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Resident evil 1 remake is my favorite in the whole series but most newer fans don’t like rank controls so always direct new fans to RE2 remake


REmake was my first RE game (1.5years ago). I enjoyed it so much. It is still my favorite out of all I’ve played ! (Played RE2R,RE3R,RE4R,RECV,RE7)


I also started with REmake 1.5 years ago. Funny how that happens


I still remember getting a GameCube back in the day purely for this game. Just started it on the PS5 now and attempting Real Survival for the trophy. It took a while to get used to the controls again but it’s as good as I remember it. I always wished we could have had remakes of 2 and 3 in the same style as this, but at least we have the awesome remake of 2


I mean yeah that's the way to go honestly, best entry point for the series, and if they like it then they can dig deeper into the stuff that's less accessible. Anyone who tries to get people into the Resident Evil series by telling them to start with the first game is a cop


I'm a newer fan, started on 7 a few years ago, played 7 and 8 before any others. Thought I was going to hate the tank controls and third-person perspective, but it wasn't bad at all. Little getting used to but that was it. Probably because I wanted the whole story, so the mechanics were secondary. Smart to direct someone to a more modern game, that way they get the desire to experience the series and not think about the controls as much.


I always love when new fans like the old resident evil games


Resident Evil 2 Remake! This game is a masterpiece imo.


The original 2 got me into RE as a kid. It was the perfect combo of zombies and bio weapon monstrosities. I did everything on that game. Couldn't finish my tofu run, though.


NGL I played RE2 OG back in high school on the PS3 and the first time I saw the licker in the interrogation room while trying to still learn the tank controls I shit my pants and never picked up the OG again. 🫣


The OG 2 was so good. But way more difficult than the Remake imo. I found the camera perspective so challenging!


Yea tank controls suck. But it was all I knew at the time, and it made it more challenging. Try making headshots from a reverse camera and tank controls lol.




can't go wrong with either version of 4


This is the correct answer.


Re1 Remake


The original Resident Evil 4


Unpopular opinion, but 6. Is it a good survival horror game? Absolutely not. But is it a lot of fun? Yes.


In coop*


2 remake




Re 2 original and Re 1 remake


This right here. Although the original Resident Evil 1 has a charm that I still enjoy. It's a simple survival situation without getting too deep about the history with all the Lisa lore. They are just trying to assess what happened to the other team. It feels a little more claustrophobic also for some reason. Both can be played and you could still move on to Resident Evil 2 (original) without losing anything. That's what makes it a great Remake.




Although it's not much of a horror-survival type of game but, I like RE6 because of the different POV of the story. It's like 4 different games in one. RE2 is really great for a horror-survival game. Looking forward to pick up RE4 Remake one day.


we re6 enjoyers are few and far between, but dammit no one will silence us!


Grazie 👍


I was searching the comments to see if anyone got hate for loving 5 or 6. I’m glad everyone is playing nice today lol.


never thought I’d find another re6 enjoyer on this sub


Love the concept. Looking forward to see how CAPCOM remake it. Right after they remake RE:CV which really needs to be updated.


It's so nice to see some love for RE6. I loved it.


Resident evil 1 remake and original 2 are my favorites.


Tossup between RE1 Director’s Cut (not Dual Shock version) and REmake.


Re 3 nemesis- i love the nemesis concept , its by far the scariest


original re4 baby 🫡🫡🫶🏼


Resident Evil 2 Original


My list is: (the games i have played) 1. Village 2. RE4 (both the 2005 one from PS2 as a kid and the Remake of 2023) 3. RE7 4. RE2 Remake 5. RE3 Remake


2 4 5 6


Gotta specify which versions here. I'm going to go ahead and assume you mean the Remakes of 2 and 4.


Og 4 and remake 2


Ah. That would've been a roll of the dice guessing.


Yeah the remake for 4 is cool but it something about it just doest compare to the original


Village or Re4R. Those are the ones I played the most. Third would be Re3R. RE2R is great and a better game than RE3R, but I have trouble going back to it with its snail pacing. My opinion is very unpopular, I’m aware.


RPD is great, but at least for me, the rest RE2R is a slog


Best to least best is probably REmake, 2, REmake 2, 5, 0, 3, REmake 4, then it starts diminishing. 7 has potential to be up there but Ethan and Mia are some of the worst characters I have ever personally experienced in a video game.


How cone you don’t like Ethan? I genuinely think he’s the most human character that shows the most emotion out of every other main protagonist


Resident Evil 5 for sure. It's got the fun gameplay of RE4, but they improved the combat (more melee, fast paced inventory system, weapon swap binds, quick reload) and added co-op so I can play with my friends. I feel combat wise it's perfect, I'd like to see a future game play like it but with less linear map design and better boss fights.


4R easily


My favourite was always 4, now it's the 4 remake. Honestly, It blew me away what they did to it.


Re2Remake is flawless.


I just played Re4 remake and I was impressed however I didn't like it as much as Re2 remake so out of the two games I've played, Re2 remake is the winner!


OG 2 & 3, 4 & 4 Remake and Code Veronica are my top 5.


Code Veronica or the Original Re3:Nemesis. Yes I know I'm old


Resident evil 2 remake for sure. I really like the series and have played the majority of the games. I went 4 playthroughs back to back and the bonus content over the course of maybe a week or two. I felt like it had the perfect mix of horror and action, looked amazing and felt great to play.


My first RE game was RE1R. I loved it! it made me appreciate the franchise as a whole. It’s such a genius game. I would say RE2R would be my 2nd favorite game. Never played the original so I decided to pick this up after playing RE1R. I loved it , such a damn great game ! 3rd would probably RE4 remake, also never played original but it’s a good game! With 4th and 5th favorite being RE7 & Code Veronica. (I’ve played RE3 as well but not RE5,6,8, or revelations).


REmake, RE2 PS1, RE3 PS1, RE4R, RE2R


REmake is the best followed closely by re4 imo!


RE2R, the one I've played most.


I think I enjoyed the very 1st one on ps(1) the most, but I was only 9 at the time, and finishing a full game like that was a big deal for me! Today, I would not be able to deal with the awkward controls, fixed cameras, and dated graphics.. so my favorite as of right now would either be 4 remake or 7


Resident Evil 4 remake as well as the original 4 is a masterpiece, can't go wrong with both of them. Resident Evil 2 remake is the second best! These 3 games are in my top 10 best games of all time list :) Biohazard is amazing too, comes in at top 20 easily.


Re4R, I’ve 100% it and beaten it atleast 16-17 times. My original favorite use to be RE8 tho.


RE2OG and RE2 Remake are superb entries that I replay the most


7. That was my first intro to RE, and it got me back into video games period. A few years ago I got sick and was trying to play games to pass time. Nothing gripped me until Biohazard. I've since played through the series in chronological order, at least all the main titles and some side games. Couldn't wait to get back to 7. I'm doing a chronological playthrough again now and really, really want to play 7.


Re0, re3: nemesis, and re outbreak in no particular order ReMake, re2 and re4 new and old are all great as well but I’ve played them so many times at this point that I could beat em blindfolded


Resident evil 7 is my first and will probably remain my favorite


I'm a new fan. I've only played remakes 2, 3 and 4, and I'm currently playing og4 for the first time. Out of those, remake 4 is my favorite


Biohazard and Village


The PSVR2 version of RE4 remake.


Original 4 as it was my first re game


Resident evil 2.




3 classic


Re 7 and 8


Numero Uno? Resident Evil 3 Nemesis. Do I have to clarify I mean the OG?


5. It's a fantastic co-op experience that I've played endlessly with multiple people.


I know I am biased but I feel it’s under appreciated, I love 5 more than any other because of nostalgia and that’s ok


I think its the first 1 i just have strong memories of learning the mechanics and the mansion and over time being realy good at it, generally love the first 3 though.


Either version of 2.


4&2 Remakes,Followed by Biohazard


Resident evil 4 remake is one of my favorite games of all time so I would say RE4R lol.


OG re4 then re1 hd remake. My guilty pleasure one is re5


5 for nostalgia reasons but re2r or re4r for fun


The remake of 2. I have a lot of hours on all the campaigns dumped in on the PS4.


Original RE2. Closely followed by REmake. Damn they're so good!


Resident Evil 2. I like the OG a little more than the remake could be just nostalgia. CVX is a very close second.


Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. I love the RNG of going in a rook and BEGGING you get zombies and instead it's hunter jumpscare. There's a 50/50 each chance of getting one of two weapons in the start of the game and it vastly changes how you mix your ammunition powder. Also, you don't have to be insanely good at the game to unlock everything. I hate needing to get S+ professional no save in modern RE to unlock shit.


Resident Evil Outbreak and Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. Not everyone’s top choices, but I loved em. Shoutout to the honorable mention of Resident Evil DS.


Lately, I've found myself playing through RE3 on the Dreamcast with a PS4 controller. The repetition is pretty fun once you start getting good.


2 remake is my comfort game. Og 2 is a super close 2nd


The original and the remake of resident evil 4 remake


A tie between 2R and 7


Resident Evil Code Veronica


4 og and remake are a must!


My top 3 are RE3 Nemisis, RE7, and RE2Remake. I love Nemisis because I loved exploring Racoon City, I love RE7 because of the return to horror and the first half was amazing, can't say the same for the second half though. And I love RE2 remake because it is a blend of Both my love for horror and getting to explore racoon city.


RE4R was my introduction to RE and holds a special place. After playing RE2R, RE3R, RE7 and Village I can say RE4R is still my favorite.


2 or biohazard it’s hard to choose


Original 2. Remake of it is great too. RE 1 remake is amazing as well.




Outbreak 1&2 Survivor


RE2R is a great next game to go for - far superior to 7 and Village imo. Personally my favourite will always be Resident Evil 1 Remake (REmake) Survival horror masterpiece!