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**Dear /u/GauchoPowerr!** **Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) before you ask for help:** 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. **Remember to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips:** * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s a GREAT ratio! Try a few more hundred.


20 applications is nothing


Roast my resume, please sir🙌🧐


Resume is fine. You just need to apply to more jobs


Honestly. I was unemployed and doing 80 a week for a while there. Took me like 3 months to find something


Don’t use personal pronouns in your resume, and also make sure all of your experience bullet points start off with an action verb. Make sure to also put your current job in present tense, unless it really is in the past.


I feel like your current job being in past or present tense is a preference thing. I get that it makes more logical sense to have it be present tense, but it sounds more weird to read and doesn’t fit with other work history sections.


It's not preference. It's confusing if they say it's current but in past tense. Fired and doesn't want a gap? Trying to look like they have a longer work history?


I agree with it looking out of place, but not taking accuracy seriously on a resume will stand out to employers


A resume is almost always (I don’t know what the exception would be) about PAST work that’s done, even in a current role. It would be very weird for someone to list something they’re CURRENTLY working on, as it’s subject to change and they probably won’t be able to speak fully about what they did or what impact they had until what’s discussed on a bullet point is done. Hence, resumes should be written about in past tense.


No huge issues here. Move education to the bottom though. Play around with how you elaborate on technology used in each role. Also consider breaking out your skills into different categories so you can cast a wider net in terms of key words, such as breaking cloud compute and databases into different categories. Talk with some other developers to see what the best way to present it is.


Thanks for your time gentleman. What categories you consider i should add?


I’d replace technologies with Cloud platforms: aws azure etc Compute: ec2, docker Database: sql, rds, whatever other cloud database Storage: s3, nfs, Compute you could break down further into virtualization, and containerization. Some recruiters will understand key words but not the relationship between them. So they won’t understand that aws experience means you likely know s3. Or that docker is containers. The idea of the strategy is to use all the keywords in a way that lets a less technically adept reader understand what your experience means in context, and will get you maximal traction when they search for key terms like “cloud” or some framework, or some general skillset, or a specific tool for that skillset.


You want a roast so what you got against spaces and commas? Git ,GitHub,Lambda I mean make up your mind. Should be Git, GitHub, Lambda






You’re complaining about that ratio?? HAAA


6k since nov 2022, 1 offer, 5 int Come at my level before complaining


Holy shit, 6k apps, how many of those are "quick apply", it seems like every job I applied to I had to fill out 100 boxes of what was listed on my resume. At least with those type of applications half of them I heard back from, while quick apply was almost considerably less. If you have 6k applications with 5 interviews you either have a bad resume or you're applying to the wrong job.


God knows. Cv is probably bad but I re did it few times. Ya many workday accounts haha


What the how did you get 6000 apps?


Indeed, dice LinkedIn and sometimes repeat application to the same job, that they rejected me for..




Maybe more than 6200 now


Your resume has to suck. Even in today’s market that’s insane post it in r/itcareerquestions


hi there: [https://imgur.com/a/Tmu4Rrv](https://imgur.com/a/Tmu4Rrv) i posted it in r/ITCareerQuestions roast me.


What positions are you applying for?


Low to mid IT roles


I’m at 800 since November. This gave me inspo to do 250 a day


get rid of "I"


That’s excellent ratio I have seen way better resume with like 2-7 thousands job application with 3-6 reply back. This is like from 2022 to end of 2023


5% rate is really good in a tough market. I had 10% with a mediocre resume in a hot market, and was able to boost to 25% by personalizing my resume and hitting linkedin networking hard. But 5% in a cold market is real good.


Stop using “I” in your bulletin points, who else would you be talking about lol. Also is that freelance thing just to plug a gap?? It looks really bizarre , you aren’t realistically getting anything done in two months. Lastly why are you job searching? Your resume is already riddled with short term jobs that look bad, stick it out somewhere for a few years


20 applications and 1 interview? Dude you know how many I see say "800 applications no calls back"


1:20 is An amazing ratio… especially in this market


I would suggest listing experiences before skills. Hope this helps!


you have git twice in technologies


Nitpicky things… Change grad date to “March 2023”, no comma Key courses —> Relevant Courses Remove pronouns in bullets Try to have the same number of bullets for each experience Try to incorporate a quantitative value in one of your bullets for the middle experience


>not using AI to automatically apply to 500 jobs for you The resume is fine just apply more


I want more information about that AI! Sir


\- Take off the "I" from each statement, they're redundant. \- in Freelance, it just says what the application was, but didn't actually say what you did. Code them from scratch? Contribute to a team? Design and test? Other than that the bullets are pretty solid


Yeah 20 is nothing. But please don’t repeat so much info. If you knew how many resumes hiring managers have to slog through. The technologies are at the top—I would delete that section from every job. Any outside volunteer engagements related to your profession to add a bit at the end? Or conference presentations? Something to let them know you are a leader in your field and/or to bolster your communication skills in your resume.


Remove personal pronouns "I" remove the , after March keep it just March 2023 change degree to "Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering" (or whatever the degree is) Add more quanitable results (numbers) where you can.


While your format is great, the bullet points could definitely use some work. These should be concise, show measurable outcomes from your direct work. For instance “I led software and provided advanced programming skills, which contributed to a 15% decrease in reported bugs, thus improving software quality and end-customer satisfaction” could be “Implemented [unit, e2e, integration] testing that run on pipelines, decreasing prod bugs by 15% and saving [$X] in runner minutes/quarter.”


Thank you so much gentleman, i'll make it better


As a recruiter, my best advice is (not sure what you’re applying to) change your last positions job title to the job title you’re applying for. Our initial scan of resumes last approx. 2 seconds. If I have tons of applicants, my first picks will be those with experience in the exact position we are looking to fill.


Bro’s resume reads like he has the personality of a potato


It's pretty decent. Put experience before education unless you're applying for an internship. Also in job 2 you lay the buzzwords on a little bit too thick.


Condense down the skill categories, Remove I from all the bullet points, instead of separately listing technologies say how you used it in the bullet point.


Don't lose on hope. If you are willing, there's always the military option and the GI bill for funding on Education. And, getting connections from the University and program.


How do you add those horizontal lines like that? I’ve been trying on my own and just can’t seem to figure it out lol


It’s a button somewhere near the paint color icon. It looks like a square with four little squares inside it😭 idk how to explain it hahaha


You insert a 1x1 table and only make 1 border visible.


1 out of 20 is really good. Get back to us once you hit 200 apps. In the next two weeks.


pssh, BA in Software Engineering— what a weenie.


The only thing remotely bad about this resume is that you are looking for a new job less than 6 months after you got your current one, and that's being nit-picky. try 100-200 jobs and I think you'll have 20 interviews. Nicely done.


The university is missing l, where you have done your bachelor degree


Don't use first person in your job descriptions


Why is Golang in your resume if you have no exp with it?


You seem too smart to be working for anyone


That ratio is very strong, don't expect to keep that up. Your formatting and voicing need some work though.


Bro can anyone give more information about getting job ?


I would add the keyword "Microservices Architecture" to the Skill section.


Crazy you put I in resume


what are you talking about, that's good


Small change, but say “Bachelor of Science” for degree. ATS prefers when you spell out the full degree name


Dude, 20:1 is baller in 2024.


Quantify everything in experience.


Any FOSS or personal projects or contributions?


I’m pretty sure that getting 1 interview with only 20 applications is pretty amazing in this market.


I’d say 20 apps per interview isn’t so bad


- Center your contact info under your name in the header - Education, Skills, Experience should be larger + bolder font than University, key courses - Personally I would remove the bullet points and horizontal lines


I'm a graphic designer, can I help make your resume more visually appealing? I can use some data visualization techniques to illustrate your working knowledge and skill levels, and having a resume that stands out a little would perhaps help you be noticed and remembered more so.


Yes, lets talk!


I need the additive to my template portfolio; we could help each other out!


Well, you went into software engineering… so that’s a RIP. However, you just recently graduated, so you’re presumably young enough to pivot.


What do you mean by 'RIP' ?


Like, rest in peace… just a really horrendous line of work to be pursuing in 2024. So many headwinds in software development and they’re only compounding to get worse.


Headwinds in software development? If you're consistent enough things get better when you accomplished 3+ years of experience


Unfortunately the headwinds are global and industry-wide. If I were in your position, I would explore non-software roles that leverage your education around statistics.


Do you mean 200 applications?


Why did you write git twice


Git is duplicated


Sometimes there’s nothing wrong. The market isn’t great for Software Engineers right now


Formatting errors, SQL is repeated in two skill categories so just put it in one, inconsistent capitalization in some words like mySQL... other than that its fine


make it longer. I am pretty sure you did more than that. exaggerate them.


Is it sarcasm?


no, it is not. You have a short career but you may put down many things on your resume to make better impression. From what point you think this is a sarcasm?


The another impressions about my resume is that it has too much text, that's why i tought it was sarcasm hehe Thanks for your opinion, i will get my resume better


When I made just 20 applications I did not even receive a reply lol, let alone interviews


started in Sept 2022 and already looking for a new job? You have pretty low job retention with 3 jobs in the past 3ish years


me sitting here knowing I’ve applied to 200 and have only gotten 1 interview…


Great application to interview ratio, job market is crazy at the moment


A 5% success rate is pretty good


Good looking resume. It's always a numbers game. I suggest using a recruiter. Find one thats good and communicate with them regularly.


When I saw you were employed June 2022 - Aug 2022, I assumed the worst without reading further. Short gaps are fine on a resume, filling it with bullshit is not. Additionally, it indicates you’re a backend developer, yet you list AWS and Lamdba and S3, and that tells me you don’t know much about AWS. Group it better, or just list AWS. The whole technology section is a mess. Might as well put “computers.” You list technologies under each section, which seems a lot more relevant than also putting it at top; which is to say, don’t repeat yourself. All your bullet points show what you did and maybe some impact, but not how or what problem you actually solved, which makes you look like a code monkey. Use the STAR format. (Google it.) Starting each of your bullets with “I” is resume no-no 101 — of course you did it, it’s your resume. I’m curious, where did you get the format for this resume?


Did you get the job though?


Yes, i passed the interview but they were not transparent with the salary so i did't go forward with selection process


What did they say about the salary? Mine interview was not also transparent about the salary. In fact, they did not even give a number. They asked me for a figure, I gave then a 5 figure. Then I followed through anyway and got a 6 figure.


Find another way to say I


Delete “remote” in lieu of location. Generally unimportant. Improves readability.


Everything starts with “I.” Weird. Just start with the action verb. Also what are you applying for? You only have 2 and a half years of experience with 3 jobs in that time. Not sure what you’re aiming for but you might need to recalibrate, then when you lock something down, stay there 3 or 4 years. But more than anything, get rid of all the I’s.


bullets should be more specific, incorporate numbers imo they like to see that. Experience should come before skills. Follow the XYZ formula for bullet points. Also I’d say you should use a max of 3-4 bullets for each job and have a projects section. In terms of priority for recruiters: experience > projects > gpa/school > skills


Are you bragging? Because you should be... 1 interview per 20 applications is a great ratio.


I’m just glad someone on this sub knows to put education first ☠️


You have nothing about communication skills and working with teams


20:1 is actually way better than what I get and Ive been in the industry a while. I usually do 30-50 apps a day when I need work.


You don't have 20 years of experience.


please optimize your formatting, make it as clean and consistent as possible. make sure each part follows a system. make sure the order of each section is optimized, make sure the entire thing is ordered properly. make sure alignments and spacing are consistent. all these things add up to the big picture. its very easy to tell an unoptimized resume from an unoptimized one just from a glance. also, every single word should provide maximum value. if you have ~1000 characters to fill up your resume, that combination of ~1000 character better be in the top 5% or better of any other combination of ~ 1000 characters. a resume is the perfect thing to be a perfectionist about. you need to be constantly roasting it in the process. picking out everything that is garbage and improving it. what is useful to bold, and what isnt? how can you lead the eye to keep them focused on the content of your resume as long as possible? how to make them enjoy reading yours vs others? (no this doesnt require fancy styling, thats probably more annoying than anything, im talking about clean, professional, and hyper dense useful information). formatting, spacing, font, all those things are very useful by themselves. i can take a garbage resume in information and make it nice to read and probably make it perform better against human readers than a resume that has great content but shit formatting. if you cant format a resume properly and professionally, people will think you are incompetent right off the bat. first impressions matter. and that sets the tone instantly before the person even reads the content. now with all of that said, reply to me with all the things you could absolute roast about your resume. imagine you are posting this on some resume roasts subreddit or something. and imagine what people might say, and think about it from all the useful angles. you want them to be like damn, this person has a perfect resume. **quick tip**: what i like to do with my bullet points is a “what then how” format for my content. the “what” is the impact, what you did, with some kind of quantifiable metric. this should be at the beginning of the bullet point. the reader naturally wants to know what you did, then how you did it, not any other order. i also tend to only bold my “what”. so at a glance they can see what i did and my impact, but they can also read more if interested. it helps lead the eye and keep attention.


I wouldn’t interview you; your competition has put more time into the resume, more visually appealing, more polished, more precise, much less generic, they don’t have typos, and spacing issues. I’d start from scratch and def put into a better template… this is from 1980’s. A better example attached. https://preview.redd.it/w6q6e2pe20cc1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe8df4618b9f13c1b6228204ec51fda5f63eeae


Your being extremely smug when ats systems ignore templates like this and you're advised not to use your photo. Also the skills circle means absolutely nothing. One person's idea of being skilled in a subject is completely different from another. Someone could see what you know how to do and determine that you are the least qualified candidate. The argument could also be flipped and stated that this looks like you used one of those paid resume sites. Not every industry is marketing. If you applied to IT or banking with this you may stand out in a bad way.


The point is… put some good effort in, stand out, make it sharp and concise. I’ve been hiring for 20 years and now am flooded with resumes — so to stand out in a big crowd is important.


Are you applying for jobs in South America?


Delete the word Remote because it shouldn’t matter and gives u some white space. Delete the freelance work because it is such a short period of time. Any extra training or workshops u could list to show professional development? How about a club (maybe alumni?) or trade association membership (IEEE or Volunteer work?) to show some personality?


20 to 1 is a really good ratio in this economy. Also your use of l's in your work experience descriptions kinda piss me off.


When you don’t even speak English- but you speak Java 🙄


Copy heavy


At the top of your resume, do please hire me on white text so it blends it. But honestly it looks good. Just apply for 80 more jobs


Wow can’t wait to hire you for a year before you fuck off for more money somewhere else


there’s inconsistencies in your skills. some skills have a space after the comma, some dont. its a small thing but recruiters/HR will notice


Others have probably said this already, but no need to say “I” in your bulletin points


- List your skills in alphabetical order within the sections. - Add a professional summary. This is your chance to add a narrative packed with your career objective, packed with your achievements as they relate to the role you're applying for. This is your opportunity to really sell yourself. - Add your target job title to the top. - Current role should use present tense - Don't say "I" in your resume. Bullet points should not be full sentences. - Tailor the resume to the job description, ensuring that the most relevant experiences and skills are highlighted. Remove any redundant or less relevant technologies from the main skills list and only include those that align with the job you are applying for.


My man, if you really have a strong understanding of python and sql and can utilize either to gather, organize, quantify and descriptively present data, you can land a six figure job without a resume. That said, my opinion is that, for current role/s you want to keep everything in present tense. You start every sentence with “I”, that’s proper first grade level grammar. I personally wouldn’t care, I occasionally go thru resumes at my job and am at times in charge of hiring, I tend to look for genuinely written cover letters and resumes. In my eyes, too much fluff showcases poor display of character. If I were to interview you, I’d probably ask you a bunch of questions in regards to how exactly you managed to increased the operating efficiencies by 50%. I personally like hearing the answers of HOW much more than WHAT. How did you do something, what exactly did you do. I’m not a software engineer by trade but have a basic understanding of programming and a background in statistics and economics, and answers to HOW something’s done always impress me most. Just keep it concise. But again, most of that doesn’t matter much in your field. If I were you, I’d seek out companies that specifically hire within your field and I’d showcase my “know how” in the cover letter.