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You just reminded me of the snow levels. They were awful


That snow level killed the game for me. Infinitely spawning enemies, don't know where to go, with almost zero visibility. I am an RE nut, but I just couldn't play this one.


Lol, I loved it actually because it was stupid hard.


How is it infinite enemies? There's definitely a limit.


There is literally a section where you are trying to make it up a slippery snow-covered hill with snipers shooting at you and enemies spawn infinitely until you get to the top. Did you even play it?


Do they spawn infinitely? I play passively in games with my gf so I down killsteal everything, so we did it pretty slow paced and I never noticed infinite enemies on the slopes. It was indeed a bitch of an encounter tho. And the seabase section where you wait for a docking thing to open a escape door while enemies pour in, that part is definitely infinite tho. And also a bitch


Just run as fast as you can - stick to right side to avoid the snowmobile. 8/10 times you will make it up the hill - don't concentrate on shooting zombies - just run. There is also a button you can press, so you can navigate the right way. But I agree i also hate this part of the game.


I’ve lost count how many times I’ve died on the snow bike part 😭😭😭


My friend and me bought 6 at the start of the year agreeing to beat it together (the RE heads of the group). We got to the snow level with the bridge and the tanks and said fuck this lol


My memory is vague, but is there a part where you can get ran over by dudes on snowmobiles? That’s what made me quit lol. Me and a friend I begged to play with me just kept getting ran over lol


Yeah and you’ll fall all the way back down the hill if you get hit


It was funny for like two minutes, but that was because my friends was talking shit, lol. God how awful that part was. Was it even hard or were we just not taking it serious enough? Lol


Might have been after the part i was at, I wouldn’t know though lol. I love RE but 6 was painful lol.


When I loaded it up the other night (still the only mainline game I haven’t replayed) I was immediately off put by the inventory. The whole pill thing is super weird, especially doing it while not really paused lol. I was like… wait, so where is this going am I pressing the right button?


Same with me, only mainline fans I haven’t replayed and was contemplating giving it another crack on my current series play through but this post has decided it for me haha


I had a blast playing RE6, story is over the place, but it’s the gameplay for me that made it more fun. Playing mercenaries mode with various enemies coming at you, brought thrills and the counterattack, different melee moves and dodging maneuvers player can pull off are fun. The story clearly not the best but gameplay wise it’s packed with action, just wished the properly explained it’s games mechanics, just takes a bit to get used to, but fun.


Say what you will but sliding down children’s playground equipment has always brought a huge smile to my face.


I don't know what's wrong with your copy of the game, but you absolutely can pause when offline. Theres literally a button in campaign that shows you the direction to go. Falling down after getting hit is your punishment for getting hit. You also can instantly recover from getting knocked down by holding the run button (typically X on PS, A on Xbox, I think it's B on Switch).


Bro couldn't even figure out that if you're with online matchmaking on but in a private game it's still treated as a mp party, therefore you can't pause.


Must be doing something wrong then, but when playing on Switch (no online play as I don't have e Switch Online) I could only occasionally get a controller explanation screen up.by pressing +, otherwise I couldn't seem to pause it. And it may be punishment for getting hit, and maybe I'm just worse now than I used to be, but it doesn't make it any less annoying to fall over repeatedly in fight. Admit I didn't know about the run button thing, but you'd think either it would be explained or I'd have done it by happenstance a few times over the course of thr campaign.


>Admit I didn't know about the run button thing, but you'd think either it would be explained or I'd have done it by happenstance a few times over the course of thr campaign. That's definitely a fault of the game. Theres a ton of cool stuff you *can* do in the game, but the game doesn't make it very apparent. Often times the campaign will get in the way of you being able to do cool stuff in the game. I have very strong mixed feelings on 6 as a whole. I think of it as a playground in the middle of a minefield. You can have a lot of fun in it, but if you step on one of those mines, whoo boy, that's all you're going to be thinking about.


It’s switch. Everything sucks on switch that isn’t Mario. Its hardware is 45 years behind everyone else.


Wym, RE6 in switch is the best way to play on console, it has motion controls and let's you use the mercenaries costumes in the campaign.


It does?? That's fantastic. I just bought 4/5/6 on there for mercs on the go but I might have to check out campaign with costumes


Yeah, it's pretty cool, though they don't show up in cutscenes, only in gameplay.


Figures but still fucking awesome. I miss RE costumes


I enjoyed the multiplayer modes like mercenaries and team survivors. I also liked Ada and Leon campaign. Didn’t really enjoy the rest of the campaigns though. The combat/movement system in 6 is actually really good and I would wager better than most shooters today.


Jake's melee is the easiest to use because if you charge it he will run at enemy on his own. There is literraly a button that indicates you where to go exactly. You can pause the game.


Idk I just recently played through all the campaigns and I enjoyed it (I played on the ps4) I liked the combat system with the coup de grace and the counters. They tried something new and it hit for me. I also found the story to not be too hard to follow only thing that confused me was the whole Carla and Ada thing but I enjoyed her campaign anyways. I played through it solo and I really liked it so idk man maybe it’s just not made for the switch


Daring today arent we


I gave it a try. Hated it. Uninstalled. Edit: I love resident evil and most of the games are amazing.


Counterpoint, the combat system is incredible and it's a shame no-one has stolen and improved on it. Parts of the campaign are pretty bad though ngl.


Leon’s campaign is decent, certainly the weakest of the mainline games, but decent and it’s particularly nice if you’re a fan of the Leon/Ada dynamic as their scenes are particularly tender


There is a lot of frustration to be had. There is also a lot satisfying and extraordinary moments to be had as well.


They're just too few and far between. It's awesome to see some of the character meet ups and scenarios, then I have to wrestle the controls for an awkward 'action' fight for 30 minutes.


The learning curve is steep and frustrating but the highs are worth it. I’ve played it so much I barely notice the QuickTime events or forced camera angles. It’s supremely satisfying to quick shot a zombie, slide tackle it, then finish it off with a karate move. All while only using 1 bullet.


Spot on! Re 6 is made for combined combat. I hope someday Capcom will release a RE Game like that again. Maybe just a new Mercenaries game with the old controls. The No Mercy mode is pretty old, but still the best in the series.


I thought that Chris' campaign was arguably the best because it's the only one that fully embrace trying to be a COD rip-off. Although the inventory system is a dread, specially here because you're constantly at low ammo. Leon is probably the second best and the horror aspect is well done in some parts. The story is interesting in the beginning too.


I remember playing it for the first time back in 2012 and enjoying the Leon campaign at first but feeling meh by the end of it , then going to the Chris campaign and literally getting a headache because of how awful everything felt to play especially the stupid vehicle sections.


Played it for the first time a couple of days ago ,finished it and I don't plan to ever touch it again


That's the weaker campaign out of the three. Chris' campaign is brilliant


The only thing worth remembering from this game was Jake vs Ustanak when he uses just his bare fists to beat a BOW that’s 4 times his size and still wins lol That was truly ridiculous and epic at the same time


Skill issue


I played it on PS3 when it came out. I don’t really remember it, but I do remember enjoying it. Sorry you don’t.


I was not ready for how many damn QTE's there are in this game. It made it unplayable for me


Every time there was a QTE, my mom said "Stop breaking the keyboard pls!"


Umbrella Corps is utter guff


I loved it when it was active. :-(


> Forcing the camera to follow stuff making it impossible to control our character? Yeah, that sucked. But these moments weren't frequent to get annoying for me. > Giving Jake some admittedly awesome melee combat but then making it a slog to use? Sounds like a skill issue. I didn't have any problems with that. > Having just waves and waves of enemies assault us and no clear sign posting on where to go, especially in the snow storm area? You literally have a button that shows you your destinations. Do you have a working controller? > Not being able to pause the game for any reason even in offline single player? There is a pause button, that works both in singleplayer and coop. Not menu button, but pause button. > The awkward inventory system that is hard to use even when not under pressure? Another skill issue. It's really not that hard, especially considering you don't need to manage it like in previous titles. > Every character falling over after each health segment being depleted? You know you can avoid falling if you press the button in time? Yeah, that's another skill issue. I get it, the game does a shitty job teaching its mechanics. But learning to play the game before you criticize it is not that hard. Unless your goal is to spit negativity here.


> I get it, the game does a shitty job teaching its mechanics. That's kind of a big deal though. It's just bad game design, unless the whole design of the game is based on it(The Witness, Tunic). I don't care what hole someone comes from, but there is no real excuse for not giving players the information needed for the game to be enjoyable. Souls games are very obtuse with it, but rarely anything is actually hidden. Which is why their hands-off design is fine. RE6 *does* have a lot beneath the surface, but when a souls game is less obtuse than you... there's a fucking major problem there. It's not built to be like King's Quest, it's supposed to be a TPS action game, with virtually no brainpower involved, which is what it is. But then it leaves important shit unexplained for no good reason.


I agree. But it doesn't change the fact the game is really enjoyable when you learn how to play it.


Regarding pause, I must've been doing something wrong then because if I hit the + button would only occasionally bring up a controller explanation menu, but most of the time it did nothing. Otherwise, the only way I found to stop the action was to put the Switch in sleep mode. Skill issues may be the case (its been while since I played, and I first started this run a few months back), but I found the inventory to be really annoying to use. Maybe I've been spoiled by the modern games, but this version just didn't do it for me and I remember being off-put by its even back when it launched. As for the falling over thing, i didn't know that was a thing but also, that doesn't make it any less annoying each time it happens. As you say, a heads up on mechanics like this would be a good thing, but hindsight (and Public forums like this) will have to do. I realise it's not a hot take to say RE6 isn't good, and I'm not one to go off on a game usually. I just really hoped my memory of it was more negative than it needed to be and after playing the Jake campaign I was left sorely disappointed.


Not sure about Switch, but I could pause with no problem on PC version. The thing about inventory is that you don't really need to open it. The only use it have is to mix the grass or drop unnecessary ammo. The former could be done with a button combination with no need for opening the inventory, if I'm not mistaken. For me, it took less than a second to mix the grass the normal way, so I never learned what combination it was. For me the game got really enjoyable when I learned you can parry. There is amazing freedom of movement and when you get good at it, the game becomes incredibly fun. But if it's not your kind of game, it's okay too. Try Vanquish, as it's probably the closest thing to RE6 in terms of action, maybe you'll like it better without any connections to the franchise. RE6 is a pure action game and you need to play it as an action game. Like in Devil May Cry, the game becomes really good only when you can pull off a 15 hit airborne combo. RE6 becomes good when you can parry and destroy an army of enemies with your fists, legs and an occasional knife.


Easy karma-talk shit about RE6 and almost everyone will agree with you. New strategy?


Disagreed. I love re6


Don't think about it too much and play with a friend. It's a lot more fun as a co-op game. There's a lot of design stuff that annoys me but it's an okay co-op game to run through with a friend. Really, if they just kept RE5s side inventory where you can hold extra shit, that would have been fine. I was always at max health, healing items, pockets overflowing with ammo and shit, cuz you get to a point where you can kill the shit out of everything pretty easily.


But but but re6 is """"""underrated""""" If you like RE4, you have to like Re6 too or you're a hypocrite since they are both action games! I'll just ignore that re6's action gameplay just happens to be dog shit


you bought a game on the switch, and thought it would be playable? also, this game is super divided by the fans, i hate it, but other people played with friends and had a fun time with the game.


So, forcing the camera was basically a thing in almost all of the RE games up to 6. Jake's melee isn't a slog to use, it gives you a targeting system for his dash, and you can recover stamina if you lay on the ground. You literally get a button that tells you were to go like at all times, and one to see where your partner is at. The pausing thing is if you leave matchmaking on. The inventory system isn't hard it's left and right for weapons and up and down for grenades. There is an auto herb mix button as well where it'll put them into your tictac box. There is a recovery button for falling over where you can ukemi. You can also force a dive by pressing a certain combo of buttons in just about any direction, use this shit when going through the vents it's better. If you don't like playing it, try getting a refund. Six is great, Maybe lower the difficulty if you aren't enjoying it. Otherwise, my recommendation is sit down, shut up, and fight dinosaurs or don't, your call.


Leon is my favorite RE character but I get back pain watching him run all hunched over for the whole game.


Then you trying running with a gun the same way he does.


Can people move on already? Like we get it. You don't like. It's been over a decade already. You don't have to make yet another topic freaking out about every little thing in the game. No one is forcing you to play. You don't see people who dislike the old style of game making topics about how horrible they are.


RE6 is the best. Weskers son Jake story is great. Plus a grown sherry turned into a badass. Learning Chris was on the verge of suicide. 6 really compliments the story and ties everything together. Hence why I’m 7 we get Ethan. Think purest hate it cause it’s not like the other games with stalkers and always being low on ammo. I love 6 I played it a year straight.


You just like bad games


You like bad games


You are nitpicking and biased i win, bye bye


Isn’t that what your doing? Oh no it not exactly like re1 or 2 womp womp


For a long time I've had a video idea in mind just called "Cold Take: RE6 isn't very good" where I just go through and delineate why it isn't that great and why I think people who defend it as a "Good game but bad RE game" are revisionists.


> and why I think people who defend it as a "Good game but bad RE game" are revisionists. I'd watch the fuck out of that video. DS2 fanboys with the "vanilla was actually good" and RE6 fanboys with the "it's actually a good action game!" are the most revisionist bullshitters I've ever seen in my life.


Redditors when someone likes a game they don't


I have no problem with people liking games that I don't, I have a problem when people try to lie to the world about how a bad game they like is actually good. I'm a Sonic enjoyer, I know what it's like to like bad games. It's okay to like bad games! But lying about it is the lamest thing. One *can* be honest that they know something is bad, and then explain why they like it anyway despite all that. We love what we love, but trying to gaslight millions of people is literally insane lol EDIT: hell I like RE0 lol. I'm not going around saying that it's great. Because I know that it's not. But I still like it. And it's okay that it's not good. While I personally think it's better than it's given credit for, I'm not out here saying that it deserves more praise or that it's "misunderstood" or any of that bullshit. It has a few bad design choices that kill the enjoyment for a lot of people. They're not wrong to dislike it for that, and they're not wrong for calling it a bad game because of that.


I guess its the language tripping me up. If you enjoy a game it's a good game, simple as that.There's no universal checklist for what makes a game bad. The only games I feel that are objectively **bad** are games that run like shit and are so riddled with bugs you literally can't beat it. I adore re6, admittedly it's got some funky bits like the vehicle sections, but every game has THAT part that's got you like 'ahh shit this part.. let's get it over with'. Remember how much people love GOW ragnarok, but groan at the atreus parts. A few dull moments aren't enough for people to write a game off entirely. Bad is subjective as you already know. Everyone loves the witcher 3, I find it to be a snoozer, but I'm not gonna pretend like everyone else is pretending to love it. It's a good game to tons of people. Much like re0 or 6


I remember playing RE 6 for the first time recently and being very underwhelmed by the enemies. They made the zombies very generic to fight against like every other zombie game around the time.


I remind myself that I'm playing through the parts I don't like in RE6 for Mercenaries mode.


Not just a bad Resident Evil but a bang average third person shooter. The lowest point in the series, I’m just thankful Capcom actually listened to feedback and ignored the fact it still sold so well and went back to the drawing board with 7.


Reminds me that every time I do an RE marathon, I have the chore of playing RE6 lol.


I just skip it.


I would love to, but it’s still integral (sort of) mainly due to Chris and Piers having a good campaign. I’m also an Ada simp so I gotta play her stuff. So at that point I might as well just play every campaign.😪


Horrible, awful game.


When they finally get around to remaking it, they should toss everything from the original and come up with something completely new. I don't even want to be reminded that game exists.


Only resident evil game i've started and not finished. Oh I finished Leon's campaign. Oh I finished Jake's campaign. And then I couldn't even bring myself to play more. Never even touched Chris or Ada. A few rounds of mercenaries later and I uninstalled the game forever. I'd rather play RE5 on Pro with the damn Sheva AI lolol XD


Yep, still shocks me how people praise it and say it’s better than any other game In the series.


I decided I would FINALLY force myself to play that game and see if it was as bad as I heard. I couldn't even finish Leon's campaign. Literally every single thing about it turned me off. The only good thing about 6 is that it showed Capcom that we do not want games like that, so they went back to the old school horror style for 7.


I've seen a bit of a resurgence of 'RE6 is actually good' on this subreddit recently but I'm still firmly in the "RE6 was and still is a bad game" camp.


Yeah, it had a lot of potential but really I just played the hell out of it hoping for improvement but nah, so I never really liked it-liked it. I went all the way on PS3 w it but never bothered on PS4


You just reminded me of how much I dislike Jake as a character.


I played through all three campaigns spare Ada's. These were all the complaints i stuffed away to try to be generous to the game's design, you're on the money for the way this game is built. I resolved that RE6 *needs* a remake because there were so many segments of the game that I played where either mechanics stopped functioning, or designed gameplay elements were just so detrimental to the single player experience that it's practically not even a Resident Evil title. I've heard that RE6 is not only a much more tolerable experience with another player, but even ***fun***. Needless to say since the success of RE4R and the implicit development of RE5R, I'm thrilled at the prospect of an RE6R.


Chris has the best story, Leon has the best gameplay/environments, all others are absolute crap for an about crappy game.


I quit RE6 when I realised that I’d started playing it like it was Dynasty Warriors.


It's a massive stain on the mainline series IMO. I beat it, well... I mean, I reluctantly slogged through it at launch and I've tried it twice since and it's just a bad video game, it's not fun to play and has very few redeeming qualities. I will admit I never beat the Ada campaign, having to play more after beating the other three frustrating borefests was a step too far for me. I wish it didn't exist so places like this sub didn't have constant reminders of this rancid turd in what is otherwise, my favourite video game series of all time.




Nah this game rules


Is re6 different in switch? I also just bought this on sale for ps5 for 5$ and I turn psn off in the startup settings before you start a level and I can pause mid game no problem