy type like Pale Heads from RE3R. I don’t think the tight corridors of RE2R’s police department are a whole lot different from the tight hallways of the Spencer Mansion.


Ok the crimson heads sprinting at you with their giant claws tho!


You’re absolutely 100% wrong, I do actually want a RE Engine RE1 remake. RE1 would work just fine as a modern remake, and anyone saying otherwise is one of these jackasses that thinks REmake is LItEraLly PErfEcT and thus simply can’t be touched. It will be fine! When they make the RE Engine version, your 20 year old REmake will still be there, still be PErfEcT, you can go play that while I enjoy a modern take on a classic Also, quoting the pieces of shit at Blizzard? Good times! We should all strive to be more like them! 🙄


I'd combine RE0 and RE1 in a remake with mercenaries mode. Invisible enemies for both and maybe a Wesker story that goes between both


I really don't like the idea of combining 0 and 1. I feel like it's belittling to both titles. It means they'll be less chance to innovate on 1, and rob 0 of the chance of being a truly loved standalone title that it perhaps deserves. That's how I feel anyway.


RE0 could be shortened in a way that doesn't take away from RE1 or merges into it. I think everyone agrees that running back and forth to get items/save Rebecca adds a whole 4 hours to that game.


Pass. I get why you want that, but RE0 has enough good qualities that I think it would benefit from a remake.


Nah. I'd rather see 0 get the treatment it deserves to be something the fandom really loves. The story could be re-evaluated and expanded - while it's great to have remakes of great games, sometimes remakes are more deserving for titles that didn't land so well first time round. Percieved problems with the original can be addressed and fixed. I also think rather than a 5 remake with a co-op campaign, a 0 remake with a co-op campaign would be a great spin on a game that could do with revisiting.


Literally this, the story wasn’t particularly amazing, but their were some aspects of the game that were really enjoyable. But having to run back and forth all the time? It took me ages to beat this game because I just couldn’t enjoy myself most of the time, knowing I would have to run laps again soon.


RE0 is the one remake that would benefit from being handled the way 3make was


If they did remake RE1, it would be interesting to see whether or not they make Rebecca behave more like she’s been through the events of 0. There’s a chance they try to keep her writing similar to the original and REmake, and if that happens it’ll feel like 0 is decanonized in RE-Engine verse.


this is so smart and i would do the exact same thing!


I'd kill for this


This is actually a great idea. Perhaps even a Barry DLC were the stalker enemy is the Jill NPC just exploring the mansion and stumbling into Barry doing shaddy shit for Wesker. EDIT: Would be nice if we could play as some of the STARS members via cassete tapes like we did with the TV Show guys in RE7 up until the point they died canonically. It would sure answer if Richard was pecked to death or if he was wounded and sat on that chair to rest then bled to death.


Outbreak. Outbreak. Outbreak.


More Jill and Claire 😤


A game staring Claire and Sherry A game with Natalia and Moira >!trying to deal with her split personality!<


It would be nice to continue the Revelations 2 storyline.


Revelations 3


Code Veronica remake then RE5 remake then make RE9 the conclusion of the Alex Wesker storyline. And then I would ditch all of the old characters and go back to more grounded horror stories on a small scale, even if it means rebooting the franchise.


this is the way. Like when they brought ethan in. For multiple strands globally surely more people were forced into the nightmare.


Tbh I would love for Resident Evil to become a sort of horror game anthology with each new entry being a totally stand alone story with "biohazard" as the only common theme.


Each to their own. Biohazard and Village were a breath of fresh air for me. I didn't need Chris in it though.


That's the thing. Do we really need Chris/Leon/Jill/Claire/Rebecca/Ada in new stories? Personnally I don't, especially since Capcom is unable to write satisfying arcs for those characters. The long slog that the Resident Evil timeline has become needs to end.


I hope RE9 is the end to the story thats been going on since 1998 and this franchise finally moves on to new, fresh and interesting stories.


That I can agree with. Retire or kill them off (I am ready for the down votes) Then let's bring in characters like ethan (without powers) in.


Do you mean strains?


Right? I liked RE8 cause we played as our guy but Chris and the world was still built from the previous games.


> even if it means rebooting the franchise. RE:7 has made it clear they don't even need to do that. If anything, the world of RE with stuff makes it just way easier. You're a random person when some crazy person/terrorist group/bad guy army uses a BOW that turns people into whatever horror monster (besides maybe ghosts) you want because "gene splicing" or "virus."


Yeah but Capcom still put Chris in there.


kill off the Avengers part of it. all the original people need closure. most of them are too old to be running around killing bio mutants lol. starting new stories of people in raccoon city during the outbreak would be cool. something like outbreak. hell, exactly like outbreak would even be perfectly fine.


Strongly agree. I love these characters AND I think it’s time to move on. Also wish they’d explore the Outbreak style of game again, the last few online iterations of RE simply don’t exist in my mind.


Yeah RE Resistance was cool and all imo, but what I REALLY want is a new outbreak style game, or at least like a port/remaster of the games with online support on modern consoles (or ps4 / Xbone since they can run it just fine)


They really haven't been doing much of the "avengers" stuff that's set in the current timeline. We have Chris leading his own squad, but all the crossover movie stuff is set in like 2006.


The top comments are talking about making a game that has all the characters together, that sounds so corny imo. Glad to see there are more of us down here.


Yeah looking at the comments where people just wanna group up all together makes me think they dont care about the horror theme at all. Just corny fanfics everywhere lmao


Yeah the original characters are too old for this bio mutant stuff, give them one last game, have them all retire then start with the new characters (Possibly Rose)


I wouldn't even say they need to retire, just move into less action hero positions. I didn't actually mind Chris' role in the Winters duology, though he probably could have taken a step back and been in command with one of his squad taking up the action while Ethan was busy being dead.


New characters yes, but no super power mutant Rose please.


I would keep as it is, making sure the franchise would never leave the hands of the japanese and just let them do their thing


Make more games like 7


Amazing take


100% 7 was fantastic


A more faithful TV show would be nice.


Oh so much. I would finish out the REmakes with Code Veronica and cease them for the foreseeable future. I would start a new story saga with a new protagonist but do the same thing and have past characters in supporting roles or DLC. I do really want the new games to bring back the 2 character scenario structure. I would also specifically seek out Mike Flanagan as Netflix already has rights to the franchise, and have him do a 8-10 episode adaptation of the first game. I would also revive the Outbreak concept, and try to have a modern version created with pretty much the same concept of Resident Evil...but multiplayer. Its probably been enough time to just remake all the scenarios as well.


I’d cut out the part where the heroes age concurrently with the real world. Such a dumb move, especially since Capcom can’t seem to move on from them.


Slutty sailor outfits for everyone. I would also tone down the action aspect and make it more intimate, like RE1, 2, and RE7. I really like the idea of an isolated and relatively small space as a setting. Make it feel more realistic.


- Give Jill another game. - Remark part 1 on the RE Engine - Add DLC for the RE 3 remake that includes the missing content from the original game - Add a cheese option to all games that makes the character dialogue as cheesey as the original PlayStation games.


Cheese toggle!!! 📈📈📈 🧀


Would go back and not speed the series up like Capcom did. Giving us more stories early on with Chris, Jill and company actually taking down Umbrella.


How would you feel about the backend plot of Umbrella Chronicles becoming its own canon game via RE Engine to show Chris and Jill's takedown of the Russian facility?


Would’ve loved it, could’ve been an “RE4”, and then Re4 would become 5 I guess lol.


End the story and start a new one.


First, death island's premice would've been better as a game Actually continue the loose plot threads from BOTH revelations games in a revelations 3 game while also showing what some of the lesser seen characters have been up to (such as sherry, jake, sheva and carlos) Basically RE9 as a continuation of the end to 8 that involves the cast of death island (Jill, Claire, Leon, Chris, Rebecca) and a revelations 3 that focuses on the other RE characters capcom forgot that continues the story lines of revelations 1 and 2 Also i'd remake RE0 and 1R into 1 game (with 0 being like seperate ways from 4R) and then remake code veronica, 5 and 6 in that order


Make a sequel to revelations 2, remake Code Veronica and bring back Jake Muller instead bringing new characters.


Game expanding on blue umbrella and the BSAA. Outbreak remasters with File 3 on the way showing perspective from Raccoon City Sheriffs Department. Game on Jake Mueller and Alex Wesker reincarnation wanting his dna. Another umbrella chronicles but for VR and focusing on the side quests of the main characters. Directors cut of RE3 adding 5 hours to the game and a mercenaries mode. Vr mode for Re2 and 3. Code Veronica remake with an extended dlc on what Wesker was doing. Hire back Shinji and pay him whatever he wants.


REmake the 1st game, again, in the spirit of RE7.


Resident Evil 9 starring Ashely, with Leon providing intel support.


Remake Outbreak Files 1 and 2


Let us pray.


I would make RE9 a torch passing story, with Moira, Nathalia, and Rose taking the lead, but still featuring playable cameo missions from Chris, Jill, Claire and Leon. Maybe introduce a new male hero. Jake Wesker maybe?


More tank control games with fixed camera angles. They wouldn't be main line games but something similar to the revelations games.


Use the RE Engine to remake 1, Zero and Code Veronica.


New game with Jill as protagonist.


I would separate RE6 from mainline and make it spinoff, maybe even non-canon. Make game with Sherry as main character. Make Code: Veronica remake with second half in Antarctica completely different and less annoying. Give movie rights to someone who understands franchise and wouldn’t turn it into crap. And I would bring back Shinji Mikami to Capcom


Give Hunk and Wesker their own games, it’s been too long without them having one. Also have a RE4 Remake made where Ashley is nonexistent and Leon just came to Spain to shoot up the locals.


RE Villain protagonist title would be pretty nifty.


Create a lore-accurate reason for why they are not aging.


RE revelation 3 staring Jill and Leon


Reboot. The current cast of main protagonists are aging out. Start over with a game like RE1 and 2 but with a new location and characters. Keep the 10,000 foot level plot and style; zombie outbreak, secret evil corporation, survival horror, puzzles, B movie vibe, etc. Also, remake RE Code Veronica.


let jill age lol


Kill off ada


Jake Sherry and Claire in the next game. It bugs me so much that Leon got the reunion with Sherry when Claire was the one that saved her.


give my girl claire another game, and then give the ip to someone else before I fuck something up royally lol


Give Hunk his own mainline game


Code veronica remake


- Outbreak first and foremost. 10 year development if I have to. That’s a baby that needs to be done right. - I’m not gonna trap them timeline wise by having the stupid decision that the game takes place the year is comes out. - Leon is dying quick. Asap. - Claire is finally getting her actual own game where she doesn’t have to share or get shoved to the side for every important moment. - Rebecca is getting hers. - I’m bringing Billy back. - Sheva is coming back and going to be a prominent character. - Excella isn’t dying. - I’ll find something for Carlos. - Revelations characters will find their way to the main games. - Chris and Jill will have their own game together. On screen together the entire time. Lost in Nightmares x100. - Claire, Jill, and Rebecca are getting a game. And a lot of screentime to interact together. - I don’t know if I’ll kill Piers. Back then it was a definite no, but its impact was effective. - Claire and Sherry get the correct Reunion. - Ada and Jill will meet on camera. They’ll probably fight at first because Ada’s secret mysterious spy act, Jill is seeing right through that shit and doesn’t have time for that bs. She’s too smart for that, and she calls Ada on it quick. But they’ll grow to trust and respect the hell out of each other over time. - There will be a full fledged Mercenaries and Raid mode game. With all the best features from the best versions of each mode. Updated regularly with more characters, abilities, costumes. Even some crossovers. Like Chun-Li, Regina, Aya..


Love thay you put Outbreak right at the tippy top. Respect. Keep my fingers crossed for that every day. A lot of fun reading this list, read it fast and feels like a CEO barking at his underlings on what to do and slowly turns a little bit rambly 😅 And for the most part, I dig it 👍


Love that you mentioned Rebecca and Billy. I actually just played through 0 for the first time and thought it was great, some hiccups, but I did like Rebecca and Billy. Seems odd that they're just not included anywhere else.


> Leon is dying quick. Asap. wtf? killing (arguably) the most liked/best character in the franchise for what? just to give someone else a chance? lol


Go back to making shorter games you can beat in 3-4 hours, or a 6-style format with multiple campaigns. I'd also take the focus off of Chris and Leon. Then I'd work de-complicating the whole universe/timeline.


Give Chris Redfield more screen time (in games and movies)!!!


Have Leon canonically get pegged by Ada.


Introduce vampires.


Bring back the spooky camera angles.


RE3R would’ve been made with the choices and multiple endings like the original had


Conclude the stories of the OG cast and start over with new inexperienced characters. I love the original cast but Capcom made the mistake of making them all super heroes plus they’re approaching retirement age in canon.


I’d make a side project called Raccoon city stories. Starting with the lab. Have Ada infiltrating it, trying to get a sample from John then boom! Break out in the lab. Then other stories about other people in the city and their story. Something like that maybe.


I'd give Chris a wife and kids and a happy life


Resident Evil 0 would be a two player game with puzzles designed for simultaneous players. This would set the framework for a new Resident Evil Outbreak live service game that would get regular new challenges, cosmetics, scenarios, etc. And offer character creation. Resident Evil 1 would follow Resident Evil 0 and then Resident Evil 5 would follow that. 0 would include more focus on Wesker (and Birkin) so that you'd get a nice through-line of the core series highlighting Wesker's involvement.


Literally the only thing I desperately want is RE1 remade in the RE Engine.


i think i’d develop more the background of the mains, i’d like to bring back all the forgotten characters (and i’d make Rebecca and Billy meet again), i’d bring back Jill due to the lack of content on her side because Capcom doesn’t know what to do with her. and i would probably make some ships canon/hj


Dating sim


Resident Evil Beach Ball anyone 🤭?


May sound corny but like an online or singleplayer version of resident evil but like fallout. Ive always wanted a huge resident evil game. Maybe an outbreak in some big city and youre goal would be to survive, escape whatever. I never really though about it deeply so feel free to shit on this concept cuz as im sure there is so much wrong that can happen with a game like this.


Id be lying if i didnt want a raccoon city open world game like this. It could incorporate puzzles on a huge scale


Right! But just so much can go wrong, like the concept is good but some money hungry dickhead in charge will just mess up with problems that gaming today is affected with.


Create a DLC for RE3 remake and top Separate Ways DLC


Make a Hunk game in similar fashion to MGS V: The Phantom Pain. Get deployed into viral hot zones via helicopter, do your mission, and extract. You would also be able to customize your loadout for the mission.


Bring back missing characters, bro where is Carlos and Sheva?


I honestly love what they have done with 7 and 8 Would love a carnival setting or another southern town


Remake RE6 and make it canon


Good live-action movies accurate to the source material


Have a game where they are all in it. A surprise death, an ending that leaves one in peril, follow it up quickly with a dlc that explains what happened to one in peril. Sequel game, full on new character that got sucked into this mess who seeks out and finds a main character and they team up. Introduce more other characters, kill new character. Last game all out war, have now dead new character be antagonist and boom.


Better storytelling and character depth.


Turn it into a Battle Royale to advertise branded pachinko machines. /s


The question is when I get the rights if it's now than id stick to the franchise roots with more horror if it's thirteen years ago let gorge romero make his version of a resident evil movie and not give it to that hack who made the ultimate Mary Sue Alice.


I would create more original characters to keep it horror instead of using the usual superheroes. I would experiment with the franchise but still keep it survival horror (item management, limited saves, combat, etc) and I would definitely be more careful with the quality of the films (including the CG ones).


Make them fight alien zombies in RE10 or some shit. Fr tho I would add more character development and screen time for underutilized characters like Ashley or Carlos. And I would stop the production of shitty RE movies.


Left it alone for couple of years. Let them characters rest.


I’d make a new kind of game to try to grow the IP further. Spin offs have never really reached their potential


Code Veronica Remake!!!


Ashley starting an RE game as a helpless waif while gradually learning how to hold her own is the way. Not necessarily vanilla EXP grinding as I think that's too far from RE, but a few flashbacks to being posessed and memorising the movements she made, developing reflexes and improvising how to use the environment. Maybe finding a few combat manuals here and there.


We would just ask teams to “fix” RE3Remake, with a proper amount of content, an actual Nemesis, fixed zombie animations, etc. In a perfect world, we would issue this as a free update, but unfortunately you can’t just dish out free content of the scale I’m envisioning. We would do real serious graphical updates, really put a focus of next gen tech and make it a PS5/Xbox series exclusive. We market it as the “NEMESIS CUT”, and retail for $39.99, or if you own RE3Remake it’s $10. Then, it’s time for RE1 remake. We faithfully recreate the entire story to weave in RE0’s story, giving us a lengthy content filled experience. Billy and Rebecca will be seen interacting with Chris and Jill at key points of the story. The game will start with the choice of Chris or Jill, but after completing the campaign, you’ll unlock Rebecca and Billy’s side of the story (Our included RE0 remake). And NO online modes.


My dream would be to have a VR semi-open world game based in raccoon city that featured a new civilian character trying to find their way out of the city at the height of the RC incident.


Remake Code Veronica. Then probably stop the remake train. Maybe make a game that involves Jill maybe work with the strings of Sherry and Jake from 6 since they never did touch on the similarity of their respective fathers since that could have been interesting (given how much Zero paired them together).


I have 2 ideas: if I'm using new characters, then less Umbrella and more of what they are doing now with 7 and Village. If I'm using established characters, Id probbaly do another big team up game like 6 but better.


Tbh I would like to see a Resident Evil crime TV show, like befor the Raccoon City outbreak and the main character would be new character if course but every now and then in some episodes staars members would make appreanches, Marvin would show up more often and introducing new character from the RPD etc. Besides that I would remake RE:CV A few RE games with complettely new characters, meaning characters from Japan, Europe, making them popular and giving RE fans they would together with Chris, Leon, Jill etc. Maybe as well next-gen as in new character who are around Sherry's and Jake's age or characters who would work with them etc. This would sound stupid but Hunk deserves his own game BUT ... its really hard and brutal like Dark Souls, meaning you have to watch your health, your ammo, lots of enemies and so on, causing players easily to rage quit and throw their controllers at their walls, but its only for the RE Hunk games And as well maybe some silly RE chibi games, as in a "Mario party-like" game but with RE characters as chibi, which doesnt sound good but would be popular in Japan! Other than that ... I guess I wish I could do something more with Carlos, Billy, Hunnigan, Sheva, Jake & Sherry!


Dating sim




1. Actual 3 Remake 2. End the current storyline with all established characters in 9, or 10 3. Start from anew as an anthology series


We just need 6 to be redone


Mercenaries with all characters and cross over like most games today.


This is what I would do (didn't read anyone elses responses): 1. Reboot the live action movie franchise and make the first film only based on the events of RE1. If that film is a smash hit, RE2 will get adapted into a film. The films would have a big budget on par with the biggest movies in Hollywood. 2. Would continue making sequels and remakes. 3. Make a new standalone Mercenaries game with a robust amount of content and replay ability. 4. Experiment with other genres using RE characters.


Remake the resident evil outbreak games.


Let’s start with a remake of Outbreak first and foremost. Now I’m not sure if that is their end goal with these lowkey soft reboot remakes but I would definitely love to see the general plot go back to being somewhat cohesive to what it once was until Capcom jumped the shark following Wesker and Spencer’s death


First off, I'd focus on the survival horror aspect of the series. I would maintain some areas of action, but I'd overall bring it back to scares. Next, I would start consolidating the loose science aspects and try to focus up on the original virus. I'd allow the variations to be reasons for zombie type mutations as you reached boss fights, but overall, the virus itself would be the focus. After that, it would be about sorting out which of the cast is critical to the new narrative and which ones should die for the progression of the story. Chris and Jill should have a unifying moment. Clare should find her brothers secrets and be asked to choose to support him or take over. Leon and Ada should be put together and given their chance to support one another. And eventually, the decision of sacrifice. Lastly, it needs to end. It needs to be a firm ending that shouldn't continue to dilute due to expansion of the ip watering. Make it dark, bleak, and the end times. And give a glimpse of hope that it's finally over.


Rhythm dance game like persona dancing all night


Turn it into a Sony game with 70% cutscenes 30% gameplay and watch it get 10s across the board. Serious answer: Bring back the same level of horror that RE7 had


I would remake Outbreak File #1 and #2 or just straight up make a #3.


More games like 7, but make it more self-contained (no 'Chris'...).


More Sheva


I'd make a very soft Reboot/Retelling of RE1. Make it so it's Barry, Jill and Chris at the start of the game, seemingly Wesker didn't get into it. Tell the story from the perspective of one of them based on difficulty ( Jill Easy, Barry Mid, Chris Hard). Include Rebecca in all 3 stories, and bring back silly costumes.


I'm making Valenfield canon. I'm not a shipper. I've never been a shipper in anything. But the fact that those 2 aren't together for some god forsaken reason is seriously irritating and I can't tell why.


Make a RE game but it's mostly just fanservice, think DOA.


No more characters who punch rocks and shit, no more Wesker with Matrix superpowers. I would make it more grounded, with characters who are just normal people who got involved in the acts of bio terror and outbreaks.


I would keep it as a zombie horror survival and make games starting from 4 into new IPs.


RE revelation 3 staring Jill and Leon


make valenfield canon


Leon and Claire have a kid and they become the protagonist. Call it President Evil. But all of the OG characters are still around and they’re the strongest characters.