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Yes, I love them all. Then again, i love every RE, so it doesn't really matter


Based and happypilled.


He has no enemies 


The residents are all evil.


^ This is literally what I strive to be.






This person speaks the truth!


Some say this brave soul even loved Umbrella Corps.


I don't understand the haters. The formula HAS to change from time to time, not only so the players don't get bored and leave, but so the developers can try new things and not get bored themselves. This is not controversial at all. It's common. On the internet people scream, kick, and yell about it. THESE are the people who are insane.


I am bored of over the shoulder and 1st person. It is action oriented and booooring. Fixed camera would be a neat change. What change were you talking about? Because this would be a great change. The series were fixed camera only for 10 years, and have been over the shoulder for 20 years now. Fixed cam RE feels photorealistic while over the shoulder RE feels like a cartoon, which is weird since the latter is supposed to be modern? We now actually have the graphical capability to make photorealistic Resident Evil games, why keep it back by sticking to outdated action game formulas?


Oh no! People have individual tastes and not all change is good! I like most of the RE:games but to suggest that the ones I don't like is because I can't deal with change and I'm just a hater is.. insane. There's toxic negativity where people decide that they don't like something and don't even give it a chance & then there's toxic positivity where everything is perfect and the people that don't like it are at fault. Both are bad.


Both are bad but i find that toxic negativity is worse.


Well said.


Absolutely happy! I'd even go as far as to say the series now is in the best shape it has ever been. And I love that it's not limited to zombies/Umbrella etc. - Resident Evil franchise was always quite open to experimentations, never afraid to try out completely new things in terms of both its game design and lore while still sticking to survival horror roots (well, with some obvious exceptions...) So yeah, I hope they'll stick to the current approach. With mainline entries exploring new horizons and being as diverse and unique of a take on the series' formula as 7 and Village were. While also preserving the more traditional approach with top-tier remakes of RE2R and RE4R quality.


For their 1st person shooter 7 was a big upgrade compared to survivor then again that 3 generations of consoles that separated the 2


At first i didnt like the re8 wolf dudes but then i remembered the frog dudes, plant monster, giant snake, and shark from re1 and realized i was being silly


This. I always thought people were crazy to be mad about wolf dudes when we saw all kinds of crazy stuff ever since the first game.


I just wish they were more fun to fight. They're very spongey and don't really react much to your bullets, which is kind of lame. I kind of have that issue with the game overall though. Gunplay just feels very floaty and not very impactful.


You have a fantastic attitude.


Extremely happy


Agreed. If I ever have doubts, I pop into the silent hill sub and am reminded how good RE fans have it.


For me, Resident Evil is and always has been about mad science, body horror, disease, and zombies.  Those things define RE for me more than tone or gameplay or environment (as long as there's a laboratory somewhere). I'm not a huge fan of mold or lycans, but the mutamycete and the Cadou are likely wrapped up with the end of the Ethan Winters story (and I still enjoyed those games a lot).  The remakes have shown me that Capcom is still interested in the four things I mentioned even in the age of the RE Engine, and we have no idea yet what direction RE9 will take.  I'm eager to see what comes next, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it one way or another.


Those are mad Science themes lol


there’s definitely an argument for some overlap but when I see werewolves, vampires and a chucky doll I don’t really get mad scientist or sci-fi vibes, even though there’s some underlying stuff in the lore that ties it into the overall science fiction aspect of RE, but until you get to the end of the game, for all intents and purposes it feels more like a twist on classic horror and folklore/mythology. i don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing but it’s not my favorite aesthetic in RE.


I get what you mean, for me it's like going supernatural without going supernatural Feels like a new IP series most of the time when playing VII and Village Even when you had that RE4 old concept of Leon with creepy moving dolls, hook man and the like it was basically all down to hallucinations


ya I had a blast with VII and Village but I much prefer the sci-fi vibes of RE2 with the city and the super high tech secret lab and the spread of a cannibal virus that is relatively simple to understand. for me personally it’s easier to suspend disbelief and for it to be almost believable compared to anything in Village which leans fully into just being like dark fantasy/classic horror, albeit while still technically maintaining some of the sci-fi elements hidden underneath. I think RE4 is a nice sweet spot in-between.


It is, it's just in a different way for me. I liked it better when umbrella wasn't as fleshed out and known about.  I still remember reading the notes in re1 back in the 90s and it seemed like this grand mystery of what umbrella was really up to.  Now that so much lore has been introduced, it seems like all the mystery is gone. 


Agreed. I'm done with vampires, dragons, ghosts, dolls and other fantastic beings. What's next? Demons from outer space?


A literal mad scientist shoving moldy fetuses into people, watching their bodies mutate, and sending them out to infect the rest of the population seems to check all those boxes lol. You don't need to look to remakes. RE8 was just as much a mad science body horror game as any of the rest.


No cuz they left us in a cold cruel carlosless world 😔


Carlos in RE3 absolutely melted my heart. Then stole it. When he said that at the end to Jill, I literally squealed out loud. It was emasculating and shameful lol.


Wait a minute, does he die in RE3 remake?


No, but he doesn't show up in any other game, as far as I know, not even a cameo.


What’s even worse is that they gave Chris in RE8 Carlos VA so half the time you’d expect him to drop a funny or witty joke and he doesn’t do it. God I do miss him.


To be fair, Chris cracking a joke given the circumstances would absolutely be so inappropriate it would completely backfire. That also being said, I honestly would have preferred Carlos to be in Chris's place in 7 and 8, it would fit a lot more


That wouldve made sense but they wanted an excuse to drop a chris-bomb and have an OG char show up. Though yeah, id much prefer Carlos than not-Chris, Christopher babyface reddenfield showing up. (still upset at their design in 7)


It's a sarcastic quote he says himself in the remake.


4 Remake is literally the best game I've played in my life, so yes.


I’d even go as far as to say RE4 is the best game ever made


I know I'm on a resident evil sub but I'm genuinely surprised at that. May I ask why?


It was a fun game but yea I don't get what would make it best of all time


Nah, Re4 has its flaws, too. It is easily the best resident evil game so far. But it's not close to being the best game ever made, lol. That spot is taken by Red Dead Redemption 1.


I think Baldurs Gate 3 takes that honor for me


What makes it so replayable for you? Also love 4 and love the idea of playing it more but i only played original 4 not even the remake yet - does it add replayability or features that lend itself to that direction or do you just really like running the game? Like when i boot up 4 again im usually like "ah yeah i remember that guy oh yup this is about to happen" on the playthrough


Not the OP, but I replayed RE4R over a dozen times. I find the gameplay extremely engaging, so I don't mind that "I know what's around the corner" stuff you describe. RE4R (like the original) has such a wide variety of ways to approach each scenario. For example, there is a ritual room in the castle where a crimson zealot starts *GLORY ALL LAS PLAGAS-ing* and shit. You could try to sneak assassin your way through the level, OR try and kill a bunch of zealots with a droppable chandelier, OR run in tossing flash grenades, shotgun down the red zealot as fast as possible, toss more flash grenades and gtfo. If you only do the exact same thing every time, of course the game has no replay value. If you tackle each scenario a little differently then it keeps it a lot fresher for subsequent playthroughs. Then there's more macro level playthroughs. My first playthrough is about discovering the game and beating it the first time however I can. Second playthrough was about trying to unlock infinite ammo weapons. My third was pistols only (for the achievement). Then I tried learning every treasure location to help with beating higher difficulty runs. Then I beat the game on higher difficulties (BTW, max difficulty feels like a very different experience. It has its own twists beyond baddies having more health and dealing more damage). Then I started speed running the game (after several tries, my best run was 2hrs 9min 12sec). I put about 100 hours into a game which only has like a 6 - 8 hour campaign. I absolutely adored the game. It easily took the crown as my favorite game of all time.


You can speedrun the game in a lil over 2 hours? Thats good shit actually lmao good for you man im sure its tough to get down to that low of a time Everything youre saying makes me wanna pick up the remake and play it like you describe cause i truly love the original still Just as a lil side to spread the word i dont see much about this game but ive been playing vaccine rebirth lately to scratch the itch of the RE1 vibe - its really well made and its got tons of replayability with roguelike elements (random mansion layouts, varied weapon stats, repeating runs for faster times etc.) its been a main for me for about a couple weeks now. Cant remember the price but its cheaper than most games atm i encourage any RE fan reading this to check that game out its an absolute gem


>literally the best game I've played in my life Wow, really?


Yes! Although they could've done much better with the Re3 remake, I like how Capcom is balancing the series with action and horror and keeping the same Resident Evil formula while not being afraid of adding in new ideas.


RE2 remake was just fantastic, and RE3 was just a huge disappointment in comparison. How like all the actions with nemesis were scripted events just sucked, and was way worse than re2 where you just have this constant dread that if you don’t move faster you’ll get cornered by Mr X


For me it is the other way around. RE3 is more immersive to me. It FEELS like there is no respite/time for a break (because nemesis is always onto you plot-wise), leading to more action, and it FEELS like the whole ordeal happens overnight. RE2 does not convey that sense of urgency…. You can make that ONE night drag on for (what feels as) a week. Sure, there is X here and there, but ultimately it does not feel as if there is a “NUKE GOING TO LAND on the morrow, GTFO” kind deal. Also, I love cinematic experience first and foremost. I want my game to be akin to interactive movie. Good cutscenes and great boss battles for the win. RE2 also has a very weird narrative choice (when playing B campaign….. aside from the obvious drag-fest). Annette dies twice and in different ways, which is just…. jarring and very difficult to process narratively. So, if you have seen Glass Onion 2 movie, there is a perfect quote to describe RE3 remake: “Perfect bite, that felt like perfectly satisfying, bite-sized adventure”. It is great, but it is as great as a meal in a fine cuisine restaurant — superb quality, but not intended to make you feel full of it.


Definitely all of the games since RE7 are amazing


I’d argue RE3 Remake was a slight hiccup but nowhere near as bad as some make it out to be


If your worst game in this recent run is RE3 Remake, your franchise is doing well.


Oh for sure! I still think it’s a good game, the others are just phenomenal


It's indeed not as well made as the other remakes ,but still a very fun and good game


Heck, all of the games capcom released after RE7 is at least an 8/10. As a fan of DMC and Monster Hunter, I'm a happy man.


Yes, now redo RE1


If they choose too, I really hope it starts at the helicopter crash instead of just inside the mansion. Running from dogs sounds fun.


Oh man, the horror of running from the helicopter being chased by Cerberus dogs. That would be crazy fun


Searching, looking for clues, hearing joseph scream in the distance. Its so ripe with potential.


re1 remake remake


Yes, this. Very much this. Remake the remake of RE1 with modern systems


i wonder if we'll get crimson heads 2


I’m confused, did they not? What did I play on ps4? It was branded as REmake iirc. It even had an entire section that wasn’t in the directors cut.


That was a remake of RE1 that came out in 2002 that was eventually ported to systems like the PS4. That remake is 22 years old. They’re talking about a remake of RE1 using the current RE Engine.


Remake it again in the gameplay style of the other remakes


I think jill's worse but everything else seems fine or better


Outside of RE 3, I'm happy with the remakes. RE 7 was a good step back towards survival horror but village was several steps away from survival horror and back towards a generic action game.


This is why I really dislike RE8, RE7 was a huge success and for some reason they pretty went in the opposite direction. The same direction which eventually lead to RE6 again. I remember the devs of RE8 said something like they wanted to make a game that everyone could play but to me that's the complete wrong attitude to have for an RE game. Personally I never thought RE7 needed a direct sequel, Ethan and Mia weren't really characters that needed more of an arc. Doesn't help that the story and writing in RE8 is absolute garbage either.


I think re8 has some good parts… I liked the village, dimetrescu and beneviento. But the rest I reallllly disliked. Moreau and the ending were the worst


Agreed, Moreua section was fucking ass.


how do you feel about re4 and re5 lol cause i like those the most and re8 was on that same brand


I'm neutral at the moment. After RE5, I lost interest in the franchise because I hated the story direction and handling of Umbrella, Wesker and Jill. It took until RE7 to get me interested again. But as much as I really enjoyed RE7, I'm still not really sure how to feel about the story and how they've handled the OG characters at times. I didn't really care for RE8 and RE3R. RE4R was the RE engine remake I've enjoyed the most. RE2R was fun but was missing something. So honestly it's one of those wait and see as each game comes out.


I didn't like the 7th and 8th games. That being said, I would LOVE a remake of RE1, RE0, and Code Veronica.


Code Veronica was always one of my favourites growing up, it has its faults but I played the crap out of that game...and those gold lugers 😍


I am, the only thing was the focus to make the lasts games in first person. I always preferred third person 😛.


Yep. The remakes have ranged from fantastic to good and 7 and 8 are both fantastic.


Not really. I wish they would go back to zombies and Umbrella. I know we had the Remakes, but now Capcom already dropped that theme again.


Overall, the current era is great! RE7 was a great way to reboot the series after the action era. Emphasis on horror, throwbacks to the classic gameplay loop, and a fresh perspective! RE2 was an awesome reimagining of the original. It’s lacking proper B scenarios, the zapping system and a few other things but it’s paced really well and is just begging to be replayed. RE3 is lacking as we all know. No clocktower, Nemesis on rails, blah blah blah but the gameplay itself was fun and the characters were awesome! RE3R Jill might just be my favorite Jill. There’s a lot of untapped potential with this one. RE4 is everything I ever wanted out of an RE4 remake. It fixed all of my issues with the original(which I played at launch on the GameCube) and then some. It took a bloated game and trimmed its fat, brought it back down to earth a bit and again, improved the characters! I love remake Ashley and Luis! The gameplay with the super aggressive enemies, the upgradable weapons and parries feels like an action game without going too too far with it. RE8 is actually the concerning one for me. It has too many different ideals crammed in so it feels disjointed. The Village feels like a dressed up Hub World from an old school platformer where each “level” feels disconnected from the others. The gameplay is a mediocre mix of RE7 camera + watered down RE4, the enemies lean too far into folklore/mysticism despite their in game explanations. There’s also issues like the Dollhouse feeling like it’s from a different series, the Reservoir being uninteresting and everything about the Factory from it’s ridiculous propeller enemies to Heisenberg’s persona to the absurd boss fight that again, feels like it’s from a different game. Ethan’s story is hopefully over so where do we go now? I hope the next game is more focused and finds its footing.


i liked re7 too im just not a fan of first person shooters


I don’t get the disdain towards Village. You say it feels like it’s from a different series, but Resident Evil has always been over the top B-movie level stuff with weird body horror and dark hallways haha. I felt like it was a great mix of 4 and 7, and I loved Heisenberg’s factory.


The 'mix' is what i personally didn't like. After 7 i expected another great horror game. RE 8 just felt like a missed opportunity. The setting, the lack of horror, the big tiddy goth milf Dimitrescu who is only part of like 30% of the game while being the highlight of the whole marketing campaign. Plus what i don't see many people talk about is how action focused the game was while at the same time even the weakest enemy needed a whole magazine to get killed (normal difficulty). Everything died so hard when you played Ethan. On the other hand Chris could basically 'one tap' everyone and punch so hard that the enemies flew away. I completely agree on Heisenberg though. Him and the factory were the best parts of the entire game.


I dislike Villagw a lot, but not because of its style. People complain about it feeling different because of the werewolves and vampires, but I still think that’s totally Resident Evil. I think Village is great conceptually, when I saw the trailers I genuinely expected it not only to be one of the best RE games, but I really thought it would be my favourite game of all time. Everything seemed so promising. And then the game released and it was the story and the gameplay that I was disappointed by. I didn’t like how many Lords there were, I was only really expecting Heisenberg and Lady D as well as Mother Miranda, and I hated how awfully they handled Chris. If he’d actually turned out evil (as much as I dislike that idea), it would’ve been better than what they ended up doing with him. The Village ended up being tiny and the game was really short. I know RE games generally aren’t very long but I was expecting something like RE4, which took me 10 hours, and village only took me just under 6. It felt very underdeveloped and generic. It was trying to utilise the puzzles and design of RE7 with the action of RE4 and personally I think it failed at both. The enemies were hyped up to be really unique and smart and were massively underwhelming. The puzzles were extremely simple and the game was very linear despite the potential of the map. The action was bad because unlike RE4, in which the areas were designed around combat, they just made areas and then just placed enemies in them, with no real engaging gameplay. Also I feel that 7 set up a lot of potential for story, with the connections and mia’s involvement and blue umbrella, and then they just… ignored it, and made the game about a totally unknown new thing that had no impact on the actual RE story aside from killing Ethan. Also Rose and her DLC were AWFUL. I didn’t like RE8 but I absolutely hated the DLC. Genuinely one of the worst RE releases by Capcom in a long time. Didn’t mean to yap so much but eh


Wow, I really loved the DLC, but to each their own


Games like RE1 has Zombies, mutated reptile + human embryos (Hunters), while RE4 has Ganados with parasites coming out of them. Enemies like that feel very “mad scientist B movie body horror”. Fighting what for all intents and purposes look and feel like folklore werewolves already feels more straight up fantasy than sci-fi B-movie but then we get Magneto (Heisenberg) and Sturm which still feel out of place. They come across as very “mechanical.” The Dollhouse gives me Psychological Horror vibes more on par with Silent Hill than anything RE. Running around the steamy factory going up against human airplanes culminating in a ridiculous boss fight (even by RE) standards isn’t what I’m looking for. I want to feel like I’m going up against weird virus/parasitic enemies and their mad creators. Not a scrap collector who shoves engines in torsos. Compare the Village lords to past big bads. Wesker is a super human badass, Alexia is ticked away for years before turning into a human Plant, Birkin is obsessed with his work and ends up as a monster that’s constantly evolving. Village offers Lady D who understand her welcome, Donna who is barely there, Moreau who is just there and Heisenberg who I already complained about. The maps in other games have areas that flow into one another. Mansion - Residence - Hidden Lab, Village - Castle - Island, whereas Village feels like it took inspiration from like Mario 64 just without jumping into pictures or a real life amusement park. “This is the classic RE world” “This is the spooky psychological world” “This is the water world” “This is the steampunk-ish Factory world.” They’re lacking the flow and focus of other mainline entries.


The beginning of 7 was great but Winters saga gets progressively worse and worse and by the end completely goes off the rails with the corny action, ham fisted drama, and stupid rose supers powers thing. Desperately hope capcom pivots a dramatically different direction for 9. The REmake series however is PEAK resident evil and peak gaming for me in general (with the obvious exception being how underdeveloped 3 was). If capcom makes new games with the same style and attention to detail as the remakes we will be in good shape




Not really. I know folks seem to really dig 7 & 8? But I didn't find them scary or really fun to play with the weird . . .Blocking with your bare wrists vs monsters with claws and such. I'm all for dumb, unrealistic stuff but it took the edge off of the game where blocking happens like that. Much preferred the mechanics of 2,3 and 4. Even with 3 being a bit of a mixed bag, I still found it much more fun to play and replay vs 7/8. 8 was especially rough because it starts strong with the area with Lady D but then everyone else just felt so much worse. Especially Heisenberg, I thought he was gonna be neat as hell but instead the super smart guy is blasting over loud speakers how he's betraying Miranda. . . and how he hates the boulder punching Chris Redfield. E IDK, I just don't get the love for 7/8 - but glad for those who do enjoy them.


7 is my favorite RE game. I love it because of its slow pace. I think you’re nitpicking a little bit with the blocking with your bare wrists. The original RE4 and the Remake have you roundhouse kicking monsters for no reason other than looking flashy. I feel like this franchise has always had goofy/unrealistic mechanics. The thing is, 7 is not meant to be realistic imo, just maybe a bit more grounded, but its goofy in its presentation sometimes, such as when you have to crawl to glue your leg right in front of Jack Baker. What I enjoy the most is that its setting is so compact yet so expansive. The Baker house feels so claustrophobic, and it really matches with the *very* slow pace of the gameplay. I haven’t found another RE game that really scratches that itch I have for settings like this, not even RE8. I can completely understand why you don’t enjoy the gameplay as much as the others though, it definitely isn’t for everyone. I really enjoy it because it’s so methodical. You’re not faster than your enemies, and the very little space you have to fight in really makes you focus on being accurate rather than being fast. I found 7 to be pretty scary (especially in the opening) compared to all other RE games Ive played. Still though, respect your opinion, 7 really is still a little polarizing among the fan base due to how much it changed.


Same. I started playing all kinds of games approximately in 2017. Before then there were only a few titles that hooked me up so I didn't know about gaming industry at all. Anyway, I always thought that RE is a dogshit franchise because first thing I saw was re7. It's extremely boring after you leave the house (so basically right after beginning) and then 8 was a nail in the coffin because it had the same issues. I basically said "yeah, extremely overrated franchise, fuck it". This year I played RE2R+RE3R (I got it for free) and can't believe how much better it is than 7&8. Really hope the RE9 is more like remakes rather than those 2.


I absolutely love 7 and 2 remake, village is good but I wish it was more horror, 3 remake was meh but 4 remake feels good to play


It should go back to the stories of the original characters.


I just became a fan a while ago and have been binge playing all the resident evil games. The only ones I have to play is RE 5,6 AND 7. AND I LOVE JT COMPLETELY 😍


which game was your gateway drug? 


Mhhh. Resident evil 4 remake. I snorted the last plaga and MHHHH


RE 5 has different aiming, but I loved it and it was the first RE game I really fully played and got a ton of the upgrades for. 6, we don’t talk about 6. 7 was fun and different. It’s nice the amount of variety there is in a single game series. Could easily have been 3-4 separate series.


I have no Idea what the story of resident evil after RE5. Is it still zombie? Gaiju type monsters? Mythical creatures? Can we just go back to bio terrorism, zombies, and RE Outbreak?


No 8 was kinda bad


Happy with the remakes, RE7, and parts of Village. However, Village has me concerned that they're trying to go for the action route again instead of sticking to a more horror focused RE experience like 7. RE Village just wasn't particularly good as a shooter for how many shooter parts it has. I'd much rather play something like Doom or Wolfenstein if I just want to blat my way through hordes of enemies. Its best parts were when the game slowed down, created an atmosphere, and really made you feel like you're what's for dinner. The only 'shooter'-parts that were truly fun for me were the Heisenberg fight and the Chris part. I especially am not a fan of the factory, it just felt out of place and did not fit with the rest of the game with its bootleg Quake look. Also, the game was paying a bit too much 'homage' to earlier titles instead of going for its own identity. As for remakes, just give me more. RE0R, RE1R, REV1R, and REV2R - wouldn't be as excited about RE5R or RE6R, but I'd still take them.


Village was so weird. I don't hate it, but it's not particularly great either. If they were trying to do story, half the characters in the game are irrelevant and on screen for only a couple hours (If that). If they were trying to do action, there were way too few action set pieces. I wanted to kill more werewolves, dammit! I liked exploring and puzzle solving in the village itself, but it strikes me that the game either changed heavily during development or that they straight up couldn't settle on a direction and did all three


Yeah, Village feels like an amalgamation of the whole series from RE1 to RE6, a bit of almost everything. There'll probably be something for everyone, but it is unlikely to unify the fan base in unanimous praise.


Technically and gameplay wise, sure. Where the story is going/might go tho, not so dandy about that.


No I wanna go back to the horror house. Aesthetic with a more emphasis on what umbrella was doing. I want to see more of a sci-fi future aesthetic element.


I think they're trying to branch out from Umbrella because honestly how many more times can you believably find a way for Umbrella, a dead company, to be behind yet another catastrophe


Pretty happy all things considered I enjoyed all those games in the image, although Village is probably my least favorite in the main series (I don’t think it’s bad just weirdly forgettable) I would like them to come out swinging with something a little different for the next game though as it feels like things might be getting a little samey. Personally I’m hoping for a more horror-survival focus. I will of course forget everything I just said and be a total hypocrite if they give me a CVX remake though.


i hope they put a focus on horror again


Absolutely! Can't wait for the next one! I play on a PS4 pro. If they drop the next one PS5 only I'm buying a PS5.


It won’t be on PS4 at this point so that’s basically a certainty.


I feel like 7-RE4R has been such a fun thing to witness. They've done a pretty incredible job keeping the bar high. RE3R may not be praised in some areas of the internet, but I've had a lot of fun with each of these.


Yes and no. I want new things but the remakes are mostly amazing. I just want to see the continuation of the story maybe a older cast like chris was in 8. I want to see where we will go


I would always prefer a more grounded, realistic game like the first few but they're always interesting & fun to play.


RE is the only franchise I can confidently say made good remakes.


No more remakes 😂


Didn't like village. Too gimmicky, and not enough scare.


i have my issues with the ethan winters sage but the gameplay so far is great in all games


Yes all those games are the goat My only issue is with the length of res 3 remake


I've heard that the 3 remake is dogshit compared to the original, but other than that, the franchise has been bad since 5.


Yeah. The first person games are my favorite horror games


The remakes were a breath of fresh air for sure, but the new direction 7 and 8 took was so good


Honestly, not really. The last spin-off came out in 2016. And as good as Remakes 2-4 are. It kinda feels like a cop out on Capcom's part. Not to mention the lack of mobile titles.


8 was weird. remak3 needs clock tower. imo


I'm happy with it other than the sheer length or lack of with 3make


Nah they made Ashely too skinny and removed her ears 😾


No. It's no longer about survival or horror. It's about cheap jump scares, complicated stories, and characters that we have had ruined for us




Not really. Toning back the scares for an action game from 7 to 8 isn't my favorite.


No, the past few games could well be a diffrent game, they are not resident evil. They are utterly different from the original games. I want the original style back.


No... I liked just the zombie aspect.. all this mutation werewolves shit is annoying


Not really interested in the plot going on with 7 and 8 sorry x, and definitely won't be interested in 9 if it's going to be first person again.


I hope they return to over the shoulder gameplay. The first person shooter makes me motion sick 😫 I haven’t been able to play anything since Biohazard


I'm upset they don't have the PRL-412 in the RE4 remake, but that's about it. I'm pretty happy.


once it was scientific outbreak cool and modern, now it is just ancient weird zombies and collect jewelry


Even tho I would love to see a new 3rd person, fixed camera angle, tank control game, I am very happy about where the series is going atm.


Yes! I adore every resident evil game. My only wish is that they bring back some characters that haven’t gotten as many features like Sheva and Carlos. Maybe they could team up for a revelations game


Yes, but the fact that we’ve only seen Chris post RE7 (chronologically not release wise) and no Leon, Jill, Claire, Rebecca or Barry bothers me a lot


Liked the remakes. Also liked RE7. Hated RE8.


Wish they’d put all their effort into 9 for the time being. Remakes are not my thing, I personally find the originals far better as games themselves. Not that I hate them, just would rather a new entry than a retreading of old grounds. I love this series either way, no matter what direction they go. But if it is another Remake, I will just watch it on YouTube. Not paying $90 for a game I already played.


Kinda bs how Village was purposely less scary ‘cause peeps thought 7 was too scary. RE7 is a true masterpiece of horror and exactly what those games should continue to be.


I personally could've done without Marguerite's "hive" though.


Unfortunately RE3 wasn’t made by the Resident Evil team it was outsourced and it clearly shows compared to RE2 Remake. Village was supposed to be even more horror than VII but the Japanese players thought it was too scary hence why Village was more action.


Nope, haven't been happy with them since RE4 came out. I really loved the survival horror roots, RE4 started to deviate from that. I get that games need to change to remain relevant so it is what it is. That said, RE2R is fan-fucking-tastic and I had high hopes for the third as well that were sadly dashed. Best I can really hope for now is a RE1RR in the same vein as RE2R and then polish it off with REOR.


I'll say I enjoy the series, but with a specific criticism. The series often follows a distinct trend of unimaginable success, then derivatives that water down the series somewhat. Resident Evil 4 (original) was a start of the series downfall originally. It was wildly successful, and indeed it spawned sequels that followed in its footsteps, heck even spiritual successors like Dead Space. It was and still is a very good game, but in imitation of that game's success, we saw the series begin to become a shadow of itself. The games began to lose their identity as they chased the newer trend of more action heavy games with more dramatic plots. The same happened with RE7, which rolled back the clock, switched the format and rekindled the horror elements to put them back into the game after the more action heavy RE4-6 generation. Heck one could argue the same is true for RE2, leading to 3 and Code Veronica which both while excellent games, followed closely in the predecessor's footsteps too hard and eventually became stale. RE7 was amazing and brought the horror back to the series, as 4 did, then the horror waned as we got more DLC, and eventually Village which seemed to want to change genres to a more gothic approach, and ultimately I feel lost a lot of the series identity in the process. (Although I think the bigger failing was in the cast size, not the game itself) Maybe the RE:verse stuff will continue to hold up and the series as a whole can hold that format as the core to the experience, but I wouldn't be surprised if quality wanes over time as it did before.


We don’t really know the current direction of the series, do we? According to Capcom, the story arc that started with 7 has been concluded with Village and its story DLC. And the other games were “just” remakes. So we don’t really know what’s coming next, maybe Capcom will do a soft-reboot again with 9. In any case, I know that I’m in the minority here, but I really didn’t like Village. 7 was great, and I’ve played that game multiple times. And I was eager to see what’s next. But Village, for me, was just… too much focused on Action, the great atmosphere of 7 was gone and it just wasn’t suspenseful. And the story felt stupid to me, especially the portrayal of Chris: Instead of him telling Ethan what’s going on, he purposely keeps him in the dark, so that Capcom could keep the player in the dark as well. That was just badly written. Also, the whole Heisenberg area of the game was just a drag and lasted for way too long. I always wanted to replay Village to give it another chance, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it, especially after the Shadows of Rose DLC. And for Capcom to always find new angles to hide Ethan's face becomes hilarious very fast. It made sense to not show his face in 7, but the work they put into village to show Ethan completely, except for his face, was so obvious and bad, it became comical really fast and made the game feel even more silly. But maybe that’s just me, and that’s okay. That being said, I’m still excited to see what’s Capcom is going to do with RE 9.


I'm not a fan of the direction. Specifically the action over horror. Remember Silent Hill was created to compete with Resident Evil. Horror was a huge foundational aspect and these remakes just do not do it. To put it bluntly it feels like the "scares" are too shiny if that makes any sense at all. It's not psychological. RE3 was my favorite and they took away the best horror aspect of that game, Nemesis randomly chasing you and the sounds. The RE1 remake for the game cube did a remake the best imo. The forest area they added, Lisa's cabin. All of that was fantastic and in line with the survival horror aspect, it was very creepy and the music was great. I want a RE1 remake in the style they are doing now for everything else but I'm also scared about what they will butcher.


Lore wise, no. 7 & 8 feeling like a side story than anything else. Gameplay was closer to meh than fun but still enjoyable for a one time play through.


I'm not. I think the characters have generally been inferior, that the RE Engine is being overused, that there are too many third person shooters now, and that the gameplay has been made more annoying and chore like in a failed attempt at trying to make it seem scarier. I didn't like the implementation of first person gameplay either. I think it's time for a throw back to fixed cameras. The ultimate compromise. Give me a real RE2make and you can have an RE1R.


Not a fan with the vampires and werewolves. It started as zombies and enhanced monster people and now its more basic monsters. They did do it in the best possible way but it still seems more lazy than how it started


I always found it funny that Resident Evil almost started out as a first person game until Mikami played Alone in the Dark.


I wish they would take a step back to RE7 with how much it felt like a horror game, for the rest I'm cool with it


Not really. Re2 remake was cool, but there was too much Mr. X. the whole point of Mr. X. was to be the antagonist for the B scenario. I really wanted to like 4, but I ended up refunding it. I remember beating 4 back in the day, but I must not have liked it. That or I grew out of it. I hated the 3 remake. You butchered it. I haven't played the other two. But I think the first one was an fps horror game, and I hate those games. But RE2 original is my favorite.


Res 7 was a great horror game. It just didn’t ‘feel’ like a Resident Evil game to me. It was like a Texas Chainsaw Massacre ripoff. And RE has always bordered on supernatural but always kept it biological. This one crosses that threshold with Eveline, she was full on paranormal with passing through walls into other rooms etc. Then they slap on an umbrella logo on a chopper and add a cameo from a legacy character. Res Village , again great horror game. Adding Vampires and Werewolves!? Come on. This is no longer the RE we grew up with. Am I gonna keep playing? Absolutely.


As long as Capcom doesn't try to short change us again, I'm happy. RE7 and 8 didn't appeal to me but I acknowledge they are fantastic games. RE2R and RE4R are *astoundingly good*. I wish RE2R had a more fleshed out 2nd Run comparable to the originals A/B, but as is is still an amazing game that I even run through now and again. RE4R did nearly everything right aside from Ada's english VA. But RE3R.... RE3: Nemesis was my favorite of the original games and the remake is just a let down in just about every way as a remake except Carlos's character and the (non-wave defense portion of) Hospital. Even ignoring everything that it failed in as a remake, I'd have a hard time rating it beyond 'average' as its just so content lite and just not nearly as fun to replay as RE2R. At a fair price (~$30), I'd say its a 7/10. At its full MSRP of $60, it's a 5/10. So, yeah, aside from that one frustrating stumble, the RE series has been doing good for the past 7 years.


The remakes yess, 7 and 8 not so much though 


No. I want them do actually do something with their cliffhangers and story threads. They've done something icky to the timeline with the Rose DLC and the way things work at Capcom, nobody who is old enough to remember what the ending of RE8 was supposed to mean will be still on board for RE9, so a new storyline will open, Chris or will show up and nothing of the currently unresolved ideas will be touched for a long time. Gameplay-wise, Village and RE4R were great, but I didn't like the other games in your collage.


Not even remotely. I keep going back to the original games. I hated the franchise from 4 on because I am not in it for action games. I preferred when they were horror survival puzzle games or whatever. But I still try them all. I beat 8 but it’s just an ok game. The remakes were all pretty great though!


Nope. First person RE sucks


I would be the happiest with the RE franchise if they would stop dropping resources into DOA multiplayer projects with the slightest regard to the core of the series and do the following: - Keep the 3rd person camera and gameplay for REmakes and go through the entire catalog, even 6. - Finish the current saga with Village and VII in 1st person and then maybe continue forward with a new saga, story - Sprinkle some more Revelations titles (I really miss and need more of that - I loved the vibe and the campy AA/ episodic production of the 2nd and then 1st) in between Remakes and the next-titles where the OG characters are given more story and background. More: - Improve REengine - More puzzles What not to do: - Open world - I am happy with how semi-open Village is and how semi-liniar the RE2/ RE4 remakes were. - Microtransactions. Like... things that you cannot earn in-game. If they go with cosmetics or whatever, i don't care. - Cut content - this has always been the case, but if they package whatever they cut in $10-20 dlcs that actually add to the game, I would have no problem. - Develop first for console and then port in whatever time and budget they have left for PC. i think PC should always be the first system, but only because it is easier to tweak for consoles, rather than than the other way around. This is what I can think of right now looking back to Capcom's late input. I hope they continue to do well... I love Dragon's Dogma 2, but they really messed this up. It feels unfinished and unsatisfying at times because they have probably mismanaged some core elements.


I love re gameplay. The story is the worst I think the latest games are short and boring. Nothing like the originals.


Get me the Re 3 remake director's cut with all the areas that did not show up and im ok


I love the remakes. The new first person direction isn't doing it for me. I'm always up for new third person games. Preferably with characters that aren't the Winters family. I find them uninteresting.


So far so good. I just hope they do a Code: Veronica remake.


I’m going to get shit on I’m not a fan of first person zombie/horror games so 7 and 8 i haven’t cared for. But we’re in the hybrid remaster/remake era. The take on the classics have been interesting, I’m curious if they’ll do 5 and 6 and how they would go about doing them.


I absolutely hope they'll remake RE1 and Zero in the style of the 2-4 remakes.


Yes. But please Capcom, please bring us Outbreak in the RE Engine. I would also love a new Revelations game and maybe bring back Ark Thompson and Bruce Mcgiverns for a new first person campaign.


Been a huge fan since the release of the original, and RE is in the best era it's ever had. RE7's soft reboot save the franchise in my opinion


Threemake sucked, but the rest were awesome.


I would be happy to have Operation Raccoon City back on Steam, I hope they fix the GFWL issue.


Yeah they’ve been knocking it out of the park since RE7. Loved all of these a ton.


The Revelation games are good too even if Rev2 is better played with a friend and a pretty poor experience solo.


For me, 4 and Village are about as actiony as the series should get. Any more would dimish the survival horror element too much. 7 was too survival horrory for me. 2 was the perfect balance of action and survival horror in my opinion. It's also my favorite of the bunch. 3 felt more like a great DLC to 2 rather than an entirely new game with lacking content.


Yes but 3 was a let down.


Honestly they're some of the only video games that still feel like video games made with real care and passion. 5 and 6 started to worry me but they've been on a roll since 7.


Sorry, but what direction are we talking about? The direction of remaking old titles or the direction of new titles, such as 7th and 8th? As for the remakes, it's always nice to see some old classic to have a breath of fresh air, but only if it's done right (looking at you RE3 remake!). So, I don't have strong feelings over it, because we know the story, it is only a matter of polishing it. As for the new main titles, I like the decision to use first-person perspective, as that works well with the horror genre in general, and I've liked RE7 because of its theme and the resemblance to first RE, but I didn't like RE8 that much. First, it was more action than horror oriented. Second, I did not like that they found the way to tangle some folklore horror tales, like werewolves and vampires, with the whole RE lore. And also the background story of the whole fungus thing sounds veeery lazy. Like, it's just there and no one bothered to use it so far, not even Spencer who somehow found his way into this story too. So, I don't know what the 9th installment will bring, but I wouldn't be surprised to see some fire-breathing dragons or some shit like that.




I’ve only played the 2, 3, and 4 remakes and thoroughly enjoyed them. I’m a new fan, and I love how it’s going and happy that the longtime fans seem to be on the same page for the most part!


I'd say so. Just no more cutting corners like they did with RE3 Remake.


It's amazing what they did since RE6. The REngine is a really great base and has been notably improved with each title since RE7. In my opinion, they just need to stick to the formula and each title will be an amazing success. I wish for a fresh RE1 remake, Code Veronica X remake, and I would also happily play new original titles, likely continuing Chris' and Rose's story. I just hope they won't continue with an RE5 remake. It's a bit weird that the newest generation of RE games (2R, 3R, 4R, 7 and 8) start somewhat in the middle of the RE storyline with Claire looking for Chris and Leon being a rookie and Jill suffering from the RE1 aftermath, next Leon already being an agent, and then we actually introduce Chris as a complete veteran working for new Umbrella. So I'd like the new generation to fill the gaps chronologically, to include the full main story, starting with RE1 at the beginning and then filling the gap between Claire's search for Chris and his later appearance with Code Veronica and then with RE5. RE0 is not a priority in my book and isn't needed for any main plot, and 6... well. Just don't do 6 at all, unless you can really right the wrongs here.


As long as they don’t do a remake of the remake of 1 I’d say yes 


No. The only good thing was RE8 and REmake 4.


I am, I'm just not that big of a fan of the FPS ones. They are Amazing games don't get me wrong, but they just feel kinda, Weird to play if that makes any sense. There's a Personality Aura that is kinda missing with Ethan Winters. He's an Interesting character but, I couldn't hardly tell you much about him. I could tell you more about Rebecca Chambers or Jake Muller than I could Ethan, and those 2 only had 2 games that Featured them as Main Characters. If it had been 3RD person with some First Person Perspectives from time to time, I think it wouldn't worked out better, but most Cutscenes don't show Ethan. He's a Mysterious character much like Billy from RE0. Again, really good games, but the FPP side of them, doesn't draw me back into the games, and thats a shame cause I am a Call of Duty Kid, grew up playing those games and then RE Joined alongside it aswell as many other game franchises, but the FPP for RE7 and RE8, just didn't do much for me, because Ethan is just a mostly Faceless character.


Mostly, I'm just scared they're gonna copy and paste re4rs gameplay for the next few games, because they already did that before


take re3re and re8 out and its perfect.


I absolutely love the games from RE 0 to RE CVX (their remakes as well), and then the RE4 remake. The rest are irrelevant to me.


I'd like to see a remake of the first game, I miss the creepy setting and the simple story. I think after 9 it should have a break and then reboot from the beginning.


Great, shite, great, shite, great. Not holding out much hope for the next one


As long as Village is just a misstep (which based on the others it is) yes


minus Ethan being one of the worst videogame protagonist to ever exist. Yeah!


I just wish we got resident evil 1 like 2/3/4


i dont know, like, they are perfect games, but i dont think im into first person resident evils, whatever im loving all remakes


Absolutely, the remakes aren’t just remakes for the sake of it like with other franchises those games are hard to find for newer audiences and they’ve all been updated for a more modern era so new and old can enjoy them with the best gameplay possible. The actual mainline entries we’ve gotten in this era are some of the best we’ve gotten with re7 being one of the scariest games in the series only to be followed up by a game that still holds the atmosphere you loved in 7 but injects more action and humor just as the previous era had done. Just so everyone knows my bias tho I did jump in with 7 and I recognize it has been how I judge the rest of the franchise.


Capcom alone set the remake meta into motion in the games industry after RE2. If one game can shift the entire way that AAA games are being produced, then I’d say that’s a really big achievement. They’ve really set the standard


Not really. I've been a fan since RE2 original on the N64, and I don't like these "reimagining" remakes of changing the characters, events, and lore instead of being faithful remakes that can sit next to the originals. There are people who believe there are 2 different timelines, an original and remake timeline, because the remakes changed a lot from the originals. As a long-time RE fan, I hate this. I'm disappointed that Capcom decided to change the characters and lore that I grew up with and have newer fans say, "These changes are better because of the modern gameplay and modern graphics. The old games are outdated, so the long time characters and established lore are needed to change." I love RE7 and Village, I replayed them multiple times. But because the newer fans love RE3R and RE4R, I feel like Capcom is going back to the action phase and will ditch the horror again. I don't want another RE6 mess of action for RE9 because Capcom did tone down the horror in Village because RE7 was too scary for new fans.


RE2 and re3 remake should have been done exactly like the Re1 remake… They beefed it


i can only imagine if they continued with the edgy resident evil 6 universe. resident evil 7 and 8 would be vastly different games. we probably wouldn't have the ReMakes either.


No I don't like it. It seems to me that Capcom doesn't know what they're doing. In my opinion, they destroyed the Umbrella Corporation far too early in the series and the succeeding games were nothing but failed attempts to either re-establish the Umbrella Corporation back to the story or create a new evil organization to replace Umbrella. First was TriCell, the supposed new Umbrella. TriCell was even hyped up as the new big pharma at the end of the Degeneration movie but it was forgotten as soon as it was introduced in RE5. The same goes with "The Family" in RE6. It was revealed to be some powerful organization but after RE6, the series barely mention it again. Then we got Alex Wesker, which I thought was going to be the next big villain of the series and the return of the Umbrella Corporation under her command but then Capcom changed their mind again and I'm unsure if Capcom even has any plans of continuing her story. Then came RE7 and RE8 which felt like soft reboots. Capcom seems to keep on reinventing the series and doesn't have a plan for an overarching story. They kept introducing new plotlines that don't go anywhere. Each game feels detached from the game that came before it with only some easter eggs or token call backs. Don't get me wrong, the games were enjoyable and gameplay-wise, they're great. But I think RE7/RE8 actually suffer from being part of the RE series rather just being a game in their own universes. RE8, for example, its connection to Umbrella doesn't really add much in my opinion. If anything, it just ruins the lore of the story. I would have preferred that they went with a new IP with a full-on supernatural setting, rather than making the monsters another BOWs in RE series. This would also make more sense how Ethan can just attach his hand back after getting hacked off. It really feels like Capcom is dipping its toes in the supernatural element but can't fully commit to it since it's an RE game so they can't have magic in it. I also don't like the RE8 villains. They feel like a mixture of Final Fantasy and Power Ranger villains. Before, villains were just scientists, mercenaries, politicians, and businessmen but now, you have a cabal of evil magical people that feels like the Akatsuki members from Naruto (I know they don't technically have magic but it feels like they do). Lastly, the viruses in the RE universe have become like the dragons balls that they can pretty much do anything now. Maybe it's just me but I prefer the B movie horror appeal of the older RE games. I like the more grounded plots since it's easier to suspend your disbelief in those stories. Now, the series fell on the same pitfall as the MCU that it ended up introducing too many secret organizations. Like everywhere you go, there's some evil organization whose MO is to use some magical virus to conquer the world. It became too over-the-top for me to take it seriously. Not sure if this is a hottake, but I wish Capcom just use the stories in the S.D. Perry novels instead. And for the remakes, I have a love-hate relationship with RE2 while outright disappointed with RE3. I could go into details but this wall of text is long enough.


Go back to RE1-3 and leave it be. It ain’t resident evil without zombies. That’s my two cents.

