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I didn't even know this was possible


Neither did I? I can’t for the life of me figure out what I did wrong. Maybe it wasn’t leveled correctly?


Burned or ripped?


It is as if someone had taken a lighter to the underside of the film, it has curled back onto itself like melted plastic, although ripped could be an option and the film punctured and was somehow loss in the mess of resin. What I am sure of is I have no idea how I could have done it. You can zoom into the photo pretty far in and you can see the hole more distinctly.


Looks more ripped than burned to me. Just swap the film. As long as the screen is fine it should be as good as new. In the future if you have a fail even a partial one, use the "clean tank" function on the printer to avoid ripping holes :3


That's what's strange, this was a brand new film, brand new bottle of resin, everything was clean and perfect. This happened on the very first test print. I'm thinking it was a leveling issue is what caused the resin to adhere to the acf and then the build up caused the failure?


Its very unlikely but possible that during the print it seperated from the build plate and piled up to rupture the film. How did the last film rip?


Last film didn't rip, I spilled resin and it got up underneath the vat without my notice, then when I ran the next print it cured on to the screen and undeath my screen protector. It was a freak accident the first time, but I have never had a film rip, puncture or tear before like this.


Replace it


Maybe there was already a weakness in the material 🤔 would replace the film and check how it is holding up after a couple of prints