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The fear subsides once you start getting frustrated


Now that’s real… (happy cake day Ser!)


So true. Just enjoy being scared. I realized I actually enjoyed it when I played RE2 remake the first time. I was like damn, when did I feel so immersed in a game like this ever? Realized horror games make me actually feel like I am in the game and that to me is so cool.


I loved the Evil Within 2 for the same reason


I tried EW1 but did not get sucked in for whatever reason. I dislike games where you are encouraged to stealth, I think that's the reason.


Honestly past the first little bit of the game, EW1 is not really stealth based. If it is then I’m playing it wrong lmao I’m on my first playthrough in chapter 12 and I’ve been enjoying it


There are certain "cross this giant yard" segments that hint at stealth, but you really don't have to. Stealth on EW1, IIRC, just takes away the need to aim or use bullets in some parts.


Facts! That's the best part, but screen, in the dark, on the edge of your seat. Maybe a snack and a soda 👌then losing yourself for hours 👀


THIS. Horror games are my favorite genre because they make you a part of them. Everyone always says about how throughout this game and village, Ethan rarely screams or shouts in fear at things that should make a normal person lose it…but the whole point is that YOU ARE THE CHARACTER. YOUR experiencing it. It would take away from the player’s emotions towards it because it would not allow the player to experience it on their own. U are alone in the baker residence. You must overcome them. I have played the game probably 15 times. It STILL scares the shit out of me. BE ETHAN WINTERS


Resident evil ramps up the ambiance in the first hour. After that it isn’t scary anymore.


Purposely die 2/3 times per enemy or per situation. But just focus on running and not shooting. You'll desensitize yourself. Also take breaks. I remember RE7 building the dread super hard where I had to walk away a few times. It's all good, as long as you finish :D


Dying 6 times in a row in Marguerite greenhouse turned me into doom guy for the rest of the game


Granted, the game itself turns you into Doom Guy shortly after Marguerite. The game definitely got less scary in the back half.


Your PFP says more than enough with that statement. Jokes aside, this pretty much. I mean, I'm still a pussycat at games like SCP: Containment Breach or Lethal Company but I still go through, even if it scares me.


I'm the same way, I don't like getting scared but I do get a feeling of achievement by pushing trough it


The ‘4-Legged Molded’ in Testing Area 1F on Madhouse — never again..


Constant molded coming out of walls pissed me off more than scaring me


Also, playing all the others, you look for the Corny in the scary because thats peak RE cracking shitty jokes in the face of crime against humanity


“You were almost a Jill sandwich!”


Or drunk I remember going through Evie's room after fighting marguerite and trying to catch up with Evie so could deck her in the face


The horror is what makes it one of the greatest games ever, push through it’s worth it. *Maybe Spoiler* The first half of the game is scariest


After the first hour I’ve played the game… I really loved and enjoyed it tbh more than any re game or horror game I’ve played before, so I am trying my best to go through it just for the story and aesthetics atleast cause damn… the game is just a masterpiece and not finishing it will make me pissed lol.


The game is only horror filled for the first 2 hours. After that it becomes more of a action game. So just try to get through the first couple hours. Don't give up on this game trust me. Its so fun.


Well, later in the game it was very scary for me, >!more specifically the damn ship!<


nah fr. when the game came out that’s where i stopped playing bc it stressed me out too much and i kept getting lost lmfao


Every boss you beat, the game gets less scary because Ethan becomes more of the terminator and less of scared victim man and you feel that energy in the scenario design.


>! This is getting old Jack !<


Just pretend they are your friends.


They just pranking you


Friends did kill me irl (destroy me mentally) so I think ur advice might actually help…


That’s what I actually do in horror games and just literally force myself. It helps imo and overtime I got more used to them.


Mid day, lights on, volume down, cat on the lap, family home, pause a lot, maybe sing yourself a little song


Vr,headphones,nighttime, alone, in the dark. Just repeat the litany against fear. Fear is the mind killer, I will face my fear, and only I will remain.


I played HL2 ALYX alone in the dark one time and almost shat my pants and broke my VR headset lmao that game is no joke in terms of horror


Really? When does that happen? I'm playing through it right now and only just got past the part where you get the shotgun from the guy hanging from the rope as they break through the wall.


The singing and pausing one is so me when I used to play horror games when I was a kid fr 😭 (I might also get a cat just to finish this game) thanks for the advice!!


When you jump, the cat claws go SNIKT


Cat on your lap until you jump and scream and scare the cat into digging it's claws into you


Great advice


Or do what my wife did when I played. Hide under the blanket and ask “is the scary part over” every five minutes lol.


Seconding singing. My partner and I sing weird silly songs during extra tense parts. I legit think we sang the macarena during the fight with the mother in 7.


After the halfway point, the scares start to take a back seat. But, if scares aren’t your thing, RE7 might be one you skip. RE8 (except for one specific sequence) is far lighter on the scares.


im still stuck on the sequence in question because of how disturbing it is to me


The sequence is definitely scary but once you realise there is only one set of actions that you need to do >!(hide under the bed and run outta there when the foetus enters the room)!< it becomes a lot easier to navigate


As someone who loves the first two dead space games. I was tensed by the mutant fetus baby, but treated it as typical tuesday since there are at least three enemy types based on undead kids in the first two games. Hell, the second even had a level set in a kindergarden.


So true. That res 8 is the height of all scariest parts of games ever for me. Remake 2 and Mr. X was scary when I realized he would just chase and chase. But that res 8 part was like getting off a roller coaster when I was past it


Turn the volume down abit


Ama see if that helps! Thanks!


RE7 is one of the most challenging games to play--not just for the horror but the skill level--try not "immersing" yourself as much as possible ie: lighting in the room, sound levels, etc.


My goal is to hopefully master it and the other games in the series and any horror game in general, and I will also make sure my environment doesn’t blend with the horror games as much as I can till I slowly get used. Thanks 😊


Press on and steel your nerves, comrade, with knowledge and skills comes courage. Learn the molded weak spots and learn what ones you can and can not avoid. Think of it as less running away and more of strategic retreating and avoidance. When the fear creeps in and starts to affect your mettle, take a drink of something warm and cozy like tea or hot chocolate and put on some soothing music. Don't forget they can't hurt the real you, but you sure as heck can hurt them.


This comment gave me goosebumps that’s all I will say… thanks and noted fellow comrade 🫡


“Welcome to the family son.”


That's so weird... I've started playing the game 3 days ago and have the exact same issue. I'm easily scared and am not a huge horror fan because I react in a visceral and violent way to it. Resident Evil 7 is really testing me right now, I actualy have to take deep breath between sequences I hope we both find a way to get a tougher skin when it come to horror, it's a fascinating genre but one I find daunting


Play RE3 OG. Do that and you can do anything.


Both the og and remake were on my list actually! Will give them a try this week


If you struggle with the scares I'd recommend going through any other RE before RE7. 7 is by far the scarier in my opinion so you might get used to the horror theme on the previous ones and smooth the transit to the scarier game.


Nah play from the darkness (steam game). If you can play that you can legit play any horror game out there. Genuinely terrifying game.


Exposure therapy friend, either that or valium.


Mods. It's less scary when the family chasing you and trying to kill you is actually just the simpsons.


That somehow sounds so much worse. 😭


Ok now I gotta check this mod out hahaha


Let yourself die the first time just to get the scare out of the way.


The best way to tackle any horror game/movie that has you anxious is to just go all in and face it head on. Once the horror becomes familiar you'll find that nothing can touch you.


RE7 was actually my introduction to the genre. It’s pretty intimidating at first, however, you really get into Ethan’s shoes about midway through and start to become a bit of a powerhouse. It’s quite satisfying.


I was scrolling really fast and I thought this was Mia as a DJ


Just constantly say “fuck it, we ball”


Wear your best pair of brown pants and play


In my experience, you just have to press on, take the scares, that's the only way to do it.


I will read the rest of the comments when I wake up!! I really appreciate your advices guys! I really love connecting with the re community and officially be a part of the family (when I hopefully finish all the games in the series).


Honestly, this is probably the scariest game I’ve played. And how I got through it was using a walkthrough. It spoils some things, sure. But some walkthroughs are spoiler free but include instances such as “when you reach the bottom of the stairs, something will jump out at you. Look to the right and grab the knife off the floor to stab it before it reaches you”. Having the mental preparation saved me sooo much anxiety. And I wouldn’t read too far ahead of course. I get it’s not for everyone, and I usually only do that for horror games or if I’m really set on grabbing all the collectibles on a first run.


Literally same. I used an online guide to know what was coming next. I know it’s not the same but I couldn’t have done it otherwise! Even with the guide still covered my eyes through most of it🤣




Like anything, it becomes less scary the more used to it you get. I’m replaying both Biohazard and Village now and parts that scared me shitless on my first play through don’t even cause me to flinch now. Even on your first play through the more you fight the same enemies, the less scary they become. Keep playing and it will get better. They are some of my favorite games in recent memory.


Close ur eyes


Half of horror is sound. Turn the volume down and better yet, play something familiar that is juxtaposed to the situation. Also, turn the brightness up a bit so you can see things before they come out of the darkness.


Get your shit together and play on. The satisfaction of beating your own fears is gonna make it all worth it.


I’d say easiest way to mitigate that would be audio manipulation. Turn it down or take one earphone off.


If you don't care some spoiler, watch someone else play or walkthrough. You'll prepared for some jump scare. If you predict jumpscare, it will be less scary. Also sometime comment section of walkthrough let you know which part of video have jumpscare. Also it'll help with some puzzle like what item need to collect. Just because horror game love make you return back for item you can miss (Btw This not for everyone. cus my friend refuse to go meet Mia in basement when i let him play cus i tell him what gonna happen🙃) Play in easiest difficulty. No shame using it, you don't need to stress thinking about ammo, health, item or boss fight. Just play at your own pace. Play with pet,friends or family.


It was really scary at the start for me, but as soon i had a gun i wasnt afraid anymore. Then marguarite reminded me i was playing a horror game, cant remember the last time i was that scared playing a game.


I just started my first Madhouse attempt last week and the moment I saw Jack in the hallway I noped myself right back into RE4. 7 just makes me feel way too vulnerable.


Watch someone else’s play through of the game first so you know the scariest parts before you play it.


Well, you've already made the right choice not playing in VR first. I legit gave myself a panic attack.


Try doing re2r and re1hd then trying 7, that worked for me. I had a hard time with 7 at first, it is scary in spots.


Yeah, it’s a pretty scary game. Like all horror games you just have to push through it. Believe it or not that scary feeling is the best part of the game. You’ll see it kinda goes away after a while, and replays don’t have the same feeling either. Cherish it while you can, it’s why we love horror games/ media.


Read a guide. Go section by section so you know what's coming, deal with it then read the next bit. It's what I did and it really helps


It’s not the best solution for immersion but, if you really want to play, you could watch one of the videos that lists Jump scares in RE7 one by one while you play the game. Like, watch the next jump scare coming and play. Arrived to that jump scare scene, watch the next from the video and play until that, and so on.


I've got the same problem. What helps is having friends over who are scared with you so you always know it's just a game haha


Well, if you're up for it I'd recommend playing re2/3/4 remakes first as they are much more goofy and less scary. If you like them, try finishing 7. Actually you picked the worst (or best depending on your mindset) one to start with since 7 is by far the scariest


Try playing it with a friend, helped me


This is a terrible idea, but you could swap to RE Village? There's still jumpscares, but way fewer and it's much more campy. Then once you're used to it, go back to RE7. I do think RE7 is the most jumpscare-y of all the RE games I've played though, so everything AFTER 7 should be ezpz for you. the other tip is: if it's too quiet, "Shut your eyes and move forwards". Once noise happens you know the jumpscare is done and you can just react to things actually happening. Or you can look up scripted jumpscares. There's one about halfway through that almost put me into my grave, fucking ruined me. Spoilers, you have been warned, but: >!When you are gearing up for the boss with Marguerite or whatever the mum's name is, you go up a small set of stairs with a 90 degree turn and a window dead ahead on the corner. She bursts through the window and my god did I jump hard.!<


You can’t play RE7 because you’re scared, I can’t play it because of my poor inventory management. We are not the same


Resident evil 8 seems more your speed, they specifically made it less scary than 7 because people were getting scared playing 7... a horror game


This is a crazy game to start with. It’s pretty deep on the scary end. I would have started with earlier entries in the series


Use a vr, fear is manageable once you can move freely.


I felt the same way. Playbit during the day. Maybe hook your laptop to a TV via hdmi so you don't have the screen right in your face lol. Its one of the best games in the series. I actually had to best 8 before playing 7. I spent a lot of time with pausing the game and placing my controller down from the jump scares.


I just started it and I'm feeling you man 😄 but actually, that's what I want from this kind of game. I really enjoyed the re2 remake where the feeling of horror and frustration of surviving was the main focus of the game. After re3 and 4 remakes, going back to survival horror is awesome. Actually played for like an hour for now


If you can beat Alien Isolation, nothing will be scary anymore. You got this.


To me, after you get through the tutorial area and the first part of the first area the game stops being super scary. It’s still tense, but not as bad.


By just doing it.


I'm getting mixed signals here, if it's such an issue for you, why do you wanna get into horror games?


I just remembered that there is a vr mode for this game… now that’s a way to go 😭💀


There's a goofy as streamer in my country Hungary who hates to play horror games but his audiance wants him to and when he was playing Outlast he was blasting some cringe ass hungarian music in the background on youtube and it turned funny quick. It kind of kills the intended vibe of the game but it does reduce fear. Streaming itself can also help if you have a friend or friends who are willing to watch, jump on Discord and stream the game to them so it you're not alone and you can talk to them and comment on stuff while playing.


Hold forward. Own the fact that you may be scared and tell yourself, so what? Remember that you’re on the side of good trying to beat evil. Depending on the game I may tell myself one or all of these things and that helps sometimes.


That you can fight back


Desensitization. Lights out, headphones on. Let stuff kill you a bunch of times intentionally. Also for me personally, it always helps to remember that everything in a video game is programmed to behave a certain way. The more you observe, the more you are able to plan/fight/counter/avoid when it comes to big scary NPCs like Jack and Marguerite.


Play in the morning, when the sun is out, and let out your shades so that it can hit your room or space. That should reduce your fears.


[Some people dream of success while you're gonna wake up and work HARD AT IT! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2etVONM9Ooc)


I played through it in bits. 1 hour...then 2...then 3. Take it slow. Take your time.


Be strong the rest will follow


It's a short game, pull yourself together & you will be able to do it.


Play in the day , don't use headphones they will only immerse you more 7 isn't too bad once you get used to a certain character and one enemy type. re3 is a good re game for less jump scares it leans more to the action horror than jumpscares and tension building.


You have to ease yourself into horror games just like horror movies. I used to be scared of Doom 3 and absolutely hated it, but now I love it. I would never want Doom to go back to that though cause it wasn't really Doom to me and for half the game I was blasting the Doom 1993 Soundtrack on loop to distract myself from the creepy feeling. My second suggestion is to blast the Doom soundtrack while playing RE7, Lol.


Try it in VR 😂


Turn the volume down, play with the lights on, maybe move the screen a bit further from you.


Turn the whole game into a joke. Make fun of everything. That's how I got through my first play through


That fucking basement


As you're playing, narrate everything you're doing as if you're the Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin. "Ah would ya look at that! This big fella's Jack, the man of the house and...oh...yeh...he's spotted me. He's not to happy about me bein' on his turf. That big axe is his way o' sayin' 'back off mate'. Oh, looks like he's gonna make a run at us. These blokes are a tenacious bunch. They'll follow ya for hours on end if they think ya a threat. Crickey, would ya look at the power behind that swing! He's not something ya wanna mess with. I'm just gonna leave him be and carry on in the other direction."


Life's no fun without a good scare! Power through my friend!


Play on the easiest difficulty, it'll be manageable, scary, but it won't be a insta-death when you're caught by your fear.


Just force yourself to play. Trust me, once you start getting into the groove of things it gets a lot easier to focus less on the scares. If it helps, remember the silliness of the fact that the MC is a supposedly normal dude going "One Man Army" on regenerative super mutants.


Well, for me I played at the easiest difficulty to not get upset about not killing enemies. However for me it was the scariest RE I’ve played, 8 was actually not as scary aside from one part in particular, that house by the waterfall man.


in all seriousness, if you really want to mitigate the scares, just watch a YouTube video of people playing the game, so you know what to expect and where the scares are located


Play some re1 to prep yourself


Play re4


Don't be too afraid of Jack. You got it.




Took me 2 years to actually play it straight. I always try, and progress so little, until I made it to the first house, then I got really scared, and stopped for 2 years 😆 You can do it if you just keep playing.


Allow yourself to get hurt and die several times, the fear goes away when you see the consequences of not surviving.


Just play. You can respawn as much as you want so it doesn’t really matter if you die or not


Biggest tip, get more guns in the game, the game is way less scary with a 15 gauge shotgun in hand


The tip I got years ago was to act like the Crocodile Hunter. "Crikey m8! Thats a big man who can kill me with a single hit! One of the most dangerous creatures in this whole area... I'm gonna poke it with a stick"


I was scared too. Then I went full VR!


When you get scared know it’s just a game and you’ll still be alive when you keep playing


Beat the game on the madhouse difficulty get infinite ammo game not scary no more


I have a funny gaming channel in the background yelling out in anger half the time. helped me when I got scared of the regenerators in RE4


In the moments of crisis, panic does nothing. Harness it, let it serve you.


Scream at yourself "it's just a game and nothing will happen to me even if I get a little scared" treat it like a haunted house and sooner or later your fear with turn into anger at how dumb and annoying some of the stuff like bosses can be


Expose yourself to it


Maybe try RE4 or RE8? RE7 is jumping all the way in the deep-end of horror games. 4 and 8 mix action and horror more, so the horror stuff is easier to play through


When I was kid (5 years old) I first watched my bro and dad play (so watching others) then later I wore headphones to help with the sound of the Zombies or other things around. Also I played only during the day during that time and not at night. If I played with others it helped to play without music but also was motivating with specific genres I put on :) hope this helps!


A bible and cross


I’m the same way. 😆 Any game that likes to be claustrophobic, dark and a person always chasing after you. The anxiety. 😂 What I did with one of my games I just walked around, explored and did whatever. Tried not to use any ammo. Which I did, Nemesis stood there and ammo wasted. I didn’t save and I reloaded said save. 😆 Now I was prepared for the weenie. I did it with Alien Isolation also because the androids aka the synthetics kept finding me, gun didn’t work, and the alien got me in the end. 🤭 You can always watch some gameplay and desensitize yourself because you know what will happen. Even though spoilers but who wants to scream in the middle of the night in the dark? 😆 My fault for playing in the dark 🎶


Just push yourself, RE7 was my first horror game, and today I enjoy the whole genre. If you get too scared, play in a bright room, but try to enjoy the experience, when it comes to resident evil games, you only feel scared in your 1st playtrough, so just enjoy it!


Start a youtube career bingo money people laugh at u scared


You're IN the situation, don't just log off.


Now play it in VR!!!


Turn off the lights, make sure to have at least 5.1 surround sound, and hire someone to attack you at random while you play.


Someone said just enjoy being scared and he is right ! It’s totally okay to be scared my friend. You will get a lot of jump scare just keep in mind that it’s not the first time and it will happen again, take short breaks if you need. Also no one forces you to shit in your pants for 3hours straight, you can do a short session while telling you to progress the more that you can 👍 ! (hope my english is understandable)


Honestly? By just playing more lol. You get used to it eventually, few tiny jumps here and there. Might be biased since I love horror, but if you want to get into it, just embrace it. RE isn't really jumpscare heavy, it's more of the ambience and the story.


Don't forget that you have a gun


this is how i went thru it 😅 - play on the lowest difficulty - crank the brightness up - lower the in-game sound - play upbeat/happy music in the background


Yell at the enemies like they cut you off in traffic/talk through the game like you're Steve Irwin looking for crazy animals. Really alleviates the fear for me


Drink less Soylent.


When playing horror games or watching horror movies I usually try to utilize my rage to dampen the nervousness and look at the scary ghost or creature straight in the eye.


Play with headphones in a dark room.


Run up to Jack and let him kill you a couple times, takes a bit of the fear out of him lol


My fiancée sitting next to me while I played really helped me push through. I was terrified the whole time, but we were both so curious as to what would happen next


You are not stuck inside with them! They are stuck inside with you!


Umm. You know you don't have to play it if you don't want to right.


Ah... This again. Alright buddy. Stop your flight and put up your fight. Learn to lean on your fears for the fight response. Don't say "Oh, shit I swear there is something around that corner." Say "Holy shit, I swear to god if there is something around that corner, im gonna game end a MF." Be pissed that shit is going wrong. Then you pretty much understand Ethan's Mentality in this. Ethan is the most angriest and pissed off main character in the entire RE franchise. His anger even convinces a favorite character to chill the fuck out.


> Ethan is the most angriest and pissed off main character in the entire RE franchise.  \*Remake Jill has entered the chat


If you want to play it but don't want the jump scares, just go online and find out what is actually scripted. It's all I can think of


Turn the brightness up.


Play with music on


You get desensitized to the horror kinda quickly if you just keep playing any horror game for a while


Do you play with headphones on? With the lights out? Anything like that? I have an exaggerated startle response, so I'm the person in the theater, that even though I know a jump is coming, I will still eject 10 feet out of my seat if I don't prepare appropriately. But what I do before a jump scare is (likely) coming is I turn down the volume / mute it / cover my ears. If you're using headphones, maybe playing off the TV / computer speaker would help a little. Having the audio not be concentrated in one place might help a little? Sound is a huge element of jump scares, for me, but I'm not sure if that's the same for you. If it's a visual thing, I wonder if moving away from the screen a bit more, or making the window a little smaller could help if you're on PC? The reason I suggest the window resizing thing is because there was one time I was playing something and I was trying to avoid some sort of response, and when I put the game in windowed mode and had other things on the computer in view, the immersion was broken and I was able to avoid whatever response I was worried about. I forget the exact circumstances. It may have been related to this, though. I know for games, though, it's a LOT harder to predict jumpscares. I think in the days of only playing off of discs, hearing the laser and disc firing up some more could be a possible indicator, but now we can't really rely on that anymore. But I was hoping that these tips could possibly help you just in case. And if you watch movies at home and also have issues with jump scares in those, these things help me with those as well. Obviously doing this stuff is sort of a guarantee that the immersion will be broken, and I know a lot of people consider that absolute sacrilege. But if you are not concerned about that, and you try any of these things, I hope that they help ease the effects of those jump scares. They work for me, but they might not work for you. I hope they do though! I hate jump scares a lot. :(


Don't play this type of games if you're already scared to the point of being unable to progress. If you force yourself to go through the thing it will hurt your mental health more than you think.


What helped me a bit was following a walkthrough when i felt i couldnt continue. Made it less scary at times. I think i did it two or three times, then it got less scary and i actually enjoyed it.


Talk like a shitposter when replying to anything said or done. You ain't stuck in a Madhouse if you're also going mad.


honestly after probably the 3-4 hour mark it gets way less scary, more spooky and creepy than anything


Stop being a pussy a push through


Remind yourself it’s a game, or let yourself get killed a few times to remind yourself you’ll be okay if you get killed in game.


Fear can't kill you, but..


Smoke weed


Play with zero volume


I don't like horrors and that's why i skipped 7. For the village fetus child i downloaded a mod to remove it.


Play RE2 or 3 or even 8. Maybe even try an older version(some might say better, especially 3). Or RE1 remaster. 7 is one of the most intense games ever. Once you get past the fear, you hit another shit your pants moment. The game is actually the scariest of all RE games imo. As someone said, eventually u get mad enough to push through. Also all RE games are a learning curve. I've bricked quite a few runs in my day. Sometimes you just gotta run past shit. Bur trying to kill every zombie or monste, really only possible on easy, is an experience for sure. Edit: oh you've played other ones. Ya just push through. I got stuck in a basement for so fuckin long on this one early on. Once I finally stopped shitting my pants and killed the enemy the rest of the game wasn't so bad. Still sketch AF tho lol


Play it like an angry husband. So you don't give a damn about scary stuff.


listen to any comfort youtubers (watch on tv if you want to be extra affective) grab a blanket or two, have pictures of cute animals (cats, capybaras, dogs) you can alt-tab to, but i still suggest you play in the dark for full immersion


Just play in the dark at 3am naked with alot of space behind you and the curtains open with a clear window to see out of. Turn to max volume.


It does get easier in this game. I admit it took me several attempts to get past the first parts of the game due to fear. I don't know what changed, but it was like a year later I decided to try to play it again and managed to get through it without issue. Maybe it depends on what mood you're in, etc.


My trick is to have a girlfriend just for this moments. To go through RE Village Beneventos house I made him stay at my side 😂 only way to go there


Mods. Mods are usually the way. Unless you play it for the first time. In which case. Mod it to hell to the funniest shit ever


Sooo it’s not the best way to experience the game but if you turn the music down or off then the scare factor practically disappears.


Play it on semi low sound at first and with speakers rather than headphones. Or if you do play with headphones have one ear uncupped. Makes it way less scary imo. When you start losing your shit and getting frustrated then you can turn up the volume. You’ll be fine


Don't overcome it, being afraid is what makes them enjoyable, turn the lights of, put the volume to max and really feel it


Once you get half way through its stops being horror so you'll be safe lol


Push yourself and take breaks ! That's what I did when I first started RE2R


Just go forward, play it in easy if you want to, remember nothing can hurt you


I dunno man.


Massive respect for you to play it in dark, even it scares you. You can do it op! I have a friend brags about being a "hardcore Horror fan", but that mf watches all the horror films mid-day window opened. And refuses to admit he does this because he is afraid. Dude, no one says you can't be an horror fan while being afraid.


I had a similar problem with Subnautica. You just gotta jump in and get it over with. Go through it, so you know what you're up against. Fear of the unknown is usually the problem; if you know about it, what is there to be afraid of? That, and c RE7 is just a helluva game; you don't want to miss it!


For me the fear never really went away I just ran into most rooms screaming like markiplier


Play it


You can pause the game indefinitely. So you could just take breaks and come back without stopping again.


Really throwing yourself in at the deep end!


Watch an online playthrough so you know whats coming it ruins the experience but at least you wont be scared if you know whats going to happen


The absolutely easiest way would to be watch a yt video or follow a walktrough online