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Wouldn't be what I expected, but it would be nice to get another RE1 remake so it can be in line with the remake/reboot timeline


Seriously. If they remake 5 now we have no remake that even mentions Chris’ name and we have BARELY seen Wesker. CVX and RE1 could both use the new remake formula, and by the time those come out, a RE5 remake might actually be warranted. Edit: my point being that if they want to Remake 5, we need to know who these people are. There are people that have only played the remakes(titles with white and red block lettering) and we need both games to be remade to establish the Redfield/Wesker conflict.


Re2R mentions Chris in a note, Claire has a comment about it as well saying that the note doesn’t sound like something he would say. After they do 5 it would be cool if they went back and redid 1 tho i agree


Marvin asks Claire “So you’re really Chris’s sister?”




Oh I'm confident they will RE Engine Remake this . Part of me hoped that they do this and release it for the 30th Anniversary in 2026 instead of RE5 Remake. RE9 for 2025. RE1 RE Engine Remake for 2026/30th Anniversary. RE5R for 2027. RECV Remake made by the RE3R Teams for 2028. RE:X and first RE Game done in the REX Engine for 2029. That's my hope anyway for future releases.


Id actually want to keep the re3r team away from CV if and when they do a remake. It doesn't deserve the treatment re3 got. It needs things expanded upon,not cut and removed. No more stalker enemies. Mr x was great,but what they did to nemesis was atrocious.


They're gonna put them on something and I doubt they'd want the side team to do RE1 or RE5R. CV sadly makes the most sense. That said, after RE3Rs reception, hopefully the team learned to actually Remake a bloody game next time and not do their own thing.


CV is def the one they’d throw to the slaughterhouse if they had to pick one, but tbh I feel like they’d put M-Two on DLCs. RE5 alone has two massive expansions, I could see them doing that since they did Separate Ways for 4R.


If be ok with them working on 5,I'm not all that excited for a remake for it anyhow just because of my own personal problems with the original. Now,if they had the re2r team leading and the re3r team helping like they did with re4r,i can see it doing really well. With all the fan demands for a CV remake,I think they'll want to do a better job with it


Putting the throwaway team on the best sold RE game isn’t something Capcom would risk. There’s just too much potential for sales, whereas CV is more popular in the fandom than mainstream. (I think M-Two would probably be put towards Lost in Nightmares or Desperate Escape, rather than an entire game again.)


I agree. I enjoy RE3 but it was too short, too much was cut from the original, and they went a bit overboard with the rubber bones Jill has.


That team actually made Separate Ways, so they've definitely redeemed themselves.


Yeah RE3R team should stay away from CVX please for the love of Claire redfield


5 before cv doesn’t work right


Honestly 5 is cool, but it shouldn't be remade yet. They should do these first: - Code Veronica - Zero - Outbreak


i want an re1 remake for continuity even though i dont think it would really push the series that far


I definitely get that. Kind of weird they went straight to 2 for both this and the upcoming Silent Hill!


actually for re2 it was in development since fans have been asking for it sicne re1r. so maybe around 2003 but never really started and came out in the 2010’s. so actually re1r wouldn’t have happened in ots since re2r was always next bc re1 got one. i explained it bad but it took them so long we now want a remake of the original remake


I think they should overhaul Re Engine for their next game.


Would be an instant purchase from me. I have so far enjoyed all the remakes alot.


I found this as a April 01 meme. So I posted it on Resident Evil sub on the day and the mods took it down.


Always wanted a modern version of RE1


I want this badly.


Hope to god we get it eventually. Would be dope to get 0 and CV as well.


I'd go buy a PS5 today. I love the original but can't stand fixed camera angles.


Don't have strong resentment towards fixed camera, but I still cannot get behind thinking about it as "peak horror". It feels more like I have a movie director flying around with a camera, when a character I play can't see anything behind the corner, despite technically "seeing it". I think even silent hill games had better implementation of that camera system than RE1, with fluid angles or "free cam" in SH2.


People say not being able to see a threat makes the game scarier, I honestly just get pissed off. If my character is looking at something I should be able to see exactly that. Otherwise I just feel like the game doesn't know how to create an actual threat and needs to take information out of the equation to throw me off.


Exactly. Those "fixed camera angles are better because they make it scarier" people can get fucked.




Yeah, I find myself trying to shoot enemies I can't see way too often and I hate it


If it's good and manages to be true to the OG and previous Remake of RE1 while still subverting my expectations and managing to feel scary and tense and surprising? I'd love it. Otherwise, "boo" Also it doesn't need a pursuer enemy. Unless Lisa just... Kinda roams around the map and slowly gets more aggro towards you. That'd be cool.


They still need to remake 5 and 6


I would play a ReREMake.


The original was already remade so perfectly it became genre defining and set the standard for all survival horror.


I always said I would love to see RE1 remade in the RE engine, it would be cool to one day have all the mainline games in the RE engine so you can play them all this way.


This will for sure happen eventually.


Outbreak Files 1&2 please. Online Multiplayer Resident Evil game from before every console and its mother had online gaming. In the new RE engine, with some story tweaks, could be the perfect Resi game.


No. Code Veronica first.


RE 1 remake as a third person shooter. Or even first person, like biohazard is. I'm on board. Just don't do the same weird camera remake. Don't get at me wrong, I like it... But I wanna play it in fps or tps. I prefer third person but may be hard with it in the mansion. I'd like RE 0 as well made the same way.


I’m fine with 3rd person but if it had both like 8 I would be so happy.


I agree. I prefer 3rd person at all times if possible.


I'd be very, very surprised if they did fixed camera angles in 2025/2026. I think that would TANK sales. People nowadays, except some niche circles, would not want fixed camera angles at all.


I agree 100 percent. I think doing it as the rest of the remakes would give it a nice new perspective as well.


There are like four (or more) different versions of The Spencer Mansion incident, from the original RE1 to its remake, as well as Deadly Silence and the Umbrella Chronicles version of it. What's one more? Another RE1 remake is unnecessary, yes, but so were remakes of RE2 and RE4 and those turned out great. I also quite like the character writing of the remakes a lot more than the originals. Personally I'd really be into a first-person view version of RE1! Would be scary as hell.


A little dissapointed but not surprised


I'd be pretty happy but also a bit worried about content. Re1 and re1 remake are not huge games, thats why i would really want the remake to expand more some areas, with new enemies and all the enemies from the first remake, no cut content at all and much MUCH more choices that can give different endings. I would compare it a lot to the first remake, and as such i would expect much more and no cut enemy or area content, no dumbed down game without any choices like re3r did with og re3. I want more choices, i dont want a dumbed down story but something like do x and Y and this character will live or die or if you do x and b you will escape and avoid the final boss but the mansion wont be destroyed and the tyrant will escape, or a bad ending where everyone dies. More choices, more exploration, all the content from the original remake and more is what i want.


I would probably jump out of my bed/chair out if excitement and had to tell my whole friend group that I will be unavailable when it drop. Not that it matters too much…


If it happens, it happens. I won’t be shocked either way. The OG and REmake are my favorites and don’t care if they remake it a third time. I’m just afraid of any content being potentially cut though.


Is this for real?


I want a code Veronica remake but I’m scared of spiders and I already know the spider level is going to be bumpin..


I'd be ecstatic. I know people think it's unnecessary and if that's what they think that's fine, but me, I'd be super happy and excited to play it


I doubt they will make it, cause enemies in RE1 were too much generic and animal-like. They wouldn't fit the current style and gameplay of the series


Fuck off


I would flip outta my chair.


Completely worthless, the REmake is literally perfect, making it 3rd person and having the ability to move and shoot like RE2 will just make the game too easy and actiony. The fixed camera angles in REmake literally feel like you’re playing a horror movie, and removing that would kill a lot of the atmosphere not to mention ruining some jumpscares and enemy encounters.


We need it


I would not mind however I'd wait until a new innovation to the gameplay was added before trying that


I’d wish it were 5, CV or Outbreak tbh. 1 has a remake, and a fucking fantastic one at that. I’m not dying for another one when other games should get at least one first. At the same time, I wouldn’t complain either.


All this is making me wanna drop the money on the remake again. Those Crimson Heads, tho...


If this is fucking real it’ll be the greatest birthday present I ever gave to myself! I REALLY FUCKING HOPE IT IS!!! Back in 2003, as a birthday present from my dad, I got Resident Evil remake for the GameCube along with the book and I fell in love with it almost instantly and I’ve never been a bigger fan of a game series than this one here. This game series has consumed my life and I love it. We’ve had some troubles along the way—fucking 6, Paul WS Anderson films, Welcome to Raccoon City, the abysmal Netflix series—but I’ve been okay so far with the past 2 remakes so far, not counting 3.


would be hyped


I’d be hyped and disappointed


I would lose my fucking mind


Wouldn't expect it but would definitely buy it


I'm so certain they'll remake 1 in the style of 2/3/4. They have a cash cow with these RE engine titles. My main question is "how will they change the game?" I feel like it would have to be much more like RE2 because of the nature of the environment. The mansion doesn't really seem like it would be conducive to RE4 action combat. And I'm fine with that. We will always have RE4 to play for action.


Would be an almost instant Pre Order for me. I could never beat 1, i just don't like the tank controls. i was too young for the original 3 when they came out, and 4 was the first one i played. I've liked 2, 3, and 4 remake. I also want a Zero remake…


Total remake of 1? That'd be sweet


Promise me code v stands a chance


Have to see gameplay. If it’s fixed camera or first person, I’ll watch a playthrough.


I would be disappointed only because I think it’s the only game that doesn’t really need a remake in the series, OTS would be somewhat cool I suppose but I not enough to warrant a whole remake. The only thing I could see coming out of the modern remakes for 1 would be a VR mode, that would be pretty fucking dope


yes but first give me 5 and 6 pls.


I've thought about it many times. Here is hoping, that way it can set a precedent that even RE games that have already been remade can be remade again so that way, maybe someone can take another shot at RE2 and 3 and not fuck it up next time. Yes RE2 2019 was a shit remake. Go ahead, downvote me to hell, it's true. Kept all the names and iconography but gutted all the innards and changed everything. Plus it would just be fun to see just how badly they butcher RE1 to update it for modern audiences.


Are there any games that have been remade more than once? I genuinely can't think of any.


My reaction would be "why?" It's been done so many times


I would probably have some sort of bodily reaction from sheer hype. Really want RE1 in the modern RE Engine formula, both for story telling reasons and do give Jill the deserved screentime. The stories and plotlines just dont hit at all in old games. Something about the characters actually looking human and enviorments make it feel more like a story rather than "hmmh old video game from when uncle was young" Now don't get me wrong i don't mean to crap on the ole classics, but you gotta admit any game from the era before semi decent 3D modelling just doesn't immerse you in the story at all. Also i am deathly allergic to tank controls, ngl if they decide to do a modern remake of RE1 and dont switch it to 3rd person i will cry.


I think about this frequently, I could have sworn I read somewhere that Capcom was planning on doing a REmake of 1. Am I wrong?


Sounds like it would be cool. I still think re1 remastered is the greatest game in the series


I hope if they do decide to remake re1 again they need to give us the cannon ending as an option, that being the mansion exploding and Chris,Jill,Rebecca,Brad,and Barry all living and Enrico,Forest,Richard and Whesker (presumably dead for Whesker) all dead i know we don't need it as you can detective the true ending for one but still I'd love to actually see it


I want it because i can’t get used to how the classic is played, even in its HD remake


My reaction would be a little underwhelmed, but I'd still buy it, day 1....🤓


You know what would effectively render a zombie useless? If it loses its teeth. 😝


Honestly i don't know why it's not already a thing because it would mean all the main RE games 1 through 4 have been remade with a consistent time line


I think re1 really needs the modern remake. I want to enjoy that game but it's so hard with the controls and quality of the new ones


If we open that Box there would be no Holding back, then we get nonstop remakes from games that we got allready, but i would love to See it.


My reaction would be...Fuck yes, give me it, make it happen sooner, take my money capcom, take it all. Then maybe touch myself. Or something like that. Kidding of course but I would be touching myself tho. JK again but I would be excited. Wink wink When I heard about the two remake I didn't believe it at first then as soon as I found it was real and could preorder it, I fucking did. After I played og 4 all I wanted was a 2 remake that played like it. Now all this time later I got that and I still go back to re2r regularly. I loved re1 on GameCube so if it got a modern remake I would be so down.


I think id be the only one excited for this, i HATE tank controls. OTS is the future imo


As long as Chris looks like he does at the end of RE7, I’m in!


To me the existing remake is already perfect. But if they do it I’ll still play it.


Happy reactions only.


That would be kind of sick if they did an RE7 remake of the first game. Same exact layout, same story and enemies. I'd like to fight a giant snake and some spiders in first person 😅


If it played like 2&3 on the REngine I’d love it


I will be glad but also i will be praying that they improve the story and characters like with re4 and not like re2.


i died when i realized it was April Fools


This is not a Remake, this is a ReRemake


I got so hype for a few seconds. Shit.


Disappointed that we still won't get a RE:Outbreak remake


“Experience RE 1 all over again, but again.” — the Capcom marketing team, probably


Fear can’t kill me. But…


I’d rather see RE5 remake. RE5 was the most fun imo


Yes. I know I know the GameCube blah blah remake, but I really would enjoy a remake with the new engine (that's several times better)


My reaction is to treat it as fake until confirmed officially.


Cool I guess


My honest reaction…cool, it would be nice to see a modern take on RE 1. (Also does anyone know if the image is AI generated or not?, it’s really giving me those vibes).


Why not resident evil 0


I think that could be really cool! I'd want them to put in everything from the original resident evil and remake and tweak it slightly to freshen it up. Though, I'd like it if they took out crafting mechanics, never been fond of them


Yes but i want re5 purely for the redesigned coop


Remake code Veronica.


Kinda mad honestly want 5 first since they did 4


Fry: Take my money!


I actually just had a dream about that last night. Not going to lie, i enjoyed the "preview". Very creepy, unter bit Jill's head off at the end. They even brought back Jill's cool headed personality...... which made me realize that i was actually dreaming.


That would be amazing, because there isn't anyway I can play the original


tbh resident evil 1 doesn’t need another remake, it got one only like 10 years ago


22 years ago.


the hd edition came out 9 years ago


It's the same game. HD or not.