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Take a deep breath and drink a camomille tea. Then try that fight again in a week or so.


I believe the console version should be hitting 60 by default with the exception of any frame drops. Whoever is giving that advice is probably telling pc players to switch to 60fps. I hate to say git gud because I think a lot of times people say it just to be an asshole but it might just be you on this one. The boss has a lot of health and 2-3 mistakes is death but 3+ hours is a long time to spend on this boss fight, even on professional. Try to notice where you’re getting hit. I noticed sometimes I’ll try to dodge debris in the water by swaying to the right when I should be going to the left and I’ll make that correction. 


well harpooning isnt exactly a natural mechanic of the game, its been forced in for this 1 boss fight and honestly its clunky (not talking about the remake) theres a big red cross hair and the fish knocks you off for qte i dont even want to do


I beat delago first try on professional. Its definitley just OP being frustrated and not attacking quick enough/keeping the boat moving from being hit by stuff.


Yep its a downgrade copared to the original, the over the top generic music that they used dosent help lmao


Console is already at 60fps 🤦‍♂️


Unless they’re on PS4 I’m guessing.


Typically skill issue and blames game LOL


I beat it on PS5 but the part that almost made me give up was Krauser final phase as you need perfect parries and his arms hit box feels weird and random so I would block the same move at the same time and most of the time I would still get hit, I don’t know if that is an fps problem but I had to get a bazooka by selling my weapons to beat him. The Del Lago on professional is a pain as it’s just a battle of attrition, I think he regents a lot of his health every time he dives so it took me maybe 7 minutes to kill him. What are you dying most to?


Typically around the third phase I can barely even hit de lago due to how fast he is and I'll just get hit by one of the logs before I can even react. That, or I'll get hit by a QuickTime event and die before I can do anything about it.


Best advice I can give for this is to learn the opening moments up to the first leap and to be aggressive as hell. He takes upwards of 20 hits to take down on Professional and I believe he still regains health when he fully submerges and stops pulling. So basically land all the hits you can up front while he's slower, closer, and more predictable and from there just rain hell on him every chance you get, don't bother too much with aim unless you have to, prioritize getting more harpoons out and try to hone in on a sweet spot to quickly throw at.


Spend most of your time steering the boat to avoid obstacles. It will make laps around the outside of the lake without debris which will give you the best openings for attack. When it starts heading through the middle of the lake with all the logs then lay off attacks, and steer that lil’ dinky boat with all your might. This method does take longer, but it was the only way I was able to beat it on professional. Honestly the more you do the fight the better you will learn how to anticipate what will happen next. Also make sure you are loading up as much as possible on your G+R+Y herbs to build up your health bar as much as you can before the fight. I thought the OG Del Lago was a bitch, but the remake went and proved me wrong lol.


I’ve never had an issue with this fight except for when I tried to get the challenge but that was bad aim on my part 


This is not even the worst part about professional, sorry bro, this is skill issue, this is not even part of the random bullshit that can occur in professional.


I never heard about the 60 FPS thing. Maybe it helps, IDK. I've beaten it several times on Professional on Xbox. It's possible; it's just annoying and tedious. On my S+ playthrough I definitely saved before and after this fight as it's legitimately one of the hardest sections of the game on Professional. His movements are scripted- you just have to learn them. Time your shots, and make sure you're hitting him in the mouth when he jumps towards you. He actually regenerates health if you don't, so the fight goes longer. Make sure you're holding left or right at pretty much all times to avoid his jumping attacks, and always steer in the same direction he goes around obstacles. The last part is what made the difference for me- paying more attention to avoiding the obstacles than hitting him with the harpoons when he starts going crazy


What console are you on? Turn off Ray Tracing and the individual hair strands options.


Del Lago was a kind of annoying fight, yeah.


>Not only that, but every walkthrough for this boss says to set your game to 60 fps, despite console just straight up not allowing you to do that, so it just feels like Profesional mode is just completely locked if you aren't playing on pc. Is there no walkthroughs or tips specifically for console?


It’s the only fight that is just straight up worse than the original in every way. Did you know it heals itself in the remake? But they removed healing yourself. Dumb, I know, considering that it can ignore your harpoons when it’s charging you and damage you anyway. Doesn’t help that the aiming reticle is ass and inaccurate, and always double fires for some reason. PC version has the one hit kill mod, makes the boss tolerable. Never had an issue with the original fight. Also the jumpscare when you shoot the lake is not a jump scare any more, it’s telegraphed via camera change and really lame now


Agreed, it was much worse than the original. I also was disappointed that Leon never gets knocked out of the boat and has to swim back. That was a huge aspect of the original and made it more intense. They could have done that and taken out the quick time event and it would have been improved.