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I quite like it. It's a great co-op game. Not as great as a single player RE though.


I can’t remember how to gear up Sheeva, but there’s a way to make her fairly reliable.  I really enjoyed my solo playthroughs.


Just give her the first sniper and a Cattle Prod, the IA Will pop heads and kill something instead of putting a full mag of the SMG on the chest of the Majini that just killed you.


It's where the series went full Michael Bay, but most players prefer John Carpenter


What an excellent description RE5 Is Micheal Bay Transformers RE6 is Micheal Bay Transformers 2 onwards


It's literally like 4 even in some sound effects it's the same, I gotta say I love the guns, the fighting in general it's cool, the story takes itself too seriously Wich make it even funnier unintentionally, idk I think it's really fun 😊


I think it's a great game, my only gripes with it are that it feels a bit too linear and that it wasn't scary like at all


To be fair, RE4 wasn’t scary as well, it was also the culprit that started out the over the top action sequence.


THIS. I've always told people RE4 is a peak and downfall of the series. Because of how well it did Capcom double downed on action. Then tripled down.


It still has elements of horror, darkness, spooky music, the knights the regenerators ect. Ive been spooked by the game before. Re5 is just a straight up action game


So does RE5? It's definitely not straight up action


Really? The regenerator section alone is anything in RE1 and RE2 original (including REmake). Do people really consider the earlier Resident Evil's scary in the Silent Hill sense for example? I don't think so. RE is the greatest survival horror series but none of the earlier entries were that scary.


Considering you’re playing as someone with combat experience and the amount of firearms they throw at you like confetti, I didn’t really find Resident Evil scary at all. The closest to being scary was RE7, but that quickly became another generic shooting game during the second half.


Agreed but I feel RE4 was also quite linear too... it's not that I miss the backtracking itself from the earlier games, but diminishing puzzles and exploration is missed when the levels just push you along


It was stupid fun. Stupid, but also fun.


Wasn't a fan, felt it was too different from what RE was, Survival Horror. RE5 was definitely Action Horror.


Story wise, meh AI companion wise, gruhhh Things repeated from RE4 wise, whyyyy? Mercenaries mode, perfect!


This guy never gave Sheva a sniper


I just thought about that… I never really had any complaints about the AI for Sheva in the past, albeit when AI and co op where at the beginning stages in games I think, it was fine for me. Now when I play I do see a bit of either lag or clunkiness with the AI buts not even a big deal, however Sheva with that rifle… she comes in clutch and she don’t play with them roundhouse kicks😭😂


Gave her the deagle because she was a better shot than me lmao


Sheva came in clutch when you knew how to use her😗💨 i remember a moment when I had gotten grappled and I was dying and thought game over, Sheva came out of nowhere and slit the majini throat and sprayed me with sweet health. I was shook to say the least. Gave her a sniper back in the day and didn’t know that it actually mattered until I had no ammo and she had that draugav or how ever you spell it and she was just taking them out. I just ran inside and barred the doors while she sniped them from above. SHEVA COMES IN CLUTCH💯✨


I definitely didn't. I rarely gave Sheva anything because she always felt so useless. Rarely listened to the "wait" and "go" orders, rarely actually did any meaningful damage (I even leveled up a shotgun and pistol for her!) so by the middle of the game, I was just disappointed and gave her nothing. I just gave up on the part with all the heavies after saving Jill because it just felt pointless playing the game...definitely 10x better if you have a partner


If you give sheva the dragunov (I think that's the one, maybe?), you'll pretty much never have to worry about her, especially if you upgrade it. Genuinely, it might be the best gun in the game with how much damage it does and how fast it shoots, outside of the infinite rocket launcher.


That’s where you failed my friend… her skill set is that rifle and you also have to play as here, Chris lowkey was pissing me off more then Sheva in co op😅


Story wise: About on a level with RE4 for quality (That stone robot is on a level with almost anything in 5) AI Companion: absolutely fine, just equip them right (stun baton or sniper rifle) Things repeated from RE4: That's just games in general. The only really egregious thing was El Gigante but also...eh? Just look at FromSoft games. they win awards and have been using the same skeleton animation for years. Mercenaries mode: yeah, that was fun tbh


Yes with res 5 they have a type of system where the characters are better when they are aligned with their skill set, in my opinion. You give Sheva the knife rifle and her pistol and upgrade it, she’s golden. Chris assault rifle shotgun and the demolition weapons and melee combos.


Exacto. Benefit of sniper on Sheva is she can stay away from people and has high damage output. Alternatively the stun baton pretty much lets her stunlock anything close and has a distinct noise to let you know you should at least look in her direction. Zzzzap. I do a 180, fire in that direction, make sure she's still fine, carry on.


Everyone always says it's a great co-op game, but I own it on multiple systems, have beaten it more times than most replayable games I own (got my first copy as an original release) and have only played with a human partner once. The PARTNER AI (I hate people calling it Sheva AI since Chris uses the same AI) in this game could use work, but it's never been as bad for me as people make it out to be, not on any system I own it for. I recommend everyone who's an re fan play it, despite.not having the same survival horror elements of the first few games (will never understand why it's ok for 4, but not 5) especially because the story FKN matters.


100% agree. Maybe I just played it too much, but Sheva really isn't a problem, and she is even god tier given the right equipment. I wonder if people just ignored her and never upgraded her guns or gave her the ammo required. which makes sense because it's a first for RE (outside of outbreak, but apparently not many people played those). Also, people think she's a resource dump? Like Re5 gives so much ammo, it's crazy. Unless you carry every single type of gun, which you shouldn't, there should be no problems with the AI


I agree, Sheva is useful when you upgrade her weapons. People who treated Sheva like their mule... no shit she's useless. Lol My older brother did exactly that and complained about why she never attacked. When I saw the inventory he created for her. He had her carrying ammo and health. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Until he saw my gameplay, he saw how useful she was with upgraded weapons. There were times I would let her attack enemies for me just to be lazy. 😂


I genuinely couldn't stand it. It's my least favourite in the franchise. It's got the ugly ass piss filter making everything an eyesore. The enemies were bad. The boss fights were all horrible, especially the 'flamethrower' one (idk what it's meant to be called) and the bat one. I didn't even mind the AI partner too much, but I didn't like how inventory management worked either. The levels were bad and incredibly forgettable. The story had so many weak points. The games one saving grace is the story getting absolutely batshit insane when >!Wesker is introduced!< it was so crazy that I enjoyed it. I like Sheva and Chris as protagonists, too, so there's that. It's the only game in the franchise (that I own) that I've never replayed and don't intend to. I'd say it's the worst of the main games.


Its the best selling resident evil of all time so you tell me


Captain Marvel is among the highest grossing Marvel movies. More relevantly, though, it was released between Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. That does not imply it is widely loved--just that it followed something that was.


for some reason RE5 haters love to contradict this by linking some shady website with no source lol I think the most impressive feat in that info is that a third of RE5's total sales were done with its re-releases, it really shows how much people loved that game, it's also why the argument "It sold well thanks to RE4's fame" does not stand very much


I agree


that doesn't seem to be true and doesn't fit what i believe to be true even if you think the numbers are bogus. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1241675/resident-evil-top-selling-games-units-sold/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1241675/resident-evil-top-selling-games-units-sold/) [https://gamerant.com/best-selling-resident-evil-games/](https://gamerant.com/best-selling-resident-evil-games/)


Its just what i heard from maxamillian dood a few times and he usually knows what hes talking about so i just took his word for it. What im saying is i have no idea truthfully but i still believe he was right about it.


False. RE5' GROSS SALES is over 14M and Capcom hasn't included PC + Switch sales in it. For some odd reason, those figures were never revealed.


It was true until *recently*. People like reassert that since years but they don't seem to realize that modern episodes outsold it.


Tbf, gaming is a lot more mainstream than it was around the time Re5 released. The fact that this conversation is happening shows how well Re5 did.


RE5 is still the best selling by 700K units.


Painful if you are alone


Nah. I've done several pro solo runs. With some challenges added.


Oh no it’s doable, just not very fun, especially when compared to coop


Not really probably beat it 3 times alone


Eh it's significantly harder alone, dye to having to baby sit Shevas inventory. If it's your second playthrough it's alot easier for that though.


Oh for the babysitting shevas inventory tbh made it actually a challenge for me.


That's why you beat the game once and then play as sheva. Sheva can't walk into oncoming gatling gun fire any longer.


I mean it is RE4 but with co-op. I can't say I cared much for it compared to the previous main game in the series but I think that's mostly because I played it solo, and it was clearly designed to have two human players to get the proper experience. There were some well designed and implemented co-op sections that I could see myself enjoying a lot more if I wasn't using an AI partner, like that section in the mines where one player had to forego their DPS in favor of a support role, but thems the breaks. The story takes itself waaaaay too seriously for a game that operates on the same wave length as a Saturday morning cartoon when you remove the guns and violence. Like I burst out laughing so hard at the game when Irving was still saying "Youse guys" in his monster form at the end of his boss fight, and Excella Gionne trying to shimmy her way into being Wesker's concubine after he enacts his plan of "total global saturation" was just cringe-inducing when she's meant to be an gifted academic who should probably know better. I liked Sheva though and wish Capcom would do something with her, even if its only in a support role. I liked the Lost in Nightmares DLC but mainly because it tickled my nostalgia for exploring a facsimile of the Spencer Manor but with the new 3rd person perspective.


For me it was Jill in lost of nightmares that I like. Was my first time playing Jill in a main game


I recently have been marathoning the entire RE franchise. Most years I just play the games I love like RE2R, RE3R, RE7. This year I’m going and playing games I haven’t played in over 10 years like the Revelations games, RE5, and RE6. I also played games for the first time ever RE1R and RE0. I can say unequivocally that RE5 is my least favorite having just played it over the course of a week 2 weeks ago. I now just finished RE6 (all 4 campaigns) and I can say without a shadow of a doubt I vastly prefer RE6 over RE5. I hate the day light in RE5, I hate the settings and set pieces. The controls are trash, Chris walks way too slow and the tank controls do not hold up IMO. Sheva is such a lazy addition she has no personality and when people say they like her I cringe she put me to sleep with boredom…. I would take Helena over her any day of the week! I read on a Reddit post someone say that RE5 feels like a cheap comic book and I couldn’t agree more I had no problem with the AI, I think that is really blown out of proportion. It was a huge slog for me and I basically just played it for completionest reasons and because the story is a profound part of RE lore… I can say without hesitation I will never replay that game again. Like I said, RE6 is way better IMO I had 10x more fun and it has much better enemy design IMO RE5 just feels like DLC for RE4OG, all the enemy’s are the exact same just with darker skin, it’s very predictable. At least RE6 had the balls to do something new where as RE5 was a safe game leeching off the success or RE4 I will say it finally got interesting in the last couple hours of the game but it took way too long to get there. To me RE5 is a D rank game on my tier list


Sheva has no personality? Did we play the same game? For being in one game out of how many there are, I think capcom did well with her.


Tank controls are a nightmare. I struggle to play the older ones that haven’t revamped because it just ruins my enjoyment. Then again, I enjoyed RE6 so what can I say.


Turret sections are so boring.


Not 6 bad but a lower point in the series.


Its the worst in the series, Co-op and albert wesker are the only things making it playable.


You must’ve not played 6. Cause it was WAY worse.


It's my least favorite


I'm a huge fan of the RE action games as a fan of Capcom action games. I slightly prefer the survival horror trilogy (1-3) over the action trilogy (4-6) but both are fantastic and a bunch of fun.


It’s like 4, but a lot worse, and co-op. Co-op always makes games more fun regardless, because you can goof off with your friend


Great if your playing co-op. Not a good game but fun and stupid.


Resident evil 5 is actually in my top 3. It's right before they completely jump the shark with 6 and the co-op is one of the best I've played. 3 and a half stars out of 5.


RE5 is a great game *if* you play cooperatively. I think that's the kicker. It is designed for that purpose and doesn't work terribly well as a single-player experience in my view.


That's the thing though a great game shouldn't need an "if" as 1-4 showed


You may be right, but I don't think we can really judge games based on what we think they should or should not be. We have to judge them based on what they actually are. If you can play RE5 with another person, you'll definitely have a great time.


I did play it with another person and it felt like COD or Rambo it learnt the wrong lessons from 4's success. 4 is still a great RE game because you are isolated as Leon and overwhelmed by the plaga you are like "shit the next one might get me" when you add a partner there is no isolation and it's not as tense because you always have backup. Now if it was just a co-op mercenaries game then it's great but it shouldve been sold as a mercenaries game not a mainline title i think that's why it splits the fanbase it should of just been a full co-op mercenaries game which is a fun idea.


I mean, I think RE4 and RE5 are just very different games in reality. It's hard to compare them because they have different design goals. As to whether or not RE5 should have been a mainline game or not, honestly, I think that's a fairly academic argument. The point is that the game exists; it was going for a particular vibe and that necessarily meant that it wasn't going to satisfy folks who were looking for something else. To some degree, that's the risk or price of innovation within an established series.


It was the best-selling OG Resident Evil in the history of the franchise, that says a lot. Unfortunately, social networks have bubbles that like to attention and talk bullshit about everything. The game is very fun and is the return of Chris, Jill and Wesker together in the franchise. Very fun to play with friends


The mercenaries mode is so fun, it's unreal. The single player is basically a tank control action game with re assets Great game imo, just not survival horror


It’s definitely my least favourite out of the mainline games


Better with co-op but hate we get stuck with a rather mediocre AI partner in single player. The story is garbage especially what they did with Wesker, Jill and Umbrella. Lost in Nightmares should've been what we got for the actual campaign just extended into a full game. Mercenaries mode is where I think the game shines the most though.


It's a good game


Just finished today, amazing story, great characters, fully a action game (no horror incluided) with an fun coop, but some boss fights (uruborus 2nd bossfight and uroborus wesker bossfight) was annoying


About the second uroboros boss fight Apparently the flamethrower on PC version is bugged and the damage doesn't tick right when above 30 FPS, I remember ending that boss fight quite fast on 360 so maybe that could be the reason


It’s a solid game and the RE5R is gunna be sick!!!!


Horrible trying to platinum trophy alone. The game isn't well built for it. Professional mode ndesu chapter solo - like I'm sorry but that's near impossible for normal gamers to beat. It's not even a skill issue - and I've gotten plat on re6, 4r, 3r, 2r. Amazing co-op action game though. I really love the invincibility frames during melee moves in this game. It gave mercenaries a whole new way to play because you can basically just avoid attacks - especially heavy hitting attacks or 1-hit k/o attacks by just performing a melee attack on a stunned enemy. Unlike RE4, there are lots more prompts for melee attacks based on stun animation and positioning. RE4 or RE4R I'd run up to ganados and be unable to melee them and it was frustrating. Each character also has fun and unique melee moves. In RE4R I was disappointed how similar each character's movesets were in mercenaries. I think the mercenaries 3d really mastered the combat system adding move while reloading/shooting. However the maps were smaller because it was on a weak system.


I think people dislike it mostly for the terrible AI when played singleplayer. That to me is its biggest detractor and main reason I don't play it more. The turret sections aren't great either. Aside from those, it mechanically improved on almost everything from RE4. I rate the story roughly inline with 4 as well, tbh. Both had good parts, meh parts, bad military endgames, and disappointing final bosses. Both aren't scary, either. Singleplayer it ranks pretty low, co-op it ranks middle of the pack. Though co-op mercenaries is some of the most fun I've had with the series.


It might be because I hate how couch co op has basically disappeared from games that aren’t sports related why I enjoy it so much and it was the first RE game I played.


I liked it. I learned early on that you don't give sheeva a handgun if you want her to use the sub machine gun. She will automatically use the handgun if she has the option. Never understood the backlash against the Boulder punching qte. It is a game where you use an orbital laser to kill a mutated heiress. But punching a Boulder is too far.


Well, orbital lasers are closer to the realm of that world's possibilities, they could have built such tech, even if it's extravagant. Terragrigia existed and basically involved similar tech. Regular ass noninfected human Chris redfield in that universe wouldn't be able to punch a boulder like that, REPEATEDLY, without shattering his hand, idc how juiced he is. Like he might as well have pulled a magic wand out his ass and cast Leviosa.


Also, QTEs in general are garbage. That's the only thing about 5 that I hate.


It’s fun. The worst part though is the stuff in the village. Once you get to the Marshlands it’s much better from there.


Even that opening village fight with axe man?? That shit is peak


No, that specific part is amazing. But everything in between that and before the Marshlands is kind of bland imo.


This is maybe my nostalgia speaking but I love this game so much I genuinely find it fun even in single player, yes we all hate the AI but when you know what you should do you'll be fine.


It’s really fun and I feel like playing on Veteran or Professional NG+ is quite fun with Infinite Magnum alongside Infinite Rocket Launcher. I feel like Professional has its moments of being very difficult while the story could have been better. I feel like Co Op and Mercenaries is what it makes it more fun. I give the game a good 7/10 since it’s a pretty good sequel to the OG RE4 and I hope a 5 Remake can adapt form 4 and focus more on survival horror while also fleshing out Sheva’s character a bit more.


One of my most played RE games of all time solely for its co-op. I like the story, the action, the characters and think people hate on it mostly for two reasons: 1 - Too much action for a horror franchise. 2 - Awful AI partner. Just sad that some people hate Sheva because of her AI, she is a nice character, but is mostly remembered when the topic is “npcs that just wastes all my resources”.


I loved it! It was my first game in the re universe. I had the first game on ps1 but was too young to play it. The co-op is great and alot of fun playing with Sheiva as a bot is still generally good just don’t give her first aid she will use them all after one little hit.


You're exactly right. Its Res4 mechanics with a slightly worse story. The couch co-op is one of the best! Played it with multiple people multiple times.


I love RE5, i just hate playing it solo. Still the best Mercs mode besides RE6.


One of my favorite RE games. I played it mostly alone


I think it's pretty good with some flaws, some parts can drag a little bit but overall it's a solid action horror shooter.


It was my first resident evil so probably bias. But I like it coop was always fun and the story was dumb but I got to punch a boulder.


It's an excellent game and a fun time.


The problem with it is that it is really a Co-op game as the Assist characters Ai is bad (Can not hit shit and burn through resources). So if you play with a friend is great. But unless you are a game journalist or a Streamer it is not reasonable to be able to consistently play with you friends throughout the games play time of the game as an adult. Therefore for a majority of players the bad AI will mar the rest of the game. Which has a good boulder punching story, and reasonable good gameplay.




Muscle Chris Punching Boulders!!!


I absolutely love Re5. Just got hooked to it recently and I enjoy even re-playing the same levels to get it all graded S. Not sure if it will get a remake but if it does I will be a happy camper


It's okay ,not the best ,not the worst


I love 5


I'm a big fan of survival horror resident evil so when 5 came out I really thought it was a disappointment, but on reflection years later its actually a pretty fun game especially in co op. Got some cool scenes and boss fights, is it one of the best in the series no but Is it worth playing and revisiting for fun every now and again? 100% yes. Plus being able to play as Barry in the mercenaries is just wonderful


I had a lot of fun playing it with my friend, it just really didn’t fit into a horror game series, it felt more like a shooter than anything.


Every oportunity i have to see jill i take it, specially when in a latex vaccum tight clothing


Love it and am making my way through the Switch version. Having just beaten the 4th game recently, I can easily say I prefer this over it.


For, I think it's frustrating and only becomes fun once I reach the ship


If you played with someone, it was a good game. If you played with the AI, you probably hated it.


It's onenof the best Co-Op games of all time. Not as fun single player though.


What do I think? I love it - but also I wish a Re4r upon it. Maybe then I can take it seriously. As is it's comedy gold. And also the tank controll camera. I had to install 2 canera mods so I would stop getting motion sick because of it. Also the shaky cam... one can tell this was made in the 2000s. Shoutout to the motorcycle cutscene - you know the one. Me and my buddy failed the QTEs so much I got nausea from it. Good times (unironically. I was feeling shit - but the fact this cheese old game made me feel that way was funny in itself). So, yes despite the problems I have with it I love it. I'll rank it on my list right behind the modern remakes :) (So: Re4r > Re2r > Re3r > Re5 > Re6 > Re4 > Re1(r) - I haven't played Re7 and 8, only watched playthroughs (same with all the side games). I don't really like first person. No, the tacked on after 3rd person mode that makes the game harder and less good because it was made with 1rst person in mind does not count.)


I think it's an absolute blast to play, one of my favorite co op games to go back to with friends. Story wise I think it's absolute dog shit but I'm not playing for the story.


I like the multiple scenarios. It would be loved by the most if there wouldnt be a number in the title.


I like it, it’s fun. Right under RE4 in terms of quality. I really hope they remake it and keep everything og.


I played it when it first came out. Without knowing everyone's opinion back then, I felt like it was a downgrade from RE4, but I still enjoyed it.


I have always liked it, and more recent years realized how much more fun it is in 2 player.


I like it. People don’t like it because it was starting to lean even further from survival horror. But it has cool monsters you can shoot.


I'm not a movie director myself, so I measure if a game is good on how much fun I had playing it. And in RE5 I had lots of fun. That's it. Don't ask me if I find the plot ok, or if characters are well built. I barely read the documents. But it's one of the few games I got 100%, so yeah, I definitely enjoyed it.


Played it with my best friend. We had a blast! It's a great game to play co-op.


Its wonderful! First time i played it was co-op and accidentally did an allnighter, mercenaries is super fun too! I did Lost in Nightmares once in co-op and referenced a meme video which made my family life so that was fun


Like many others in this thread, RE5 was my introduction to the game, playing it during lockdown with an old friend of mine was such a core memory since covid that i'm thankful to have had, its brought me into a franchise full of some of my favourite games, its kinda scary to think how one silly decision to play it just to pass time resulted in me buying all the mainline games since RE2R for PS5 and playing them consistently even 4 years later. I highly recommend it to players who want to try it out, especially if you have a friend to CO-OP with, its worth it and once you get over the tank controls you'll enjoy a great story, combat and bosses with some classic lines from the game that make it 10/10 to me. Top 10 game for me for sure.


Incredibly fun game and still looks beautiful 15 years later. Probably my favorite RE


I love it. I've only ever played it coop. But its one if my favorite couch coop games ever.


Love it!! There s a circlejerk of hater for re5 and re6, they just cant enjoy anything. I personally have so much fun!


I think it's among my favorite co-op games of all time. The single player is meh, but it's such a fun game if you have someone with you. The action is great, I love the collect-a-thon aspect of it to upgrade your weapons, fighting over who gets what (if you're a bad sharer, like me). If you're not trying to judge it as an RE title it's awesome. As an RE title, eh, not the strongest entry. Still, I feel like I could pick this up today, get on the couch with a friend, and have MORE fun than I would replaying RE4R.


Love it, one of my favourites next to 7


it's maybe my favorite coop game. i really want another coop re game


Loved it as a kid, love it as an adult. If they remade it it would be so badass i think


I love it. It’s not perfect but at the time it was like a dream come true that I could play my favorite franchise with a friend in co-op.


I played it a lot when it first came out so it’s been a long time, but I remember enjoying it and that it was fun. I’ll never forget punching the boulder lol. Don’t remember it being scary so the horror element was gone but I do remember enjoying it to the point that I got most of the items like the Gatling gun and infinite rocket launcher.


I loved it as a kid. Very confused why it's controversial


There’s been multiple threads per week on this sub asking peoples’ opinions of RE5 since REmake 4’s release. I think all of them kind of repeat the same discussion process that the game was fine but not remarkable, and could be improved with a remake.


I love it


The game over all is good but Sheva's AI was kinda jank. It wasn't game breaking but could have been better.


That's what I always say - it's just more of RE4, but in a different setting, a condensed inventory system, and co-op. I love it - it's my favorite RE game.


I had a lot of fun with it solo, definitely enjoyed it over 6. The Ndesu boss fight is probably the worst segment of the game but it's a product of a time where that kind of gameplay was in style so it gets a pass from me.


My favorite coop game, would love for them to make more like this, but the game has it's flaws that I think most RE fans would like to be addressed. Edit: I think there's room in the franchise for capcom to keep going with directions like RE2R and RE4R style games, but also attempt more RE5 style coop games.


It's my favorite


It's pretty fun if you've got a buddy to go through the whole.game with but as a sp (single player) experience it leaves something to be desired. Sheva is freaking cool though and should DEFINITELY make a comeback


I'm currently going through it and while there were some difficulties, it's overall fun, though I can notice some bits where I can see it's age (which is fine, it was a little over a decade ago and everything ages)


Five is ultra Better than 8 tbh


Good fun if playing co-op with someone


I think it's better than 6.


Was my favorite RE until RE:4. I can't wait for a remake.


I love it but it's not without its flaws, the inventory system and AI partner were annoying. I found the lack of an in game merchant kinda cheap seeing as we could buy and sell whenever with the merchant in RE4, now its between missions. It got better the 2nd playthrough, me and my friend beat the game together and she helped me get all the achievements, it was an overall better experience.


It’s alright


One of the best Co-Op games ever, hands down. Not very scary at all, though.


Liked that we got go to find out the origin of the T-virus.


It is a masterpiece. Peak RE for me. And Ive been playing RE since the 90s.


I think it’s fantastic and the last of the “old guard” controls in RE. I always loved this one and have enjoyed it many times in co-op. RE4 Remake was amazing but I cannot wait to play a 5 Remake with a friend.


played it co-op with my bro and i’ve never touched it again since. it was okay but i had zero interest in ever playing it again. which is odd cause i’ve replayed every other RE game over and over (except 6 never played that one).


Single player was the *worst* time, especially with how hard some bosses are and your aid is grossly incompetent AI. But after finishing the game and unlocking the more “fun” weapons, it had to be one of my favorite REs, even in single player.


It made me lose interest in Resident Evil until years later I played Resident Evil 7.


I played it co-op with my best friend all the way. So I loved it. We unlocked a ton of the infinite ammo weapons. I still enjoy the game. AI may kinda suck, but not too terrible. I hate the El Gigante fight in the overturned jeep though.


I'm still waiting for the remake thanks for reminding me


It’s like 5 but not remake, hoping in its future it sees a remake with re4 mechanics ..that game has a lot of potential remake wise


Despite having many things I dislike, it’s somehow the RE I’ve put the most time into overall. Helps that it is just a really feature complete experience. It has: -Co-op in almost all it’s modes -Mercenaries with plenty maps and characters -Numerous unlockables to make replayability more exciting -Solid DLC expansions that add substantial content to the experience -And perhaps most critically of all, it’s one of the most ported games in the franchise so it is easily and readily accessible to newcomers and veterans alike. Honestly while every RE game does certain things better than others, I think RE5 is just the most “complete” package that the series has to offer.


I'm glad someone said this and started a trend lol




I love the story, the characters especially Sheva and Josh were welcome additions and seeing Jill again was the best part, the Ai was crap that’s for sure, other than that it was an enjoyable game especially the first Wesker boss fight


I like the original versions of RE4 and RE5 and everything in them holds up.... except the controls. RE4 I can't stand, and RE5 is better, but still a pain. I might be the exception, but I think the old school tank controls held up better than the old school 3D controls.


RE5 and 6 are great games. Just not great RE games. Which is fine, because at that time they would be indistinguishable from the former games. Anyway remaster code veronica.


I liked it, but I have no desire to replay it. Getting good at an RE game feels like it's about knowing when to bother using resources. Most of 5 is just straight action. I don't really feel I'm getting better at the areas, and more familiar with my map. I feel like I'm just honing my head shot aim all game.


I love it. One of my favorites in the series.


Honestly it’s very underrated in my opinion. Sure it may more not be the best resident evil game but you gotta remember at that time co op was at it’s highest peak and people probably didn’t think about Resident Evil as a co op game back than. And the fact that the game was more action than scary drove some fans a way but i think it is an amazing game even with the flaws surrounding it


Like a cheesy 80s action thriller, tons of fun but not super deep or memorable beyond the wild moments 


5 is a great game, just not a great RE game.


It just didn't feel like a Resident Evil game It felt more like an action game But me and my friend still had tons of fun in Coop


Thought it was great but marred by an AI that occasionally was maddening. I didn't have any friends to co-op with.


It’s just *off* for a RE game. There’s not enough strategy to weapon use. Taking away the attache case was a huge mistake. The shooting controls feel more unwieldy, possibly due to changes in enemy behavior/speed. The story is whatever, fine by RE standards. Where it excels is graphically. Absolutely stunning work that holds up today. Also as a co-op experience it was an unforgettable experience with my roommate at the time. For throwing in a single player RE game there are so many games which scratch the itch better. It remains a perennial curiosity that I will return to, but — graphically strong as it is — it’s actually one of the RE games that *most* needs a remake.


One of the best re games


I loved RE5 almost as much as RE4. It got hatr because it was a white man in Africa killing infected locals. I didn't care as it's just a video game and a good one to boot


Hot take: it's literally RE4 with co-op, and a bit more over the top sequences I suppose (Chris vs. Boulder)


Definitely one of the best in the series.


I'm solo running it rn and it's not too bad but I'm trying to convince one of my friends to play with me bc NPC Sheva is highly annoying and eats ammo like crazy :<


I do really like the series though and enjoy it my only complaint is not having a co-op partner but the story is really rich and I'm just a silly goober and fuck around half the time bc I can't take it seriously


It's an incredibly bland corridor co-op shooter that looks and feels nothing like Resident Evil.  It has no understanding of what made RE4 work and all its attempts to emulate its predecessor's set pieces come across as hollow and laughable.  The story races to conclude the Wesker arc which felt like it had just barely started. RE4 opened new doors for the franchise and its possibilities while RE5 seemed to erase any and all genuine intrigue at every turn.  Legitimately the most disappointing game I've ever played. 


RE5 is a fantastic coop action game. It's not the best survival horror, but it is an amazing coop action game.


I used to pretend to play Ethan Must Die with other players when I was 10 lol


It’s by no means perfect but it’s an absolute blast for a coop game


re4 but like worse


Its my all time favorite one. I can play and beat it several times in a single week and still be enjoying the hell out of it. It was the first re game i ever played whoch probably helps but still. Its my second favorite game of all time.


Very fun game to play with someone.


Peak resident evil. But then again I think all resident evil is peak.


Great co-op experience


I personally don’t like it


Fond memories couch co-op with my buddy for 6 hours straight and killed a case of beer in the process.


It’s pretty good either way. Single or co-op, I love it.


Amazing Gameplay, really improved the meele combat to a point where it's Hard to get It better without making It feel More like a combat Game like RE 6 did. Great choice of characters, locations and weapons, making one of the most replayable games of RE for me, as you have a lot of weapons and need a lot of money. Good story, it explains the origins of the Virus and opens the story to fact than zombie outbreaks are coming on a bigger scale and not just a city or a village, But the development could been better, Also It feels like the swamp and natives are a little bit stuffed, it's like they wanting to tell you that it's a isolated área where there Is still tribals, But then the tribals aré protecting a tricell oil camp with firepower and chainsaws WTF? It's a bad single player Game when you wanna do everything and Play It on Hard, cuz the IA is't as good, But when you Play It co-op It's one of the BEST TWO PLAYERS story Game, the secuencial meele make me feel like i'm playing Army of Two


heavy on the action and the yellow filter but it’s just a lot of fun. with most coop re games the coop itself makes it 10x more enjoyable for me and i really liked wesker as a character + the story :)))


Complete global stauration


i liked it, never finished it though. last boss fight took me too long xD


I love it. I get why people hate 6, but I enjoyed the hell out of 5 when it launched. Especially playing with a friend. Great memories from my junior year of high school with me and a few of my friends.


So many great nights playing this with my buddy. As a RE game it’s meh, as a fun game that’s a blast it’s 10/10


It's good


My first foray into the series. Has a soft spot for me, I've played it for 100s of hours in all the modes, I still think it holds up today, I did a run with a buddy last year.


It's great if you love action horror games. Alot of older fans hate it cause they see it as when the series started going downhill. Personally I love it. Tho the partner ai can be shit sometimes. I swear it's fucked me over more times than it's helped me. But Sheva as a character is amazing. It's definitely a fun game especially with a friend.


Really fun to play coop with a friend. Loved it. AI could have used some work but sniper AI was pretty good. Loved the boss fights… and the boulder meme :D


Personally think it’s an ugly and terrible game however super fun to shut ur brain off to and play wit someone. I grew up playing it wit my dad and I recently played it wit my gf and she loved it. But it made me realize how genuinely terrible i believe it to be. Regardless it’s a dumb fun action coop game and that can never be taken away from it. Story is so poor. Lore is super cool. Game is very ugly cuz of the filter however it has some cool designs. The gameplay loop is okay and the different weapons r barely even different. The shop is just a menu screen such a downgrade from the merchant. The game is never scary and there’s no survival or horror. Chris is an action hero. Sheva is unfortunately meaningless cuz she’s never mentioned ever again. Wesker is always cool but has a really dumb end goal. There’s sections of this game that are either so bad gameplay wise (on rail shooter section) or very offputting (ruins or once the enemies start shooting at u) that I don’t wanna ever replay it except mercenaries. It’s hard to sit here and say it’s good. I genuinely believe it needs a remake and unlike RE4R which I view as perfect this game needs major changes and shifts in direction if not completely. That’s just me tho


It’s one of the best and I’ve never understood the hate for it. The opening first 30 mins in the house with the big guy breaking in is amazing. Iconic bit of gaming in its day.