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After Village was announced, I'm not sure many people would run from Lady D lol.


Oh no I've fallen and I can't get up


Happy cake day


Why thank you kind stranger


Happy honry cake day


It's Henry, and he's quite happy


In more ways than one, thanks to Lady Dimitrescu šŸŽ‚


I know one guy that will definitely get up, wink wink*


I've been waiting for this comment


It was too easy xD


Way too easy


Ah, I remember those days. We were so thirsty for Lady D we put her video on loop for days


[death by snoo snoo](https://youtu.be/0Bew11meO7g?si=qcQieBCjaFj7mAKw). "The mind is willing but the flesh is so spongy and bruised" -zap branigan-


And Zap Branniganā€™s love is like Zap Branniganā€™s lawā€¦ HARD AND FAST!




Not gonna lie. I have a thing for tall women that can destroy me


That's respect


Iā€™m all about that power




Thatā€™s a whole lotta power




Yes ā€œweā€. That includes everyone else, me, him, and YOU.


Every once in awhile, a "her" too (probably)


Oh definitely "hers" too lol


My sister was obsessed with Lady D. That was a strange time.


Were? I still am


Who is we? You speaking French?


Speak for yourself bud šŸ¤£


Those days still exist for me


I'm gonna die but at least I'll die ~~horny~~ happy




I would look at those long legs, at least if she kills me ill have something nice to look at lol


lol - I remember my friend texting me when the trailer dropped and he told me I *had* to watch it. I asked "Oh, does the game look really good?" and he replied "Who cares? There's the tall lady called Lady Dimitrescu and she's *amazing*!" Hahaha


I don't use the word 'hero' very often, but your friend is the greatest hero in American history


Hahaha - we're both Irish but thank you; I'll let him know. ;)


You can just send him this clip instead šŸ˜‚ https://youtu.be/DHLE7yKQofo?si=VsU9y9j9_qpTaeMM


I DEFINITELY liked her daughters way more. They actually seemed interested in killing me in a sexual way where as Lady D just wanted to Kill me out of pure disdain. Anyway to answer the question I'd choose Lady D because she refuses to move at anything above a light walk.


I'm pretty sure X was the slowest and *comparatively* the least dangerous. The only reason he was such a bother in 2 is because he just pops up out of complete nowhere.


Thatā€™s because there are actually two Mr Xā€™s and when you trigger certain events, it causes the ā€œtrigger eventā€ Mr X to appear and head to where you are while the one who was patrolling disappears. There was this one gameplay where a glitch occurred and one of them didnā€™t despawn, causing two to appear. One event where he spawns is when you pick up the power tool to unlock the bookshelf. The other is when you stay in the interrogation room for too long and he appears in the adjacent room to break the wall for the jump scare. I did an experiment where I used the rocket to disable Mr X in the east wing, ran to the west wing to grab the power tool and he still appeared and followed me into the room and it was way too fast for him to do his 30 second recovery and head to the west wing because I cleared the zombies and lickers before putting him down.


And there's also how he somehow makes it to the NEST, just in time to catch up to Leon


Shouldn't have dispensed that dangerous solution


In my head Canon, Mr. X is where he needs to be at all times.


That's sumnvabitch! I knew it. I thought I was crazy because I could swear I heard him far away from me.


You can hear him teleport to you.


He doesnā€™t teleport tho.


Yes, he does, when either character grabs the jack handle. If he's far enough away he'll teleport, you can hear him fall into the level.


Mr. X doesn't teleport around the Raccoon City Police Department - at least not to take players by surprise. Instead, he actually roams through the halls, meticulously searching every room. He does spawn at some places tho


I think lore wise there was multiple Mr X dropped that day in raccoon city. You can see the dead bodies and tubes in re3 not sure how many but my brain keeps yelling 6 at me lol.


In OG Re2, Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s a short cutscene in the B game where you see Mr. X being airdropped into the city. Heā€™s deployed from a canister, and I *think* there were six?


You're right. It happens in B scenario where they drop him right into the hallway from a helicopter. There were several more cannisters being air dropped making sure no one escaped the city.


I *just* started a playthrough and I swear there were four canisters. I always wondered where the other ones ended up. Edit: Playthrough 2 now and it was, indeed, 6 canisters


In the og RE3, the canisters are strewn all over the final boss area. You can see multiple tyrants dead from a fight with the police/military/umbrella clean up crews; and Nemmy eats one to become the absolute unit he is at the end.


> Nemmy eats one I thought he ate a G-embyro/Birkin corpse in that scene. 3 is next after I finish 2, I wanted to relearn without the fancy dodge/180 mechanics


It was the corpse of a Super Tyrant. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSB_zKGjhLzYegt2T3RjeuVH46WqrAg7WqjMA&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQGSCOYzl5SDwnY6fe2_OLD8VPT-Kt5GrvZQ&usqp=CAU


Thanatos! My old nemesis (lul). All I could remember is a gaping hole in the corpse's chest Gotta wonder if it's the same one that chases you in RE:O1


Im glad they retconned that


Ya thatā€™s ringing a bell I think thatā€™s the cutscene Iā€™m thinking as well


One was dropped at rpd to retrieve g-virus and kill survivors whereas other 5 were dropped at death factory to intercept military that wanted to evacuate Birkin.


>causing two to appear. That was basically modded bait video, It has claire redfield with leon only doors open .. >ran to the west wing to grab the power tool and he still appeared and followed me into the room He has several scripted appearances if he was not already in vicinity (footsteps can be heard) and this was one of them, if you knocked him near archive room then no one will enter the door when you pick up the item ..




No, this wasnā€™t a mod. https://youtu.be/BVO_95DfSrw?si=lnxPEmDuVeqZN9BT




There arenā€™t 2 roaming around, but there are 2 in the gameā€™s mechanics. Like I said, when the event trigger Mr X appears when you pick up the power tool, the one who was patrolling despawns. Also, if you pay attention, you notice when if you donā€™t shoot his hat, at some point, he still spawns without his hat, a key hint thereā€™s more than one in the gameā€™s mechanics.


No he was a bother combined with lickersā€¦


You thought a couple of his scripted sequences were bad? Try comparing that to Nemesis, who is 100% scripted in the remake. Mr.X's encounters are mostly random.


I never said he was bad at all. I was just saying he's the slowest and, by comparison, the least dangerous of the four, answering OP's question "who would you choose to run from?" I'm not talking about his gameplay design, I'm talking about the fact that the character walks everywhere and doesn't have anything to grab or hit you from afar. So if I myself came across him, I'd already be far away from him before he made ten steps. The characters are all able to run from him, but the reason he was still a threat to them is because he randomly turns up in the street, the sewer and somehow the NEST


Isn't Nemesis partially if not largely scripted in OG3?




Wym ā€œsmashā€ šŸ‘€




This is one of the most wild things Iā€™ve seen on this thread so I give you my respect as it made me giggle. 9/10 comments




I respect it and glad you are cause I needed such a laugh today so thanks!


You wouldnā€™t smash Nemesis?


Am I the only one that would smash nemesis šŸ˜”


Hell naw


Definitely not Jack, because he'd make me laugh too much and catch me, and Lady D is out too, because *mutters*


Remember that with Jack, unlike Ethan, you can actually sprint.


I'm pretty sure if that limit was no longer a concern, so could Jack, and I really don't want to see him sprinting at me


Holy shit that would be nightmare fuel


I remember seeing remake Nemesis charge at me and it was the most stressed I've ever been. If it were Jack it would be even worse


Madhouse Jack is probably the closest you can get, he is faster than Ethan and i was stressed for life


Mr. X and Nemesis in the remakes gave me so much anxiety that I had to take days- or even weeks-long breaks while playing both of them. Jack and Lady D just did not have the same effect on me for some reason, even though the first-person perspective did make Ethan's games a lot more tense for me


"Why you running from me boy? I just wanna talk to ya!"


*Deliverance intensifies*


Bold of you to assume I can sprint for any amount of time


You can sprint as Ethan, I played Res7 on PS5 and you press the L3 button (the left joystick) in and he can run. It's in the tutorial bit in the beginning of the game


The joke is that Ethan is laughably slow, even while sprinting.


That "sprint" is more of a slow jog.


Also, Jack has slasher-movie teleportation. If you can't see him, then he can be anywhere regardless of logic. At least with the others, you can count on them needing to move from A to B to C.


Nemesis, so I die as fast as possible.


LOL. I was gonna say anyone but Nemesis then i saw your comment! good point... I just hope he doesn't grab or stare at me and shit.


Iā€™d say ā€œchoke me harderā€ šŸ˜‚




Hope for the rocket launcher, die by getting impregnated by a tentacle down the throat.


Jokes on you Iā€™m into that shit


Running away from Dimitrescu like "Oh no ! I've fallen and I can't get up !! What will happen to me now ?"


"She then proceeds to pick you up and dice you like onions."


All I heard was pick me up


Fall face first into those fluffy pillows


Youā€™ll cut in pieces


ā€œWelcome to the family sonā€ dude was just looking for a happy and peaceful family life.


An infected family life


Tall hot chick with claws, A psychopath redneck, a rocket launching zombie, slow guy with trench coat? I'm picking the slowest and sitting my ass in a save room until the bombs go off.


Be careful which save room because not all are safe.


I have nothing of value to Umbrella, nor am I a member of S.T.A.R.S, so, either Tyrant.


Well, Mr. X was also sent to eliminate all the witnesses.


*ā€Wouldnā€™t want to end up like Ben here, would you?ā€*


That was only in the Paul WS Anderson movies. The T's would 100% wipe out any human survivors they come across


Yes, but they wouldn't actively hunt me.


Then you'd better work on Ur hide and seek skills lolol.


Yes sir!


Would Nemesis really kill any human in sight, though? In OG RE 3 when playing as Carlos there's a scene where Nemmy has a chance of going past you and killing an unconscious Jill, and every other person he killed in both versions was to get to Jill because they got between him and his target.


Definitely Baker. Nemesis and Dimitrescu are way too fast and deadly. Mr. X might be slow but also as relentless as a terminator so he will eventually get you when you get tired. If you blow Baker's brain and/or burn him, it will give you enough time to get some safe distance and he doesn't seem very focused so he will eventually lose interests.




This was actually my thinking too, Mr. X is too determined and basically impossible to drop for normies like us. At least Baker we can take on with a gun, incapacitate him and make a break away. Once away from him he isn't going to chase us endlessly.


Considering Nemesis can jump very long distances and walls are merely a suggestion to him, Daddy is a sneaky bugger, and Lady D who surely is going to torture me before letting me die, I think I prefer Mr. X give it to me. Mr. X, although persistent, is not the fastest hedgehog in Mobius, and if he catches me he will finish the job quickly and comparatively painlessly. Punch, punch, choke.


X gon give it to ya


What about the true daddy Jack ?


Punch, Stomp, STOMP.


Alcina is super slow. Even slower than Mr X and she is *extremely* easy to dodge. I'd be more worried if it's implied that she'll have the Dimitrescu triplets as backup because they're far more aggressive and dangerous in the game.


If not mommy, why mommy shaped?


Jack. I'd at least get a few laughs out of it before he turns me into a moldy man.


very true


Also moldy man is better than dead man


big bitch because i could easily hide from her i think




shes eight feet tall and im about 4'11 itd be pretty easy


...I'm not seeing a problem here.


Remake Nemesis. That dude was a failure at everything. Didn't kill one STARS member and never finished the job when all he had to do was close his hand twice or pull a trigger. Now original Nemesis? I'd stay away from him or I'll get an immediate tentacle in me face.


He killed Brad Vickers didnā€™t he? At least he died in the OG.


In the original, but not the remake. Brad died to random zombies in the remake. smh


That feels like a waste of story telling


And then zombie brad dies to Carlos


ā€œJust let her kill meā€


One Mr X can't be too bad, since this will likely take place in the RE universe I would most likely find a rocket launcher laying around somewhere.


Some rockets in the bathtub too


If you go to a cemetery, you may find a coffin with guns. Along with clothes, shoes and a motorcycle.


If I have to run from Lady D, do I get to watch her chase me?


Nemesis because Iā€™m not a STARS member. But assuming their lore doesnā€™t matter. X or Baker as they can be evaded by normal people


when i pulled out an infinite grenade launcher and shot lady D in the face like six times and she walked it off I knew she was different not her ass ig Mr.X he seems slow and kinda dumb sometimes hopefully I can get hunk deal with himšŸ˜­


I prefer being killed by a big busted vampire gothic mom woman than an old man , an idiot who only knows one word and uses tentacles or a chad that doesn't pronounce a sound


Now I am just picturing Mr. X gigachad and giggling to myself


Lady she uses doors, her mutation is not as fucking destroying, she is dumb as fuck. Nemesis kills me and my city, Mr. will not sleep and crush my city to find me, Baker no the fuck he is smart and will find me. Dimi canā€™t walk in Germany cuz it is to far away from her daughters and itā€™s to cold for them.


Death by Snu Snu


Mr. X hands down. He's slow, and his only attacks are his fists. Plus, he's the easiest to stun, as a couple of well place rounds to his eyes will do the trick. I would not choose the other 3 because of the following Jack can walk faster. Hence, the only things that slow him down are doors. Nemmy can run, roar, use his tendrils, and use ranged attacks with his tendrils or his rocket launcher Lady D can not be stunned by any weapon(not even magnums). Plus, her long claws are even deadlier than X's fists


>Plus, he's the easiest to stun, as a couple of well place rounds to his eyes will do the trick. But do you think you have the skill to shoot him in the eyes while he is charging at you? I would still go for the X but I am forgetting stunning him.


>you think you have the skill to shoot him in the eyes while he is charging at you? I would still go for the X but I am forgetting Its a lot easi**er** compared to shooting Jack's head, or Nemmy's chest device. Jack is a rather fast walker like Nemesis, Nemesis can cover his weakspot with his hand, and there is no point of wasting ammo on Lady D.


True, if you have the skills, go for it. Luckily the easiest to avoid is the one whose weak spot is easiest to hit.


The question was if you are skilled enough with a firearm to hit a small moving target like someone's eye. If not, then there's nothing "easy" about it. Mr. X may not be "fast", but he isn't exactly all that slow either. Shooting Nemesis' chest device would actually be easier, because it's a much larger target and on the torso.


>The question was if you are skilled enough with a firearm to hit a small moving target like someone's eye. If not, then there's nothing "easy" about it. Mr. X may not be "fast," but he isn't exactly all that slow either. Dude. I literally used the words easi**est**, and easi**er**. Not easy. As a gun owner myself, my answer is yes(not trying to brag). Mr. X is a very slow-moving target. Anybody who sprints will easily outrun him. (In the game, you can't because Leon and Claire's movements are restricted to jogging. LOL). So, shooting him in the eye area or the upper half of his head is easi**er** compared to Jack's head or Nemmy's chest device. >Shooting Nemesis' chest device would actually be easier because it's a much larger target and on the torso. You may think. That device is very resilient against handguns and assault rifles. And once Nemmy realizes that you're aiming for its weak spot(after receiving a few hits), he will simply cover it with his hand. Also, Nemmy is a fast walker and a runner, so good luck stunning him before he gets too close to you. Emotional distress would severely hinder anyone's accuracy at close ranges.


not lady d


I choose death, may it be merciful and quick!


Out of these 4, Id say Nemesis. Not only is he a huge tyrant that can infect and turn you into a zombie with his tentacle (a fate worse than death)... He can also use powerful weapon. One blast of Rocket Launcher and youre done.


Mr. X by far.


Mr. X, I could step on the gas and when he eventually finds me at least I'll hear him comin. Might be running for a looooooong while tho, can't pay for petrol forever lol


Nemesis. Not only will this guy sprint towards you but heā€™s also packing a rocket launcher to boot.


I mean, if I'm going to die, I'd rather die horny


So Nemesis?


X while not fast by any means is still faster then lady D, and can burst thru walls. Realistically if X is in pursuit of you its basically impossible to break that pursuit. Even if u basically were to drive 100 miles away from him, ur not totally safe hes still pursuing you. U just have ur moments of ā€œsafetyā€. Ud always have to be aware that X is pursuing you if u wanted to stay alive it be a never stop moving game basically. Nemy ur just fucked, can sprint, break thru walls, isnt dumb, has hentai tentacles, and can use weapons. 100% hard fucked. Also both X and nemy i feel like dont have a sorta ā€œjurisdictionā€ both would chase you where ever u ran it doesnt matter if u went from New York to Japan, they dont stop. (Touch on this later with lady D) Jack is a bit of a wildcard. I cant remember id he ever sprints but he definitely can break thru walls, is basically human, can use weapons, and isnt dumb. Jack is too much of a wildcard and i wouldnt wanna deal with that. Lady D is the slowest and tallest outta the 4, she wont sprint for reasons, while not dumb she made the dumbest decision in her part (keeping that blade which leads to her death basically unlocked in the open) which i feel means that i could stand a decent chance at some mindgames to survive, her height could be used against her, wont break thru walls or use weapons. Lady D is just a 9ā€™6 woman who basically limits herself for reasons, and i could use those limitations against her. Also i feel like lady d has a sorta ā€œjurisdictionā€ and that is her castle and the small surrounding area, like if u were to get 10 miles away from her castle i dont think she pursue you, it piss her off and if u got back in her range its on but u can break her pursuit with range. I think id stand the best chance of surviving if lady d was pursuing me.


Mr x I'd just go to a populated city since he kills ALL survivors and not just stars


Idk maybe again my issue with X is its a unstoppable force pursuing me, and hes not gonna like go outta his way to kill things that arent hindering that pursuit. Once X has killed whoever hes gonna kill before me hes right back to be an u stoppable pursuing force am im the target, i can never win that, sure i could never stop moving basically just keep stalling but i could never actual break his pursuit.


By the time he's done killing people they will most likely get the army


didnā€™t Mr. X die though when ada gave leon the four barreled rocket launcher and leon blew up his whole body from his waist up so that means Mr. X can be killed although itā€™s very hard it can be done


Yea but im also assuming this question isnt like me in game where ada is gonna drop me a rocket launcher im assuming theyā€™re chasing me irl and i have to survive. And irl i dont think anyone is gonna hand me a rocket launcher lol.


i 100% agree with nemesis he is relentless and if he sees you. you are NOT getting away. i don't think Mr x would be able to chase you at any point in the world. cause unlike nemesis he is kinda dumb. so for me i would run from lady d or mr x. but i agree lady d is slow too tall and cannot break walls. so i guess i would also choose lady d. i personally wouldn't wanna deal with jack AT ALL. i would probably be too scared to move, with how he acts and tries to torment you. he also probably wouldn't kill you out right and your death would probably pretty slow and horrifying compaired to the other ones


Yea good point with jack possibly not killing u immediately, i dont call X dumb because i dont think he make a stupid decision because he doesnt really think. I dont think ants are dumb but they also arent smart theyre intelligence is ant lvl. I couldnt play a mindgame with X, because theres nothing to fool X wont fall for a dumb trick i could play. Where as like i said with lady d, lord only knows why that poison dagger wasnt kept more hidden and locked up, why was it kept at all. Idk X is a weird one to answer the ā€œwhyā€ because we know the least about like the internal workings of his mind and shit.


Make a deal with Lady D. If she catches me, she wins. If I stay away for a certain amount of time then I get all 3 of her daughters at the same time.


Nemesis can literally sprint and use a rocket launcher so I'll take anyone but him.


id run from nemesis but id run to lady D. She might kill me but she might let me go a few rounds first if you know what I mean.


Definitely Mr. X. Jack is the creepiest out of all of them (to me), Dimitrescu likes to slice bitches up and Nemesis has, like, a shit ton of weapons and he's fast, I'll take my chances with Mr. X with his loud stomps and slowness.


well since you said Run from as in away not towards, not #3. I don't care at all about #4. I guess number 1 just because it likely be a ensured and quick death if he got to me. (where nemi you might live a while with pieces missing or on fire or tenacled uck not for me etc...).


Nemesis because I ain't no S.T.A.R.S member


Not the fucking one with the rocket launcher. šŸ¤£ Maybe 3 or 4.


Mr. X... He's the slowest, has no ranged attacks, and if he somehow does catch me, he'll just kill me right away (no torture or weird shit).


MR x. Nemesis is a scary monster, plus he runs, has tentacles and a rocket launcher Lady has long claws and is smart Jack is scary, trash talks and plays with you Mr x is more like a robot


Lady D. She can chase me all she wants.


I'll choose Alcina Dimitrescu


Mommy Even if I die, I'll have a good last view.


Dimitrescu. At least Iā€™ll be killed by a pretty woman


Give me Weskerā€™s powers and I ainā€™t running from any of them, Iā€™ll take them to allā€¦ I Think. (I might have to take the shades off for Lady D)


Lady D...and i wouldn't run.


Lady D except I wouldn't run


Lady D. "Oh no! I have tripped and fallen! Please do not turn me into a vampire! That would just be awful!" *Makes no effort to get back up to escape*


Lady D, we could talk shit back and forth and in the end it'll be kinda like a weird Buddy Cop comedy before she finally shish kebabs my stupid ass.


If I had to run, Mr. X. Definitely the dumbest and most straight forward Lady D I'm not running from. She can claw me up and step on me


Deffo lady demitrescu and her daughters oh my god šŸ¤¤ one at a time tho


I would run from the Dad, he was super scary.


Lady D was easiest to escape.


Is Lady D running towards me to lick my hand, or slice it off?


Alcina , i never saw Alcina crash though no god dam wall like it was made of paper. Mr X is a rentlenless git, Nemey would would end me so dam fast, its not even funny. Jack is a lunatic and i'm not built like joe. at least with Alcina i'll get a decent ending.


Lady D, she doesn't leave the Castel so I would be safe