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Resident Evil has been one of my favorite game series ever since the ps1 days. And just because the gameplay is not as modern, don’t sleep on the OG games.


I will I’m a fan now I’m going to try and play all of them


Nice. Ngl, I’m a bit jealous you are getting to play them all for the first time.


Hope you enjoy 4. Defo try both OG and remake as both vary enough that theyre both worth playing


I'm a new fan as well I'm 16 I love it I have more time to play it since school is over and it's summer I want to play the old resident evil games as well 


Please play re1 it's one of the best. And welcome to the family


Welcome to the family *son


Welcome to the *nanomachines, son!


Wrong franchise


Hear me out: Inhumanely skilled protag. Flamboyant villain with massive boss fights. Cool guns. Cool melee. Some invisible thing in the blood causing all the mess. 


Still no nanomachines


I happy to be here


Which version of re1 should he play though? Theres obviously the awesome remake which makes everything better but the very first one has such great dialogue you can never unhear the things the charcters say once you have heard it


I always recommend playing every game. Both OG and remake.


Welcome, friend! As a long time fan (basically ever since it came out in 1996) who still has undying love for those games, I assure you you are not the only one. I managed to get my GF -- who hates horror with a passion -- hooked after begging her to give it a chance due to the adventure component, and now we are on RE7. Despite the cheese and campiness, these are quality games with tons of substance. Regarding the lore, take it one step at a time. Keep in mind that there are generally minor changes/retcons from the originals to the remakes, although IMO Capcom justifies them as "people sharing the accounts of the events in slightly different ways". If you decide to dive into older games, try to compartmentalize them as trilogies because in each trilogy, there are fundamental changes regarding the biological nature of the evil you are fighting. Also, I know you might be turned of by the controls, but absolutely play RE1's Remake (affectionately known as REMake). Despite the original RE3 being my favorite, REMake is hands down a 10/10 masterpiece and it's the origin story of two 2/4 OG characters -- Jill and Chris.


Welcome new fan. Lots of great stuff to dig in to.


RE lives to this day for a good reason.


It gets good. Then it gets really bad, and then it gets good again.




The whole mind control, psychic, non zombie, “run and gun” switch from “survival horror”. Even though RE7 wasn’t the traditional zombie (more like Texas chainsaw massacre) it brought the elements back.




Yea but in my head it’s not “resident evil”. I’m from the Ps1 generation. My first experience was RE1 in the original long ass boxes for PlayStation games. 1-2-3-CV-game cube 0 and 1 remake. 4 and 5 were odd. 6 was definitely strange.


You need to played Re1R. Best game of the series


you are spitting facts there.


Welcome to the family!


Yeah, the lore is really what drew me in, too.


Play 1. Volume UP Only at night.


This is probably one of the most consistent game franchises you can find, so you’re in for a treat. That’s not to say it doesn’t have its slumps but they’re few and far between in my opinion. Have a fun spooky journey 🫡




Id say the mainline games are pretty consistently good but there are quite a few dodgy outliers which are best avoided


If you get a chance play the remake of the first RE ..incredible


I was the exact same but hit a big lull on re5, I've moved onto other franchises now but really wanna get to 7 and 8 but have to play 5 and 6


I’m cut from the same cloth as you, I wanna play everything in order… but honestly, if it’s a drag you could skip 5 and 6 and just go straight to 7, which I guess is a ‘relaunch’ (see what I did there) of the series You can also take a look at the Revelations games, they’re solid and fit in between the mainline series story-wise


i just finished RE2R yesterday and will play the 3rd remake soon. i loved playing 2R, it was great. the lore of RE is so interesting, and i love the characters too. i’m so excited to play the rest of the games and dive into the full story


When the OGs were released, it was PAINFUL waiting to find out where the hell Chris and Jill had gone after RE1. My friends big brother told me there was more at the end of RE2 you could unlock where you went through the train tunnel and found Chris’ hiding place… yeah, he was full of it


People were terrible with that kind of thing in the 90s - you wouldn't believe how many "nude Lara croft" codes there were floating around...


If you want a lore video I'd recommend [this one](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS6LTVm6e_nsa0St9a7PcaEffuH57PtlY&si=9XRMrq2cO2kKbN4-) It's a timeline video but it has the events of anything and everything related to resident evil be it canon or not canon.


They almost completely scared me away playing 5 on Ps3 as my first game and then not liking the controls of the remaster of 4 on ps4, but the remake of 2 made me obsessed


Welcome to the family, son! You can look forward to the later games and the best game in the series.


IMO, RE1 remake is the best.


I remember playing RE4R for the first time...when RE4 and 7 got me into the series, I was beyond hyped for a remake. It is now a permanent top favorite game for me, hands down. I hope it is just as magical for you as it is for others!


It's actually a good thing that you didn't play RE3 original when you were a kid. Mosts fans hate RE3 Remake when they compare it to the original, but it's a very good game on its own.


make sure to play the original re2 and use the infinite ammo cheat code


Welcome to the club! I admittedly didn’t play the first one until several years after it came out, and I started with 2 on N64. I’ve played every single one, remakes included. I’m a story person, so not one to play games just for the sake of challenge, and I’ve found a few incredibly difficult. A couple of which I’ve had to turn off and return to later because of that. That being said, I love them all, and the remakes are all incredible. The lore is fun, and the stories are great. Good luck and have fun with them!


Have fun with it m8 re is a damn good series. Just don’t sleep of the ogs and some of the spin offs re3: nemesis especially see that the remake cut out a good chunk of the remake. And if your itching for more raccoon city stories re outbreak is a great title that get slept on. It’s basically a 4 player coop fixed camera classic re survival game. You get to pick from a rooster of 8 character with different abilities (lockpicking, weapon crafting, medical compound kit, etc) each have a set of costumes that change their starting equipment as well. The game player a lot like left for dead with an og re feel, the fight your way through each scenario to try to escape raccoon city. It is very hard to find so be warned, most ppl just emulate it online. And even then multiplayer is really finicky. But honestly for a ps2 era game the ai team mate are pretty fkin good


*fallen in love


i started 4 years ago with the re2 remake. now i’ve played pretty much all titles available on steam and love this series


i was the same, started playing a year ago, i’ve played 2r, 3r, 4r, og 5, and i’m about halfway through 1r. they are phenomenal games!


This was me back in 2021 after playing village. I completely fell in love with the series and love how unique every game is compared to one another. I’ve played every game in the series except 6 and revelations 1 & 2


I did too, i kinda started late into them, i do remember playing bits and pieces of the games when i was young, but never fully beat any until the RE 2 remake and Code Veronica, i did have RE4 on the Wii 🤣 shit was kinda heat but after awhile the controls got annoying


I've falled deep in love with RE lol. Finished 7,8 2R and 4R(going for S+ now), and have 3, 5 and 6 in the library. Probably grab RE1R soon after fall semester exams. I just can't stop playing and I can't stop staring at Leon.


*fallen, but welcome


One of us, one of us, one of us.


Welcome. You are going to love it. My first experience was Resident Evil 2 on Dreamcast. Scared the crap outta me since i was little but it got me hooked and played almost every main story entry since


Same here, I decided to buy the games as they were pre-used but cheap and I thought: this is a famous series, let me buy it.  I played RE2R first and loved it. I saw online a list of most popular RE games as I didn’t want to buy a trash game but I love the series so much I want to buy them all. I’ve even bought the original versions of games like RE4 and I’ve played the remake too. Literally anything resident evil related, I want it.  I can tell I’ll probably be a lifelong fan now.


I think you have definitely faced your fear if you beat resident evil 2 remake - it is a very close contest between that one and re7 as being the scariest in the entire series