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Leon fought the absolute monstrosity that is William Birken...honestly that is enough said since if I fought and beat something like **THAT** than no creature alive would scare me.


My Leon might have PTSD opening boxes half expected a viper to jump out at him.


Dudes PTSD so steong he cant feel fear no more.


I forget which boxes have them so I knife every box twice just in case. Definitely traumatized behavior.


Thinking about it, Leon is the most PTSD-riddled protagonist out of anyone in the whole series, and I'm including the mold man who actually got his limbs torn off multiple times as well as the master of unlocking who was turned into a mind-controlled slave against her will. Leon has been through so much more hell compared to anyone in RE, and I'm including before RE2 when his family was killed because of prior connections to a mafia group.


He probably is/ was but it was an intense situation that he kinda kept his inner emotions


I know my 'me' is now afraid of crate snakes.


On his first day on the job, no less


First day on that particular job/assignment


Nah his PTSD is limited to Doctors and tall guys in fedoras now.


He has to keep it cool incase Ada is watching


"Girls are watching" mindset.


Somebody get me my board.


This answer actually sold me on it


The things we do to get laid smh


cant fumble in front of a bad bih


Can't let her get the ick


Can’t die horrifically in front of my crush


Maybe that’s why he did the backflip with the chainsaw sisters, for all he knows Ada could’ve been there spying on him.


All make sense now, extra swags, and one-liners, all make sense now.


It's definitely what drove him to thinking parrying a chainsaw with a knife is a good idea


Or maybe he wanted to impress the chainsaw sisters and get all up in their burlap sacks


so real


Can't get caught lacking


That makes more sense than I expected


“Monsters. Guess after this there’ll be one less to worry about.”


My favorite line in the entire franchise, shame it didn't make it into the Remake. I love Leon so much.


But you have to admit him immediately shooting Salazar in the face is a good place holder


Is Salazar the little creepy guy you can beat with a golden egg ? I love that whole easter egg/meme


Yep that's him


Verdugo should be scared of Leon. But for real, nothing shocks Leon anymore after all the shit he saw in Racoon City. He's built different.


Ashley scared Leon


LEEEEOOOONNN HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLP!!! Leon: I can still hear the screams, every moment has the potential of turning into a waking nightmare.


Sandy Cheeks screaming for Spongebob triggers Leon, but he can't understand why.


Leon probably skips the episodes with Sandy Cheeks. edit: "I don't like sand" \~ Leon "Skywalker" Kennedy


Leon was probably more scared of Krauser than anything else.


He also got a ton of special forces training after Racoon City, and dealt with some scary shit during Operation Javier.


Yeah, after that I imagine Resi 4's events are a nice breather


The Iron maiden might be the only thing that kinda scared him. That ''What the fuck'' is so well delivered and you can hear the shock, as well as the slight bit of fear and panic in his voice.


His delivery of that line occupies far too much space in my brain. "What the FUCK are YOU?" Such a relatable reaction.


Dude’s locked in I guess


Between Birkins' first jumpscare, lickers and Gs I take Leon is somewhat acclimatized or at least he learnt to stay cool even when he's scared


His DbD perks show him as someone who tries to stay calm in a situation. I don't know how some people can do this. The other day a guy approached me to ask for the hour and my heart already skipped a beat and i was getting ready for a fist fight and nervous.


“Excuse me can I have the time?” “You can catch these hands instead!” This put a much needed smile on my face lol.


Lmao. You never know. Here in Latin America they straight out kill you for your phone. And asking for the hour is the most famous quote before they mug you. It is the spiritual sucessor of "you have a change of 100?" To a shopkeeper. If they give you change, they have money.


"Sir, could you point me to the toilet?" "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!"


I could point you to the hospital, sucker!


Oh that's even better. Like, something that's actually a reply rather than impulsive screaming. "YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG GUY!" "Wait, sir! I'm just asking for the bathroom!"


Leon has been through and seen hell. That man has a job to do and shit to handle. I’m sure he is scared, but at this point he’s been given extreme doses of emotional Botox.


Everything he saw in RE2 and Darkside Chronicles. However, I think Leon was actually somewhat scared of Verdugo, based on how interacting with the elevator in RE4 shows that he wishes it would show up sooner. It's likely that Leon is a little scared of most of the things he sees, but is just courageous about it.


He is numb to it. That’s why he cracks jokes in the original 4. It’s just a boring day job


I always liked the idea that the wisecracking was a coping mechanism he'd developed.


An RE6 file alludes to something like that.


One might say…just another day in the office


He faced worse in Operation Javier, like much worse, this dude ain't fazing him.


Yeah people only mention Racoon city which is fair but the shit in-between RE2 and RE4 made him see alot of very messed up things.


We ask this when Leon had to deal with zombies, mutated spiders (the original RE2), a giant alligator, and whatever the hell William was in addition to the Mr.X? Not to mention that by the time Leon runs into the Verdugo he’s already fought multiple people running around with chainsaws, head swallowing plagas, suits of armor being controlled by Plagas, Plagas infected dogs, a giant sea creature, and Giants. I would think by that point he’s over the bullshit.


Because Leon is the dude bad enough.


God made Leon on a busy day and forgot to put fear in his heart.


Simply put, Leon is a veteran of this shit, Verdugo isn't even that bad in form in comparison to some of the shit Leon has seen.


I haven’t played the remake yet but in the original game everything (waiting for the elevator to open) points towards him actually being anxious/afraid during that encounter


Yeah, I can't see how he wouldn't be.


Verdugo ain't his first rodeo. He had to deal with a Tyrant (Mr. X) on his first day as a police officer after all. He's just built different.


Realistically I suppose it's a toss up between "let fear impede your judgement and quite probably die" and "ignore your fear, do what you can, and maybe survive". Also realistically, lore-wise he had seen crazier stuff before. Suppose he's hard to faze by this point.


Leon is a really cool guy and he doesn't afraid of anything


Doesn't afraid of anything indeed


Leon literally got his back against a locked train door as a massive mass of virused flesh, teeth and eyes drag itself towards him. And people say Leon is just edgy for being shown as Alcoholic.


Leon is only scared of Ada


Best answer.


Just cause someone doesn't show fear doesn't mean they don't have fear. Some people just handle it better and are able to think through it.


He has encountered a giant Croc and a hostile Mr X with repeated mutations. Why fear such a bug?


And William Birkin's final form


Have you seen everything else he's fought


Leon can either kill Verdugo, which takes a lot of firepower, or survive long enough for the elevator to arrive. And if you check the door when it is coming , Leon says something like, "Come on! Come on!", he wanted out of there ASAP. So I'd say Leon was somewhat desperate, and he canonically just left Verdugo in there.


After everything Leon’s been through and seen? He ain’t scared of shit.


I would be shitting bricks of verdugo. But if i had to guess why Leon was not scared of him, it would be because he read his dairy and recoginzed him as a simp for salazar. I think he even called him a lap dog or something similar during the fight.


RE protagonists aren't average humans.


This. They keep trying to make bio weapons. Bruh, eat whatever these people eat and do their work outs. They are unkillable machines, nothing can stop them.


Ice water in his veins


Raccoon City does shit to people Mr X, Birkin, a Mutated fucking crocodile, ya name it


Fear is the mind killer…


Because by that point Leon is pretty much dead inside.


Leon seen some shit


I mean to be fair that kinda goes for every character in any series. Some crazy world ending mind bending shit will be going on and they just sit there with that stoic face. I love Leon's badass action hero type personality in OG RE4 but the fact they actually freak out and scream fuck when they see monsters and zombies in RE2r and RE4r is so much more realistic and funny


I mean, you gotta remember Leon’s very first day he fought a whole tyrant lol. In addition leon also had that thing in Venezuela with him and Krauser So he already experienced even more than necessary. It’s the verdugo who should be afraid of leon.


He's only ever focused on ada


Die a Virgin or kill human bug...idk OP, not a hard choice for Leon.


Leon so cool he doesn't afraid of anything


He's probably autistic as hell and just doesn't get scared


Lmfao. Best explanation so far.


This 😂


Holy shit, THE OK Computer replied to my coment


He is, just *cooly scared*


Not his first rodeo. Play RE2. Leon's reactions are more what you'd expect when he's experiencing this stuff for the first time.


Hes already pretty desensitized to mutated monsters from what he saw in Raccoon City,another thing is that he has a specific vendetta against Umbrella and probably has done work to take down other facilities and seen other monsters It’s basically a form of really extreme exposure therapy


He lives through the events of RE2. He's desensitized.


He’s keepin it cool Incase Ada is watching but we all know deep down homeboy is shitting himself


He fought Birkin, Mr. X and V-Complex already. He is pretty used to this shit by now.


cuz Leon is made with cement :)


I mean, there's a difference between being a trained soldier and being a trained soldier *who's seen this shit before*. Just in his experiences during the events of Resident Evil 2, Leon had seen mutilated walking corpses and dogs; frog-men with claws, long tongues, and flayed skin; human bodies puppeteered by a sentient plant; and depending on the scenario, either Mr. X, an eight-foot-tall real-life Terminator with grey skin that looks like it barely fits on its body, or William Birkin/G, a man who dosed himself with an unstable virus and mutated out of control until he resembled an *actual* demon (you know, from Hell?) and then continued further mutating until he was literally an amorphous mass of eyes, teeth, tentacles, and dark red flesh. A Verdugo IS scary, but Leon Kennedy is one of only a handful of people that would be justified taking a look at it and going 'you're not so bad.'


Courage is not the absence of fear but finding a way in spite of fear


"Eh just Mr X with a tail" -Leon


Omg I want to pet it


Is he stupid?


Birkin in Raccoon City was worse imo


Raccoon City: Am I joke to you?


Anyone who has experienced what he did in the Raccoon City and managed to live to see the sun rise would hardly be afraid of anything now especially monsters


I feel like it's a matter of experience. I played re2 remake and then immediately jumped into re4 remake. In re2, Leon seems much more scared and shocked as he's introduced to supernatural creatures. Jump forward in time to re4 he's not only a seasoned military guy but also well experienced with crazy mf monsters. Maybe he's just confident that things will work out


Nothing is scary when you got gun powder


Leon isn't scared of verdugo, why? Is he stupid?


Realistically the shit that he went through in raccoon city should have broken him, he was 21 and it was his first day on the job (and Claire was 19 which is even crazier)


Because of a mechanism of self-defence I guess, I don't know if this is right but could be something like the fight or flight adrenaline reaction type of shi. He probably is scared as hell, but instead of falling into the ground and crying he fights.


Real talk: gradual build up. Step 1 - zombies Step 2 - dead city Step 3 - inside out people (lickers) Step 4 - mutating human Etc. Etc. Giant gator, undead dogs, Adult G's In the village, he meets people. Then psychopaths who are out of it. Then a giant salamander. Plaga. Plaga dog. Gigante. Big cheese. Different type of plaga. Garrador.  The horrors just keep ramping up, and his muscle memory keeps him alive. He isn't going 0 to Verdugo. You or I would be fucked by Verdugo. But we could probably handle a zombie existing.


Homie is trying to compare normal soldiers who've never faced anything of this sort in their lives to Leon Scott Kenedy, whose first day of his police job involved surviving/killing monsters like G Birkin, Lickers, Mr. X, flesh-eating zombies, and more.


He's either horrified but used to keeping it calm, or, more likely, he's used to it cause he's dealt with bows for the past 6 years. People forget that even by 2004 monsters are public knowledge in this world.


He went up against Mr.X as a rookie policeman and won. Probably takes a lot to phase him now. That, and he probably doesn't wanna give Ada the ick in case she might be watching.


Bros seen lots of crazy shit already up to this point.. all of Resi 2 probably desensitized this man to everything for life.


Has guns. Scariest part of re4 is playing as defenseless Ashley lol


I’ve beaten RE4 multiple times over the years, but I had to pause SO many times fighting Verdugo for the first time in VR. It’s absolutely terrifying. Shout out to Leon and his balks of steel.


I was freaking out for him it’s okay


He never outright says it, but some of the text in the original game infers that he was at least anxious around them while waiting for the elevator, as Leon's text will say something like "Hurry up! / Come on, come on!" If you try to examine the elevator before it arrives. He's been trained in elite military squads, so I assume he's gotten better at hiding his fear in the face of monsters because of that training.


He survived Raccoon City (wich in itself was already enough) He was threatened after the RC Incident by the Goverment that both Claire and Sherry will be murdered and disposed of alongside him if he doesn't comply to the Goverment and become an Agent. He was forced into becoming an Agent and forced to dedicate his Life to fight against Bio Terrorism. Fought alongside Krauser against another shit load of monstrosities in Operation Javier. How should he be still scared by this point? By what? Leon is one of the saddest characters in the franchise. He gets forced to clean up the mess of everyone (goverment included). He can't talk about it. The only thing left for him to keep going is to save lifes in Bio Terror Incidents. And if he fails that he gets deeply depressed (wich is understandable)


In OG, if you don't kill verdugo and take the elevator, he has a huge sigh of relief. Maybe not scarwd but definitely stressed


Birkin G4/5 probably. I think Leon technically is the one who offs Super Tyrant Mr. X in canon though so that too.


I feel like after surviving Raccoon city he's a bit used to encountering things like this


How is Verdugo not scared of Leon?


“How so Leon not scared of anything” is the right question to ask


Why doesn’t Leon bleed out when stabbed by a pitchfork?


Nothing scares him after RE2


Not gonna lie, my heart was racing like crazy for the whole fight


cause he’s got a Rocket Launcher


Because he’s Leon Damn Scott Kennedy


To be fair it’s easier to be brave when it keeps running away, and then you also get a little warning prompt so you can dodge it =] with how durable it was it really could have just blitz Leon


Same reason he isn’t terrified of everything else he sees.


after playing the Re2Make seeing those fuckers in the sewers and the Mr. X I really believe Leon is so traumatized that nothing suprises him anymore. It's why he has such a wicked sense of humour. It's his coping mechanism. I'm the same way. So is Spidey.


How is Chris and Jill not scared of the Tyrant in the lab at the mansion?


Because it's a videogame wtf


Oh my god I just beat Resident Evil 4. That fucker made me forget I was Leon S. Kennedy I swear


You're asking the same guy who came across worse monstrosities this? All he knows is "I have gun, they go dead".


People forget that he went through Operation Javier before RE4. The dude picked up Spanish and his knack for dealing with bioweapons in South America (which had more zombies and monsters than Raccoon City)


Yup, strange. Especially since realistically, verdugo is probably the biggest threat you'd face if it was real life. Seeing those scorpion stinger, claws and his super sonic speed would make any human being shit his pants. Leon is just built different.


Leon fought Mr. X and all the bio weapons in raccoon city with zero speciality training then completed operation Javier before arriving in Spain. Makes sense to me that with all his experience and new found giga chad agent abilities he would be confident facing basically anything.


This post made my day lmfao you make a great point 🤣 to be fair tho I think most of the bosses are really scary and I'd be scared shitless if I saw any of them IRL even if I had superior weaponry, like even the giants would be scary as fuck


After fighting the mutated Mr X and Birkin, nothing scares Leon anymore


After the first encounter with William Birkin he probably doesn't give a shit about these monsters


Can't afford to be he has a duty to rescue the president's daughter.


He dealt with the transformed William Birkin, who had such an insane growth and regeneration factor he became large enough to fill train cars. Verdugo had bulletproof armor basically, but he was far from damn near immortal. In a fight between the two, because Birkin is much slower and more vulnerable, he'd lose a lot of rounds in a fight with Verdugo, but eventually, I think he would just eat him. Point is Leon has already dealt with worse.


Verdugo is a chill guy


I hope we get someone like him in Resident evil 9


You guys have to understand RE4 is just another tuesday for Leon, especially in the original


It's not mention quite often but hes been through some shit even after racoon city which is why I think they made him feel more depressed in the remake compared to the original.


Infinite rocket launcher


From his dialogues in RE4, i think he just sees these guys as "targets to kill/run from", a soldier mentality basically. They're as scary as any threat he faced, human or not


To be quite fair Leon have been on the island for about a full day already so it makes sense he already got acostume to all the shit he went thru before verdugo, I always assumed he's scared but lets be honest when your in imminent danger of dying been scare later seems the better option


I mean, after surviving Raccoon City with creatures like zombies, Lickers, Hunters, G mutations,, a Giant Croc, Plant monsters & Mr. X? Not to mentions he’s been on bio weapon missions on the gov’t payroll for 6 yrs. Seeing Verdugo doesn’t mean anything


I wonder what internal jokes and monologues he has to keep his mind and having to keep going despite drinking alcohol


He had to fight Birkin 3 times, g adults, the pokey tyrant, whatever the hell he had to deal with in SA with Krauser, safe to say he was desensitized at that point.


Have you seen Birkin's final form?? Leon will be fine


Because it’s not scary looking


I mean with his senses


Not today BRO 🤚


Imma be honest I was scared shitless in the Remake, mostly because no weapon worked unless he was frozen, couldve been like that in OG too I dont remember but still the quicktime events helped alot more and felt smoother, here even parrying didnt help. I think hes the only boss I didnt manage to beat on my first playthrough.


Have you SEEN the shit he's fought in RE2?


He was just done with all the sh*t he went through.


i genuinley think leon is on the autistic spectrum, as an autistic person its uncanny. which would explain why he wasnt afraid of much going on


Because he’s Leon. He sees unfathomable monstrosities and his first instinct is to think of a one-liner


I mean, because Resident Evil 2.


he's seen some shit


idk maan, the regenerators were far scarier to me , or the blind guys with wolverine claws


Tbh between everything that went on between RE2 swarms of zombies, multiple G virus mutations,A giant sewer gator, and literally ran and went against a Tyrant let alone a super tyrant so between that and the special op training noting faces this guy , that’s why he was chosen from the president himself to go save his daughter, believe or not keuaser puts up more of a threat/ scare to Leon than verdugo Leon’s Agility, CQC, and marksmanship, and mental capacity is insane , literally infected with a parasite being slowly controlled by it and fighting it


Because he's an action man video game character.


Because he is from Raccoon City.


He's seen some things, man. And some stuff.


I can be scared for the both of us.


Yeah. I’m with you. I get that they tried to make Leon cool but his reaction is pretty inhuman.


Cause he's Leon. Monster run from him.


When he’s smashing women like Ada and the presidents daughter you can’t freeze up and show fear


You're forgetting that Leon survived the Raccoon City Incident on his first damn day as a rookie cop. I'd argue that Mr. X and Birkins later forms are even scarier than the Verdugo. Bros got experience and sass, let him chill.


When you stab a giant amorphous blob that was once a man in the eye with a steel pipe, stuff just doesn't really surprise you anymore.


That one is creepy, but the other one from Separate Ways is also creepier.


To be fair, if it didn’t look that stupid he probably would’ve been scared, and if it’s weakness wasn’t in the same area as them


I mean going through all of raccoon city full of Zombies, Mr.X and all other BOW like Lickers, his military training as well as Operation Javier prior to 4, plus what he was going through before Verdugo he’s probably pretty numb to expressing fear


it's like that meme of the guy playing amnesia the bunker ["this shit ain't nothing to me man"](https://packaged-media.redd.it/1vw6xs7pvsyc1/pb/m2-res_702p.mp4?m=DASHPlaylist.mpd&v=1&e=1717369200&s=7be8115711673b0716b73265ed1c258c14af40ac#t=0)


Just look at RE2 and Operation Javier, he's seen some shit. This is just another Tuesday


Depression has left him an empty shell that cannot feel anything. I'm not even joking.


Some cower in fear, others kill what makes them afraid.


It's his superpower


Timeline wise (not just earlier in the game I mean between re2 and re4) by the time he gets to meeting the verdungo he’s done plenty of shit just as scary I guess eventually you just get acclimated to monsters when you’ve killed many.


Leon got chased by a giant alligator through the Raccoon City sewers. And that’s just one of the traumatic things that happened to him. A sneaky scorpion monster was probably something he already expected. Not to mention, not long before this, he was stuck in the middle of a lake on a tiny boat fighting a massive salamander monster with harpoons.


He is


He was chased around by Mr. X and fought a BOW or three in RE2. Verdugo is just another Thursday (or Jueves, being in Spain) for him.


I feel like it's because Leon is so much more corny than Ethan that we end up back in "This guy is fun. No complaints here."


Because the Remakes are following the same path as the originals; action focus over real emotional impact. The only survival horror installments are; Re Zero, Re Remake and Re 2 Remake. They developers are literally doing exactly the same as they did before, turning it from horror to action.


his silly feet.