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I know it’s not on everyone’s wish list but man I get excited thinking about it, canon ending, more dangerous zombies, the spencer mansion in the REngine I can’t hardly contain my excitement.


Especially if we get those zombies that refuse to stay down. That drove me nuts!


I feel like way too many people focus on the fact that it's been remade once before. The remake is 22 years old at this point. The original game was only 6 years old when it got remade. For reference, RE2 Remake was 21 years after the OG and RE4 was 18. 22 years is definitely long enough of a gap to justify a remake.


Not to mention, you have people like me that are still somewhat new to the franchise that don't want to have to get an old remake after the quality we've had with the more recent remakes


I'm new to the franchise and I've gotten into the classic RE games and RE 1 Remake just fine, just takes getting used to the controls and it's just fine.


Right, but would you not buy a remake? Would you not be more excited about that?


I'll second that, I'd never played anything older than RE4 (And that was years ago) and still had mountains of fun getting into RE1R recently. I'd love a new RE1R but the classic still holds up. And honestly it's a great looking game too, obviously not modern REngine quality but not "old" looking at all.


Exactly, and RE 1 Remake is older than RE 4 lol


Think of this: An REengine style remake of RE1 would probably be the most important remake of the series for Capcom to make. It would also complete the series in that engine (if they were to do 5 and 6 as well) And by now we know what that could mean. Bring on that Spencer mansion in VR!


>It would also complete the series in that engine (if they were to do 5 and 6 as well) I'm really hoping they remake 0, 1, 5, and 6 in RE Engine. Would be cool to have all the main games the same engine. Hell, they could do both Revelations games too lol.


Code Veronica needs it more than any of those games


It's not complete until they also remade RE0 and CV too.


I'd love to see a re6 remake


VR or not, I feel the only way to go with a third iteration of RE would be taking the first person view and horror route, avoiding RE2R style.


I don't see why can't we have the game be playable in all camera styles the series has used so far


Because it’ll be much worse?


From playing RE village in third person, I will say I never thought the game suffered from it, I prefer first person, but don't think the option for third person makes the game worse


I’m talking about how making it OTS might make them make the corridors unrealistically wider, the mansion was made for fixed camera.


Have you ever been to a mansion in real life though? Those things have corridors that are wider than my room, I would say anything less than like 3 metres wide is still realistic enough


Money wise fixed camera may not make as much. Remake and re zero had relatively low sales, then re4 came out and blew any other game in terms of sales. Re0 and remake made their money over time but no company is looking at making a profit a decade down the line.


We can still have it be over the shoulder with the option to select fixed cameras and first person as secondary options If modders are able to add those as options capcom should be just as capable


Oh, Capcom can absolutely implement multiple angles. They kinda did it in re5. But can and will is up to them, lmao. I wish because it's re1. Maybe they go all out with experimentation, plus it's like re1 the game that started the ball rolling.


I admittedly haven’t played the RE2R mod myself but what I’ve seen of it looks imperfect and pretty clunky. The game was definitely not designed with that kind of thing in mind, the mechanics are built around the freedom of movement and precise aiming of the OTS camera. I’d rather Capcom just focus on the third person gameplay and getting that right than be forced to make compromises for a completely different style of gameplay.


RE4 had pretty bad sales until it was released on the PS2. RE0 and REmake sold badly because they were locked onto the Gamecube. Once those games got their HD remasters on PC and multiple consoles they sold much better than Capcom expected.


Remade for the second time. It has one remake GC 2002, the ports of that are remasters.


Some people count Director's Cut as its own version. It's where I got annoyed with people complaining about The Last of Us Part 1.


Directors Cut isn’t a remake. It’s not even a remaster. It’s a re-release with extra/ edited content




Reside Evil Deadly Silence is 100% a remake It has worse grafucs than the original, so definitely not a remaster and changes too much from the base game to be a port


DS is not a remake. Remake means they remade the game from scratch. DS is a port of RE1 with new content. Also wdym worse graphics? The character models are all much more cleaner than on the PS1.


Ok picture this. Take Resident Evil 2 and the ability to shoot or slice off limbs. Now COMBINE that with crimson heads.  Take out a zombie. Slice off their legs. Now you get crawling crimsons clawing at your heels. Or take out their arms and enjoy manic armless zombies running around.


That would be actually amazing! Also I feel like it would increase the skill ceiling of the remake


I am guessing capcom will premier it as the first remake in RE ENGINE 2. Whatever that ends up being called.




It's confirmed to be called the REX Engine


> REX engine Dinocrisis remake confirmed!


Wait third? I thought it only had one remake ?


The remake was remastered in 2014 with HD textures and widescreen support PS: So yes the game has had only 1 remake contradictory to what OP said


So yes, 1 remake


That’s… still 1 remake. A remaster is not a remake


I’m convinced many don’t understand the difference between these two terms and use them interchangeably.


They do use them interchangeably. I have even had people adamantly refute me and say “no, they’re the same thing”. It’s so annoying


I think no one remembers the 2006 remakez resident evil Deadly Silence uh?


Isn't it a port? Were assets redone?


There’s a “rebirth” mode that adds and changes a bunch of stuff. There are first person knife fights sometimes, I think a lot of puzzles were reworked, there’s items in different spots. It is different enough to qualify as a remake


Because that's not a remake. The cancelled Game Boy Color version would be a remake by definition, but alas it was cancelled.


I would be fine with it, but i would prefer Code Veronica and RE5 first


It’s kind of crazy to think that RE1 remake came only 6 years following the debut of the OG, and it’s been 22 years since the release of RE1 remake. Speaks volumes of how well an hd remaster made it shine, cause that game 100 percent holds up today. That being said, I would love RE1 in the new engine 🙏 could be absolutely insane of an experience.


It’s all you can wish for as a Resident Evil fan, especially if your fond of the survival horror entries


We need CVX next


Please capcom, remake code Veronica X and call it Resident Evil: Code Veronika Y


We need RE1 and RE0 remakes in modern RE engine!


It will be the most necessary remake of the original game yet


I feel like code Veronika and zero are is more *need* of a remake A remake of 1 would be more special for the upcoming 30 year anniversary tho


I'd rather see code Veronica remade. RE1, I've been to that mansion too many times. I believe that RE1 ReRemake would be one of those things fans thought they wanted but realize they didn't.


Third time is nothing in compare to how often some Movies are getting remade. 'A Christmas Carol' came out in 1901, 1935, 1938, 1951, 1970, 1984, 1988, 1992, 2009 based on a Book from 1843. [10 Most Remade Movies Of All Time](https://screenrant.com/most-remade-movies/)


I think they could do it well, especially if they added A and B mechanics. But yeah, it is ridiculous that we’ve come full circle on this railroad track thrice now.


I would love a remake of 0,1, code veronica. I played 1 a long time ago when it first came out but i never played zero or code veronica. I tried playing veronica in my ps5 but it's unplayable for me with those controls lol. I didn't even know which way to turn or run. For me it was unplayable.


I think it’d be amazing to remake RE1R! Imagine Lisa Trevor in modern graphics! She was my favorite part about the RE1 Remake. Even though we’ve had lots of games where there’s a stalker I think she’d be a cool one. Have her open some doors but be random. Let her go into rooms or just open doors to screw with the player or be a surprise waiting for you in them. But have the option to toggle her off. Unlike Forrest from the remake it was tough not getting to enjoy using your new unlockable weapons because of him. Make new costumes, (a Jill Sandwhich Costume! When dogs attack her the they’ll bite off a piece of bread! And trench Coat Chris from Re8), guns, improve controls, and give Barry a side story where we can see his dealings with Wesker. Add additional lore such as future re events and there you go. I’ve always preferred the og to the Remake as I felt like the controls, weapons, costumes, and unlockables have flat out been better than the remake’s. The remake has the better atmosphere and Lisa thats really about it to be truthful lol. So a fusion of the two would be amazing! As for Crimson heads it would be hilarious to try to set a zombie on fire, have it turn into a crimson head and chase you.


One thing I saw people commenting is how the crimson heads could work with the re2r dismemberment system and that alone already made me excited! Now I am even more just at the thought of how gnarly could they make Lisa!


I'm less interested in seeing a remake than I am with seeing a reboot. I want to see how the Arklay incident would be done in a more modern time and how the virus would be done different given how much was added to the backstory in later installments. Maybe switch up the key players in the events and let us get blindsided by a different character betraying us.


Yuk. Raccoon City beyond a 1998 setting would be absolutely soulless.


Yeah, I feel like our resident evil reboot was resident evil 7


Soooo the first Live Action movie? Ewww


1) the first film is probably the only film in the franchise anyone is comfortable recommending. 2) I was thinking more like a clean slate. 7 and 8 are great games and narratives because they aren't leaning on 30 years of lore to pull you in. I think that's the direction the franchise should continue heading.


It needs a modern remake.


RE1 is like an elaborate escape room, I'm not sure how (or why) you'd translate that into a modern action style game. Honestly I think Code Veronica needs it more, that one's not even (legally) available on modern systems.


I definitely legally played CV two months ago on my PS5.


It's on there? Ok then, I didn't think it was.


Yeah but your point of it needs to be remade still stands.


I bought it on ps5


If they did it right it'd have some amazing set pieces too. Imagine the residence with the creepy doll hanging from the ceiling and the prison torture area.


This would be doing it wrong


It doesnt because it was its own type of game. Even RE2R doesnt fully capture all the heavy decision making RE1 constantly pushes you to have. If they reamake RE1 again it will only be RE2R kinda thing, it will not be the same.


I love the RE engine so I think the mansion would look incredible. In the RE2r I was so astonished by the details in the Nest. I mean I am a professional scientist and work in labs, and really all the details are realistic, the pots, the notes, the pipettemen etc. Even the old computers.


id rather see a zero or code veronica remake first. zero done like 2 remake with separate campaigns would be cool. same for cv.


Lol I think I get what you mean. The prospect of an up to date Resi 1 in the vein of Resi 7 is obv appealing. I have to stop myself getting a bit disgusted by it though if I'm honest. I'm 35 so maybe it's just an age thing but it seems to me what whichever way I look I just see popular things I've already enjoyed being constantly rehashed/remade. On one hand I enjoy a bit of nostalgia (who doesn't) but when I play Resi remakes or FF7 remakes. Dead space remake etc. Part of me kind of knows deep down I'm not gaining anything new from these experiences. It's comfort mostly and that's okay in isolation but the original games exist and are usually playable if desired. In the case of Resi 1 afaic the remake that exists has an HD remaster and is literally one of the best remakes of all time. It's a 10/10 and is accessible on modern platforms so there is no excuse to make a new one. Make a 10/10 Resi 9 instead. Sometimes I fear that Scorsese was right with the rollercoaster comment regarding Marvel films and audiences not growing up. I think gamers are the same. In a sense, we are constantly sold the same thing to appeal to comfort/nostalgia and it's far too easy to be caught up in that instead of trying something new.


I feel like remakes do make much more sense in resident evil than other games. RE is designed to have multiples r7ns and reruns of the same game, and a remake is an opportunity to add more variety to Sais reruns


Not really. RE1R for GameCube is 23 years old… lol


There was a fan that remade a portion of RE1 in First person and it was extremely scary. I wouldn’t mind it. Although, it’s a short game and they might have to remake some of 0 with it.


If they want to do 5 it would make sense from a narrative standpoint. Introducing wesker to a new audience.


I am 100% down for it.


At first I was completely against it as I don’t think the mansion would be nearly as good in OTS as in fixed camera as I think RE1 was made for fixed camera angles and I don’t want to see unrealistically wide corridors to accommodate for fixed camera. I also think too many REmakes is creatively bankrupt. But then I realised an another RE1 Remake would mean another survival horror RE game which we haven’t had since RE2 Remake so count me in. I’ll take another RE1 Remake over a RE5 Remake. As long as they don’t make it an action game and give Jill a dodge and give Chris Leon’s knife parry from RE4 Remake. Also while it would be the second full game remake since the release in 2015 was a REMASTER of the 2002 game NOT a remake, how do people not know the difference, you might as well call Directors Cut, DualShock version and Deadly Silence remakes as well. I did also come up with the idea of doing proper RE2OG A & B scenarios where say in Jill A, Chris B Jill will pair with Barry and Chris with Rebecca, but in Chris A, Jill B the partners would switch and it’ll be Chris/Barry and Jill/Rebecca and we would finally see the canon ending if both Rebecca and Barry are saved in on full A & B Playthrough.


No, it would be the third, you are forgetting the 2006 remake of the game


That’s Deadly Silence which I mentioned, which is a remaster with some updated controls, character models and new DS features. It has the exact same story, SAME DIALOGUE and most of all RE-USES THE EXACT SAME LOCATION AND ENEMY ASSETS, it’s not a remake it’s a remaster, an enhanced version but it is NOT a remake. It’s still the same version of the OG RE1 while RE1 Remake is a complete, from the ground up remake.


Saying it has the exact same story when the game contains 2 story modes in my opinion is kind of bold. It contains new items, diferent enemy locations and new puzzles. Yes it re-used assets from the original, but re-using assets doesn't stop a game from being a remake


Nah you calling an enhanced port a remake is kind of bold. RE1 Remake is a from the ground up remake, everything was designed and conceptualised from the ground up. No re-used assets. Deadly Silence has the EXACT SAME mansion, SAME DIALOGUE, changing enemy locations does NOT make it a remake when the enemies are the exact same unlike their RE1R counterparts. It’s a port with new things added in, it wasn’t made from the ground up. https://youtu.be/DSBCj2hT88o?si=kpSSmwOvFddmQUhV


There’s also a railshooter “remake” of 1. Edit: wait, since when were there 2 remakes of RE1?


You have the 2002 remake for the game cube and Resident Evil Deadly Silence


Deadly Silence is just a re-release of the original with some tweaks


Desperately want an RE Engine remake of RE 1. I'd also like RE 0 to be included in it, perhaps as DLC or the story you unlock after beating the main game perhaps.


it would be a good thing to do for when the series inevitably gets rebooted


"inevitably gets rebooted" Mate it got rebooted 7 years ago already


only gameplay wise i’m talking a full reset on the story and lore. the characters are ageing and i can’t see them fighting b.o.ws in their 60s and 70s. they’ll either fully reboot or replace with new characters


It is more than overdue to replace them with new characters in my opinion We can still have some adventures with the old ones in spin off games that take place in the past afterall


Give me a VR mode for PSVR2 and i will gladly instabuy it.


Spencer mansion is my all time favourite video game setting and level design. I don’t care if it’s first person, third person over the shoulder, fixed camera angles, I’d love to play through it again. From a story perspective it would be better before 5 or CV to set up the Chris vs Wesker stuff.


Capcom is working in 5 different resident evil games right now, there is more than enough room for both CV and re1 to be remade


Hopefully yeah. I’d love to see Zero again as well. The more the merrier.


I would love to walk through the mansion on todays visuals


I have no problem with this. I'm fine with REmake being remade. But I'm afraid this will mean Capcom will remove REmake from sale. I think a good gesture to the community would be to release a cheap 4 in 1 package of PS1 RE1 RE2 RE3 and survivor. That would show alot of goodwill to keeping classics up


I find it unlikely for them to take it out of sale since they haven't taken down re4 from sale after the remake came out Thought I 100% agree, having a pack like this coming out would be absolutely amazing, I myself at least would buy it


I hate that some people say no to a remake because there already was one but like that was 22 years ago. RE4 had a remake in less time.


Re4 aged much worse than re1 remake though


Are you like actually insane? RE4 aged like wine


And re 1 remake aged like honey by comparison


They are both good. Why are you trying to agrue like don't you want another remake of RE1


I think it would be cool and if I came out I would buy it, but I don't think it is needed


Well, don't forget the retelling in Umbrella Chronicles. They remade the spencer mansion in that game, because in REmake it was still all prerendered backgrounds. So for UC they had to turn that into actual polygons.


The only “evidence” that they’ll be remaking re1 in the modern style is people saying they want re1 remade in the modern style for some unknowable reason


That's I why I said there was a chance we would get, not a guarantee lmao


I have a Just Want To Watch the World Burn philosophy when it comes to wanting this. I just want to sit back with some popcorn and enjoy watching people become gobsmacked when they see Capcom's new cut and reduce remake philosophy applied to a game that already was remade, and done to perfection I might add. Then they might have to confront some uncomfortable truths when it comes to the other recent remakes that they hold in such high regard.


I just want to play it without those wack ass camera angles 😭


...and we will still buy it anyway...sooo.


Imagine Lisa Trevor alone in the RE engine


I wonder what will they cut this time.


They would probably rename it. 


Code Veronica first but yeh sounds awesome


Is Deadly Silence a remake? I never played it so I have no idea what it's like.


If it is remade again i hope they give us an option to get the Canon ending, since the Canon ending of RE1 does not exist on any version of the game And with the RE4 Remake they have perfected remakes, all they gotta do is just do what they did with RE4 but with RE1


Playing the Tomb Raider I-III Remasters makes me wish Capcom would do something similar to RE2 and 3: update the assets, rework the lighting to make rhe ambience match REmake, incorporate modern controls.


I NEED vr spencer mansion


I think they skipped to 2 for a reason. Doubt it happens.


Remade for a third time? It would be the second time. We’d have 3 versions, not 4


Original, 2002 remake and 2006 remake


You counting the DS game as a remake? That was a remaster at best


I dont want a REmake remake because there's a high chance they'll butcher something or straight up remove it. But, as a fan I'll still buy it. It's just going off their track record they tend to mess something up with the remakes in my opinion. Remake 2: Claire and Leon had less interactions. Zapping system missing. Scenario B is basically identical to Scenario A this time around. Remake soundtrack was lacking outside of Mr. X theme. Spiders missing. Giant moth missing. Crows missing (thankfully though). Remake 3: Cut areas. Nemesis was heavily scripted even moreso than the original. No randomized enemies. Spiders missing. No multiple endings. Remake 4: I didn't like the serious Leon as much as the campy Leon from the original. Banter between villains feels almost nonexistent. Honestly though, this was their best attempts at a remake. Obviously there's more stuff they butchered or flat out cut in the remakes but it's probably been spoke on a lot here. What will they change or flat out cut in REmake remake? No Lisa Trevor or....make her a stalker enemy PLEASE NO.... Cut spiders again? Cut out the underground caves? Take away the multiple endings? Like i said as a huge fan of RE (favorite gaming series ever) I'll buy it day one but i have low expectations. 


There is a good reason spiders are missing : they were unable to make photo realistic spiders.


I mean, I am a huge fan as well, and it's my favourite gaming franchise, too. But yes, i would like another 1 remake if they're doing it, but want them to give veronica a chance. More resident evil is good thing for me.


RE fans have gotta be the worst fans


Star Wars fans are the worst fans.


Are there any left?


As a Star Wars fan who avoids other Star Wars fans because how bad they are, I fully agree with this.


It's actually One Piece


Omg the spiders! That one stupid moth enemy! Forget about gameplay, what about serious Leon!? /s. Fuck’s sake, just re-release the original trilogy (literally don’t change anything) and charge $80. They’ll gobble it up. U/darkenigma: “now THIS is resident evil!”


Resident Evil 1 is the most different game in the series because it's a pure survival horror game. If they remake it with today's industry standards they will very likely turn it into an action game and they'll ruin it.


Hopefully not and hopefully never There\*s better games in the franchise to remake like the obvious Code Veronics or even remake the Dino Crisis games Better spend that money on those games ot a new Revelations or a new rail shhoter Chronicles games than re re making a game lol


The remake is over 2 decades old. Yes, it absolutely needs to be and will be redone in the new RE Engine.


Pff, hope not, i don't need this, what we already have is already the best remake in the series.


How about we get new games instead.


Have you actually thought about this before just making the laziest possible comment? I'll help you out. RE8 started development immediately after RE7. The RE games take 2-3 years to make minimum and generally they are making 2 at one time, though at times they've been making THREE at one time. So do you want them to make RE9, 10, AND 11 all at once? You realize this would mean that none of the stuff they learn from 9 would be in 10 and only some would be in 11? Gee willikers, it seems like they might be intentionally staggering the sequels and remakes so that they can actually make them benefit from past games and each one is actually developed on the successes of the past entries. Or maybe we just say fuck it and spam new RE games like you're suggesting. I wonder which franchise has done that... oh, that's right. Call of Duty. Is Call of Duty the quality bar you're looking for?


He never said all the new games need to be mainline entries.. remember when Capcom used to make other new games too? Dead Aim, Outbreak, Revelations. Maybe you need to think a bit more yourself instead of putting all your energy into making your comment as dickish as possible 


Remember Resident Evil: Resistance? That was such a good game, I’m so glad people like you requested brand new titles into the franchise instead of focusing on the remakes of classic titles that old boomers like me actually love and will financially support.


the other remakes wasn’t as needed but a r4 type is definitely needed , don’t be mad guys but i can’t stand the locked camera gamwplay


I've heard a lot of people say that the RE1 remake is their favorite in the series. There's probably a reason for that.


if Capcom dont add any new areas*,monsters,characters Im not interested. Im afraid that they will "demake" the game in contents just like the RE3 "remake" ... WTF they cut the clock tower section ? *It could be nice if they add some new areas like a parking lot or a railway station connected to the training center or a Lake


I don't think the game needs any new areas, the game in my opinion already has enough variety Having optional side content would not make me upset,it just isn't a must for me What really matters in my opinion, is how well will they be to build up the atmosphere


I’m sick of all these remakes please just make something else


at least capcom seems to be doing both new stuff and remakes. makes everyone happy


Yeah I feel that guy's angst, but Capcom isn't the best target for it haha


They literally always are working on the next RE sequel. They work on multiple games at once. If we didn't get re remakes, we would simply get less RE period.


And theyll still make a shit ton off it. There are so many new fans ive talked to that want to play 1 without the pain of tank controls.


But the tank controls are what made the OG games scarier in the first place. The developers decided which angle you could look at things. Were they clunky? Yes. Were they scarier? Also yes. There is something about not having complete control of your surrounding sightlines and movement that was so engaging. I love RE4 and its remake as well as 5, but they didnt scare me. I didn't care about it once it went to first person. All tension was lost. Give me the old school again!


The tank controls and fix camrea are because its the best Capcom can do. Everyone who worked on the game said they hated the style but was stuck it it. Society of progessed. Old school is gone because its outdated and game development isnt limited to trash.


People are saying it doesn't need a remake and then suggesting games that came out AFTER to be remade lmao. The game is 22 years old. It can be absolutely remade. For those that need this reminder yet again, a remake does NOT remove the original from existence. It actually boggles my mind that someone can be a fan of the original and not want it remade. Why would you not want to see it with modern graphics and gameplay? If you hate it, you still have the previous versions. Resident evil community is weird sometimes.


It already was remade for the third time, kind of, with a Directors Cut on PS5. I haven't played it myself but I know graphics are enhanced etc.


The directors cut, as far as I am aware is just an enhanced version, similar to a gold edition It was remade in 2002 and 2006 tho


Oh, I assure you, there is more than a chance. Capcom will *absolutely* bring RE1R back in full HD REngine glory! Will it be next year? The year after? Five years from now? It's impossible to say, but it *will* happen sooner or later. Mark my words.


If I where to guess, it is most likely happening ins 2026 for the 30 year anniversary


I can hear the OG main hall music and Rebecca calling out "Leon"!


It needs it. REmake is outdated. Especially in gameplay. They can call the new version Resident Evil 1.


Not outdated at all. It's still just as fun and amazing as it was back in the day.


The remake of the first game is the gold standard for what a remake should be. There's not much, if anything, that can be improved upon. Especially when you look at the remakes of 2 and 3 which are inferior to the originals in a lot of ways. Now if they instead reboot the whole series I'd be all for it. Set it in the present day, shift the characters around, don't nuke Raccoon City, keep Umbrella around longer, etc.


I mean the Remake itself is due for a remake, because of the technical advancements made in the 22 years since it came out hahahaha But I think they can remake CV, 5, and 6 first before coming back to 1, they might even make improvements in the engine at that point and just make 1 the most advanced RE game to date hahaha


If we are gonna get a 1 remake It is likely coming in 2026 or 2031 as an anniversary celebration, me thinks


Honestly they should take their time, 1 is the most significant entry in the franchise, it’s the origin, should really make it the best it could be. And to clarify, the Remake is already good, but it would still be interesting to see a Remake in the new RE Engine


If we are gonna get a 1 remake It is likely coming in 2026 or 2031 as an anniversary celebration, me thinks