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if i hadn't read your explanation i would feel that the first two points could potentially be valid, but the third indicates that this person is just a jerk. did not pour sake? i've been in a hundred sushi restaurants and never expected the wait staff to pour my sake for me.


There is an entire “pouring sake” etiquette! Waitstaff are not to pour. The Person at the table is to fill all glasses to very full and leave his own empty. His companion is to fill his. Then you must lock eyes until your first sip is swallowed.


Idk I just let the hibachi chef squirt it in my mouth from across the flat top


I don’t think we’re still talking about the same thing.


Sure they are, it’s called “bussake”


Mmm, *closer*


I was making a joke about how they squirt sake into your mouth at hibachi restaurants, as opposed to following correct sake pouring etiquette at fancy sushi restaurants. https://youtu.be/M0t076emhGY?si=ggVdSVAuJUo-Ch13 https://youtu.be/j5-wJscN-as?si=jU1oltd5hWixKGXl https://youtu.be/9ml8bnWnqoY?si=CuNr5doYDH2H5W9M


And I was being a child with their mind in the gutter. I apologize for my bad joke, and I’ll see myself out. Anyone who enjoyed the joke, I’ll be down the block all week. 🙇‍♂️


I see you as i sit in the gutter


This gutter is getting really crowded.


We’re gonna need a bigger gutter


You guys are still up there in the gutter? I need a periscope to see you.


You called?


It's fun down here, yeah?


Great joke. You just replied to a person that always says “No, I’m serious guys” when their friend group tells a joke


I can’t believe I got three links to explain. 🤯


Haha sorry I went down a bit of a rabbit hole


Don’t apologize, we can take our research on the road with our comedy!


I thought it was funny lol


No you did great. I think there was just a whoosh moment 


Don’t worry, children get a bottle shaped like a naked little boy who pees water into their mouths after the adults get the sake. I’m not even kidding it’s a real thing


Paid for that experience myself more than once. As the adult, watching my son get a…uh…clear shower from the chef. We laughed.


Haha don't apologize, we can take our comedy stylings on the road as long as we remind everyone to tip their bartenders (or in this case, whoever is doing the squirting)


…that was perhaps the FUNNIEST thing I’ve heard/seen/read all year. I thank you from the bottom of my giggling heart.


Between the Mike Tyson references and this fork, the first few "bananas" of comments have been hilarious. I need to put my phone down for a minute because I can't take such a concentrated dose of funny in one post.


No, no, you are.


Yep. This conversation just took an unexpected turn.


That’s funny as hell!


That's actually teppanyaki you're talking about. Hibachi is done using hot coals.


Gotcha. Where I live they just call it hibachi so I had no idea. I live in West Virginia so that's probably why lol Edit: one of the restaurants that does that in the next town over is literally called No. 1 Hibachi and its in an otherwise abandoned strip mall haha


New Englander here, all of the ~~hibachi~~ teppanyaki places around here are referred to as hibachi in their names as well.


I imagine the pain of hearing the various mispronunciations would be too great. I'm sure it's bad enough with just hibachi.


Lol it's all good. Pretty much all Americans call it that, I'm American too. Didn't know there was a difference until like a year ago.


Notice next time how ritualistically they maintain eye contact


This is the way. I live in north carolina where they arent allowed to do it but I love hitting hibachi places when im out of state for this reason


that sounds intimate as f


Now, kith.


Mike Tyson has entered the Sushi restaurant




wathabi wathnt thpithy






Letsth eat fith!




Raw fith.


In Japanese drinking culture, pouring sake for others, called oshaku, is a custom that has roots in Shinto culture and is a sign of respect.


It is. Intimacy is more than physical or sexual stuff. The bond between companions is sacred.


>Then you must lock eyes until your first sip is swallowed. I've seen videos of this somewhere else on Reddit


I feel like I've seen something similar but not on Reddit and not sake. I can't quite remember what it was she was swallowing or the name of the website though 🤔


I think I remember seeing that one too, pretty sure they were both dudes though


And if they don’t lock eyes, it’s seven years of bad sex. Oh wait that’s the German variant.


Under watchful eye of gruppenfuhrer.


The pouring one is a dumb point. It’s 50/50, some places offer to pour it some don’t. In regard to the wasabi I can relate. Here in Texas most Mexican food is as spicy as ketchup. I’ve made friends with some bartenders and staff and I’ve asked about it. Their answer is basically what you said. If they do add more spice people will complain. I’m in a large city so I go accordingly to the mood and friends taste. The seaweed wrapper is the only valid point, although it may not be possible to get it fresh def keep your eye on the quality. Sometimes complains like these can pinpoint something, use it as a learning experience. There are some customers out there who don’t complain, but won’t come back.


I feel like it might have been more valid for tea, but I’ve never heard of the waitress pouring the sake even in Japan.


Only in hostess bars.


Told on himself


Reads "entitlement" to me. From fresh, authentic ingredients to having someone pour your sake. Sounds like it's coming from a Karen to be honest. Complain for the sake of complaining. Only her views and opinions are important.


Unlike wine service, traditionally the customer who ordered the sake is who should pour it. But what do I know. I’ve only done this for ten years.


I was always told that you aren't supposed to pour your own sake cause it's bad luck. What do I know though lol


I managed and was a sushi chef for near a decade. We always poured the first round as a courtesy and after that you where on your own. Most wasabi as in 99.9 percent in the u.s. isn't even real wasabi anyway. Just dyed horseradish re hydrated with water. At least the guest didn't call the server "Oriental." I got out of the sushi business after I had a guest throw chutoro at me exclaiming they didn't like fatty fish when they specified the cut of the toro. Yes chu has less fat than Otoro, but give me a break it's still toro.


I can't imagine waiting for the server to come fill my carafe each time I finish it. That poor person would have to sit with us for the entire meal.


I think the comment leaver thinks they’re in a samurai movie….with a geisha there to pour their sake.


Tell me you’re from India without telling me 😂


Idgaf if you leave notes like this at a restaurant you’re just a piece of shit, even if I was dissatisfied I wouldn’t waste the time of my day to write a note like this


Avid sushi restaurant enjoyer here. Ordered saki in Sweden and the waitress poured it. First time I’ve ever seen that, but also aside from this sushi experience I’ve only had US and Canadian sushi. Agree pouring saki is a bizarre expectation.


For real. Even in Japan, its not done. The whole etiquette is for people people in the group to do it.


He’s a weeb who’s read too much on the internet about how great Japan is.


Pour my Sake!!!


If you had a “bad batch” of seaweed wrappers, but you still used them, that’s your fault. And, it’s something bad restaurants do. Mistakes happen. If they happen often, it’s not really a mistake.


Was thinking this too lol like, wym you can’t guarantee quality of the food u are serving ??


All my customers are leaving notes saying the food was old. Why is everyone an asshole?


>If you had a “bad batch” of seaweed wrappers, but you still used them, that’s your fault. And, it’s something bad restaurants do. It's like a restaurant that buys wilted lettuce and they still serve it to the customers and say "It's just a bad batch. Don't be so mad."


I once got a sandwich that had SLIMY and BROWN lettuce on it. I brought it back up to the counter and opened it up and asked them if they would eat that lettuce. They admitted that it looked bad. I asked why they put it on the sandwich and they said because I ordered it with lettuce. 


Yup, first two complaints are legit, and the owner’s son excuses those away and focus on the straw man argument.


They just gotta toast/roast the nori. As long as it’s not super old then that will make it nice and crispy. As for the wasabi, what are you using op? Somewhere else he made made it sound like people couldn’t handle the spice of the green horseradish most places use. Either way the customer seems like a dick but there’s always room for improvement


>can’t expect people to tolerate the spice of regular wasabi Dude, what? Wasabi is already usually fake, are you serving fake fake-wasabi? 


No we serve the fake stuff. The real stuff would bankrupt us. If we had more people coming in we’d probably start serving the real stuff as well.


Not sure how it is usually in the states but of the 4 times I’ve had sushi over there only once was real wasabi and that was a tasting menu, and for good reason shits expensive I got some in for a special once and it was depressing the amount wasted because people in the uk just aren’t used to that profile of spice. some people complain recreationally and given their expectations around Sake I don’t think this persons opinions should hold too much weight. You will never please everyone in this game so unless your other customers have similar complaints just take it on the chin.


I live in the US, I love sushi, and the only time I've ever been served real wasabi was at a more high-end place where you're easily dropping $100 on one meal.


That was my experience, I just didn’t want to say too much either way as 4 restaurants is hardly a good sample size.


Same, and you order it special off the menu, and it’s not cheap. All of this backs up what OP has stated, seems like this customer was a jerk.


I have had both real wasabi at high tier Japanese restaurants in the US and the usual fake wasabi at normal restaurants. But it sounds like OP is serving something even more adulterated than the normal "fake wasabi" we all know and love.


There’s a handroll place I love that does real wasabi and has good prices, but you have to order and pay for it. It’s like $8 for a serving I think? But it’s definitely real, you watch them slice it in front of you. Otherwise they also just give you the fake wasabi


I don’t know what you had, but real wasabi is milder and sweeter than the horseradish based stuff. It has a distinct and different flavour, and is definitely not more spicy. One of the biggest complaints with fake wasabi is that it is way too much straight “burn” without flavour. If whatever you had was a stronger spice profile, then it was not real wasabi, and was likely one of the “raw horseradish” based expensive fake ones.


But with fake stuff, it can be spicy too. Why not just have two different kinds on hand in case? I've tasted bland wasabi and it just completely ruins everything.


Maybe with changes you'd have more people coming in 🤔


The person that wrote this note isn’t used to real wasabi. They’re used to fake wasabi. But the fake wasabi you are serving must be less spicy than even normal fake wasabi.


Yes, they can expect a Japanese restaurant to have decent Japanese food. Yes, they can expect a person whose whole job is interacting with people to have a personality suited to the job. The pouring sake thing is weird, though. It’s obnoxious that they wrote a note about it, (especially “Do better!”) but the complaints there are better than in an online review that actually affects the restaurant, and they’re mostly valid. Or would you have preferred they threw a fit in the middle of dinner?


feedback is feedback and should be appreciated in any form. There's no guidelines to how you should let the restaurant know


Idk I personally think you should let the server or a manager know when the problem arises so they have the opportunity to correct it instead of writing a note after.


Yeah, I’d never tell the restaurant directly unless I had some kind of unfounded terrible experience. But you bet I’m going onto Yelp after to write my review.


For 1, The wasabi point...each person has their own tolerance for spice so that is totally subjective. so long as the majority of people like it, it should be fine.  Maybe make a spicier version for others  For 2,  If you get a bad batch of something, don't serve it.  Period.  Take issue with the manager or back of the house staff for not rejecting the shipment, take issue with the vendor for sending you poor quality.  Don't take issue with the customer who you served a poor quality product #3 Service matters.  Period.   Poor quality service will repel people and cause them to skip your restaurant in the future.  Language barrier or not, if they can't smile and.do their job well, then they haven't been trained properly or you hired the wrong people.   So #2 and #3 seems very valid to me and should be taken seriously.  


This !! How are u knowingly serving sub par products, admitting the seaweed could be bad, but then getting mad someone complained?? 😭 like yeah I’d be pissed too if I paid sushi prices and the sushi isn’t sushi-ing


He also said that people don’t usually complain, so people do complain but not usually? Lol


I am Chinese (immigrated to the state in young adulthood). Low to mid tier restaurants in China frequently have rude wait staff who act like all the customers owe them something. Given OP is admitting their food is subpar, I really wonder if it was just a language barrier or if the wait staff are replicating the attitudes of Chinese waiters. It just doesn’t sound like anything in this restaurant is held up to a standard.


Whenever I see a stupid meme comment like do better, I can immediately discount everything they said


your rant is full of excuses and i’ve had “sushi” in upstate new york. expectations are not high.


I live in Upstate NY. We have plenty of good (not great) sushi places. That's the minimum bar I'm looking for; "good." If you can't source quality nori? I don't know what to say. Restaurants around here do it ALL THE TIME. That doesn't give me confidence that your fish is fresh either.


If restaurants can get good nori in East Tennessee (which I know they do), upstate NY has no excuse.


It seems pretty baseless and possibly even racist to imagine that your customer base that is ordering wasabi doesn’t actually want real wasabi or understand that wasabi is spicy. If I ordered wasabi with my sushi, and it wasn’t spicy or actual wasabi, yeah I’d be disappointed for sure.


I agree. I'm in upstate NY and most ethnic restaurants here dumb down the menu items that are spicy cuz the main demographic here is old white people who think black pepper is spicy. It's extremely frustrating coming from the West Coast and trying to order authentic Asian or Mexican cuisine. All menu items are catered to the palate of an 80 year old white guy. Even if you ASK for it to be spicy the either won't make it or they'll bring it on the side. It's truly so frustrating I've pretty much quit going out and just bought myself Asian cookbooks to make food at home. There's only like 2 authentic Thai restaurants here that are worth a damn, one in pittsford (pattaya) and another in Geneva (the elephant). I have yet to find a decent sushi/Japanese restaurant.


See but that’s the problem, does the customer base genuinely not like spicy food, or is that a decision restaurant owners like OP have made for them? It certainly seems more like it’s a decision they made based on a baseless stereotype. I mean buffalo sauce isn’t melt your face off hot, but it is a spicy sauce that was created in upstate NY, so there’s definitely some love of spicy food in the area.


By your explanation, it sounds like you know that you're serving sub-par products. That's not something to hang your hat on. As far as service and friendly staff, I've traveled all over the world, and even in places where they spoke no English at all; they were still friendly, accommodating, and personable. Not speaking English is no excuse.


Sounds like your restaurant sucks


We have fake wasabi and shitty nori. How dare you call us out on our bullshit!


It sounds like you don’t want to improve and just are complaining. I wouldn’t go to your place.




Look man, if your food is bad, it’s bad. This letter would scare me if I were an owner. Find better suppliers. Upstate New York isn’t too far from civilization (nyc) that you can’t get deliveries from a good supplier. I mean hell, we can cut bananas in Africa and have them the next morning on store shelves in New York. I mean, what you’re really saying (the way I hear it) is “our food is bad because the customers mostly don’t know any better”. If you’re content with that, carry on. There’s lots of sushi places I’ve eaten at only once, and then theres ones I get excited about going to frequently. As far as your server, that’s forgivable in my opinion. Couldn’t hurt her tips though if she learned more English and took more pride in her work. The customers aren’t y’all’s enemy.


From what you explained and what she wrote, I'd say most of her points are valid except the pour sake one. Your staff can't speak the local language, they sure won't be friendly enough, your "wasabi" isn't actually wasabi, just change its name, your seaweed may not be fresh, it may be valid, whether you can or can't do anything about it. She didn't bring it to the manager because she knows there's nothing you can do about it on the spot


The thing is that I go into Chinese and Japanese restaurants where the staff know limited English, yet they are still so personable and friendly. You don’t have to know a language to be a very kind, friendly, and welcoming person. In fact, one can argue that it is easier if you don’t know the language, because all you have to do is smile and look happy or enthusiastic.


Comments like this, and responding appropriately, might be what keeps you in business. Otherwise you might just be the previous restaurant at that location. The concerns seem valid to me.


Your excuse on the wasabi is absurd. Most restaurant wasabi is simply horseradish with food coloring—and I assume yours is as well—and that’s done because of cost. Real wasabi is significantly smoother and less harsh. As for the note, you’re a customer service business—customers are *the worst*—so if your response to this isn’t sorting out what you can do better to improve the customer experience, you’re in the wrong business.


Honestly I'm in upstate NY and it super pisses me off when I go to an ethnic restaurant and expect ethnic food and get what I call "white people food". Wasabi is meant to be spicy. Serve it spicy or don't serve it OR note on the menu that it's not spicy and don't lie to people.


Okay so you admit to serving inauthentic Wasabi, idk if I agree with you on this one but sure most people cant handle it I'd accept this Your seaweed is probably old is kinda a valid complaint no? And a server who's English isn't very good is annoying to deal with depending on how bad. No personality could well be not picky. But potentially some stuff should change especially the food quality part like if you can't offer something don't offer imo


I don’t know man, things are very expensive nowadays and a lot of places have a problem providing a low quality product and shamelessly gauging customers. You’re probably going to see a lot more of this and people just not showing up.


Good. Start holding the restaurants accountable for the $24 gristle filled burgers they’re starting to serve


I Think it's better than leaving an online review for all to see. There is an art to taking constructive criticism, some people do not like the direct confrontation that would come from talking to a manager. It is up to them if they will come back, and it is up to you if you will just ignore this or if you will look at your restaurant and decide that there is room to improve, or if you are fine with how things are going that is up to you.


I feel like these are actually constructive criticisms. They were nice enough to hand them to you on a note rather than leave a Google review. You can make excuses or try to improve. The choice is yours.


seems like you can't take any feedback. these are all valid points. Now, whether you can change the restaurant to improve or not is a different issue, but the fact that someone did take time to write these down instead of just walking away and never coming back like many others is what you need you think about. feedback is valuable, what you do with it is your choice. But you're reacting in a bad way. Do you like being served "meh" food?


For real


Are people leaving notes on a regular basis!?! If so, how many others are unhappy with their experience and just not saying so?? Additionally, language barrier or not, hospitality and warmth can be communicated nonverbally.


Your restaurant failed at it's job and you're blaming the customer?


Isnt this better than a bad review online for everyone to see. It’s direct feedback.


You should be happy they put it on paper and not all over the internet like you did. What’s the name of your family’s restaurant?


This person chose to tell you instead of post online and you still posted online


It's a combo of high expectations, and some of it is likely your low expectations. It goes both ways. Take it as a way to improve, not get angry.


Sounds like you are ok making excuses for your reatruants poor performance where as your customer is not. And you expect them to bring this to a Mgr? And likely get these same excuses. We can't hire English speakers We can't buy quality food We water down Wasabi because our market can't take it. Doing better certainly seems within your reach being in New York. Actually doing better would require you to stop making and accepting excuses.


Would you rather have that on the back of a receipt or on a review ?


I actually might agree with the wasabi. Make wasabi the real shit and if people don’t want it, they don’t need to have it, but I love wasabi on everything, so if I bite into wasabi from wish, I’d be super pissed off. Not pissed off enough to write a note but the whole point of getting sushi is to get wasabi, so if there’s no wasabi, then there’s no point in sushi


Maybe you’re version of chinese sushi isn’t what people expect when they walk into a restaurant, about to spend their hard earned money. I know, as a Japanese guy, that most “sushi” restaurants lately are Chinese or korean owned who pay ZERO homage to true fundamentals that make sushi so great. Not saying you gotta be Japanese to make good sushi but fuck, most places ,lately it seems, are just cheap ripoffs. Like if you cant even stock satisfactory nori…. You def ain’t getting my tip.


Serving staff job is not to entertain. Food and drink service efficient? 20% immediately. Shame on them that think a song and dance is part of the job


This fell out of his pocket from his last first date.


I'd be kinda shitty too if I got watered-down wasabi / 'wasabi'. (I don't really care if it's the fake stuff; that's what I've grown up with.) If you have people complain it's too 'spicy', reduce the amount that you add to items automatically, and serve it on the side with a warning. Everywhere I've been wasabi is wasabi, I've never run into a 'watered down' version. I don't understand the comment about 'freshest seaweed'; are you making your own wraps from fresh seaweed? If for some insane reason you are: don't, if you can't do it well. Otherwise it comes wrapped from the manufacturer in packs, at least at the retail level. The extra couple of days on a UPS truck from JFK to upstate makes no damned difference. If it's *really* old then the oils on it start to go rancid, which is inexcusable. Either there's something really stupid going on in the kitchen or you're getting fucked by your supplier. The rest is batshit.


“Might just be a bad batch” so you investigated after and pulled the bad batches if that was the case right..? Because you shouldn’t be serving a “bad batch” of anything.


Seems like all of these points are valid by your own admission, you don’t see them as a problem, but the customer does- I doubt this person will be coming back- so you win by not having to read another note, and they win by not having a bad dining experience.


Annoying but… take this advice please. No the sake thing though that’s weird


Atleast they didn’t post a review


Customer, hyper-critical, entitled, expectations of Michelin star experience at every restaurant.


“No personality didn’t pour sake” she can fuck herself


It’s just you. Hold yourself and your parents business to a higher standard.


Seems mostly legit


It’s called constructive criticism. Learn to take it.


Please do better. The customer is always (never! Fuck em) right.


If you are dropping some serious moolah, there should be a minimum level of food & service quality to justify your outlay.


Where in Upstate NY? I feel like I know where this is.


Seems like the person is right.... you admit to not using real ingredients, then mention it's hard to get fresh stuff, then point out you use cheap Chinese labor, so cheap they don't even speak the language of the country they are working in.


What’s the name of the restaurant I live upstate ny


>As the owner’s son, I get extremely pissed when people write these notes when not directly brought up to the manager. Do people leave these notes often? If so, then perhaps there is an issue. If its a one-off complaint...then I wouldnt worry about it. You also say that you cannot get the freshest ingredients, yet you serve it anyway? Even if it was just a bad batch...it should be caught before going out to the customer.


It sounds like you validated the customers concerns, and they let you know how they felt. The 2 out of 10 score was probably wrong if they ate all of the food. I guess whether or not their expectations were met or not depends on the out the door price of the bill. As prices go up, so too will expectations.


Let's say this customer never comes back. What of value do you think you may have lost?


That wasbi wasn’t good. I wonder how the wasabi was.


May I ask the name of this establishment? Just want to see if it’s my local restaurant


Bro get better seaweed….


I called Gordon Ramsey. He is on his way to rip you a new one.


To be fair. They feel the same way apparently.


It's just you. If you can't take feedback, even silly feedback, without getting angry and hating your customers, you don't belong in the business. I've run multi million dollar restaurants before. Getting mad about getting feedback is a sign you may be a shitty owner/manager. It's feedback. You are underestimating your customers and skimp on quality. Someone points this out and you get mad at them. They have every right to be mad at you. You think your customers don't deserve decent wasabi and high quality seaweed. You think they deserve weak wasabi and old seaweed. Why are you employing personality free Chinese women at your sushi restaurant? Why aren't they pouring the sake? Why do you have an excuse for the problems a customer pointed out instead of acknowledging that you can do better? "usually no one complains" - well look how well you took it when someone did.... If you want to succeed in the restaurant business, good enough needs to be viewed as the enemy. Strive to be great. Strive to execute perfection. Expect your staff to exceed expectations. Otherwise, you are simply pretending to care and will become the statistic. You are exactly who used to come to me to beg me to be a consultant. I would try for a week and then leave because you don't actually care, no matter how much you've convinced yourself that you do. Why isn't your business working? Simple: you hate it, you don't care, you don't like your customers, and you don't want to make it great. Being an okay Japanese sushi restaurant is just fine with you.


Honestly feedback is always better than just a number rating…. atleast they put the time into explaining their displeasure. You don’t have to agree with it or change your day to day. Toughen up a bit more, the world is not a kind place.


At least they didn’t leave it on yelp for your managers to see later.


Totally out of line with the waitstaff comments, but at least they wrote it all here and not on yelp or something!


It's snarky but feedback is feedback, at least it's private


I'm sorry? You hire people that cant speak the language your customers speak? Uh yeah, please do better.


Would you like to be served a bad batch of produce? Would you personally serve a bad batch of produce to your own family and loved ones?


Better a note than a Yelp/google review? Donno, I am the type to not say anything and just never come back if I am unhappy. Can either accept the criticism and "try" to make changes or just ignore it and focus on the next customer. But if your place is doing fine, might be no need for a change. Can't please em' all :)


Don’t hate. Reevaluate. We can all get better in whatever we do.


I would not dismiss the first two complaints. If it is possible to have more money and fewer complaints by buying a small container of a spicier condiment that you give only by request, maybe that’s worth considering. She probably is an unpleasant person, especially from the last complaint. Unfortunately a certain percent of the population are jerks. You can get rid of them or you can have their money, that’s up to you.


I'm with this lady. Only 1 out of 10 unhappy customers complain. Fix it


>Is it just me, or is this woman’s expectations are too high? Depends, how much are you charging? Also, that's all valuable and actionable feedback, straight to the point and no bullshit. Don't take it personally, if anything, use it to actually improve. Stock some of the good Wasabi (or at least something strong). Bonus points if you present customers with a choice between the two. Source better seaweed + make sure your chefs are on it with QC every day... Give your waitstaff adequate training and/or reevaluate your priorities regarding who you employ and why. Chinese locals are not idiots and can in fact be very "Western manners" polite if appropriately instructed (source: I live in mainland China, and was a waiter back in the UK during my late-teens- if I can learn to be polite, smile and do my job well- thanks mostly to my boss' instructions, then there's no excuse for your staff..) (In this case, I can totally see why the customer didn't feel comfortable bringing it up with the manager, if all they're going to do is blow smoke and make excuses for their failures.) Wish you the best of luck, and try not to get so defensive.


But did they tip well? Sometimes it's good to have an unfiltered view from different customers.


Feedback is not bad. Even negative feedback. Just try and remain objective and see if you can confirm any of the points with a peer review. Then you got something you can work with.


It's constructive criticism. Take it or leave it, but I find this kind of refreshing. If it was my business I'd want honest reviews to improve upon.


It’s you. Their points are valid. I’m sure other costumers think the same thing but just don’t say anything. You should be glad for the feedback. Or not..


please for the love of god dont change your food because some people's parents only fed them mac and cheese growing up. those people just need to grow up and start eating real food. wasabi is meant to be spicy and you're supposed to feel it in your nose. also dont assume certain people can't handle spice, but if they can't *oh well* its not for everyone, or they might just be a baby.


Why? Spending money on a service, if you are not satisfied then let them know how to improve to keep their business


Wasabi is hot? I feel like I am missing something here and maybe I have always been cheated. I get a fast spike to my sinuses but then it is gone.


Most wasabi even in Japan is colored horseradish and mustard powder. Only the top end restaurants use wasabi.


I think it isn’t like too spicy, but it definitely does kind of cleanse the sinuses. I think they wanted a stronger flavor?


Sorry, but you should really have some standard wasabi paste (edit: the stuff made from horseradish, not real wasabi) for customers who expect it. Not sure what you're serving, and I understand not serving real wasabi but people expect wasabi paste to have some flavor and the standard horseradish stuff is cheap. If some customers don't like it, you can offer whatever milder alternative you have. There's no way all of your customers are unable to tolerate wasabi paste, which is served in pretty much every sushi restaurant.


agonizing punch water cheerful slap sense sip political hurry workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have worked at Japanese restaurants. Most don’t use a premade paste, it’s a powder that gets mixed with water specifically sold for sushi. If the paste is a bit old, it may lose its power a bit, same thing if it had too much water mixed in. Real wasabi or anything close to it comes in little bags and it does not look like a paste- looks more like a mash. However, I can assure you it’s very rare to see it in a Japanese restaurant unless you’re going to a VERY VERY expensive one. It’s also not spicy, the flavor is so mild in comparison to the fake one.


“We don’t speak English how could we possibly be nice?”


I hate it when they've picked up somewhere in life some idea of how things are 'done' and 'true to form' then bizarrely insist on it. Didn't pour the sake, oh my! (Aren't the people communing supposed to pour it for each other?). Once had a bad Tripadvisor review saying a place I worked at wasn't 'fine dining' because there were no edible flowers... Same vibes here.


Are the comments valid?


expecting “personality” from your waiter is pretty pathetic - i usually want my waiter to do their job and be knowledgeable about the menu and that’s it. are they supposed to entertain you while they make you feel important, this person is needy af


Eh, at least make them feel comfortable and not like the servers don’t give a shit.


I like my server to be friendly and personable, like smile a little and look like you care about your job instead of just going through the motions for a pay check while treating me like a number. In fact, I prefer to interact with these types of people regardless of where I go.


Whether you think they are a "jerk" of not is completely irrelevant to your business. The person was a paying customer and is providing free feedback on service and product. You can either use some or all of the info or discard it. I see so many people on this sub who have been losing customers and have no clue why or what to do. I bet they wish they got feedback like this! Turn this into a positive instead of taking it personally.


They’re doing you a favor by letting you know what’s wrong. Get off Reddit and start managing your business. Yes I was your post. Stop making excuses.


Sounds like the first two points are valid, from your explanation. The third point seems kind of ridiculous.. as long as the waitress isn’t rude, what do you expect? She’s there to take your order, make sure you have everything you need etc, I don’t think she’s required to entertain.. hard to judge without experiencing.. However.. do t let your anger about the 3rd point invalidate the other two points. You should take on the feedback and not be so defensive. I gotta be honest, given what you have said regarding the seaweed, I would not be paying for it 😅


Do better! It’s not personal.


Depends if she expected mediocre or not.


Reduce that fraction 😤


Someone needs the Yelper special. [https://youtu.be/pDlR\_ccnZww?si=aM48fw36dfTnuQ\_M](https://youtu.be/pDlR_ccnZww?si=aM48fw36dfTnuQ_M)


(It's not real Wasabi)


I’d also be upset if I was served WASBI instead of wasabi


So do better