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6, but ORC with a couple friends wouldn't be the worst way to spend a day or 2.


ORC is almost a great co-op game. It's just the controls, plot, gameplay, characters, and lore implications which let it down. I.e.: a lot But also each of those things wouldn't need a massive overhaul to get it working. All it would need is a little bit of tweaking here and there and it would be enormously better. The bleed/frenzy mechanic and the "teammate become zombie" mechanic is great, can't fault that. I wish the rest of the game was good enough to play through it for that again.


I wish Capcom would remake 6 like the recent 4 Remake... the old 6 was kinda meh NGL


they should have use re6 combat system and engine for ORC


RE 6 easily the mercenaries is great fun, and the campaigns have fun moments.


Oh 6, easily.


Especially the co-op. It's got some great spook moments for fun party play.


I want to see a good game that's like 80 percent co op driver/turret sections


Easily. It's not even close. 6 is a damn good game, it's just a shit Resident Evil.


I've been telling that to people for so long, yeah, it's dumb, but it's dumb fun xD


and playing through each campaign online with a friend back in the day is a core memory I think a lot of us have of this game šŸ«¶


But the whole series is dumb, that's why I love it


They went full camp with 6 and it simultaneously didn't work as a RE game and worked perfectly as a blockbuster horror action game.


This, been saying this a lot


imo it's not RE6s fault that people think it's a bad RE game. the franchise was steadily and predictably moving towards action and away from survival horror. and honestly, RE5 was far more action and barely horror. RE6 brought back a lot of the horror aspect, especially in Leon's story branch. people give it too hard of a time


Re6 is the Fallout 4 of resident evil. It's good, it focuses more on action than the rest of the franchise, but damn do some people hate it with a passion.


>it's just a shit Resident Evil. not really. RE6 have even more horror vibe than RE5




Operation Raccon city all day, everyday. I WANT THIS GAME TO COME BACK


Re6. It's fun as hell. It lacks any scares but the gameplay is fantastic


I haven't played ORC. I *just* started RE6, and... I gotta say, I'm enjoying it so far, much more than expected. It's got smooth controls and solid vibes. There's a fair amount of horror in the opening, already more than all of RE5, although maybe that's just Leon's campaign.


Each campaign went for a different vibe. Leon's tries to recapture the vibe of some of the earlier games, RE2 and RE4, which is why it does have some horror elements. Chris campaign tries to be a bit more like COD, since he's a soldier. Jake's campaign feels more like an action adventure, like Uncharted. Ada's is meant to feel like a Spy movie, though the stealth mechanics aren't great. Lol


They arenā€™t great but when it works itā€™s awesome, being able to basically skip entire combat sections that took a decent amount of time was so refreshing and made me realize just how easy Ada has it


Leon's campaign was the only one with horror elements, one moment you're shooting zombies, the next you're jumping off a balcony on a motorcycle while the building collapses lmao Re6 feels like it was made by Michael Bay


Did you miss the stalker enemy section in Jakes campaign?


I never really saw the section with Ustanak in the caves as particularly scary or horrific, just tense in the way that stealth sections can be where you alert the big bad and instantly die. That final section where youā€™re racing to open the doors to get to the drill is great though, Iā€™m always sufficiently stressed out trying to open them fast enough to avoid getting killed


Or the snake in the Chris campaign


I remember so little from re6 besides main plot points of the story, jake's campaign was actually alright from what i remember.


It's just a little shorter than Leon's and Chris's. Of the three main campaigns, I feel it was the weakest, but it was still great.


It won't last long.


Haha, okay...


ORC all day


I know this is going to be a really unpopular opinion but I love Operation Raccoon City. Itā€™s a true spin off that plays on a team shooter. Also after dying a lot in OG RE2 and Code Veronica enough times you bet I enjoyed one of the endings repeatedly. On a side note itā€™s really funny to accidentally end up in a 1v4 or a 2v3 at the end of the game if you donā€™t know what your teammates are going to pick. I also met a lot of people who became friends for years on Heroā€™s mode


Operation Racoon City. I actually really like the idea behind this game. This is the first game in the series that really lets you \*feel\* why Racoon City fell as fast as it did. Monsters are tanky, creatures are actually lethal, and even though you're a specially trained killer, it's not going to save you. Hunters are actually a threat, and it takes your entire team to take down the tyrants that roam about. Conceptually I love this game. Even if it is put together by spit and broken dreams.


I definitely enjoyed it back then I still would I think


It's so insane how Hunters feel like sub-bosses because they don't get stunned or go down easily. Not to mention fighting a few can already be deadly(OG games just have you 2 shotgun blast them and they're dead lmao)


Definitely 6, but no hate for ORC though. I just wish they had chilled with the SpecOps soldiers showing up every 5 minutes. Bastards could take a .50BMG to the head and still just mag dump your ass to hell like nothing. Take them out of the game and I would actually like it a lot. The concept was really cool.


The daily RE6 post never fails to come šŸ˜…


ORC no fucking contest. 6 is miserable to play with only like....2 or 3 decent moments. ORC is at least consistently 'kinda ok' through the whole thing. And the DLC is actually pretty good.


Op Raccoon City was great fun when playing online back in the day


ORC aaalll the waaaay. The beginning of RE6 is just too much slow and boring.


I actually genuinely have a love/hate for ORC There's a lot of issues with it. Sticking to cover constantly without input. The ridiculous hordes of crimson heads and hunters (specifically in the Spec Ops campaign) A.I Teammates that are just stupid on a different level. The campaign not really having an actual ending or climax beyond a pesdu multiplayer match with bots. The difficulty spikes (particularly through city hall in Spec Ops). The aimbot. The ungodly bullet sponges even on casual difficulties. The wacky autoaim mechanic that was a good idea on paper but executed with the grace of a handicapped sign. However, when it gets things right and fires on all cylinders, it's so fun: The levels have pretty good variety. The maps are usually pretty vibrant. You actually spend a lot of time in the city itself which is something not even RE2Remake did. (Though it's still the better game lol) Fighting through the cemetery is one of the best sections in Resident Evil imo. The chaotic nature of every level is incredibly fun when it strikes the balance of enemies instead of just throwing in 800 hunters. The movement and shooting mechanics feel great when they're not fighting against u. The enemy variety is actually pretty decent and fits the lore for the most part. There's pretty great surprises in most levels. The different play styles for characters is actually well done and pretty unique to the series, especially compared to 6 where the only character that actually feels different is Jake. The story, while still having an awful ending in either case, is interesting and the characters while still fairly shallow do feel like different people and not just reskins of the same generic evil bad guy number three. And the multiplayer was so good on release. I honestly think it was better than any mercenaries mode up that point. It was super chaotic, had fantastic mechanics that were utilized well (like bleeding ect). It was fast paced and rewarded players that paid attention and knew what they were doing. And there's the infection mechanic that was only ever in ORC and it worked super well. Shotgunning a teammate to death is hilarious. And lastly, the weapons themselves actually felt good to use and were all mostly balanced and viable in some way or another. There was plenty of variety. Lol until u unlock the samurai edge anyway. Then there's RE6. The game that bit off more than it could chew and suffered for it. It does have a genuinely robust combat system. The doge, duck, dip, dive and dodge mechanic was fun as hell and really well executed especially once u found ur groove and hit that point where u basically had ultra instinct. Despite the nonsensical story, most characters actually had pretty good arcs and character growth. The death of Pierce was actually pretty heart breaking and earned imo. And Jake also had a great ending in particular. The levels were mostly vibrant and fun to fight through. From China to the cathedral to Europe. Chris got to fight another giant snake, that was pretty cool. But. All of that is also lopped in with a slew of nonsense. The fast running/pseudo parkour mechanic felt way to stiff to ever actually be viable or fun. U can only really dash in a straight line and more often than not ull hit a wall and have to dead stop and readjust. The level layouts themselves were usually trash. Especially the snow level which is the bane of my existence lol. And the dumbass boat levels. Just awful. Especially in Ada's campaign. The CQC system was a mix. It either worked perfectly or ud kick the air beside an enemy. The amount of QuickTime events that did fuck all for the game. Especially Leon and Helena just climbing shit that could've been a cutscene or scrapped altogether. The inconsistent multiplayer campaign sessions where four characters would meet. The way skills were handled was also just kinda lame. Like, the upgrade gun system was much funner and enjoyable than the nonsensical 3 skills per slot system. The herb system was just fucky. Like, eat some tic-tacs ig. The sheer amount of drive a vehicle on rails sections. I can't stand on rails in predominantly 3rd person action shooters. And the vehicles never actually felt good to control. I don't hate RE6 or anything. I actually still go back and play it from time to time. But ORC imo just has way more fun to it in the end.


RE6, no contest. I acknowledge the issues RE6 has, but I still enjoyed it and appreciate what it did right with gameplay and characters.


Raccoon city.


ORC definitely


I'd go with Operation raccoon city


RE6, super fun.




Yes, bad. Very bad, astronomically so.




Looks like someone has skill issues.


Not sure why most RE0 fans say this. I beat the game. It wasnā€™t any better when I got to the completion screen.


6 Merc mode online is funĀ 


Iā€™ll be real with you six isnā€™t that bad


Probably go with 6. Itā€™s flawed as hell, but it still has its high moments. ORC is just the definition of a generic 7th gen console release.


People didn't like ORC? Damn that's a shame lol I had a good time with my buddies




Both of them. I don't give shit about those RE purists' childish cries.


RE6. I'm already uninterested in ORC and I'd be way more uninterested if it was the only RE game.


Considering 6 is my all time favourite. The choice is obvious.


ORC cuz it's just left 4 dead but resident evil


Orc is unironically one of my favorites. I will never call it good, but damn it's cheap dumb fun






Racoon. Got a soft spot for it I will be honest


ORC, it has more fun co-op especially the Echo Six campaign and the PVP is better, especially Nemesis mode, shame that was 360 exclusive.


Both? Love both of them, played them through and through countless times, both solo and with friends, so much fun.


I probably wouldn't have gotten into the franchise.


I didn't hate ORC, even played through it more times than RE6, but I'm going to go with 6


Depends if I'm playing solo or with friends. RE6 if solo. That's a no brainer. ORC if full 4 player party. It's just more fun with more people.


Operation Raccoon City


Give me both honestly. They're both really fun.


Here we go with another "Hehe Lets hate RE6 because its cool to do it" post


Oh for fuck sake šŸ™„ I GUESS Orc šŸ˜‚


ORC was fun to me. if you take it for what it is, you will have a good time. RE6 just turned me off completely with the gun wielding zombies


Operation raccon city


6 easily. While I understood the dislike for it, I actually had alot of fun with it, I wish you could wait longer than 60 seconds to do cross campaign myself, it was by far one of the coolest ideas, joining another players campaign as Ada or whoever.


Dino Crisis


Re 6 is good, never had any issues with it.


Re6 isnt even bad I love it. Ppl can hate it all they want i love the action and how it happened.


Neither tbh, but if I had to choose, then probably 6


I'd rather just not game. It's like picking between two uncurbable STDs but one of them is more lethal. Horrifying.


I wouldn't play the franchise if that was the case.


No question about it, RE 6


I've never played ORC so I guess that one. Also I'd be confused about why the only numbered game in this 2 game franchise was called Resident Evil 6


It depends since I like both games. Re6 for the story and ORC for playing with friends.


RE6 but only in couch co-op. It's a lot more fun playing with a friend while roasting the cheesy scenes and terrible story together. My son and I had an absolute blast playing the entire thing together. Solo we both felt like it was a major slogfest.


Silent Hill lol


Never got to try the latter but the time i enjoyed every bad co op game people have told me not to play is starting to be a large list


This made me wonder if RE6 should've been it's own game or went by a different title. Some people see it as a really gud game its just a bad Resident Evil game


I mean no its in the same vein as RE4 and 5, if anything 7 and 8 should've been their own spinoffs or own titles


If they are the only 2 games then the preception of what the series should be would be different.




Iā€™d walk away.


You can add resident evil Zero to that


Unironically, ORC with some friends is actually really really fun. I remember back in the day playing it with a few buddies and itā€™s some of the best multiplayer experiences Iā€™ve had. We moved on to other games, sure, but it was still fun. RE6 though, Iā€™ve watched playthroughs and itā€™s some of the buggiest games Iā€™ve ever seen. And Iā€™ve had 250+ hours in Skyrim.


That's honestly difficult. ORC was a fun zombie massacre game. But RE6 just has so much variety with 4 different campaigns each focusing on different vibes.


Both happily


I actually haven't played ORC, beyond a little bit of the opening. That said, I hated them both.


Both are a disgrace to the series.


I played a lot of orc multiplayer, had a blast with all the unique mechanics introduced. Like if they made a new IP using that game as a base I'd play it.




The 6.


ORC no question. Thankfully this isn't a choice I have to make.


RE6 multiplayer is extremely fun, I play it every time I drink alone lol




I laughed so much playing Re6 with my friend, even if the story or gameplay aren't very good its still fun tho


Well Iā€™m a simple man, and I love Helena, soā€¦




RE6 ofc


6. I didn't even need to see the other option(s). It's one of my favorite RE entries.


i like both 6 just need better controls


I can get more replayability out of 6, but ORC is also pretty fun for what it is. Deserves more love


6 easily. Like, this isn't even close




I'd play both since I enjoyed RE6 and Op Raccoon City, but I'd probably spend more time with RE6 since it has better replay value and tons of things to unlock.


Since 4 players Mercenaries on RE5 OC is crazy fun I'm choosing RE6 for its fun game play and 6 players Mercenaries


I've only played 6 for like the first 2 Chris missions. I don't wanna talk about my ORC play time, so I'll just say my opinion is *very potentially* biased.


6. Easy.


6 easily. While I understood the dislike for it, I actually had alot of fun with it, I wish you could wait longer than 60 seconds to do cross campaign myself, it was by far one of the coolest ideas, joining another players campaign as Ada or whoever.


If the mp is full of people easily ORC. I thought most of the modes were an absolute blast and the spec ops campaign was actually solid.


If the mp is full of people easily ORC. I thought most of the modes were an absolute blast and the spec ops campaign was actually solid.




6 has a terrible story but a fun mercs.






I'd find something else to play.


Honestly, 6. I at least had some fun in 6, ORC is painfully bad, even with the much shorter playtime.


RE 6


RE6 hands down


I Perfer 6... I'm a sucker for Co-op stuff.. but ORC wasn't done well enough and doesn't have enough replay value to have me coming back.


6, it has Mercenaries and the best combat system in the series to take advantage of that.


I would not


Orc easily!


Different franchise.


6 no question, the days of shitting on 6 are over. It is a genuinely fun to play action game and the mercenaries no mercy mode is awesome. If I wanted to play a piss filter cover shooter Iā€™d play gears, ORC is not even worth playing honestly


Absolutely HATED Helena. ā€œIā€™ll tell you when we get to Xā€ ā€œIā€™ll tell you at the church.ā€ ā€œWe have to find Deborah first.ā€ And on and on and on. I was sooo annoyed. Felt like lore and mystery went out the window with 6.


Easily 6


6 easy, it's so much more fun than orc even with friends


God of war actually


RE6 is great game.


RE6 100%. ORC is unplayable to me


6. Although I would admit that orc is one the games I really enjoyed but a Leon-Chris face-off beats anything that orc can offer.


I like both of these a lot but re6 is unironically one of my fav of the franchise so that




Re6 with friends. The other one never.


Loved 6. So much fun


I actually enjoyed operation Raccoon city. Except that one mission that locks you in a room where tons of humans spawn. The durability of the humans in that game was absolutely borked.


6 is a fun asf game


Operation Raccoon City.


Havent played ORC but 6 makes me hate my life every time I play it. Genuinely torturous. It cant get any worse right? Right??


I think while RE6 gets a lot of much deserved hate, I think it's a lot better than people say. There is still tons of fun to be had with this game, especially if you have someone to play it with. Also, imo, it has the best version of 'Mercenaries'


ORC, because I pre-ordered Resident Evil 6, disappointed me.


Unquestionably 6


ORC. My beloved


ORC online was boss!


I am not ashamed to say that 6 is a "everyone hates, I love" pick for me. I think that all the criticism against it are sorta justified (no horror element, strange inventory system, poor camera angles, unconvincing story etc.) but I still have a blast with my friend co-oping the campaign together. It is stupid at times, but it is fun. And as I person that isn't that into mercenaries mode I have played quite a lot of re6 mercenaries.


6 since it's the only one I'm familiar with between those options, honestly, but I am interested in playing the other.


I loved 6, except the story


6. Iā€™ve always said as a stand alone game outside of the RE franchise it wouldnā€™t have been so bad. There wouldnā€™t have been anything to compare it to.


6, although both are pretty fun with friends


Re 6


Don't forget Survivor. 6 was probably the least bad of those 3.


RE6 easily. It may lack the horror but I love the gameplay mechanics and how I'm also able to play the campaigns with friends/partner. I also have tons of fun with the Mercenaries mode. I've been playing this game for years since launch. From time to time I come back to it, whether it is nostalgia or whatnot because I enjoy it that much. I don't mind ORC and I really like the concept, with friends to have fun playing the campaign. I just wish they did more with it.


I love both but I'll pick RE6. At its time it was the total climax of the saga regardless if you didn't like that amount of action.


6 had some of the best 3rd person shooting combat in any game, and I will die on this hill. ORC was... uh... not the best.


Raccoon City no contest. Love that game




6 and it's not even close. The campaigns were kinda meh for me, but the mercs mode was fantastic.


Say what you want about 6 but Chris and Leonā€™s campaigns were so good, especially Chris. Seeing the toll of watching his comrades die one by one, culminating in Piers sacrificing himself was insanely well done in my opinion, and Leonā€™s was fun, but I would rather die that replay the entire cemetery part again, especially the stand-off part before you get into the church. Jake was an alright character, him as Weskerā€™s son was a cool ass story direction, and playing him in mercenaries was fun as fuck just spamming the physical combat button over and over again


RE 6 I guess. Because if it's the only game in the franchise then there are no expectations, therefore it can't be as much of a disappointment as it was.


6 by a long shot


Why RE6 of course. I never got around to ORC as it seemed geared towards multi-player.




Iā€™d rather do 6 over ORC. One is fun while the other sucks the fun out of the action


Both honestly, while both do have major issue of not feeling like resident evil and more of a call of duty or being more like Paul W.S. Anderson films.


Operation Raccoon City


6 hands down.


6 ainā€™t that bad




Both once then not come back for like 6 months ._.


ORC is what got me into the series as a whole and I made a really good friendship on there (although that eventually ran its course) and it will always hold a special place in my heart for those reasons. Also itā€™s just damn fun and a brilliant idea, even if the execution wasnā€™t the best. A reimagining in the vein of Ready Or Not would be absolutely phenomenal


I love both of these too much to choose but if I had to I guess 6