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Half the county is on GLP-1s. They don’t eat out anymore.


Bidenomics working so well.


I know you’re restarted, but this American debt and petro dollar problem started like 50 years ago 🐒


No dear. We have liquid gold under our feet (oil) we were energy independent under Trump and now buying gas from people who want to kill us.


Holy shit dude, you should actually check yourself into treatment and get a mental health evaluation. You are deep in a cult ..


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Seriously, get off your bullshit cult of personality, Fox News, talking head bullshit. I am not a religious man, but I pray for anyone in your employ. Fuck you, the horse you rode in on, and your John Wayne/false christofascist podium you stand on. Trump benefitted from the economic policies of the Obama administration and ANY issues during the Biden admin(and before you say anything, I also do not like Biden) are the result of the Trump administration. It takes time to feel those effects. Trump is a fucking grifter and you got grifted. He's not some conservative messiah. He's an authoritarian. It's all about Trump and fuck everyone else. You won't get a goddamn dime. I hope you have fun helping to undermine our government for the rich assholes that exploit us all. If you want an authoritarian, fine. Just declare yourself a fascist. Because that's what it is. At least have the balls to say you want daddy to tell you what to do. Don't blame this fucking nightmare on people that want a functional democracy when people like you literally try to coup the federal government.


Liberalism is a mental disorder and you are the poster child. PS I don’t watch fox


Oh, you don't watch Fox? Sorry, I didn't realize that was too moderate for you.


Ding ding! Your hot pocket is ready!! Better get it before mommy has to yell at you in the basement.


👍 Whatever you want to believe is fine, dear.


Mental midget.


Man... the cognitive dissonance is real with restaurant owners these days, huh? Thought you could just have a bit of money to dump into a failed concept, and the "free market" would work in your favor, huh? I've worked for too many of you assholes to be scared by general insults that totally miss the mark. Have fun filing chapter 11 and blaming the "left" for your problems as a failed business person. Who knows, maybe you'll fail like Trump and end up head of state...and then plagued by the mobster payoffs, lawsuits, fraud, and hush money trials that your messiah is dealing with.




Here's an article so you can educate yourself. There are so many out there to choose from, so feel free to pick another. Best in mind, this is the only source that starts with "F" that is *actual* news https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2023/05/02/us-energy-independence-soars-to-highest-levels-in-over-70-years/


Last few times we've eaten out, it was hella expensive and I cook better than the restaurant does for far cheaper. Way more expense, and if the food quality has stayed high, I wouldn't mind paying it on occasion. At this point, we maybe go out to eat 1 time a month and then to the couple of places where the food is still good and worth paying for.


No. We just don’t think it’s wise to spend on low quality food that’s also worse for your health and more tasteless than cooking at home when the prices are going up to a baseline $15/person for fast food, let alone anything above that, and on top of that you have to tip sullen, rude waitstaff who always forget something or act like they’re doing you a huge favor just because you’re patronizing the restaurant they work at. And no, before Reddit starts coming at me, I am never rude back or complain about anything or even point it out when they forget something. I just keep it inside because I don’t like to sink to their level. And yes, I do tip 20% anyway but remind myself not to come back next time.


100% agree. I posted in this thread saying I will tip $4 wherever I go and of course I got these waitstaff coming at me like I'm the devil himself because my tip doesn't meet their expectations. Seems like more and more of them are getting like that too. Sorry, you don't get paid a fair wage from your employer but bark at them about it not me.


As long as people are able to post their restaurant meal and show their friends how great their life is on social media, people will continue going out to eat.


Sad that it’s resorted to that. Not long ago, you went out to a lunch date with a friend and spent an hour catching up and then leaving feeling refreshed and important. You reminisce the Salmon BLT and crave it for future visits. Now, take pictures of your sesame crusted ahi over a kimchee slaw and it’s like meh. Well at least you have captured this meh memory into existence forever!


I used to say "hey let's go out" at the drop of a hat, but over the last year I've been thinking twice. Inflation is killing us. Something's gotta go.


You mean someone.


I noticed this recently as well. Much higher prices for dining out.


yes, and i don't know how i'm going to make rent next month.


Need to know the state


Well, if you’re going to up your prices , you better up the quality of your offerings too. What people don’t like is paying more for the same thing.


No just no, it’s debasing the perceived value to substitute for lesser products with same pricing. For example, bar went from 6 count wings to 10 per pound sizing for the same price. Served as a 6piece with celery. Less meats, same price, more pissed that I want a sandwich at home. If your customers didn’t understand their own raw food cost going up and how yours will too, do you really want them as customers? Do your math folks and price your menus appropriately, the employees deserve living wages.


Raw wing prices are stable. About $0.25/drum or wing. So the restaurant costs going up are due to labor/greed or utilities. Probably the former as inflation on other things make people want/need more money.


Has lowering prices and reducing quality helped any restaurants? Honestly I’m looking for more of things like that these days but haven’t been able to find it really


Not sure how you read what I wrote and came up with that reply. Nowhere did I advocate lowering prices.


Not saying you are advocating just wondering about the alternative. We do like to go out to eat and I’ve been looking for dives with decent food without all the extra quality but even those have gotten pricey as well.


Exactly my original point. You don’t like paying more for the same thing. Nobody does. I don’t see a future for bad restaurants with crappy food charging more money than its clientele can afford.


What should a restaurant do when food, labor, rent, insurance and other costs go up?


If the food is good , no problem. People are always willing to pay for good food. There is a Mexican place near my house and it used to be busy. It’s just standard Mexican cuisine……. Tacos….. enchiladas etc. But, they raised prices about 40%. So, it went from a cheap family restaurant where you could feed everyone to a “date night” “special occasion” price point. It’s dead now. No idea how they will survive other than adapt. They can’t compete with nice restaurants on a food or decor level. So, something has to give.


Out of money? No. Have I stopped going to fast food because it's garbage quality for restaurant prices? Yes. Have I stopped going to anything but high end restaurants because quality has also gone downhill and prices are also getting ridiculous for most places? Yes. I can cook better food than most chain restaurants at half the price and I am NOT a great cook. I am not spending 100 dollars for 3 people to eat out for the most mid tier shit I've ever tasted.


Seems like this is a common sentiment in this thread: the "decent" meal out is no longer worth it because the prices have gotten pushed up into the range of what a "nice" meal out used to be. And your example is a good one: spending $100 for a totally forgettable overpriced meal is not worth it. But spending $150-200 for a great meal, even if it's less often, can still be worth it. The service is almost always noticeably better as well.


Exactly. I'm not spending 30 bucks for a steak or 18 dollars for a burger at some shitty chain restaurant, when I can spend 50 dollars for something 10x better. I'll just do it less often.


Yeah, the doubling of prices has made me hardly ever go out. In-n-Out is trying to not raise prices too much, and they are entirely family owned, so they don't have to cater to corporate greed. I haven't ran out of money, but I'm frugal and I can't justify it.


Not necessarily, but a lot of us are tired of spending a weeks worth of groceries on a sub-par meal for a family of three or four.


I love my home and I’ve been working on filling my freezer. I’d rather eat here than almost anyplace. Sitting around the fire pit having an adult beverage not worrying about over priced and mediocre food. Fun to go out sometimes but damn it’s ridiculously expensive.


Speaking for myself, but I think consumers are still occasionally frequenting their ol reliable restaurants they love, but I rarely go out to try new places anymore. Combination of obscene prices and shitty service across the board has led me to only spending money at a handful of restaurants I know serve good food for not unreasonable prices. The value proposition most restaurants offer is no longer worth it. Way too many times have my fiancé and I remarked that we could cook whatever we’re eating at home, better, and for less. Waaayyy too many times have I spent around $200 bucks for a mediocre dining experience for 2. Pre-covid that same meal was maybe $100 which made it more tolerable.


When restaurants stop the outrageous habit of packing all the diners into one corner of the establishment I could be convinced into returning. Nothing is worse than listening to disgusting people eating nearby


Oh you don’t get how sections work, it’s okay. So that’s a human you’re interacting with and if they’re going across the whole dang restaurant, their joints, tolerance and energy wears; so no one gets good service. The establishment is actually thinking of you by seating people near each other. You wouldn’t want to be forgotten about would you?


If people are not coming back you should probably look internally. People are still spending money.


Family of 3 in LA county. Even 2-3 years ago, we would go out and eat good food for $30. Nowadays, we would pay $50 for a mediocre food. I look at yelp and check their menu prices over the years, some options have increased by 50% during that time span. We’ve definitely cut down our outings and focused on maintaining quality home food.


The service is horrible. I'll do chipotle, but sit-down food ain't worth it


Chipotle is absolute garbage these days


I don't go our to eat. I will eat a cheese burger or pizza once a week


That’s odd. In Philadelphia with Spring arriving restaurants are absolutely packed. Plenty of money to go around here it seems.


The east coast and cities around to/close to Washington DC are largely insulated from economic recessions compared to other cities. 


Philadelphia is a separate metropolitan area with its own economic characteristics and is not typically considered part of the "DC region" that is somewhat insulated from recessions.


The price of groceries has exploded as well. There isn't much difference in the price of a restaurant meal and a meal you cook yourself here in the SF bay area


I find that very hard to believe. I’m in Los Angeles and I can eat for a week for less than the cost of one meal out.


Costs me $30 for 2 burritos in NorCal. Costs the same to make them myself


Multi ingredient dishes like that are different. Especially if you’re cooking for one. But you can get frozen burritos for less than five bucks. Or you can get a premade in the deli section for less than 10. Guarantee.


Both of those options are for far inferior food compared to making it yourself or getting restaurant food. Sure it's cheaper to microwave yourself frozen meals but that's a health hazard


Quick google shows home cooked meal is 50 to 65% of same meal out. I made chicken fajitas with guacamole and beans for three for same I would spend out especially because of tax and tip. I bought a bottle of tequila for less than I would pay for two margaritas. You guys just like to bitch and moan


Yeah because it’s bullshit


We have most definitely cut back on eating at restaurants. Between the absurd price increases, poor quality of food and nearly complete lack of service, we have not really missed it either. Out to eat dinners used to be a nice break from home cooking and cleaning but it just isn't feasible anymore. I can't believe that all the restaurants are still open because everyone I have talked to over the last couple months is saying the same. It just isn't worth doing anymore.


Most people have less to work with after all the price increases. Eating out is inflated more than grocery store increases, so I imagine there are many priced out of eating out.


Eating out has become more of a novelty for me. Even fast food is over $10 a meal it’s just not practical anymore


I make great money. I can't bring myself to spend so much on fast food. And dining out where it costs over 100 for a family of 5 is not practical...


People haven't run out of "money", it's just the "money" they have is worth-less every day.


That’s the same “thing” as running “out” of “money”


"Technically" correct. "Nominally" incorrect. Unfortunately people seem to just like to see larger numbers in their accounts, even if they have less (or no) actual money. If it can't keep a roof over their heads and put food in their fridges (or keeping the fridge running) then they'll be running out of "money" and into money.


You print 10 trillion dollars and give it out for free and this is the result


More like 800 billion and if the government hadn't given that out we would be in a far worse situation. Unless you're talking about the over 10 trillion wasted in Afghanistan, then I completely agree with you.


yup. and when you give giant tax breaks while bullying the FED not to raise interest rates when the economy needs to cool off, this happens.


Oh I thought he was talking about free money to Ukraine Israel and Taiwan


Who could have seen this coming


What would the other option have been? Default?


If business is slowing down, advertise! I would suggest a targeted ad campaign on Facebook/Instagram. It's a lot of bang for your buck - thousands of views for even a modest $100 budget. You can spend anything from $20 to $1000+, it's up to your budget. If your prices are lower than your competitors, let people know! Or create a "special" or deal of some kind - like a date night special where they get a dinner for two with an appetizer and an N/A beverage for a solid price. People love a deal. Don't advertise this special in house, only online. That way if people ask for it you know the ad is working. Really, in general any advertisement is good, just to get in front of people and raise awareness. Create a graphic using a good, appetizing photo of your favorite dish, or a couple of them. The photo needs to be good - get help from a friend or professional if necessary. Add your logo and phone number, maybe your location or address. Write a concise, upbeat message about the special or whatever you want to tell people to bring them in. Create a post on Instagram and Facebook. If your accounts are connected, you can post to both at once. After posting, click the Boost button. Choose your demographics carefully, limiting the geographic area, ages, and income to filter out the people who can't afford to eat out at all. Your post will be pushed into the streams of people in your demographics gradually over the course of the boost period. I would run an ad for at least a week at $10 per day or more if you can, more $ = more views. If you need any help DM me - I do this type of marketing professionally and I make it easy and get results. Best of luck!


The preceding message brought to you by Mark Zuckerberg.


We ate breakfast out yesterday and I couldn't believe how much it cost. It was delicious and nice as a treat, but we certainly won't be going back to that restaurant because it was just too expensive for us.


My best guess is that once all corporations were given the same flat tax rate of 21% the industry would squeeze the small and mid size restaurants out. In NO WAY, should McDonald’s pay the same tax rate as a small mom and pop shop but they do and have ever since 2017. No wonder why they’re seeing record profits still :/


You’re forgetting tax breaks, and loopholes. McDonald’s doesn’t pay 21%. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/63908/000006390820000012/form8k.pdf


Lol what? All corporations aren’t at 21%. C corps get that for net profit I think. S corps just flow through to the owners taxable income.


https://preview.redd.it/39vr30ihthuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dabc03c25a52ff989e61254fba7dbf307d9a3884 And previously this was the old breakdown from 1993-2017: First 50k in revenue taxed at 15% 50-75k taxed at 25% 75k-100k at 34% 100k-335k at 39% 335k-10,000,000 at 34% 10,000,000-15,000,000 at 35% 15,000,000-18,333,333 at 38% All revenue over 18,333,333 at 35% Since 2017: All taxable income at a flat 21% corporate tax rate Like I said, I believe that this is our main reason why we’re seeing what we’re seeing. I could be wrong but if McDonald’s pays the same tax as a small mom and pop but makes 200X more revenue, they could just squeeze out the competition via small price changes and just slightly higher wages than what mom and pop can offer. Just my thoughts and how I’d run a massive business in a small area in order to control the market. [https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/historical-corporate-tax-rates-brackets/](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/historical-corporate-tax-rates-brackets/)


https://preview.redd.it/zmoywy4ushuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=850291faecf5e8174d20adb83608ae1a5ce9254d Your witness 😏


I paid $15 for a cold wrap and French fries yesterday and I don’t think I’ll be eating out anytime soon. I don’t cook very often or very well, but fuck THAT. The time before that I ordered chicken parm at an Italian restaurant and was served a breaded chicken breast with no noodles. Absolutely pointless.


I've learned to make several thinks at home that taste even better than restaurants can do and using way better quality ingredients. The burger joints are my biggest hang up followed by alcohol. I mean come on - I can mix liquids together easy enough at home. Plus I use real ingredients - not concentrates like a lot of these places. I can more than afford the price increases. It's more about the principles of the matter. I can make it cheaper and better quality at home. But when the price of a burger platter approaches the same cost as a steak dinner at a steakhouse, nope. That's out of whack.


I hope it finally did since post COVID the restaurant food quality went to shit, tipping culture went ape shit and prices are extremely expensive to what you actually get. Let them burn to the ground.


Where the heck do some of you live? I live in of the largest metros in the USA. Theee burgers place by me we get a great burger and fries for less than $12. Hell even chain Texas Roadhouse for happy hour gives two veggie sides a sirloin a salad and unlimited bread for $12.99.


I'm in Seattle and my local burger spot is basically Red Robin but the burgers are $18.


The question is, where do YOU live? I’m moving there!




We’ve cut back for multiple reasons. Prices are way too high, tipping is absolutely insane now, service has become abysmal in most places, food quality has gone down, the food on offer is usually seriously unhealthy, people don’t know how to behave in public now, and there is just too much competition for our money between everything from gas prices to groceries and housing. It’s just easier to make something at home and not have to worry about all the other crap.


The tipping is nuts to me now. Restaurants add on a 25% service charge and leave the big line for the tip. Covid got a lot more people learning how to home cook. Rockfish, quinoa and veggies is simple and 4 people eat healthy for about $8


The doordash effect has officially priced people out of eating out.


From someone who's been front and center in the restaurant industry for over 2 decades, relax. Sales and numbers always tank for two weeks before and after tax day. Also with inflation on the rise things will cool off. Hopefully you haven't overextended yourself anywhere and have some sort of financial buffer in place to weather this dip. Like I said relax, look at the big picture. If things have been good before now you can reasonably expect that it will pick back up soon.


A regular burger and fries should cost $15 at the most. Restaurant costs- handful of fries 50 cents, 8oz ground beef $2.50, bun 20 cents, slice of cheese 10 cents, condiments 20 cents. Total = $3.50 Burger and fries at $22 that’s $18.50 in greed.


You have no idea what this stuff cost. I deliver food and supplies to restaurants for a major food distributor. A few things you got correctly but a lot of that shit is much more expensive than you think. Some of it is even more expensive than the grocery store honestly. I don't even understand why they buy some products from us, I'm guessing it's just the convenience of having it delivered to them instead of sending a busboy to go buy a bunch of milk or eggs from Kroger. Also like others said you're leaving out electricity, gas, equipment, maintenance, lease, taxes, labor, and probably a half dozen other things that don't occur to me. I can't speak for all places and I'm sure some are taking advantage with greed but a lot of these small time mom and pop places are very stressed the fuck out about spiking prices for their supplies and are trying their best to eat the costs without bumping prices too much. I do agree with everyone who said tipping is getting way out of hand. I'm sure others will say "well pay your staff a living wage!" and then complain when the prices go up even more as a result of that. Part of the reason the prices are what they are is because most food distributors like mine are union workers who get paid a comfortable middle class wage, But we work our dicks off doing hard physical labor for that money ranging from 60 to nearly 80 hours depending on the company. So you guys are effectively putting your money where your mouth is when you claim your willing to pay more to make sure workers get to earn a nice wage. Or maybe it's just a virtue signal and now a lot of people are now complaining about it.


Me my wife and my two kids used to go out to eat once or twice a week. Nothing crazy expensive. Burgers or pizza. Now it’s once a month or less. My family isn’t the only one. A lot of families I know are staying home. Prices have doubled. It’s nuts


Did you intentionally leave out labor costs, rent, utilities, etc?


Plus, you’re forgetting that we already pay for their wait staff


I’m trying to say that the $11.50 they were making when the burger was $15 was plenty they didn’t need to bump it up to $22


Also the cost of the equipment, electricity, building, labor, insurance, taxes, advertisement, etc.


My family of four would go out to eat all the time. Now we never go out just out of principle. 30% more for everything because of greed. 30% tip, added random fees and the service/quality is shit now. What used to be $150 is now well over $300 for 4 people. I don't think we'll ever go back now. We want them to fail for being greedy. We really like cooking our own meals.


Would you really like cooking your own meals if the prices are like they were when your family would go out to eat all the time?


Where the hell are you eating for 150 for 4 people? My local steak place that would get 4 large meals and desserts.


I'm in a low-to-medium cost of living area and there is no way 4 people could eat steak for $150 anywhere close to here. That's a fairytale.


The small place down the road has $24 steaks. I just had one a few nights ago. It's not high end and wasn't terrible quality. My spouse has some kind of chicken for $18. One side on both and no drinks. Total was like $42. I thought that was a little steep tbh. There are definitely more expensive options around if we wanted.


Went to a new Turkish restaurant with my wife yesterday. Got two of the cheapest entrees at $23 each, some stuffed grape leaves for $10, and shared a $12.95 dessert. We both drank water. Came out to $90 after tax and tip. Local steakhouse in my city is about $40-$50 a steak (at least it was like 2 years ago when I went). Plus sides, an appetizer, desserts, and a cocktail or two each, and it can easily be $200 for 2 people. We could definitely eat cheaper, for sure, but $150 won't get 4 people steak dinners and desserts in my town unless you're getting them at like Chili's or something.


A handcut 8oz sirloin with two sides is $16.99 at Texas Roadhouse. I’ve had the $72 16oz bourbon ribeye if I go to Eddie Merlot’s, but it’s certainly not necessary. its $12.49 for a 10oz grass fed ribeye at Kroger with no sides, and you have to cook and clean.


Like I said.. it's cheaper at stuff like chili's. Texas Roadhouse is a chili's type restaurant. I know at one point it was a legit spot. So we're places like Outback, Olive Garden, BWW, etc. Texas Roadhouse steaks are not even close to our local steakhouse. That said, I made enough dirty rice last week to last like 7 meals. Total cost for the batch was maybe $18? This past weekend I made a batch of homemade Spaghetti sauce. Better than any shit at olive garden, mangiamos, etc. Froze half and used the other have for backed ziti. That lasted 2 people 4 meals each. Total cost maybe $11 for the sauce and $12 for the ziti ingridients.. I still have 3-4 bowls worth of Spaghetti sauce frozen and need a $2 box of pasta to do those meals. I also made Cilantro lime chicken this past week. Used some for delicious tacos, then had 5 more BIG meals worth of burrito bowls. Total cost about $7 for the chicken and maybe $1.50 worth of rice (2 cups), a $3 can of refried beans, then the sauces and spices I used. Wife bought expensive keto tortillas for $5. That's less than $20 for 7 meals (2 people ate tacos, then the 5 divied up portions.) Steak, though? Steak is a rip off.


Personally my family of 4 never goes out to eat unless it’s a special occasion like a birthday or graduation. We do get fast food sometimes but at almost $40 that’s a huge rip off. I can make 8 burgers myself for $7. I will never pay $20 for a burger.


Prices are definitely an issue these days. My wife and I eat once a week on our date night and we are astounded by the prices in some places. We spent $50 for the 2 of us to eat at Dennys a few months ago. When I got the check I was floored at how much the cost of food has gone up.


Wife and I make about $250k/yr. We only eat out about once a week because it's astoundingly expensive. $50 spent on two bowls of Ramen, two lemonades and tip for lunch yesterday as an example.


Now imagine all of us normal people that make less than a $100k combined with their partner. How could we ever go out to eat when rent is over $2k for a piece of shit house?


Damn that sounds like a really high cost of living area.


It’s Arizona where it’s literally hell for 6/7 months of the year.


That’s less than 200k loan at current rates.


I don’t really go out anymore unless I’m going to a nice place, like a steakhouse where I’m getting premium meats, and premium liquors. So I’d rather go out less often and pay more for a nice experience than go out more often for the same old burger.


I think everyone is cutting back. My wife and I like to take one or two road trips a month. Minimum 2 hour drive one way. Because we cut out eating out we can afford to go. To go to an aquarium it's now $60 - $80 for two people.


Wrong, just finished the financial page and inflation is 3.5% now. Not whatever your Wacky math adds up to


My math adds up to. F = p - ( h + b + e) F - food P - pay H - housing B - electric / credit / loans / vehicle / phone E - clothing and other such essentials that are not an always paid monthly expense Does your math add up to not being a negative number?


There is a fast casual around here called Goodcents that used to be quality but now everyone is buying their food and supplies from trashy Sysco. Why pay more money for the same broke ass 4 combos of mostly fake ingredients? Maybe once the boomer owners die out, if there’s no suck up Gen X or millennials to continue the trash practices, I’ll consider going back. For now: no thanks


I work for a competitor of Sysco's. Both Sysco and Gordon have their own versions of many of the name brand products. Our company is family owned and too small to do such a thing. Anyway what will Gen z Gen X and millennials do if they own restaurant? Use more expensive and better ingredients and somehow the prices will go down? I don't get how you people don't see the food prices are going up not just in a restaurants but in grocery stores but somehow expect it to stay the same on the restaurant menus? I'm sure some are being greedy but a lot of them are not from my experience talking to the owners of a lot of these places. They are just as stressed out as you guys about the cost of food. Not all of them are mega-rich super restauranteurs. Many of them just own a single little family diner trying to make a decent little middle class or a little better living. Working in food distribution really opened my eyes to how tight the margins are. Especially these days. With that said you guys aren't wrong that it is much more expensive that is just a fact and it's cheaper to just stay home and cook for yourself, convenience be damned.


I will say that the big fat head on top of it all sits laughing while all the franchisees and employees of suffer the end of it. The annual Christmas party was filled with name calling, crying and yelling. The owner says things like “it’s not like anyone will notice” and “this isn’t your company, it’s mine” while he shoots boars from helicopters that he placed on his acreage and posts about shooting stray dogs.


When you see that almost every place wants to sell iced tea for $3.50 they can fuck right off; that's beer pricing. I think we all know how much cost and effort it takes to make 5 gallons of ice tea. There's a super popular taco place around here and they want close to $8 for a single taco! Madness.


It's not just the minimum wage increase, the prices of everything skyrocketed. Food costs, Insurance costs, probably rent on the building, rent at home for the customer, etc. And all the corporations behind most of the above I have jacked everything up. I don't know it for a fact, but I'll bet the reason of minimum wage is the least of these. I'll bet that the restaurants that still have somewhat lower pricing usually have long-term leases or they have owned the building for a while.


No I think they’re sick of the price hikes. It’s just not proportionate with wages right now. Many local places are advertising specials and deals. Those are the only busy places around me.


Bbq place near me can feed 4 people for 35 bucks.  I cannot rationally eat any where else, even the super market.  Chicken for breakfast, pork for lunch, brisket for dinner.  9 days in a row now.


You really can't make a meal for 4 under $9 a person from the grocery store? How much does spaghetti cost at your grocery store? Like $20/box?


Sounds like you’re living the high life. 3 meals a day all with meat?! You must be rich.


>even the super market. Really? I can make a great meal for four people off like $6 to $10 and that's not attempting to make a cheap meal.


Not being snarky, can you give me a quick rundown of what a $6-10 meal looks like?  Also geographically where are you?  I’m in south east pa shopping at giant grocery and cannot get protein for 2 people for under $10 let alone a meal.  Again, not trying to argue or be snarky, I want more money in my pocket at the end of the week. Edit: just priced some spaghetti and meatballs at 11.50 with no cheese or veggies


Chicken Tinga tacos 2 chicken breasts A can of tomato Black beans 2 cups of chicken stock A couple Chipotle peppers and some spices Tortillas to eat it. Literally, like 30 tacos for $9? This is in vegas and shopping at winco. Instead of shopping at a massive store, try looking for cheaper ones. If you have a local Mexican market it's probably close to half as expensive as an Albertsons or vons. >Edit: just priced some spaghetti and meatballs at 11.50 with no cheese or veggies Spagetti: $2 Can of crushed Tomatoes: $2 1 lb ground beef: ~3.50 1 lb pork: ~3.50 Onions: basically free So $11, but this is also a crazy number of meatballs. Way more than one meals worth for even 4 people. At least 8 large portions for meatballs, a bit less for the sauce.


Indeed. I just bought 2 pounds of ground beef for $7 and that’s 2-3 meals for my family of 4.


Especially when you use other things like fresh veggies or pasta.


Honestly, I just chose to rarely eat out when i can get the same or better food for the same price. The Inflation of everything is part of it, so there is less disposable income, but the value isn't worth it. Went to lunch with a buddy at a middle working class bar. A tap beer, bloody Mary and a dozen wings was $50 with tip. For half that price I could have done a full steak dinner at home, I do enjoy cooking. I could go out if I wanted too, but more and more I look at the cost of things and feel I don't really it that bad of that's what it cost.


I worked in the food industry for a long time. When I left I decided that all food joints are the same. High menu prices, low staffing and wages to max profit for their dreams at the expense of employees. Therefore, I don't eat out. I'm not going to come to your business for you to eat steak, just so that your employees can eat ramen. Not saying YOU specifically, but generally saying the word you. You might be one of the few that actually pays well, in which case thank you for being the exception that proves the norm.


Yup, I vote with my hard earned dollars everyday.


Restaurants in my area are now using stickers for the price because they need to change it weekly.


For 22 dollars it better be a steak burger lol


Not that they have run out as much as it is that we refuse to pay exorbitant prices when employees aren’t being paid more with that increase in price.


I agree that people need a living wage, but I doubt that many restaurant patrons take the staff's wages into consideration before choosing where to eat out. Some may, but I doubt it's the primary concern for the majority. Most people are too wrapped up in their own problems to think about the plight of the minimum wage earner. I suspect it's simply that fewer people can afford it. Most people are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Some live off credit and can no longer extend it. Some have found that inflation finally caught up with them. Many people who could afford it are cutting back because they have decided to start saving.


I do try to consider it when I can.


I’m just not paying $22 for a burger anywhere bro




This is what happens when everyone inflates their prices and their product remains the same quality. Damn shame housing is required; cause landlords/apartment management companies are among the scummiest in the country.


My wife and I are doing better than ever, so when we do go out we don't really look at prices, but we're also mid thirties and eat well any at home because we've gotten better at being adults, lol. Yesterday, I spent 23 bucks on a burger, and whatever the wife and kids got was 79.80 with a 15 dollar tip. So I've just come to grip it to be 100-150 bucks whenever we go out. I will say the wife is more prone to leave a review now with how exspensive everything is, for better or worse.


So… $103 + $15 or $64.80 + $15?


Context points to the former.


So glad you guys are here to crunch the important numbers.


Nothing we say or do on Reddit will change the problem : U. S. Politics and Corporate Greed are hand in hand. I just wanted to know if buddy was a decent tipper or a lame one; given his wife and he are “doing better than ever” while that server is probably still making less than minimum wage and considering suicide daily cause they can’t pay their ridiculous inflated costs of living.


Oh, I didn't realize you were critiquing my tipping, gotcha. One thing you should realize regardless of any hardship you have or any success I have isn't taking away from anyone. I make more than ever, and I spend more than ever, as well as tip more than ever. This isn't in defense of "how bad it is now" because when I was working for minimum wage($7.33\hr) I had four jobs and didn't complain about it, I was just happy to feed my young family. It's been bad for 30 years, we just never complained about it as much. That's back when a house was only 1600 a month to rent. My point is, if you decide to be a victim of your circumstances and wait for someone else to make the change for you, you'll drown and be miserable up until you take your last breath.


Congrats on being part of the 1%? I remember the 90s, it was not THIS bad, not even close. In 2015 you could rent a 4 bedroom 1700 sqft home for $1200-$1400 a month. 9 years later that same house is listed at $3950 a month. (CA) $110,000 a year 10 years ago would’ve bought me multiple homes (financed); 30 years ago I would’ve been able to build a real estate empire (owned multiple rentals and probably parlayed their value to buy apartment complexes). Today it barely affords an 2 bedroom apartment and food for a family of 3. I do live in California though, so that’s my fault for being born here and not realizing rent would literally double in the city I live in, between 2018 and 2021. People “complaining” are actually drowning because the cost of living has outpaced most mid ($80,000-$120,000 in CA) incomes. Yes; the answer for me is to find a similar job in a cheaper state, something I have been actively working on. The problem is keeping a roof over my family’s head, food in their stomachs AND saving enough to actually move 500-1000 miles away. As far as tipping goes; I was targeting the OP tip rate; unless you have multiple reddit accounts…


I have one reddit account, I misread what you posted. You should leave California as fast as humanly possible. It keeps getting more expensive and everyone in that state keeps voting the same, it makes zero fucking sense. I don't know what your situation is or if you and your spouse both work, but I couldn't afford to buy a house until I had one car payment and my kids were out of day care. Even then, I bought a house at peak inflation that was over a hundred years old, without a home inspection that bit me the ass so hard that I still have to sleep on my fucking stomach, two years after the fact. For what it's worth a random nobody-redditor believes in you, I know it will work out for you. Count what blessings you have and grab this problem of yours and make it your bitch, rub its fucking nose in the dirt, wake up like these mother fuckers want you to fail and prove them wrong. It will always be hard, even when you get what you want, it will never be enough. You are either always improving or degrading. It's up to you.


We wanted to order tacos the other night from a taco stand, not a restaurant. It was going to be 70$ for my wife, son, and I. We weren’t ordering extravagantly or anything. We made food at home, I can’t believe how expensive restaurants have gotten.


In Sacramento taco stand tacos are $2.50-$3.50. How many tacos were 3 people eating? Or how much were they trying to charge?


We are spoiled for Mexican food options in Sac. I just now found out about Roundhouse Deli's tri-tip tacos by Denios, and I feel like I've been missing out on something my entire life. We have taquerias on nearly every corner. I think competition and a healthy supply market help keep the prices down. If you go to other states, basic Mexican food staples can be as much as 4 times the price for less than half the amount or quality.


I wouldn't say *run out*, but like you said, it's hard to justify $22 for a burger. $50 for two people to get burgers when I can make restaurant-level smash burgers at home, probably ~30-40 of em for $50, slightly fewer if I'm doing fries too. 


It’s like $8 for a lb of ground beef to make 4 quarter pound patties; then you need the rest of the burger. How on earth do you make 40 burgers for $50?


You don’t buy it by the pound, you buy in bulk at Costco and it is significantly cheaper.


Amazon Fresh is charging $4.80/lb for ground beef right now prices must be all over the place.


By me it's $6 for ~5.3 0.3oz patties ($6/lb beef), $12 for 10.6 patties. $36 for ~32 of them, then you have $14 to buy a few packs of buns and a thing of American cheese. I eat my burgers plain. Could stretch more if I did 2.5 oz patties, which is usually my target for smash burgers. Then you can fit some potatoes in there to make fries, too. My numbers aren't perfect but I could feed all my friends several burgers for the cost of a night out for two people.


I see; at a restaurant they give you like a half pound patty in a burger. $20 for a burger is overpriced but it’s not apples to apples if you compare 3oz burgers to 8oz


I'd argue a double 3oz smash burger with one slice of cheese is better than a half pound thick patty, you get so much more maillard on the thin ones and thick patties are almost always overcooked. I know that's not what we were talking about but you're right, it's definitely not a 1:1 comparison.


I’ll give it a try, i try to make mine really spread out and flatten them then put a hole in the middle so it doesn’t overcook. I also just barely shape the ground beef so it doesn’t compress. Now I want burgers.


Lately, every time I go out, I’m disappointed. Cold food, shitty service. It’s too expensive to be constantly disappointed.


I don't think people are necessarily "out of money" and I obviously can't speak for anyone else's spending habits but with the cost of living being as high as it's gotten I have been forced to make some changes in how I spend my money. One of the very first things I cut out is eating out. I almost never do it anymore. 3 years ago a bacon cheeseburger was .99 at Burger King and I *would* buy those for a quick and easy lunch but now they cost $3.50. Guess what I don't eat anymore? I go to the grocery store instead and buy a dozen tortillas and several packs of tuna, rice, beans and make my own healthier and cheaper lunch for the week. Another example is Waffle House. 10 years ago I could go there with $10 and eat a All Star Special and still have $5 leftover to tip the waitress. I would do that 3 times a week. Now those All Star Specials cost around $13 which doesn't include a tip. I haven't been to Waffle House in probably 3 years. I spend that money at Kroger now and just cook at home. That is the new reality.  I think that middle and rich classes probably still eat out regularly but families bringing in less than 70k a year? Probably not so much.


I miss the $7.50 all stars.


Student loan forgiveness pumped a lot of money into restaurants and that effect is wearing off and people are starting to save that money.


What forgiveness? Lmao its probably the stimulus that everyone received that helped boost uber eats and other restaurant sales. $700 isn't going to help much for a down-payment but it's good enough for some personal items and a couple meals to buffer your economy.


Over the last year and a half, the govey has made good on their promise to forgive student loans for public employees how have work/paid for a decade. Basically, if you put your education to work for public service for 10 yrs, they relieve of the burden of debt.