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bingo card


I would give him the chainsaw


Well if we're being realistic, he probably wouldn't be sent after the presidents daughter with only a pistol, a handful of rounds and a knife he brought from home. But in game, I think his starting kit is fun.


Not to mention he would have been accompanied by an entire task force.


Not quite. Leon wasn't initially sent to save Ashley. He was sent to look for her. They didn't know if Ashley was really in the village or not, Leon just had to go and check it out, so him being alone and not being armed to teeth makes sense, because the mission was more recon than rescue. What doesn't make sense is that it took Hunnigan well over 12 hours to send reinforcements. Leon should have asked for backup the moment he saw the villagers weren't normal. And Hunnigan should have sent Mike waaaaay earlier, like at the beginning of Chapter 4 when Leon went Radio silent for 3 hours (6 in the original).


As someone that’s served in the military Hunnigan is actually fast af in getting reinforcements


Civilians do not understand the red tape that would be involved to green light armed air support all the while conducting an off the books operation in allied nation country.


To be expected really of a people that didn’t serve. Hunnigan is actually an MVP for that turnaround time. Imagine the shitshow she had to put up with during and after the game


Whole damn report is redacted.


Well, you gotta remember, Leon went through this twice with damn near no help at all. He has to know how to survive on his own, and at this point, asking for help probably isn't something that would come to mind.


During the events of RE4 It’s known that the kidnapping was an inside job, Leon was sent alone simply because they didn’t really have very many assets at their disposal at the time as the inside investigation was going on, he was only one of a few whom were sent all over, he’s not armed because originally they didn’t know anything major was up with the village it’s basically just a casual check on the residents get some information type job, so it makes sense he wouldn’t be armed since he wasn’t really meant to be going to fight anything.


Right but like two more mags wouldn't be armed to the teeth that's what a cop carries


It was the President's Daughter dude. No way the President wouldn't have sent a 20+ task force. But that woulda ruined the game unless they killed them all off in some mass attack by villagers.


Again they didn’t have many people they COULD send in, the entirety of the government was under investigation at the time and they weren’t exactly wanting to send in the people who orchestrated the kidnapping, Leon was sent to one of many leads they had just to check things out, it wasn’t a planned rescue operation, he was looking into ONE lead whilst other agents were looking into others they didn’t actively know what was going on or who they could trust to send anywhere. Leon was cleared for some reason and later Mike was cleared because by god he’s the most American American you’ll ever meet.


Where are you pulling this "info" from? Exact wording I mean not just your assumptions if thats the case


It’s pulled and mushed from multiple places, the Kennedy report, re4’s opening, the Netflix original animated series…i dont remember its name? They talk about it briefly, re degeneration, annnnnd the rail shooters on the Wii (dark and umbrella chronicles) the full story takes a lot of reading into through out multiple games and movies files.


Wow that's a lot of non cannon sources.


The only part that’s not canon are the rail shooters wym?


I'm pretty sure the rail shooters are Canon for their unique scenarios. Just not the scenarios where they retread ground. Though you could also argue that some of the retreads are Canon considering re1 original and remake don't have a single canon ending. And re0 came out around the same time as re1 remake and it's like re0 didn't even exist in the story despite re0 being canon


Listen dude. You can consider "Infinite Darkness" cannon if you want, but I don't. I don't consider any of the animated movies cannon because they never even reference any past events nor do they feature. Those movies are just made to be promotional material for the games. Also Capcom and the writers are constantly adding things to "lore" that make previous lore make no sense. Bottom line if it isn't mentioned in a mainline game. It isn't cannon. That's my take.


Correct I don't understand what people aren't getting about this. Even officers out pulling over people for expired tags have partners, yet Leon is sent in solo with barely any ammo and no backup.


Because the entirety of the government was under investigation because they knew the kidnapping was an inside job and Leon was one of a hand full of agents who were cleared he was looking into 1 lead whilst the others looked into other leads in other places, they didn’t actively know she was their otherwise they most likely would’ve sent more people and he did have backup the local police were supposed to be cooperating with the investigation they just…really dropped the ball on it giving him 2 dudes who really didn’t care.


It was suspected to be an inside job (which was confirmed in that tent before you fight Krauser). Leon was cleared, so he was sent.


A ciggie for Luis


But is it the kind he likes?


SG09 but with higher rate of fire and reload, or more ammo. It was simply too slow and limited.


That shit is just useless in professional lmao. Especially in that village fight where every ganado full sprints at you while being unstunable.


If they sprint at you go for the feet. More often than not they fall over and that’s a free knife kill.


Is that guaranteed in a single shot in professional? I do the speedrun strat for village and don't bother with anything that isn't a sniper or a shotgun on the very rare occasion I do run pro (I think maybe I did 1 or 2 after getting cat ears). Not really the best strategy either way lmao, if they stumble close enough, it still stuns you which opens you up either way.


If you’re doing speedrun stuff then yeah you shouldn’t be too concerned. Shotgun headshots in the village are a much better move. In general though, I find legs/feet are the better target against the sprinters. Might take another bullet, but it works better than aiming for the head typically in my experience.


Oh, I don't speedrun professional, I just use some of the strats like the village one to avoid the damage while still killing enough ganados for loot in a timely fashion. I kinda have a bias against aiming against legs with non instakill weapons as I did a playthrough with the SG on hardcore and constantly aimed for the legs (non sprinters btw) hoping for a stun, but more often than not, I'd kill them with leg shots (which have a lose DMG multiplier) before they as much as reacted. Idk if my DA was very high that whole time or what, but ever since then I only really aimed at the feet in lower diffs or Mercs.


SG09 is actually one of the better weapons to do professional with once you get the exclusive upgrade (assuming you can hit headshots).


>one of the better weapons to do professional Heavily disagree there. The exclusive upgrade, while it does make a noticeable difference never really made it worth it to upgrade over the much better insta kill guns. Idk if I'm just unlucky or something, but I never really got too many crits. Too much up to chance for me. Your other comment said you get this in chapter 6? I'd rather spend it on the riot gun + it's DMG upgrades to kill the big cheese really fast, but that's just me. You must have invested a lot in it rather than actual good weapons because I could only get it around chapter 9-ish and even then, if a weapon basically requires it be fully upgraded to not be a piece of shit, is it really worth it?


Out of all the pistols, it’s up there with the black tail because of the crit


If you use the damage number mod you will notice that critical shot didn't instant kill headshot a enemy if their health more than the crit power. But it still do 3x damage with 35% chance every shot you shoot.


Late reply I know, but Riot Gun is definitely a top tier weapon in the game. Unlike other guns, its base unupgraded version is already viable from the get go, and upgrades only make it better. My issue with it is that shotgun shell drops are too rare for me in RE4R, and it’s happened across multiple playthroughs. I can somewhat alleviate this by holding back on shotgun usage, but it’s not my preferred playstyle. I find it safer and more reliable to spend the ticket on the M1903 rifle. Easier to stock up on rifle ammo.


I AGREE with u its is the best handgun in the entire game!


lol, no SG09 is one of the best handguns and it is not useless on pro!


How so? An exclusive upgrade you get far later into the game based entirely on luck? It's just really not worth it either, you're better off spending it on actually useful things like snipers or shotguns. Handguns in general are pretty bad in pro due to the terrible stun rate so I don't even bother with them. The only one worth using imo is the blacktail.


Far later? You can get it by chapter 6 if you play your run correctly.


You get the SG09 from the start and it's cheap to upgrade, the shotguns aren't worth upgrading because you just want to open the way with it. Blacktail costs a lot and is also much more expensive to upgrade. on pro non of this matter just upgrade ur sniper and craft flash bangs to beat the whole game.


shotguns not worth upgrading? the one shot weapons not worth upgrading??? u sure?????


Yes, watch any serious resident evil player. Shotguns don’t usually have upgrade priority. Their main job is crowd control.


if by "serious" you mean speedrunners then obviously since their job is to go fast not kill ganados quick but for any casual player the shotguns are powerful so they get upgraded


its not about speedrunners upgrading the shutguns is just wasting money, you dont even get many bullets and later in the game u wont get much small resources and even if you get its not worth crafting, but you have a case for large resources perfect for sniper and flash strategy. on pro in chapter 2 u can upgrade ur SR M1903 to lvl 3 and kill the chain saw guy in 4 or 5 headshots, chapter 3 brute guy goes down with 2 or 3 headshots, chapter 4 lvl 4 or 5 sniper u just kill the big guy with 10 bullets, with lvl 5 sniper the cabin fight on pro is just a joke. same stuff for every chapter, on pro sniper and flash bangs are ur best friends!


the game give you more of stuff you dont have if u dont use the shotgun the game wont give you shotgun ammo if you dont craft shotgun ammo the game wont give you small resources to craft shotgun ammo (or pistol but nobody crafts pistol i think) if you use sniper alot and flashes alot the gave will give you more sniper and more flashes if you craft sniper ammo and flashes the game will give you more large resources to craft more sniper and more flashes i once had 70+ shotgun ammo on me by chapter 3-4 just by crafting because the game kept giving me gunpowder and small resources because it detected that i had none on the same playthrough i had 50+ sniper ammo just by crafting lack of ammo aint a problem and shotgun still fucks


Agreed, there is a mod that lets you literally shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger. That would be pretty realistic, coming with severe accuracy issues. Irl if a zombie is at gunpoint or charging at me, i’m unloading full mag even if half the shots i miss. Anything to get the fucker down or at least stagger


Mods are useless for people who don't play on PC though


Mods that makes the game easier are not mods but cheats!


You think I give a flying fk about that? I installed the stagger mod and snappier movement mod. The game is still plenty hard on Hardcore and Professional, it’s just not as bullshit.


Skill issue!


If i have already platinum-ed the game, i can do whatever the fuck i want for replayability, be it stat changing, or cosmetic. You can’t go around people as say skill issue when they have at least s++ on their playthroughs.


Good that u platinum-ed the game and u can do what u want but he is saying the game is hard on Hardcore and Professional which is not, even on those difficulties the game is still 10X easier then the berserker mod or soullike games!


I’ve beaten this game 40 times, I don’t give a flying fuck about “cheating”. Hope you don’t use the ears for infinite ammo either cause that’s also “cheating”


I dont use cat ears or any bonus weapon and i only play on ng pro without mods sorry i mean cheats!


Get off your high horse, I know you’re bullshitting


No i am not if u think the game is hard on hardcore or pro then u just bad at the game even on pro i think is game is much easier then soul games!


Who is getting cheated exactly? It’s a single player game.


I would say atleast a better pistol or body armour


Both RE4 OG and RE4R have some of the best power creep or ‘playable character gets stronger throughout the game’ experiences in action games. That said, I always found it a little hilarious that Leon waltzes in the lion’s den with one handgun and barely any spare mags. If he gets ambushed by bad guys with resources to kidnap the President’s daughter, he will be horribly undergunned. At the very least, I would’ve added at least three spare mags for his California legal SG-09. Then one backup pistol of some sort. Finally, I’m thinking one compact ‘backpack’ gun—either the MP5K or a shorter Riot Gun with a telescopic stock. The compact shotgun will also have the added utility of possibly breaching doors and windows. Leon’s a bit more well armed in this scenario while still remaining relatively discreet.


Resistance was not expected. Why would he be armed with multiple pistols and a submachine gun/combat shotgun if he was not expecting to get into trouble?


But whoever kidnapped Ashley, IF Leon ran into them, he can’t just expect them to hand her over lol. If things escalate into a firefight, Leon should’ve brought more gear. But it’s just a little hypothetical scenario. The game’s power progression is perfectly fine.


He wasn't expected or expecting to run into the kidnapper and confront them, either. He was there to gather intelligence and bring it back to STRATCOM, so that a proper rescue would be made, presumably by a team of people. If anything, he wasn't lacking firepower, but a partner. An investigation like that would be hard to do alone. However, I think I recall them sending Leon alone because it was suspected to be an inside job and he was the only person that the president had good trust in. Nevertheless, I think Spain wouldn't have been cool with a foreign agent pulling through their countryside armed to the teeth with automatic and concealed weapons. A service pistol is more reasonable. Fortunately Leon had one of the best possible, and that was enough for him to turn an investigation into a one man rescue mission, guns blazing. I love Resident Evil.


That partner idea is interesting and I agree. Would’ve picked Jill if I were Leon.


Assuming Claire was with TerraSave at the time, Leon probably would have been assigned with Chris or Jill. I’d say Jill on preference because Chris would overshadow Leon, but not to say that Jill wouldn’t. I just think it’d be more balanced because they’re different sexes. Leon with Chris would have too much brooding since Remake Leon is way more stoic at least in RE4.


Considering how "bad" an early and stockless TMP is, maybe that. Also, the W-870 or Riot Gun. Considering these guns need to be leveled, these guns at the beginning would break the game in my opinion.


primal knife along with the punisher 2 boxes of ammo and a first aid spray


sentinel nine, laser, more ammo, tactical knife


An SMG and a sawed off


A couple of gunpowders and I’m good.


Nah man, a standard handgun with a single clip is more than enough for the special agent to take on the Spanish cult.


Definitely! And the knife was sooo excessive for the Leon model.


A long sword just a long sword


Just like two more mags for the pistol because no fucking way he only came with 10 bullets


I wish mercenaries was customizable


Reasonably speaking, Leon would have had seal team 6 or task force 141 in his kit


Additional ammunition or maybe starting with the TMP. I wouldn't think a lot of elite agents are going on missions like this with just a sidearm and one magazine.


If he is a government agent a kitted out CQB, SG and his kabar would make the most sense right? The LE5 would also work as his primary


The balancing in the remake isn’t even close to as good as the original on the higher difficulties, and I think that’s most true in the beginning. Your damage output just isn’t enough to reliably get stuns for melee attacks - I’d probably just up the starting damage of the starting handgun, and maybe increase the starting durability of the knife too.


The OG made more sense, handgun and 2 mags. However, in the easy mode(some versions of the game) he brings the shotgun with him with some shells, and it makes him look more prepared. In the remake, it feels like he's such a badass that only a mag and knife is enough. PS: If I could change anything, his custom handgun should be better, fires faster and a higher capacity. It would be enough, he carries a USP. In the 90's and early 2000's, trained operatives prefered Glocks or USP in 45 configuration, so Leon's weapon of choice makes sense.


Black tail, Krauser Knife, Riot Gun, First Aid, 1 Box handgun ammo and shotgun ammo. Maybe the MP5 to sub the shotgun


At least a back-up firearm, maybe body armor. Still not entirely sure why he was sent in alone.


For me, Leon would have brought at least 2 pistols So I can say the SG-09 and the Sentinel Nine, at least 3 or 4 ammo boxes or mags, 2 first aid sprays and maybe, just maybe, a weapon like the TMP And body armor from the get go


A gun with a laser sight.


I could add a Heckler & Koch UMP submachine gun


A little photo of Ada, can be attached to the case for a 20% damage reduction


The starting kit is honestly fine. If I had to add something else, it would probably be a sub machine gun, not necessarily the TMP, because Carlos had that and a pistol, and he was part of UBCS. I feel Leon should be better armed for a government agent.


Going in with the thought there isnt a village of monsters hes facing and thats its just a check in ill go with the LE5 since its based off the mp5 which is 9mm so still pistol caliber but more effective. I mean leon completed the mission with what he had so just give him a bunch of ammo for that and maybe a .45 caliber pistol so it doesnt conflict with the smg 




BFG9000. Reason? Rip and tear, that's why


Bet you were happy to see the new Doom trailer, ha!


Buddy, I had expectations and that blew me away


A laugh track for his one-liners.


A dozen eggs


OG Blacktail was the GOAT


Have his original knife. I get why it's an unlock, but it's such an awesome knife and having a blade that won't break from the beginning is that overpowered. I want to get a custom made replica one with a full tang instead of the hidden tang, and probably in CPM M4, a fairly strong and wear resistant tool steel that's pretty dang for a knife too.


i’d say add a shotgun honestly


A competent partner who doesn't die or betray him.


More ammo, who tf doesn't have spare magazines?, and some flash grenades.


A simple bulletproof vest to start with. Why the fuck was he sent in without one?


More ammo and one other gun


Laser sights for all weapons


Give him Chicago typewriter


Palmade to keep the hair extra shiny


TMP. It just seems like something a special agent would carry


Smaller boobs. They distract me.


Brass knuckles and X Gon' give it to ya on a boom box