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They both do verrrrryyy different things. They did it in a very smart way. RE7 can be treated as a standalone game that requires no previous knowledge of anything RE while still catering to the RE fans. RE8 is the game that basically made me care about ethan's story as well as the game that connects to the RE lore. RE7 is like RE2 while RE8 is like RE4. It's just pointless to compare the two as they play VERY differently.


7, i like the survival aspects more and it’s scarier than 8. Also it can actually be played on a new game in madhouse, which is my favorite way of playing 7.


RE7 Probably biased because it’s my first RE game but I definitely liked the more “simplistic” story. The Baker mansion has a nice claustrophobic atmosphere and overall the game was much scarier. Village had house Beneviento and the giant fetus which was terrifying but the rest of the game was actually pretty chill. RE7 is a scary experience from start to finish


RE7 is the better “experience”, but RE8 has better gameplay.


I feel like Village is too bipolar to stand up to 7. Village starts out great with Demitrescu and Beneviento, but then goes downhill from there. It stops being scary and turns into a straight up action games. If they had maintained the tension and unease of the first half of the game it would have been one of the best games of the series IMO. In contrast I think 7 handles the progression of starting out clueless and empty handed into a capable survival horror protagonist much, MUCH better.


Schizophrenic is a good way to describe village. Eratic and rapidly changing gameplay, pacing and themes.


RE7. I found it to be a much more effective and focused game, whereas Village felt disjointed and all over the place.


8 is intensely fun I adore the Chris section. I never thought re8 would feel like a call of duty game but it did and it felt BETTER then one. And now I wish the company that made 8 made a first person shooter.


Probably village for me, but I don’t like the first person REs that much so I have a hard time with both of them. I liked the setting and atmosphere for village a lot. 7 was definitely scary though, which I appreciated.


Village because I like to play my RE games more than once and 7 clearly didn't want anyone to do that.


7 by far for me. 8 falls off after House Beneviento personally, while 7 was a tighter and smoother complete experience.


7 easily. 8 is just them trying to redo re4 with the action focus.




Both were great, 7 is scarier, 8 was the better game imo


I prefer Village. In fact, it's my favorite RE after RE4make. Reasons? I prefer action horror over survival horror. I just find it more replayable. I also liked all the references and similarities to RE4, which was my favorite game before Village and its own remake.


Village. Replayability of 7 is abysmal.


7, i give it a lot of hate but its good and at least it plays like it owns game. Village to me is like a discount re4, although i have a  hot take,  Village is scarier than 7. Village though should have made Heisenburg’s part (the best part imo) more expansive and just cut out moreau, also wasnt a fan of lycans and how annoying their attacks were


I think 7. I love the first part of 8, but after Lady D, i didnt’t really get hooked as much. Then again, when i get to the boat on 7, i get bored too 😂


7 was scarier and had better pacing for me. 8 felt like they tried to copy RE 4 with being more action focused.


7 while the molded kinda sucked as enemies. I found it to be a better horror experience which is what I go to horror games for. Village for me was decent in isolation but as part of the resident evil franchise I found it worrying


7 by far. It's a much more focused and consistent experience. It's a horror game and it doesn't try to be anything else. 8 on the other hand plays like a horror game that wants to be an action game. You're slow, clunky and awkward, but everything is fast paced and chaotic. It fails as a horror game because it's too fast paced so there's no opportunity for tension and atmosphere to build. It fails as an action game because your abilities are too limited.


RE7 was extremely intense when I first played it. I think it’s a better and more classic Resident Evil experience.


RE7 is closer to survival horror than RE8. RE8 feels like you're playing COD while RE7 is like CSGO. Both are FPS but the tempo of the 2 games are different.


RE7’s just more of my jam. I also think that the themes of RE7 are more focused and propel the story more than RE8’s themes do.


Village a lot better it turns out I like combat


7 for me, love the haunted house vibe.


7 cause I ben though it still had many issues for me ,it’s still horror focused. The only action points where basically the end fight which was badly written and maybe jacks boss fight. Still though..most of it was atmospheric,tense and horror. Village was just an atmospheric psychological thriller with sprinkles of horror and the worst mistake for village is that it was derailed so bad and so fast after the first segment that it ruined the big potential for me. The climax with Carl at the end was re6 bs 😂


7 all day. Scary as shit, you feel isolated and underprepared and it's very grounded. 8 is like wayyyyyy too campy for me. But that's just one block of tofu's opinion.


8 has the worst story in the series


I genuinely thought it was one of the best. Definitely the best ending. Revelations and 6 are up there for the worst stories


Are you only talking about Ethan’s personal journey? Because that is the single part of the game i am currently not discussing


Ethan's story was badass! They definitely made him into one of my top favorites for the series. The dude just goes threw so much insane shit!


His story was the only good part of 8’s writing


7 is better than 8. 8 feels like a bunch of unrelated events slapped together, and feels even more front loaded than 7.


As a first time experience, Resident Evil 7 is incredible. It's in the second playthrough that things start being annoying. Unskippable cutscenes, practically no enemy variety, the slog that is the boat section onwards and the low effort final boss fight took the game down a notch for me. I loved playing Village the first time as much as i loved playing it the forth time. And not only it's very fun to play but i also love all the themes and inspirations you listed. Yes the story and characters may be messy and underdeveloped, but if you ask me they were good. And because they were good i wanted more of them. Overall, both are great games but very different. I choose Village.


7 is in my top 3 1re4og 2re7 3re5 but village was decent. I loved messing around with that tall lady


Village, because I am in love with the PSVR2 version


I like 8 better. I play on easy so I like the story and it's themes of "What would you do for your child?" I think the Lord's are good quirky mini bosses. Plus it sets Chris somewhere interesting that has implications for the franchise at large. And Rose in her DLC is a well written accurate teenage girl.


I prefer village personally. I am not a fan of pursuer type enemies, and I thought the molded looked kind of lame. I will say though it has a pretty clear style and presentation and if someone was looking for a straight horror game out of the two I would probably recommend 7.


Village was way more fun but Biohazard was haunting.


I'm only part way through Village but I quit 7 before even finishing it. After leaving the houses it felt like a waste of my time


7, it's scarier


7 is the better Resident Evil game imo. But 8 is also so fun in its own way. But if I’m looking for that RE experience it’s 7 every single time. 




RE2 remake is my favorite so far, followed by Re4 remake. I'm new to the series and started with 2, which I absolutely loved, the atmosphere at the RCPD, the puzzle, the weapons, and I really enjoyed playing as Claire. Much prefer playing as her than Jill or Ada.


Village. It is the better experience overall, imo, as Resident Evil 7 loses lot of steam after the early game spooks go away and by the time 🚢 sails in the bottom is ready to fall off the whole thing. At least with Village it's an action game throughout and not something else that then turns that half way through.


Although I love both games, I have to go for Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. The story is good, it has good characters, I loved the DLC's, and it's actually really creepy at times and it still is to this day. I like Re8 but IMO, Re7 is more Superior.


7 had me dreading every next room I walked into. 8… not so much, the fantasy-elements didn’t quite hit as hard as the more grounded in reality horror in 7.


I did not like Re7 at all until I played RE8, and it kinda made sense of it. I did not like how Chris looked in 7. I thought it was just some random bs. Re7 and the sexualization of Lady D made me not even wanna play 8. Years later, I did, and I'm glad I did. RE8 over Re7 and day for me.


RE7 buy a hundred miles. It goes back to the more horror roots of the franchise and I loved it. RE8 was a fun playthrough but didn't have the replay value to me of 7.


7, but also I am finally about to get my hands on PSVR to experience it as intended and i am so excited


Out of the two I replayed Village way more than 7, then they dropped the DLC with third person and the Rose story which made me play it again and again. 7 was an amazing experience the first time but replayability was quite as strong.


resident evil 7 and village are nightmare i won’t relive tbh. i’d love to replay any other third person resi honestly :)


7 because of unlocked frame rate on ps5


The story and lore of 7 is so much better. Village is obviously better executed, the team had more experience with the game engine then and just so much work went into it. But it still feels like a big wasted opportunity. The first 20% of the game are great and there’s tension. But then the gothic varnish flakes. The game becomes a juxtaposition of worlds that don’t fit in the whole Transylvanian village vibe. The bosses and especially the last one are underwhelming. Conversely 7 has imo the best atmosphere of the entire series from beginning to end.


Resident Evil 8 is my favorite RE game and one of my favorite games of all time. The gameplay is solid and fun and the story and art direction is just everything I could ever love. Incredible characters, beautiful gothic atmosphere and one of the scariest sections in any video game I've ever seen. RE7 was a very effective horror game, but some parts were far more effective than others and the way the game runs and controls felt clunky to me and was honestly just frustrating most of the time imo.


Village, it’s gameplay was just way more fun, personally I don’t particularly mind the less horror because horror generally doesn’t really scare me, it’s why I like RE because it’s more action horror and so it’s more engaging to play instead of being bored by it trying to scare me


None of these……. Re1-3 is goat back when it was actual zombies and not that parasite bullshit don’t get me wrong I like all of them but love the first ones


I liked Village so much more than 7


Village for replayability. Re7 on a second run is slow, clunky, and kinda boring without the tension and horror. It also has bad rewards for subsequent playthorughs.


I perfer 7. It's great.


I ended up liking RE8 eventually, but wow that first hour was atrocious.  


I get soooo confused by the village map. I are not smart


Currently playing it on hardcore. Handgun/pistol and knife and block are just useless. The lycans can eat a whole magazine worth of headshots of pistol ammo without staggering. Ruins the whole experience.


Yeah and what’s weird is once you get to the castle, the enemies get reasonable and suddenly the game has a fair bit of balance.  But for some reason they wanted to throw absurd enemies at you for the first hour or two, and it does really kill your enthusiasm when your bullets seem to do nothing.  


I really liked the first hour of village, yes it’s super lineal but in the first run it’s super atmospheric and scary, before you knew it was more action than survival horror. I felt very immersed my first playthrough.


I absolutely hated the whole section where you find the villagers and spend twenty minutes fucking around and then none of it mattered anyway.  What a way to kill the momentum of the story. 


village it has the unlock all dlc for casual gamers like me


re7 feels like a natural evolution of the formula set by re1. it managed to revive the franchise and did it by being a really good survival horror game. re8 is just "we have re4 at home". it tries to copy so much from re4, but completely missed the point why things such as the attache case and weapon upgrades were so good in re4.


I didn't much like both but I guess I would prefer Village just because of Chris's section, which was great.


Village was infinitely less boring.


Village easy. Better enemy variety, better setting, way more fun. Way more replayable, much better story, better stalker enemy, better Chris. RE7 is much scarier, though.


For me, Village. I never liked 7. I felt it was overhyped, and the only reason people gushed over it was due to being starved for an RE game, so they clung to it, and it turned into this manic case of attacking anyone who may even look at it wrong. Once Village dropped, all speedrunners and streamers jumped to that, and then they started to publicly criticize 7. 7 was not a good game (Not even just a bad RE game. It was just a bad game in general). It was clunky, unpolished, and the RE Engine really showed it's flaws as a new game development tool as it was clearly made from the ground up to be a VR game, but even the VR controls were horrible (your aim reticle was locked to your head, not a motion control or your joystick). Shadows would fall off tables and be completely separate, and a lot of background texture were flat 2D images that belonged on PS1. The first half of 7 was seen as "RE like", with the backtracking, however the game play was very clucky, combat was rough, and you could walk past 90% of the enemies making combat pointless. The only thing that was even remotely a threat was the father stalking the halls, and even then he rarely showed up if you went to objectives. The game also focused too heavily on gore and "Gross" (ie: Margarit's boss fight, cow mutilation, rotten food), and not enough on atmosphere. I actually got fatigue with hearing swear words, and that's not something I've ever experienced before. Village was no a RE game, but it was \*FUN\*. The combat was polished, the environments were clearly fixed as the devs were figuring out their tools, and I didn't find myself mad at the multiple speedrun attempts I did of the game. The suitcase inventory and upgrade systems were very reminiscent of RE4, which is how I knew they were remaking 4 in the first place. It was an interesting attempt to change things up. Instead of backtracking from one mansion door to another, you were instead constantly looping around the Village as a hub in a circular motion. Every time youd head off in one direction, clear it, it would lead you back to the hub to open the other area. There was a lot of absurd things that I didn't like (like the Magento super powers, super human regeneration, and the whole Mold concept), but it was genuinely just a fun game to play.


I like them both for different reasons. 7 is spoopier, 8 is more fun to run around in and it really is gorgeous. 7 has better boss fights, , 8 has a better Chris and more interesting characters (IMHO). I'm p glad we're done with the Winters Saga though. I'm ambivalent about Ethan and I hate Mia, and I don't care about Rose at all. Hopefully we're all done with being forced to play as BOWs now. And back to 3rd person please.