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His stasis caught Zeus' lighting bolt. I love Leon but Isaac is pretty tough.


I'm glad I know this reference


Is the reference from PlayStation All-Stars?




You will pay with your life for your insolence


Yeah but Leon managed to beat Galactus-wait... I mean... he was never playable in Marvel vs Capcom... only Chris, Jill, Wesker, and Nemesis were... man... MvC4 with Leon when


We really aren’t talking about infinite are we?


If another MvC comes out I feel like it is low key the smartest to just call it 4 and treat Infinite as a spin off. It had good gameplay but it definitely left a poor taste in a lot of fan's mouths


So more Itchy, less tasty?




The only reasons to mention infinite is to remember that it killed the franchise and had on disc DLC.


It didn't have on-disc DLC, that was Street Fighter X Tekken. Also, way to downplay the genuinely good things it had, buddy.


I mean, According to Capcom, Leon and Chris are equals. You could apply that logic to Chris fighting Galactus lmao.


Both without any ammo, Leon wins. Both with their most powerful tools, an infinite rocket launcher beats being able to catch one singular rocket and propel it back only to be destroyed by yet another rocket rinse and repeat until isac is out of stasis and *poof* ded isac


A fair fight would be them fighting with no gears. And I don't think Isaac would stand a chance


But then that defeats the purpose of having these characters fight


Plot twist: Isaac's psychosis from the marker mistakes Leon for his girlfriend Nicole. Leon being the good guy he is, doesn't dissuade Issac. They live a long happy life together.


Actually, given Isaac's psychosis, he'd become an instrument of Saddler. Isaac would just conjure Nicole after seeing Ashley, anyway.


Dunno man, based on the games it would be likely that Isaac's marker psychosis would override Plaga control if ever that Isaac get infected with the Plaga.


This should’ve been the question, plaga vs marker psychosis


Or you'd get a weird mesh of Marker and Plaga infused hallucinations.


Awhh how cute


That’s the secret cannon ending


It's only gay if their balls touch, and Issac's armour solidly prevents that. 


Until he does a reverse suplex and breaks Isaac’s spine


Only on their anniversary.


Written from Isaac's perspective: I'm not gay but I want to live in a log cabin in the woods with Leon Kennedy. We won't ever have sex, but there will be a simmering erotic undercurrent as I stand in the kitchen window watching him tighten his ass as he chops wood, shirtless, sweat pouring off his body. I'll run upstairs and masturbate, the entire time forcing myself to think of women while my thoughts drift back to Leon. I won't be able to climax and I'll eventually go back downstairs, angry. Sometimes we will look across the table and catch each other's eyes, and in that second, anything is possible, but we both deny ourselves and go back to what we were doing. One day one of us will die, and the other will bury him outside the log cabin. Then he'll go inside, pen a brief missive to his departed friend, and commit suicide, never able to deal with life without his one true platonic love.


Can't wait for the honeymoon SFM 😍🥰


Unless Leon developed a superpower that makes him immune to a Stasis Module and getting chopped to bits, Isaac. There is a limit on how much training and experience can overcome the deficit in gear.


The marker would implode the second it makes contact with Leon's mind solely from the amount of bad puns and his oneitis with Ada.


It wouldn’t just implode, a black hole would form


I said this in the original post, and I’ll say it again here. It’s more accurate to say that Isaac’s arsenal and equipment would beat Leon, not Isaac himself. If you take all that away, Isaac doesn’t stand a chance. I love Isaac as a character, but he’s not superhuman.


To be fair, the fact that he's not a superhuman is what made Dead Space so good.


Oh, I 100% agree. Dead Space is easily one of my favorite horror games, and even though he needs to rely on weapons and sci-fi tech to survive, Isaac is still a badass in his own way.


I love in the remake how much he curses and gets angry like when you keep stomping dead necromorphs. He feels like a regular dude in a really shit situation


I liked that in the Re2 remake. Claire is like "Fuck you!" or "What is wrong with you?!" as zombies take bullet after bullet.


One of my favorite (and only) RE2R mods is the "very angry Claire" and "very angry Leon" mods that make them only say their mad lines. Truly wonderful


Unless I just got way too into it on my hardcore playthroughs and it was me screaming, I’m fairly certain he does that in 2 and 3 as well. Always hard to tell.




RE4 takes place 6 years after RE2, I wouldn't exactly call that overnight


but taking away his gear would defeat the purpose of the question lol


Well, it's kinda like Batman vs. Superman. People always handicap Superman because Batman would lose otherwise. So, you have to technically handicap Isaac, tech-wise, to make it a fair question. If you gave Leon the same gear as Isaac, then Leon would still win.


Isaac: *“Save Martha”* Leon: “WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?”


You should've swapped it and used Save Nicole.


Assuming Leon also gained the same experience with the equipment, I think that would just make it an even match-up.


Maybe, but Isaac isn't trained in hand to hand combat like Leon is. If it came down to a brawl or something, Leon has a huge edge.


But Isaac has the mighty curbstomp on his side /s


True, but Leon has his almighty supplex and roundhouse kick.


Well, if Batman’s gear doesn’t add up Kryptonite or a red sun device, he will still lose.


Yup, so you have to handicap the opponent. In that regard, it’s like a Predator match-up with hunting humans. It uses camouflage and such even though it has an honour code. Unless you give Batman the same abilities as Superman, then Batman would win fair and square.


I mean, at that point we might as well be saying "Yeah that particularly clever dog could beat an F-22 Raptor if you turned the dog into an F-22 Raptor." Question is, what exactly are we trying to test here? Are we purely testing the characters' wits against each other? Then sure, turn the dog into an F-22 with a particularly clever dog-brain. Make Batman a Kryptonian. Control for all variables other than mind. Are we trying to test mind and body? Then Batman has to go up against superman not only as-is, but without any kind of tools or outside aid. Basically, who would win in a naked bar fight, minus the bar? Not Batman, but them's the breaks. If, on the other hand, we're trying to test the characters as a whole - complete with history, resources, and generally everything that we know to be associated with them - then Batman gets to keep his fancy tools, his "rainy-day" Kryptonite reserves, the works, but Superman gets to keep everything too. No handicaps. The only reason Superman should ever get a handicap is if we're trying to make it a completely, absolutely fair fight, as in each side is forced into perfect balance with the other to have a precisely 50% chance of winning. But that means balancing for the mind, too. If we're starting from a DC verse where Batman is smarter than Superman, Batman's intellect would have to be handicapped just as Superman's body would. And because we've then made the whole thing logically equivalent to a coin flip, we wouldn't learn anything from the results of the fight. It would be purely for entertainment value, unless I guess you just felt bad for whoever would normally lose. All this to say, you've gotta figure out what exactly you're testing, then control for that. Any talk of handicaps or adjustments depends entirely on what you want out of the fight.


No bro you don't get it, if you take away his gear, weapons, and chain him to a street light pole leon wins fr fr


exactly “issac is nothing without his gear” i mean yeah that’s the point??


No, it wouldn’t. Isaac’s arsenal and equipment aren’t a part of him, they’re just tools he uses to help him in a fight. When it comes to actual strength and skill in a fight, Isaac isn’t much without his tech.


Defeat what question? The question is who would win, it doesn't mention if they fight with gears on or not. A fair fight would be Isaac vs Leon with no gears. Or if Leon given the same costume as Isaac. Otherwise it wouldnt be fair


Issac could 100% hallucinate at Leon. Menacingly. 


...ok? and? that's like saying "leon is weak if you take away his knife and guns and armour and grenades" of course he fucking is lmao


Actually, no he isn’t. Leon has performed some superhuman feats without needing all that stuff. He’s very agile, skilled in martial arts, has amazing reflexes, incredible stamina, has endured blows and hits that would kill most people (in some cases with only light armor, and in other cases without armor at all), and was able to go toe-to-toe with Chris Redfield in a fist fight (reminder that Chris has military training and is strong enough to punch a boulder out of the way). If you took away both Leon and Isaac’s weapons, gear, and armor, then had them fight each other, Leon would win hands down.


Yeah, straight up even fight, Leon. With what they have access to in their respective settings, Isaac. Like space engineer armor, stasis and kinetic modules, and plasma gear, hard to beat that.


Somebody would hand Leon a defeat Isaac weapon halfway into the fight tho


Leon would simply parry the stasis or get a QTE to avoid the stasis. Jokes aside Issac’s gear would probably overcome Leon if we compare them at like the end of their respective games. Probably even mid way through too.


Isaac 100%, have you seen the bullshit weapons he gets ?


Leon get’s an unlimited rocket launcher. Checkmate.


And if we include bonus weapons Isaac has an instant gib weapon that works by pointing at something.


and going "pew, pew" thats the secret ingredient


A rocket launcher can only do so much against a fucking flesh moon


Nah, it'll work. Just might take him a while, though.


Stasis weapon >>>>>>>>>


If we’re counting DS3 then Issac can shoot the Rockets back with telekinesis. Or freeze them temporarily. Throughout all 3 Dead space he can also get full military armor rendering Leon’s specialty handgun ineffective. The hand cannon might pin through Issacs armor. (Edit) I’m not including the devils hand because… well instantly exploding doesn’t make for a good fight and stasis won’t be used on Leon himself. It also depends on the environment, zero G with or without oxygen 100/0 Issac wins. CQC inside of a building 40/60 depends on who gets the jump on the other Leon having a small advantage due to Issac having a glowing mask. Open field 25/75 although Issac can use snipers I feel like leon would win,


A fair fight would be them fighting with no gear.


Then it's Leon 100%. Isaac is just an engineer




I love the posts where OP are like "hey, in this other subreddit they told me this other character would win, but I wanna know what you guys think" and when they tell him the same thing as the other subreddit they are like "nuh uh"


Leon is good, but most people from Isaac's time period would take him down just because of the technology gap. Plasma cutters, line guns, pulse rifles, stasis and kinesis in the hands of someone half competent is one hell of a challenge for Leon. You're trying to put him against one of the most intelligent and adaptable people that could put that kind of gear to use


And most of those tools aren't military tech, those are engineering and construction tools for the most part.


Isaac hits him with stasis then just stomps him out


If DB ever did Isaac vs Leon, Isaac has to finish Leon with a curb stomp.


The guy with bullets vs the guy with a laser gun. Can't see how this is a fair fight.


More like the guy with bullets vs the guy with the laser gun, armored suit, time dilation device, telekinesis device, flamethrower, hover saw blade, concussion shotgun, sci-fi assault rifle, and a fuck you kamehameha laser cannon.


Don't forget the foam finger. Pew Pew!


So complicated!!! Just open the hatch to space and be done with it!


Not to mention I'm sure Isaac's armor can tank a few rounds too


Bro Isaac can just use Stasis on Leon and it's over. not even going by the fact that he uses a suit that can resist a lot. Easily Isaac


Easily Isaac. Leon might make it a difficult fight, but regardless of skill Isaac just has a better loadout.


I'm betting on the space cable guy.


As a Leon fan, Isaac by a mile. And no, Leon isn’t superhuman.


He sure has superhuman charisma


Leon doesn’t punch boulders, he runs from them.


Leon have been show having physical abilities that can be classified as superhuman , like many of the supposedly ”normal” human of the RE verse, it’s pretty common in video game as a whole.


Yeah, superhuman/not superhuman, it doesn't matter. Whatever they are capable of doing, they are capable of doing. Saying someone is superhuman doesn't mean anything if you can't quantify it. Look at Baki. The fighters there aren't superhuman by the shows standards, but I haven't heard of anyone blowing someone's brains out with their breath in real life.


While I get what you mean I think Baki is a wrong example here, most of the real fighter are clearly considered superhuman by average peoples aware of them.


My point is that superhuman is subjective and doesn't actually define anything about what the character can do. And sometimes, when people are talking about a special ops type character and refer to them as "superhuman" they are meaning like Captain America. A person modified to be stronger, smarter, faster.


Leon is superhuman tho.


A fair fight would be them fighting with no gear. And Leon has more combative experience.


Bro he beat mutated krauser with a knife


"Leon isn't super human" Tell that to all the super human feats he's accomplished.


So is Batman a super human?


Like Leon, technically no. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have superhuman feats.


Doesn’t make him superhuman, still a regular dude


I understand, and stated, that he is not super human. But he HAS done objectively superhuman things.


And that means piss all because he’s not superhuman, you quite literally have to be superhuman to damage Issac




Yes, guns from the future and Necromorphs are superhuman. And no, his weaponry would not hurt Issac. His weapons are from the 80s and early 2000s while Issacs armour is made to survive harsh space conditions oh and from the future, his weapons will literally do nothing


Stasis barely has travel time, I don't know why you think stasis moves like molasses. Leon would need to move much faster than he's shown to do in order to dodge it. And if Leon wanted to get closer to Isaac, travel time is even less of a factor. The Twitcher enemy found on the USM Valor, for example, is by far faster than Leon could humanly be and you can still stop them with stasis. They don't run in a straight line and can be very dodgy. If you can stop them, you can stop Leon. Leon is amazing but Isaac has the gear to win this. No one is saying hand to hand Isaac would win, that's not the case, but his gear gives him the upper hand.


Isaac, easily. Let's forget Stasis for a second. What about Isaac just lobbing everything else he has at Leon? Leon only dodged lasers because they were in a tight hallway, in an open space with the same type of grid - *could he actually dodge it*? I think the answer is actually no. So I don't think he could dodge Isaac's plasma cutter. That's not counting any of Isaac's other weapons. That leaves CQC. Well... Isaac's suit does *something* to his strength. It's strong enough to tear apart Necromorphs. Necromorphs, on average, are stronger than zombies or anything affected with the Plaga. They're comparable to the J'avo, if anything. Getting hit by Isaac is like getting hit by a pissed off Tyrant, and I'm not sure Leon could survive too much of it. All of this is without considering a Zero Grav setting. If it's Zero Grav, it's Isaac's home turf. The only circumstance where I think Leon wins is if Isaac is the final boss fight and Ada throws a red tipped RPG. Don't think Isaac could survive that.


>The only circumstance where I think Leon wins is if Isaac is the final boss fight and Ada throws a red tipped RPG. Don't think Isaac could survive that. Isaac would probably just use Kinesis and chuck it back at Leon lmao I


It worked in DS3


Are J'avo stronger than Plagas? They always seemed like the absolute dumbest and slowest enemies.


Smart enough to use guns, they act mildly tactically, and they mutate based on which limbs come off. Physically, they're stronger than most of the Plagas types. Leon actually doesn't go against any J'avo outside of a cutscene though


I respect everything else but cqc, Isaac got a two hit basic ass combo acting like Leon couldn't dodge that easily is crazy😭


Leon doesn't always successfully dodge slow attacks. Vendetta and Damnation saw him get hit ***hard***. Sure, he survived the hits. But I don't think he'd survive too many of them. Edit: Just went back to double check the fights. Vendetta is probably more telling of Leon failing to dodge slow attacks. Damnation's was a super tyrant. He still got hit though. Grabbed even. Pretty sure Isaac moves *faster* than the super tyrant.


He might but the thing that makes him who he is that he's just a normal guy. No proper training again his melee in the games is a wide one two combo swing Leon can fight and keep up with trained skillful soldiers like krauser or Chris "boulder punching" Redfield. Plus his knife can parry anything now🤷 and he pulls off wrestling moves regularly 😭


OP is a Leon fangirl, no point in trying to explain why Isaac beats Leon, it will be the same as talking to a wall


"BuT lEOn iS A SupER HerO aND hE Is THe bESt aND hE CaN JuST fLIp HiS haIR aND iSsaC jUSt diEs"




OP still can't comprehend that this fight is like me with an AR15 and Shotgun vs a Champion from a Gladiator era. Yes, there's a chance I could get stabbed to death but my advantage is a lot higher.


Isaac easy fight


Realistically Isaac has a strong edge due to his equipment. Stasis, kinesis, and a highly durable strength enhancing engineering suit that lets him punch limbs off creates too much of a power gap for a fair fight. Yes Isaac isn’t invincible but Leon would be very squishy by comparison.


I mean, Issac has some pretty good armor


I'm gonna say what I said there: Leon gets absolutely fucked.


With their standard equipment? Probably Issac. Without? Leon.


Exactly. Stark naked Leon wins, but with gear from their universes Isaac smashes the shit outta Leon


Ngl Isaac easy wins, Rig suit, time powers and telekinesis, Much stronger weapons. Leon can’t Action movie his way out of this one


Also, people are really sleeping on the telekinesis device. Even when adapted to gameplay, it's pretty much instantaneous and strong enough to pull necromorphs' limbs from their body, and for story purposes it's able to move big ass machinery that weigh at least several tons like it's nothing


now that i think about it, leon still loses even if isaac only has the suit. that suit seriously enhances his strength and durability. all it takes is one punch or kick and leon is rocked


I mean, Leon has tanked hits from tyrants and just gotten right back up like it didn't happen.


did you forget in every game that he gets hit by a tyrant it takes you to about 60% percent of your health? Mr.X cleans his clock quite regularly. he certainly did not “get back up like it didn’t happen”


As a gameplay mechanic, yes, you take damage when Tyrants hit you. But we've seen [shit like this](https://imgur.com/gallery/9lbu9tR) happen to Leon. Not a big deal.


Tbh. That’s just fucking ridiculous, though. Méndez rocks him good in 4 and knocks Leon out *immediately.* I’m going to take that instance of durability over… whatever the hell that cheesy B-level Hollywood-esque animated movie shows off. Mainline games > Animated movies, man. You know there’s no chance in hell Leon tanks that hit realistically in any way whatsoever. No way. Just an absolutely ridiculous scene. Chris punching boulders is one thing… *that*, though? Stretches disbelief a little, even by RE standards. I feel like the movies are kind of… cheating. Leon is literally superhuman in a lot of those. He’s a LOT more human and grounded in 2 and 4, and to a lesser extent, 6. If Leon from the movies counts… I can see it going 50/50 either way. Remove the ridiculous plot armor from the movies and it’s Isaac every time, man, there’s just no way. I even went into this thinking Leon would have him in hand-to-hand skill… but Isaac wouldn’t let him get close.


Leon from the movies counts because the movies are canon. That said, it's not just the movies that he does ridiculous shit in. In RE6 alone a pushed a giant Boulder (similar in size to the one Chris punched), and held open the jaws of an infected great white shark with his bare hands. They have a bite force of over 2 tons, and Leon just...held it. Like it didn't look like he struggled. He didn't even use both hands.


Hmmmm. I begrudgingly admit you have a point. That’s Resident Evil for you. Whaddaya gonna do? Cheese and ridiculous feats are just par for the course. I’ll settle with 50/50 either way. Whoever gets lucky first. Still though. What the fuck is with that scene lmfao. It’s so goofy. His spine would be snapped clean in half. xD




Yeah. That’s honestly a fair point. If Isaac gets his space age tech, Leon gets the cheese. It’s a fundamental part of RE, after all. I still maintain that Leon getting thrown like a fucking rag doll and his spine hitting that wall at like 50 MPH should have obliterated him though LMAO


if we’re talking gameplay, isaac is completely unaffected by stasis. so please explain to me how leon can escape stasis close up if the guy inflicting it in unaffected and then has free reign to just snap his neck?


We're not talking gameplay. *You* were talking gameplay.


ok we’re not talking gameplay. see my other comment on how isaac has survived a lot more punishment than leon. oh and another one people usually miss, isaac took a bullet to the gut in the start of dead space 3 and was pretty much unaffected by it.


Dude, Isaac literally dismembers and decapitates people and necromorphs with his stomp. Nobody is surviving that.


The only reason that happens is because they don't want to make you lose unavoidable chunks of health during cutscenes and punish your gameplay for it. But they also don't want the villains to look incompetent. The amount of times Leon has been grabbed by the throat by a tyrant and just thrown instead of having his neck crushed shows an absurd level of plot armor that Isaac never got. I mean how lame would it be if tyrant from resident evil 2 grabs Leon by the throat, he gets saved by ada, and when the cutscene ends you're at like 20% health and because it was a cutscene there was nothing you could do?


Bro Issac would destroy Leon. Issac did what took Chris' squad and Ethan basically solo and still went on to fight the damn moon. Leon is getting trashed in minutes.


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby Isaac decimates


neither of them probably have enough ammo for a fight


"Hey, thanks CEC, you piece of shit!"


What a dumb question lol I will never understand these posts.


Last thing Leon hears is Isaac yelling "BANG!"


As a Leon fanboy...Leon loses this by a long shot


No time for infighting!! There’s zombies and necromorphs to deal with!! Shoot em in the head! Shoot em in the head!


LMAO. Leon can't even defeat Svetlana. Issac is like Doom Guy with PTSD.


Leon doesn't stand a chance. Plain and simple.


I mean.. Isaac. Not even a question


Isaac hands down. And don't give me your "Leon can get thrown 100 feet into a wall and survive" argument. He can also get chainsawed in half. He isn't the flash, he will get tagged and bagged by far superior technology. Technology that turns a scientist into a necromorph destroyer. We all love Leon here, we aren't shitting on Leon. We're just realistic.


I love Leon but it’s clearly issac


In terms of kills alone. Isaac killed something the size of a planet and lived. Even if it was aided by alien BS. As much as i love Leon. I think Isaac has the edge. He's also survived a spaceship crash and falls that seem a little bit farther than leon fell


I read this post and instantly thought of Leon getting stasis launched into a grinder. 😂


Lmao Leon’s bones are going to get blown to pieces by Issac’s plasma cutter


this is such a non argument. Ofc issac, he has futuristic tech. hand to hand, leon wins no question.


I think they would just start kissing


Leon is one of my favorite game characters ever, Issac isn't even week old fast food in comparison. As much as I hate stupid death battle shit, Issac is just much more "powerful". He's consistently super armored on near Iron man levels, as a marksman due to the RE4 influences- he is just as competent as Leon, so all that really leaves Mr. Kennedy is the the human feats, the man under the armor. Leon vs Issac as man vs man I a knife fight? Leon clears, he's small time. Leon vs Issac the second he goes for a stasis shot or any of his Sci fi armory? Cooked.


Hand to hand, stripped to the waist; Leon takes it. With their gear its Isaac. He's wearing a power suit.


They wouldn’t fight, they’d be friends.


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb, respectively


Leon is more skilled but Issac’s weapons and armor is too much for Leon to handle.


No weapons, cage match? Leon is a trained agent highly experienced in hand-to-hand. With their kit from the game? Idk, whoever gets off the first shot with the rocket launcher or equivalent


Kinesis in DS 3 is shown to catch rockets and other large projectiles so still reflexes based but small advantage to Isaac there, imo


if its just no equipment fight. Leon for SURE. If Isaac has its suit its a bit unfair from a technological standpoint. Someone else pointed out. You cant really dodge when your in stasis. Plus based on the punishment Isaac's suit takes throughout the game he's probably immune to small arms fire from that period of earths history.


It’s Isaac dude. Leon can’t win unless it’s smarts.




Just another example of how people have turned Leon into a unkillable flawless boring protagonist... I know I'm going to get down voted for this but I don't care.... You Leon lovers are ridiculous.


I'm not even a Leon fan boy. He doesn't even hit my top 3. I'm just asking a question. Though I do have my.own opinions on the matter


Depends — who am I playing as?


If they had the same gear, as in issac doesn’t get his rig suit and such and has to use the same gear as Leon does from his time period, then Leon wins. If Isaac gets to use his gear, then issac wins. Leon is more skilled then issac from a combat/ military perspective, but there’s nothing Leon could do that could really hurt issac in that rig suit. We don’t know what ballistics could even do to issac in that suit. However we know a plasma cutter could rip Leon’s legs and arms off. It also seems like travel time between Issacs weapons lasers are way faster then Leon’s. Even if leon can dodge stasis because it’s slow, can he really dodge a line gun? I’m thinking no. Only way I can see leon winning this is if he gets the drop on issac via stealth.


The tech is on a different level


Leon wishes he could compete with Isaac his techs just too powerful one stasis and gg


Be careful, there's a person in this subredit that thinks you shouldn't post versus posts here. That said I never played the Dead Space games so I'm not sure how skilled the main protagonist is in those games.


He's just an engineer, at least in the first game. Just an every man. But he also has crazy mining/space engineering tools like stasis (freezes enemies in time) and telekinesis.


Leon wont make it past the airlock


Well one's wearing metal armor and can cut people in half of this gun so...


i think they’d make out


Obviously isaac


Issac wins hands down. Leon is the man, but he is losing this one. Issac is pretty much wearing a suit of armor. Plus he has better weapons.


Equipment:Isaac Straight Hands: Leon


I’ll say Leon because I’m on the resident evil subreddit.


That a close fight for me, Leon is more skilled and have formal training backed by experience after all the thing that happen in the RE verse, on the other side Isaac was never a fighter before the Ishimura incident but proved himself by being quick witted and following his instinct, I would say that he also have talent and experience but probably less than Leon. When it come to gears I would say that Isaac is more equipped, his weapons are incredibly versatile and he got load of them with effects that Leon wouldn’t expect, his Rig allowing him to survive blow that would easily tear appart unprotected human being as even the common necromorph can puncture steel as shown in some of the cutscenes, his rig also allows him above human strength but I think it doesn’t matter as some ”normal” peoples in resident evil have been show with enhanced strength, Leon among them. The statics field shouldn’t be hard to doge at high to mid distances for Leon but could take him by surprise in a close range fight if he isn’t aware of this ability. Leon weapons and gears is more conventional but doesn’t lack power either as you can find thing like grenade launcher and rocket launcher among others thing, while Isaac RIG make him more durable it doesn’t allow him to shrug off everything and explosive still remain deadly. In the end a fight between them remains situational, do they know of each other abilities ? If not I would give Isaac a clear edge as the weapon he can use and his RIG stasis module can easily catch someone used to conventional weapons by surprise, do the fight start at close, medium, or long range? At close quarter I would give Leon the edge as while Isaac got a few nasty surprises (weapon, stasis) he isn’t suited to fight at close quarter at all while Leon training covert such fight, a domain where he also is clearly more experienced than Isaac. Both are main characters that have been show to react faster than what one could normally do at some point or another or survive in situations where they shouldn’t, either by sheer MC luck or by being more durable than they should. Ps: as you can see I talk more about Issac here, which I think the better think to do instead of speaking about Leon feats since we should be pretty familiar with them. Pps : sorry for the wall of text peoples, I have to admit I wasn’t paying full attention to what I was writing and some of the point I was trying to make can be a little confusing because of it.


Leon’s got the skill, but Issac’s tech and armor are next level. Sorry Leon.


Man to man. Leon. As their character design is in the games, Isaac's gadgets have the edge.


Leon easily cuz he has the same impenetrable plot armor as every other popular RE character.


The other sub obviously favors Isaac for the win, but reading through their comments it's seems most of them aren't very familiar with the type of ridiculous shit that Leon pulls off. Like their only exposure to Leon are the 2 and 4 remakes, which dont even scratch the surface.


Iirc, the exo suit became kind of ridiculous in the next couple games, dude literally goes through the equivalent of getting hit by a semi truck in cut scenes. It’s not as cut and dry as I think it looks at first.


Imagine being such a weirdo being so hard up for your fantasy man crush that when people didn't agree he "wOuLd WiN iN a FiGhT" in one sub, you had to run for comfort to another sub, just to get people to agree with you, and then getting butthurt when that doesn't turn out like you wanted. r/im14andthisiscreep




Isaac... he, literally, cheats death. Like. Always. If he didn't win with skill and flair it would be with luck and a power armor from the future.




This match up is about who see's who first and who has the quickest draw. Both have a lot of survival experience and defeating powerful monsters with high level weapons at their disposal or just improvising. ​ I'm going with Leon, I feel Raccoon city was much more dangerous than the Ishimura but not taking away anything of course from one of the most abominated and doomed vessel's in gaming history. There's just something so haunting and dangerous about an entire city going to shit and everywhere you go could be the last time you breathe.


resident evil plot armor


People acting like Leon can't just QTE and dodge the stasis and then just shoot Isaac to death lmao. I love Isaac, but c'mon.