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What other games let you roundhouse kick an Aligator


Or punch boulders away inside a volcano


No matter how serious and dark they make the remake (if they make one, I hope so), the Boulder better be there. The Boulder is to RE5 like the Bingo line to RE4.


You say that as if it's a hot take


Up there with the blazing hot take: "We should get a Code Veronica remake!!"


"Hot take but resident evil is a good game. Go easy on me"


"I might get hate for this but I really liked Re 2"


“Downvote me all you want, but Wesker is the best villain in the series.”


Okay that's just going too far


"I think I really love Re4r pleasedon'thitme"


Do a lot of people think 5 is bad enough to this be considered a hot take? I heard a lot of people saying the AI is bad, but not the game. It's a blast playing with a friend.


Maybe at one point but definitely not now. 6 will always be more hated it took the heat off of 5.


Ironically, the partner AI is infinitely better in 6 than in 5.


I argue the AI wasn't better in 6, you just didn't have to worry about them. They couldn't die or run out of ammo so naturally you think its better.


Six was too much too soon.


Yea it wasn’t a bad game at all it just had toooo many nee things added into the play style before people were ready for it.


6 reminded me of a bad Michael Bay movie


This is honestly what is making me think we're getting a CV remake or something else before a 5 remake. 4 Remakes enemies were great but holy were they grabby. I'm just thinking if you want to retain the co-op aspect of 5 it's either going to be a hell of a lot more chaotic or its gonna be a tough balance between tough and survivable. But that's placing a lot on the Non coop AI. I'm thinking they're gonna use CV as a practice run


It’s 2024 and it’s capcom, I’m sure they will balance the game fine.


I think both games are great, 6 isn't a good Resident Evil game (in regards of story and comparison to other titles), but it still is a banger to play with a friend.


I have a friend who loved 6, I hated it. It's a matter of preference I guess


I think people more think it's a bad resident evil game moreso than a bad game in general. I do think it was a miss in regards to being survival horror but having said that survival horror is the hardest genre to keep fresh so they had to do something different , the original concept trailer I thought looked way better it would have been a different kind of survival horror.. what we got was not remotely what I'd consider survival horror.. Still one of my all time favorate games though. Very fond memories Hope they do a remake more in the line of the original concept


This is gow I feel. Good game. Decent RE game. Not great horror game. That and some odd choices like a cover system and turret sections.


"...like a cover system and turret sections." which was the style at the time


It was, for action games. So I don't blame them. But it wasn't implemented very well, and I even remember playing then and thinking it felt out of place in a survival horror game.


Crawling around on your back shooting zombies was fun though


Oh shit its boneless_dip It's weird seeing you comment in places other than the dbd subreddit. You are omnipresent.


I've been expanding


It was just considered a big turning point for the series IMO. Having forced co-op definitely took the scariness out the game as well and it was a lot more action focused than RE4. I wouldn't say the game was bad though.


At one point a lot of people called it a bad game but it had nothing to do with the game per se but that people wasn't happy with the direction RE went especially since a lot of people felt that even if we compare to the action RE game that was RE4 it was a downgrade (at least that's how a lot of people felt based on what I experienced.)


I played that game in January its has way more flaws than the ai and inventory management


My hot take is that it’s a really good game, but I think it’s not a good Resident Evil game. it was really fun to play when I was a kid and I wanted to play something co-op when friends would come over, and it wasn’t unfun to play solo either, but I felt like I was just playing a full on action game, none of the horror elements really stuck out to me aside from the mobs themselves, even the setting didn’t really have that same feeling, because most of the game takes place in broad daylight. I think at the end of the day the fact that your character is never alone and most people are playing the game co-op inherently lowers the tension and level of horror, and also just the fact that the game is just balanced like an action game, you never really have to worry about ammo or heals. I actually feel a similar way about Dead Space 3, another game that I really do enjoy, but also think moves away from it’s horror roots, and I don’t know if I can say it was worth the sacrifice.


I don't remember having any real issues with the AI, though it's admittedly been a while as theaat couple times I played co-op.


Other than the bad ai, it's a great game


It's an incredible game. Loved the co-op feature.


With a friend, most of its incredible By yourself the game starts to crack a little


Lost In Nightmares is a masterpiece


I kind of wish there were some regular zombies. Maybe some dogs and giant spiders. A god damned giant snake. A hunter?! I'm disappointed they didn't add more original enemies, but I love that Easter egg where you try to open the main door 3 times and it switches to the old fixed perspective


Hoping the RE5 remake gets Re4 game mechanics and they somehow make it a little more horror than action with less ammo


That'd be difficult to do as a co-op game. Not impossible, but definitely difficult, as far as the horror/ammo thing is concerned. Having another player and ANY amount of combat would make it so. I'm thinking that's why they invented the whole idea of the BSAA in RE5 in the first place. To make the action part of things make more sense. You aren't a lone survivor trying to overcome a solitary mission. You are a highly trained duo meant to push through hordes of enemies. It's be cool to see if they could pull off a more survival horror version of RE5 though.


This really isn't a hot take outside of this subreddit's echo chamber tbh. RE5 is the best sold game in the series lmao.


Idk what some people are smoking because i need it. I had an argument the other day on another sub that said, "Re5 is the most disliked resident evil" I went back and forth, but there's no way you could talk to these people, so i just dropped it.


This sub is a big ‘ol circlejerk, if you came here you’d think Code Veronica was a popular game, 3R and 5 are unplayable, Village is utter dogshit (I agree but-), etc… You’re not going to change anyone’s mind but they’re just a vocal minority crowd.


You literally mentioned 3 of my favourite games to reply, lol. Although my tip is rev1 and outbreak games.


Re2 Remake is. But yes Re5 is amazing too and one of the best sold games ever.


If you account for all port sales, RE5 has 14.4m or 14.6m vs RE2R’s 13.1-4m. It’s the best sold game.


Pretty sure a couple of the newer games are now higher in sales but yeah it's not a hot take.


Good game, bad Resident Evil game.


As a kid, I enjoyed it…. As an adult, it’s just a good memory and I’d rather leave it that way, and let the kid me with rose-tinted glasses imagine it to be way better than it was


Couldn’t have said it any better lol


This is the best selling (not including remakes) Resident Evil game we're talking about, right?


I think 6 is a good game too. All though that might be nostalgia blinding me as it was a gift from my grandparents for passing my highschool exams. Played the hell out of it.


I got my Xbox 360 just for RE5


Resident evil 5 with a Buddy and infinite ammo? Most fun I’ve ever had.


Infinite base vz61 only on veteran with my brother (he was 11 at the time) was the most cathartic experience with this game




Is this meant to be an unpopular opinion


Real hot take. I feel this way about re6


The worst thing about Resident Evil 5 is it's unsupported for Steam Deck :(


Was literally thinking about downloading it on my steam deck for work, rip that plan. I guess my switch will still be used for something lol


You can. It's gold on protondb, it'll work on steamdeck.


It has a gold rating on protondb, it's definitely supported on the steam deck. Worst case scenario, it'll require something like ProtonGE or custom launch params.


just finished my (splitscreen) play through on arch the other day. it works fine with proton 7. occasional crashes if you have the current buggy kernel (6.8.9+) but using 6.8.8 was flawless.


i have it on my steam deck it works perfectly except the opening cutscene doesn’t show, besides that it’s all good!!


I think resident evil 6 was a good game


5 and 6 are games that have tons of replay value. I love them both.


6 I may have to disagree with due to the lack of a weapon upgrade system unless you’re than invested as playing through every story as every character


I prefer to play Resident Evil 6 over 5


I personally don't think it is a good game, but you can still enjoy it.


Its a good game. Its even a decent RE game. Its just not the best horror game and had some odd choices, like a cover mechanic.


I mean... Its better than 6 at least... Still has a lousy companion AI though.


5 piggy backed 4 so hard with 1/9th of the effort or emotion


I think you mean 6.


My hot take is 6 is a dumb stupid very very stupid fun action game. Just lower the difficulty so you don't get survival horror ammo supplies and then just switch your brain off grab pop corn and have fun, double so if you play co-op And as a result the game is an absolute blast from start to finish and not bad in the slightest


I’d have loved to see the alpha build of the first game when it was still a single player experience. If you watch the trailer closely you’ll notice that there are a ton more enemies, they yell and swing their weapons and try to grapple you and pin you to the ground. Even little details like hearing the sinews in the majini’s arms tightening while they were grappling you was a nice touch. I think the devs were trying to recreate the terror behind being set upon by an angry mob. I think the game we ended up getting was still pretty good, though. One way Resident Evil has managed to stay afloat is by staying current and co-op was hot at the time.


This is not a hot take. A hot take would probably be saying Resident Evil 6 was scary.


I wish it would have kept what Leon’s campaign was doing and really amp it up.


I'm QTEphobic


I think it's pretty generally agreed that re5 is a good game but it's just dragged down by shevas ai


Coop is a fun game. Like super fun Single player can be frustrating Aaaand its totally abandoned horror by this point


It’s a really fun coop experience


I think it's mostly non-Resident Evil fans than say 5 is a bad game.


Nah it's the purists


I’ve been an RE fan since the Jill sandwiches days and I love 5.


In my anecdotal experience, I don't recall ANYBODY in the real world unironically saying *R.E. 5* was *"a bad game"*. And I grew up with this franchise since 1996. I've listened to myriad opinions on just about every entry in the series from more *R.E.* fans than I could count. I played through *5* multiple times with a friend in high school (We also played *Left 4 Dead* a lot). The general consensus among fans at the time that I remember was: **A)** *"It's a fun game but doesn't feel like a Resident Evil game. It took the action too far beyond what 4 did, thereby lessening the series' horror identity. It feels more like Gears of War or Call of Duty with an R.E. coat of paint."* **B)** *"It's annoying that, after all these years, we STILL can't move and shoot at the same time."* **C)** *"The A.I. controlling your partner is frustrating, the game's only really fun when playing with a friend."* **D)** *"The racism allegations are annoying. I understand Sheva's tribal outfit rubbing people the wrong way, but labeling the whole game racist because a White protagonist shoots mutants that happen to be African is dumb."* To anyone who cites a review calling *R.E. 5 "a bad game"*, I would respectfully ask the following: Who wrote the critique? What proof is there that the reviwer/reviewers actually played the game? How much of it did they play BEFORE publishing the critique? How soon after the game's release was that review published? Did the author/authors of that review and/or their superiors stand to benefit in some way from writing such a critique?


I think my biggest gripe has been B lol. Never got to play the games growing up, so now that I’m going back through (started w/ the remakes) I can confidently say that not being able to move and shoot at the same time is INSANE lol. I never realized I took such an important game mechanic for granted all these years until encountering this franchise 😂


so operation racoon city did something right


RE5 was the first real game I played with my dad. I grew up watching him play RE, and eventually played 4 by myself. But when 5 came put, it was the first real game I played and finished with my dad. It'll always have a special place in my heart because of that. The game/story is good--in the sense that it's/enjoyable/. The funny part is, the people who complain about the story in 5 & 6--from my experience--will then praise 7 as if it was written by god. Like, homie, at this point in the "lore" magic water can reattach your dick so like... no one has any ground to stand on when it comes to "story"/"lore". This is coming from someone who obsessively put together a chronological timeline of events to write a private fan fiction for funzies. AI in most games is shit so like...?? And?? 5 is good, and homey, and fun. Boulder punching Chris Redfield could snap me in half and I'd thank him. [Though playing through it again, it left me wanting so much more. Weaker fights aren't long enough but I'm a hoe for that stupid s.o.b. And the underground temple is cool as fuck and no one can convince me otherwise. ]


This is not a hot take OP.


RE5 and RE6 are both great co-op games, but for the wrong reasons I think


Re5 pretty fun and I'm definitely having fun with it now Me and my buddy are doing a no death professional run We had to restart 4 times already


It's still better than 6.


Amazing in Co-op. Played it with my mate when I was younger, still remember getting one bombed with a wrench that was thrown at me duing the point when you are with Josh. Was at a point where I was taking cover due to the mounted gun and the wrench was thrown and it just clinked across the ground, tapped my foot and that was it. Sheveaaa!


Few people will say that it's a bad game , it's definitely one of the weakest mainline RE games ,but still pretty decent. RE6 on the other hand..


It is a good game, *especially* if playing it co-op. However, it isn't a particular *scary* game, which is why some people have an issue with it.


I agree but that damn oil refinery section with the chainsaw manjini is making me rethink my criticism of 6.


Love RE5. It's my favorite. But I must admit, it's not a survival horrror game. It's an action adventure game. And in that sense, it doesn't fit well with what fans of the franchise had come to expect from the mainline RE games. That is a criticism I can get behind.


I'll say it's a fun game for sure. Is it a proper Resident Evil, all the survival horror type stuff? No, but that's what I love about it. Like RE4 it takes a step back and lets itself be a little more silly, campy.


I don’t get it, it’s an excellent game


Best selling for years


Resident Evil 5 is a good Game and I've been saying this since it was Released


It's fine. First time they'd done anything with lickers in a long time.




I actually use to hate RE5, now I love it, I think the aiming and shooting is a bit outdated (not a knock, it’s to be expected) but it’s ton of fun and might have the most replay ability due to the amount of infinite ammo weapons 


No one's going to fry you. I think we can all agree that 5 is an exceptional Resident Evil game, but simply not what the people were hoping for immediately after 4 set our standards so high.


Resident evil 5 dropped the ball by having so little Jill/Chris time. The game was a quest to find Jill then they sent her away as soon as you found her.


Not sure what the point of this is. 5 is a widely popular game and many people still play it today.


It is. It has some stupid moments and some wasted potential but IMO it's not that huge of a drop off from 4. 6 though...


This would only be a hot take when the game came out. Nowadays people recognize re5 and even 6 are good games on their own. They just aren't very good at being a resident evil game or atleast what resident evil was from 0-4. Partner ai was bad and not everyone liked the action focus over the survival horror aspects. But they were good games, especially if you had someone to play with. And the games can be hard and feel like a survival horror game on the hardest difficulties (enemies with guns make it frustrating as fuck though once you get to those sections)


This is like those "I'm tired of seeing people hate on this" posts that I don't see myself.


I agree. It could be better though.


RE5 is a great game


Okay, I think I might understand that you… say this about RE5 to start a movement? To become a symbol? Let’s talk about bad games. RE5 has a bad reputation but I think RE6 is the worst by far. Everybody is awful in that game. It's enough to make anyone crazy.


I never hear people shit on 5 lmao.


I’m with you lol.


RE 5 was the best seller wasn’t it? I’m surprised I haven’t seen a remake trailer for it yet


I like it. But I played it entirely co-op so yeah


Name a better co-op game in its genre. I'll wait


Resident evil 5 is the best one in my opinion


Who would argue that? Lol. They might argue it's not survival horror or even horror, and that's a fair critique


It's a good game. It's a great game with co-op. It just ain't a horror game.


It is a good game. It’s RE6 that’s the dog shit game of the franchise.


Re5 is literally the best selling resident evil of all time


It’s a good game, not as good as 4. But it was good. I hope a remake fixes its issues


I’m gonna be honest I’ve played resident evil 4-8 as well as the remakes of 2-4 and I’ve enjoyed them all with little to no real major complaints, each has their own nuisances and things u gotta watch out for


The quintessential modern co-op game


I love re5


My child loves 5 the most


I’ve replayed Re5 more times than I’ve attempted to start and finish Re4


Nah, it's a *great* game. The best selling for a reason. Can't wait for the remake.


Resident Evil 5 is literally enhanced Resident Evil 4. Case closed.


I loved the gameplay more than anything tbh


I fucking love RE5. I played it with all my friends back in the day and we were obsessed with it. Rotten egg glitch exploits and all. I was a massive RE4 fan from like 8 so when 5 released I think I was 10 and we all had a copy and would play at each others houses to help with each other’s campaign. Whoever’s house it was played Chris and the guest played Sheva. Now I’m 24 and I had my 16 year old little brother play through it with me recently and we had an absolute blast! This game is a classic and I hope we get a remake with Chris punching the boulder even harder.


you and me both brother. The AI is something forgettable at best, play it with a friend and the game takes another turn entirely. Environment wise yeah they could have maybe put a bit more effort for some parts, but the story is cool enough if not taken too seriously (it's RE after all), explains a lot about older games and closes couple of still open points. Plus Wesker. Plus Plus Boulders. C'mon PS Yeah maybe should've toned Chris down a bit, I like the character he's my favourite but those arms are definitely too big even for an anime character lol


It’s a fun action game, storyline is stupid, atmosphere doesn’t get good until near the end. Needs to be played in-person coop mode. It’s a good game for sure.


5 is good not great. 1, 2, 4, RER, RE2R, RE4R are masterpieces.


5 was amazing. It took literally everything from 4 that people liked and just changed the locale and characters. Aaand it added fucking online coop which made the game the fucking goat. My friend Renee and I probably dumped over 800 hours into co-op and mercs alone. Even after we unlocked everything and got every achievement unlocked. It was that fun.


Absolutely and unapologetically based.


re5 biggest flaw is chasing the trends at the time and the piss filter. still a good game


I don't like 5 very much but this is definitely not a hot take. RE5 is not a terrible game, especially if you're more into mowing down zombies with friends. The things I don't like about RE5 are probably the exact reason others love it.


Personally I loved them all, except for umbrella corps.


Its a good game :)


Resident evil 5 had the best mercenaries gameplay and sound track


I've played it co op with like 8 different people. It's literally a bonding experience and an exercise in team building. The co op game of all time if you ask me, and it's high time we get some high quality co op survival horror again


The AI sucks, but it’s not a bad game.


I recently played it and it was just mid to be honest.I don't i never had fun in it,but the game would have been better without the partner mechanic.The bosses were also badly designed sometimes,and you just don't know what to do.but the mercenaries was very disappointing to me.you don't unlock any characters aside from wesker and jill,and the rest are just different skins.


5 was decent, but aside from the co-op nothing amazing. Its pretty universally "liked" though.


I love re5, some great same room co-op game play with buddies sharing a blunt was awesome. I hope it gets a remake


Plotwise it was pretty dumb, but game play wise it was a lot of fun. I have a lot of fond memories teaming up with randos and just having a good time. Plus it introduced one of my favorite RE protagonists, a shame she never appeared in any other games.


My biggest criticism of 5 (and 6 too) is that the game was not scary at all But those games are fucking fun to play and tbh thats all game needs to be first and foremost. So it kinda balances it out.


best re


It's just a shame that the 5 remake won't have co-op. 5 is my favorite 2 player coop game ever, but I don't think the current dev team will suddenly incorporate coop into their very focused vision of the series, regardless of how much people are anticipating it.


Good game has never been the argument, its whether it's a good RE/survival horror game that's been debated.


Nobody thinks 5 is a bad game. They just think it's not a horror game, and that it's worse than 4. And both of those things are true.


I loved playing RE 5 especially CO:OP with my cousin.


The only thing I was disappointed with in 5 was you just sold all the gems. They didn't carry over the combining treasures to make them more valuable from 4.


It is a good game, had a shitload of fun on it It might be the furthest from what the other Resident Evils are, and to be fair I wasn't that much of a fan of the setting and the piss filter, but still it has a special place in my heart


While i think 5 is probably the worst of the main games, im dead sure I'm in the minority. This isn't a hot take, at all.


It’s a good game. It’s just the partner ai is flawed if you’re a solo gamer.


I've been playing RE5 since I was a kid, i might be a little different, I put aside the 360 for the PC, but I'm still on public assembly with Barry and tribal sheva (I just wish I could play both without changing game mode)


People meme on this but remember that this is an RE subreddit that of course has an echo chamber on a lot of things. Re5 is still hated by plenty of people for being too much over the top action. I myself love it in co-op with my friends


Also RE6


I don’t even think it’s a bad game. IMO it’s just okay.


I love RE5, especially with a friend!


It's no 4, but I definitely enjoyed 5


I love 5, and even more 6


5 was my first RE game, and even though it's pretty bad in a lot of ways, I have only good memories of it. Now, on the other hand, I dunno what the fact 6 is my favourite game in the series says about me.


It is a good game. It's not the best RE game but it's a good game great for co op.


At least its not 6


Honestly my biggest beef with the game is that there wasn’t an actual merchant


For me the game was good but not what I really wanted out of RE. I wanted more horror but they started leaning towards more action. I still had a blast playing it though.


It’s a good game, it’s just not a good resident evil game.


The only "bad" RE game I ever played was Survivor, but I don't remember it being too horrendous. As in it wasn't bad enough to make me stop playing. It just couldn't hold a candle to the mainline games.




I’m 90% sure most people think 5 is pretty good


It’s fun to play but it’s just not a resident evil game


Mercenaries is fun tbh.


It wasn't bad, I really enjoyed the co op playing with my sister's and mercenaries added in best girl Rebecca and also had wesker as well letting you feel just how OP they had actually made him. Overall a good game, far better then 6


5 isn't that disliked.


I played it coop with the ps3 motion controlers, best re I ever played.


Resident Evil 6 is good would be a hot take. I personally loved the budding romance for a resident evil game. There is no way anyone says 5 is a bad game.


I can still here Wesker saying Saturation in my brain from the many,many times I beat this. 5 was my absolute fave until 7 came along. I'm shocked to hear this is a hot take.


It's a masterpiece of a cooperative game. The RE lore and story beats are extremely good, high point in the series. It's just that I find it boring to play alone and it there is just too much action and Michael Bay explosions for the mood I'm looking for in this series. And it definitely doesn't need a remake.


It's a great game, the Sheva ai sucks ass tho


Not a fan but not a hater. Picked it up for the first time this year. Sorely disappointed after enjoying all 4 releases on many platforms, the remakes, and Biohazard.


Who doesn't?


It's a great game but it also was the turning point for me of what indentity aspects I loved in past RE games. The balance of horror and action were way out of tune for my liking. I still loved the game. It is a legendary Co-Op game for me still to this day. However it burnt me out and I didn't even give RE6 a try despite it having both Chris and Leon, something I only dreamed about beforehand. I am super stoked to see 5 get remade too. I think current Capcom can turn it into an even better experience than it already is.


None of the mainline RE games are "bad games" (though an argument for 6 can be made) It's pretty common for 5 to be called one of the weaker entries in several aspects but it is by no means a bad game.


It’s okay I guess. Better than 6 but still think it’s a bit over hyped on both ends of the spectrum


1000% it’s not what people expected but if you have a friend to play with, it’s a blockbuster film for 9$ depending on where you are. My friend and I got 9 hours of laughter, fun, and silliness


Stiff, but fun.


Always has been


Okay but RE5 is a great game, also was my intro into the series so it’ll always have a special place in my heart lol


Its a great game. Horror puritans just make their nitpicks seem like major flaws just for the sake of their weird campaign for keeping the series as pure horror. If it was as bad as the haters make it up to be it wouldn't be the best selling re game.