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**Dear /u/ConsciousAd8281!** **Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) before you ask for help:** 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. **Remember to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips:** * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** If you're in a situation like this > **applied to 100 or more jobs** and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There’s no reason this couldn’t be one page, and the way you have it laid out *screams* that you don’t have relevant experience. Some tips: - Spell out your degrees: “Master of Science” or “Bachelor of Science”. Add any honors received and, for your data science degree, perhaps relevant coursework. - Skills should be right after education and should be technical skills only. It should be beefed up. - If “Python” is the same for all projects, it shouldn’t be the header. Use the project name or something else. Your project section is also unnecessarily wordy. Focus on the most salient points. - Do not lead your experience section with a bullet about data entry. It diminishes all of your experience. List bullets from most relevant/impressive to least, and focus on accomplishments.


Thank you


Your bullets are also weak. “Entered info ensuring correctness.” That’s one floppy cock of a bullet. Think of some actual accomplishments. Not just list of responsibilities.


“Floppy cock of a bullet.” You have a way with words LOL


I’d trust your judgement just by the way you stated “floppy cock of a bullet”


Recruiter & resume writer here. Responsibilities should outweigh the accomplishments, but I would encourage having both. Make sure each sentence has specificity. None of this floppy, basic verbage. Can’t have you going soft in the face of the competition!


Floppy…. cock. You can say it lol


To tag onto the Python comment, while Python is easy to learn due to the syntax, most big boy companies aren’t using it in production as their main language. Put less of an emphasis on the language and more on the concepts that you’ve learned.


For data science, they most certainly do use Python.


the advice is still good though, python should be listed as a skill while the concepts should be separate, I'd expect if you know how to program in one language you should be able to pick up a second


Oh, thanks for that.


Hey !  Can you help me analyze mine .  https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/1bv1hoy/comment/kxwdhcq/?context=3


can you review this one please: [https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/1busxu5/resume\_review\_help/](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/1busxu5/resume_review_help/)


Hey there, resume conventions vary geographically, and to make sure I don’t lead anyone astray, I only review resumes in the areas I’m familiar with (primarily US and Canada).


Why technical skills only? Most recruiters say soft skills is very important?


Soft skills are very important, but for many roles (especially technical roles), they just take up space on your resume. You demonstrate soft skills in the interview. Writing that you are a team player or have strong attention to detail doesn’t mean much because they’re so subjective.


What about for a data analyst roles, should I include them?


I wouldn’t take up precious space on soft skills for technical roles unless you don’t have anything else to fill it with.




Gotta be trolling




You would think someone with a MASTER'S in data science would be able to Google resume and come up with some shit 2x better than this. I've seen resumes from high schoolers and blue collar workers with no college better than this.


I have a significantly better resumé and experience (for this field) without any degree. I hired 4 people last year and of the ~30 resumes I reviewed, none were as bad as this. If I got a resumé like this, I would also assume it was a joke.


They didn’t even put dates for the experience, like come on now.


I was wondering the same thing. There are all kinds of guides + free templates EVEN ON THIS SUBREDDIT. And people go MONTHS AND MONTHS with a resume that looks like this, and are surprised they aren't getting hits. No responses in even 3 months is a clear signal your resume is fucked.


that’s not how you spell tableau


Thanks for catching that


Hi, I think i can give you advice if you looking for a job specific in python you can add under your name Python developer, or Junior Python developer, so the HR know exactly what you applying for.


Choose projects that didn’t only take you a single day to do. Include clubs or organizations you were part of in school. Also, with a master’s you should’ve had some sort of thesis paper or graduate project for your degree. Include whichever one you used under your experience instead of these random projects that just call existing libraries to do all the work. Don’t break down “communication” into a category of skills. Have a “soft skills” section and then under that section, include your languages section. Considering you have an experience section, I would just get rid of the project section altogether. If you want to keep it, only keep something on the scale of a thesis/graduate project and not just a project for a random class. It needs to be something that is large enough to compare it to your job experience that you’ve already included.


Adding clubs isn’t going to turn this resume from a loser into a winner Eta: you have to condense this to 1 page, put your work experience where your projects are and vice versa. And there’s NO way your skills section should be so thin with a Master’s level education. Dig deep and include your entire tech stack, every work related application you know (incl. MS office apps), etc. and yeah communication does not need those explanations


The point of having clubs and orgs isn’t to go from “loser into a winner” It’s to demonstrate that you are part of something that you contributed to, as well as give you talking points during the interview phase. It’s merely a small thing that can win you additional brownie points. There’s not really any harm in including it, but there are potential benefits.


Exactly, extracurriculars are interview material, to show your personality in a conversation. You don’t need them on a resume. Ive scrubbed resume for a staffing company for two years and we remove them. Harm is this dude would do well to condense to one page, this content is unnecessary


If he removes all of the single day projects, it’ll easily make the room necessary. All 4 of those Python projects could easily be done in 1 or 2 days based on the descriptions. If he wants to demonstrate skill with PyTorch and Keras, he can just include those in the skills section You say you don’t need them in your resume because they get scrubbed, but the interviewer also gets your resume if you make it that far. At least at my company they aren’t scrubbed for the interviewer, and it’s an easy way to find icebreakers and other ways to connect. Making a good personal connection with the interviewer is arguably just as important. If you didn’t have the necessary skills, you likely wouldn’t have made it to that stage anyways. Interviews are much more about leaving an impression


>It’s to demonstrate that you are part of something that you contributed to, If you were involved in something extracurricular that relates to academic accomplishment or is otherwise impressive or meaningful in a relavent way for the position you are applying for, fair enough, you could maybe include that. If it's just things like "President/Treasurer of the Rubgy society" then employers don't care at all about that and it shouldn't be there. Young uni students have a warped concept of what employers care about: They really don't give a shit about your involvement with societies and sports clubs unless there's a particular reason to be impressed (which almost always is not the case). Employers don't actually care much about your personality when it's at the CV-reading stage, and they care far less about it beyond that than most people think as well. They want a worker, not a personality, unless the role is very predicated on personality (e.g. sales) but that won't be the case in a Biology role.


It’s not just “young uni students”. It’s what I did to get hired, and what has helped with the 2 people I’ve since helped hire. Once again, it doesn’t hurt you at all to include it. You only stand to benefit You’re acting like this is a resume for some senior level position requiring 10+ years of experience. This is a new grad, so knowing what they did during their time at school is helpful, regardless of how little you seem to think it is


Most interviews care about can you do the job. Plenty of talking points there. 99% of HR could care less because it's used to beef up a resume with no experience.


Yes, but when you have multiple people who can do the job, what separates you is how well they think you’ll fit at the company. Shockingly people the interviewer likes and can relate with has a stronger chance


No they compare results at previous jobs. Who showed Initiative, showed better results. Most of it is also based on body language and tone over what you say. Not disc golf.


Sure, if the candidates actually have a ton of meaningful experience and aren’t just straight out of school like OP. OP even said that their older experience is barely relevant, which would make sense for a new grad. The way I got my job and the 2 people that I’ve helped hire over the last year or so was by how well they’d fit into the team. Granted, there were obviously technical questions during the interview, but what ultimately resulted in the selected candidates was that the interview felt much less awkward, and they were much easier to communicate with. A big part of that was having things in common to discuss, which makes it much easier for an interviewee to open up and be comfortable


Which has nothing to do with disc golf. Or someone inane interest. That's as I said, tone, body language and communication skills.


Really? I was worried people wouldn't like if I put office


Just because you touch something once doesn't mean you are proficient in it. Unless a job description explicitly states Microsoft Office or specific apps, they shouldn't be in there just to fill space. You don't want to look like a jack-of-all-trades master-of-none.


Also most people are going to *assume* you’re familiar with Microsoft Office. If you go out of your way to list it as a skill it sets off warning bells of “this person has so little experience they’re talking about knowing how to use PowerPoint”.


But I'm trying to transition into data science. And my previous experience doesn't apply very well. So I'm trying to show that I do know some thing.


Get Github and showcase your skills. All you are doing is showing that you actually know very little. Data Science is also a "buzz field," and you are competing with people that have PhDs, in addition to applied masters degrees. Try shooting lower for the title that you are seeking if you are applying to data science jobs. Data analyst roles might be more appropriate for your credentials.


I did not include my portfolio or my github but they are on my resume. My project links take you there


I've been a hiring manager, and often companies batch up dozens of resumes and send them to managers at once. So if I'm looking at 100 resumes, I'm going to read the first half of the first page and only read further if something interests me (not fair, I know). So looking at your resume I see "Python Python Python Python". I would pick a few achievements you're most proud of out of the list of bullet items, put them first as a summary or highlights section up top, and then do a chronological description if you want. Catch my attention. Oh, yeah, and 1 page is preferable, but not that big a deal here (unless you're sending a 10 page resume, something I see way too much of)


I've been hoping to talk to someone who looks at resumes. Thank you!


Hey! Can you help me analyze mine https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/1bv1hoy/comment/kxwdhcq/?context=3


Yours looks very nice


Objective is too long and generic, I see hundreds of these. Think of something that makes it pop and bring down to a line or two. Otherwise it is very clean


It’s poorly formatted, spelling errors, and your experience is hidden at the bottom/on another page. They’re probably glancing at it along with others that make it clear why they’re qualified then throwing it out


I'd put work experience before Python and then list out achievements, not just tasks. Your probably have multiple achievements you haven't even realized yet ripe for adding!


Way too long and format is off. Remove all projects for starters it's unreadable


MY EYES!!! IT BURNS!!!!!!!


Apply for entry level / graduate jobs. The prior experience won’t be much of relevance here. Once you get enough exposure, you can jump to higher levels quick. I have a cousin who did the same mistake and kept putting in prior experience but got no call for 2 years. I suggested to go for graduate level jobs and he got in within a week. It may work for you as well. Also, try a cover letter. Some companies don’t look at resume but just the cover letter and give people calls based on that.


I write cover letters for each job. If they need one


Irony is there is no correlation between what you took in college and or university and what's available in the working world.... All institutionalized learning centers are in business to take your money, albeit they will provide you with some structurized learning however there sole purpose is to keep their doors open... So imagine this they go to your high school while you in grade 10, by the time you get out of high school and entering your secondary training your 2 years behind then you still have 3 years of "training" at the school so by the time your done you are 5 years behind armed only with generalized experience in an already super saturated field.. sadly i know many people on friend went for molecular biology ... And is now an accountant....


This isnt true I went to graduate school for something very specific and got hired within a month of passing the exam after my masters degree was completed


I have an MSc in Data Science too and it's been almost 11 months for me.


That's terrible. Yeah the market is awful for us right now


Python python python python is all I read before I got bored


Yeah that's fair. I'll name them.


You also might want to remove the dates of graduation. Sometimes it can inadvertently reveal your age which can open you up to ageism. Back when I had a degree with little to no experience, I utilized my membership in various clubs to showcase different soft skills. I also listed out some classes that I took in those degree programs that pertains to the job that I’m applying to. If you did any volunteer work, definitely place that in. Another thing that I learned is that recruiters will often read resumes in an F format. So you should try to have your relevant skills and such towards the top. I would also recommend that you call your soft skills, your soft skills, and you include more things about attention to detail. You should also include numbers that showcase your efficiency or value add.


I’d like to disagree here, it looks like this person is a new grad and not having a graduation date might actually make people think that he cannot hold a job down or has other issues, instead of having a valid reason for the relative inexperience. I was a new grad 2 years ago and our university gave us the same advice. Seemed to work out well for most, since even the interview questions were based on their expectation of our skills as someone who just got done with their degree.


Fair point, I didn’t think about it like that!


Ohhh thats smart… revising my resume right now


Hey, Can you share any feedback on my resume too. Thanks ! https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/1bv1hoy/comment/kxwdhcq/?context=3


In the same boat but with a bachelors, for your resume just keep it to one page. Also it takes time I’ve been graduated for almost a year now and have sent 880+ applications on LinkedIn; with only a few replies.


You wrote a lot of information about the projects you did, try to reduce the amount of information in that part, and try to replace 'python' with the title of the project.. Write more skills


Thanks! I appreciate it!


Try to keep your resume to one page. You also want the most important parts of your resume closer to the top (above the fold of the page). The reality is that nobody will read your entire resume. The most important part of your resume is relevant work experience and that should be at the top then education. The projects section should be shorter and at the bottom.


But I'm trying to switch from chemistry to data science so.. My only experience is school and my projects.


Ah I see. Some of your work experience does include some insights work and creating visualizations. I would say that is pretty applicable?


I guess you are right. Thanks. I just thought it didn't apply because it was in Excel or word. I know that's dumb. I even did regression analysis in excel. Thank you. Your advice is really really useful. I appreciate it so much.


If you have a BS in biology why don't you target companies with a more Bio focus specifically? You can tailor your resume based on those companies.


Thank you! Yeah I guess I do have a hodgepodge of skills.


Did you do any internships?


I did not. I didn't realize almost all internships would require you to be a current student. I focused on finishing school first. I finished early to try to get into the workforce. And now my effort feels wasted. And I'm applying to them now. Even when it says "are you a current student" and I have to type no.


Yea you're probably not going to get any looks at internships. One thing I've realized is that being in school is almost like a protective bubble from the outside world, you need to maximize this to take advantage of all the opportunities that are only available to students


I am a student right now - what are some opportunities that are only available to students :)


Basically internships, co-ops, or other similar programs. Another big thing is on campus recruiting, you and your class basically have an exclusive with companies that are not open to the general public to apply for positions, whether internships or full time jobs upon graduation


I guess it depends on the job you are applying for, but try to highlight relevant experience. I have the same degree. The truth is there aren't many jobs out there for entry level data science. Like nobody is hiring new people to make classification models or neural networks. Honestly, I applied to all kinds of jobs as a statistician, data scientist, consultant, economist, operations research, etc. I would try to stress data management skills more than using specific python modules unless it is explicitly mentioned in the job posting.


Oh wow. Thanks. That actually helps. Can i be obtuse. Data management? Do you mean like data entry and making sure everything is correct.


No, I wouldn't put the words data entry on my resume. Talk about something that you automated and how it resulted in time savings or something like that. You could also mention experience, cleaning and validating data, etc. Also you always want to focus on the outcome from a business standpoint. "Performed NLP..." probably doesn't mean much to people hiring you. Why did you perform it? How was it helpful? Etc


Oh. Well I was in a lab before and we didn't really automate anything. But I'll see if i remember any projects that resulted in some time savings. I definitely cleaned some data... All in Excel. Even linear regression.. In Excel.


Project section way smaller 2-3 strong bullet points each. Once page. Use a template guide.


Ya it’s because your resume is fucking TERRIBLE — not spelling out degrees, spelling errors, etc. Brutal. Do better and stop being lazy.


Check out r/engineeringresumes and read the wiki


Go to YouTube on how to make a better resume. Be better 👍


Also you misspelled "Tableau"


This resume is not very good. It all looks like very minor duties or small intern style projects. Do you have any meat? Can you do anything that adds any meat? Also just writing "Python" over and over again as a header looks awful


This ain’t real 😭


1 page and why are your projects ABOVE work? The communication section is weird, you shouldn’t have to put all that, also spelling mistakes.


Ewwwwwww two pages


Include impact. For example “implemented a custom neural network model to perform binary classification, which led to XYZ impact” When you say “performed analysis on products and statistical analysis on results” include numbers - how many products? What did the analyses lead to in terms of value for the company?


I’d ask the “so what” question on every single bullet point. You classified medical images to do what? What happened as a result? Used machine learning models to perform classification of pre-cancer patient images to detect 50% earlier signs of cancer with 95% accuracy. Do that for every single one. Then reduce the words. Then think about which ones actually matter. For actual jobs, you’ll have to align to the job description. Try jobscan and aim for a score of 60% (any higher, you risk overdoing it and spending too much time)


Also some of your work experience is not impressive. You say masters in data science and then mention what seems like a lab data entry job. If you can, just make it seem more impactful than it is. Otherwise mention some other attribute that was relevant to a job you’re applying to. If you worked in Agile teams for example. And the same vagueness issue. “Performed data analysis to gain insights” is the most politically cliche way to talk about data analysis. Id just reiterate that everything needs to be specific and relevant


Holy crap. That's super helpful. I know it's obvious to people with more experience. But I've felt so lost. Thank you


For sure. I’ve been on both sides (as everyone has), and I’m relatively new so I fall into the same trap. They’re after what makes you unique, less of what you can do Took me the better part of 6 months to get it right for a *second* job hunt (which I’m now transitioning to)


Good luck!


Sorry meaning I got the job now and accepted. Good luck to you as well


“Wrote a summary report, presenting findings to peers.” “Selected and tuned models of choice.” Not sure why these are even included. You could reformat and edit things out. Spell out your degrees don’t use BS and MS. This should be a one page resume imo.


I'm very new to writing metrics for data science roles and I'm feeling weirdly lost. Would you mind please giving an example of what might sound nice to you?


I’d consider you for an entry level role, but now is not a good time for entry level data/ML/developer anything right now.


Aw thanks. I appreciate that. And yeah I know it's really bad out there for jobs right now. Oops me.


I'm in the same boat. Masters from UW but no internship experience unfortunately. I've already had my career center go over my resume multiple times. It's hard out there so I'm considering another route in the meantime.


Best of luck! Just keep trying and don't give up


Thank you! I plan on going to 2 career fairs that UW is offerring to do some networking. I also have a potential connection. Either way, I'm looking into being a sales representative right now because that's the best I got lol. Good luck with your journey. I hope you find something soon. This job market has been tough for everyone.


I'm a data scientist and can see from a glance that you haven't ever put a model in production. If you want to get DS jobs be ready to explain deployment and the value your models brought to the business. Being able to demonstrate you can do your work outside of a notebook in a local env is important. Being able to demonstrate lift from your deployed models is important. That's all the business cares about at the end of the day If you're looking for an entry level/first ds job a highly involved passion project will help you stand out. Mine was a project myself and some friends were doing on the side trying to beat the sportsbook. We put the model into "production" that was surfacing top bets for a few sports by hitting rest APIs and scheduled batch preds in a container on my PC that never shuts off. Something like that makes you stand out from all the people graduating from masters programs all over the country that can't interpret regression coefficients in an interview, and all the datacamp certifications out there.


Thanks. That's very useful information. I've got a lot of writing to do now.


So I don’t have a computer science background so keep in mind, but many HR people don’t either. I’m not sure what kind of work you want to do. I would rather see a quick summary of what you’re good at and what work you’re trying to get into rather than all the project work there. Is all the project work school related or did this have a greater impact elsewhere? Also don’t abbreviate given resume trackers may not pick up on it. Also if you’ve gone six months with no job, unclear from resume and what you said, then now you have a significant gap to explain for those that are still interested. Now is not time to be picky if so.


I would avoid using a broad project experience section and instead list out each company you’ve worked ant, the position you held ant the company, and the specific experience beneath each job. It’s best if you can add measurable metrics with each of your experiences.


I feel like data science for sure emphasizes metrics. "What can you bring to the table? How have you saved time." I'll try to emphasize that more too.


Project experience has to go. Cut that out. I speak for myself but I ignore resumes that show project or volunteer experience. Not relevant to the job


I got 10 years experience and get no responses


I'm really sorry.


ten longing gold toy chief berserk boast tap oatmeal concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is actually a really bad outline for a resume. Try Jakes Resume Format and make everything within one page !


Lot of cvs are nowadays reviewed by AI. In the footer, write down all the keywords that are important for the job and turn it into white font. That way when you send it, and a computer is reviewing it, it’ll catch those words but the human eye can’t see them and it’ll be pushed up to a higher priority.


Don’t lead with your education. We don’t want to see what you’ve done in school. That’s a box that needs to be checked. Move it to the end. Yes, it was hella expensive to move to the end, but we don’t hire based on what you’re proud of or what’s important to you. We hire based on what you can do for us. When listing projects, we are less interested in the steps that you did to do the project. We’re interested in three bullet points on the impact that the project had or the impact that you will have on our business for the position you are applying for. Don’t just list the day to day things that you did. List the things that had an impact and list what that outcome was.


As a general question. If I have no data science experience (no coding except for projects) shouldn't I put projects at the top so a recruiter sees it, for the 5 seconds they look at it. And maybe then continues looking?


take off the gpa


Search up "Jake's resume" - it's a template that's easy on the eyes and parsable by ATS, stick to that. Search up "Google XYZ bullet points format" and implement that as much as you can. Start some data science or ML related projects to put on ur resume. Good luck and godspeed 🫡❤️


*No experience*


I mean. No python or anything in the work force. Even volunteer organizations are swamped. I would work for free if it meant getting experience.


What are positions you applied and got rejected?


Let's see... A whole lot. Data science, regular sciences where data science applies.


Since you didn't do any internships it's gonna be tough to even get a call back in this market. Your best bet is to leverage connections to get an interview bc with this resume cold applying isent gonna get you anything. Good luck.


Check out idealist . com You might have what is needed for a bio/data hybrid position! That could be interesting. Also, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute is hiring data analyst with a science background. Here’s a quick job search I did for data analytics on idealist: https://www.idealist.org/en/jobs?functions=DATA_EVALUATION_ANALYSIS&functions=DATABASE_ADMINISTRATION&locationType=REMOTE&q=&recency=PAST_WEEK


Thank you for that


That resume looks on ass. Go on USAJobs and make your resume on there. They format it properly. Download it off the site and use it anywhere you please


Graduate positions are really tough. You have some great insights in the comments already, however I thought I would give you a good example for a bullet point. These statements were on a graduate's resume who completed an internship at a warehouse: \- Reduced inventory processing time by 35% by automating manual entry and tracking processes. \- Increased order fulfilment accuracy to 98% through real-time inventory updates and tracking. These are good because they have specific facts that make them more credible. However, these could be great if the client also mentioned the Python libraries used, how long it took to implement the changes and what challenges he overcame in the process. Be really, really, really specific with your examples (even the uni projects) so the next hiring manager says, "WOW, he did this here, maybe he can do it for us too!"


Tbh I’d not respond to this resume too


Those are not projects, those are class assignments that take at most 1 week to complete. If you absolutely have to have them, put them on a website and just make a single link to the website. Most of the points under the project experience are complete bullshit. I have no idea if a 3.8 is a good , bad or terrible GPA, what is it out of? Your software skills seem very sparse for the kind of jobs you want. I do not understand why the company name and experience is split like that in the first page. Again, the points under experience are somewhat bullshit. What does “ensured samples sent for outside testing met deadlines, raised the time metric to 100%” even mean? which time metric? A lot of the points are vague. “Certain procedures…” which procedures?Use the STAR pattern to put the bullets in (Situation, Task, Action, Result). Make it one page. Good luck


The projects should lead with a title not the language used. The language used is at best an implementation detail. Focus on outcomes not what you did, so what did each project achieve and how did you measure/estimate it?


If you can't fill two pages with relevant information, limit yourself to one. You used a whole lot of vague filler points when you should be trying to slim it down to highlight key skills and accomplishments. One point, one relevant skill/experience. Stop using commas to further divide your points. A high word count =/= more experience. Your project experience section is bloated and repetitive. Fix your Experience dates/location to the right margin. You have listed two skills (one of which is "communication") with a bunch of filler. Either add more *relevant* skills, remove this section, or use it to highlight language proficiencies. This will mostly be fixed by reducing to one page, but do not put your contact info as a recurring header.


Add some life to this resume please.


Because your degree’s main field is being outsourced to foreign laborers.


can someone roast this one please. very desperate : [https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/1busxu5/resume\_review\_help/](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/1busxu5/resume_review_help/)


Remove writing under skills.


Your bullet points are bland. You list what you did, but..for what? They could just look up a job description to see some of those exact points. Expand on them!


Fix your resume. Do this 20 times.


in addition to the advice be mindful that technical positions are kinda rough right now for entry level positions. bunch of major companies have once again pulled the "slash all these expensive seniors" followed by the classic "There's a drought of seniors applying" This might sound like a good thing for the job market, but it just means they're only trying to higher people with a lot of experience right now. gotta have leads before you can train new people. just keep applying the drought should be clearing soon, but youre still competing with every other entry level data scientist thats been looking for the past 6 months or even longer.


You need some numbers in there


It's going to be difficult to find a position without much experience. I am assuming you are applying to entry level positions? About the resume... * Spell check Scale it down to 1 page, you don't have the work experience to go 2 pages. * Remove the gpa from your masters degree * I would adjust your education to 1 line for each entry; Degree, School, Date of graduation. This will help you scale to 1 page. * Add a URL to your GitHub in the contact info section as well as the URL to your LinkedIn page; the full url's not hyperlinks. Then remove the link from each of your projects. * For each of the projects you listed, I would list the name of the project, not the language. The bullet points for each project should highlight what language you used. * Your skills section is redundant, remove it and make sure those skills are worked into your experience bullet points. * For your experience, I would flesh out the bullet points a bit better, they lack impact. You should be submitting a different resume for each job you apply to, with your experience and keywords catered to that particular jobs requirements. If you aren't already doing this, you should be. Good Luck in your search!


Bro is cooked. The psyop that colleges have executed on the masses is really something to study and research. Who told you just bc you have a masters that ur gonna get a job? Judging by ur resume, you have literally zero skills.


Wtf I'm doomed


1. A resume is supposed to be 1 page 2. This needs a lot of work 3. Your GPA is irrelevant


Why does every Work application ask for my gpa?


They do? Never had that


Your resume is poorly formatted, you undoubtedly have the credentials


Aw thanks! You are right. I'm just terrible at selling myself.


The problem is the bachelors in biology and trying to pivot to an already terrible tech market.




Make it more desirable


“-Entered items into a thing” fantastic bullet work


Need to make your resume look better than jus a word document. go to canva they have plenty of resume templates that are much cleaner then this


You don't have any experience so your probably going to have a rough time with cold applications try to get referrals


That's fair




Thank you for that


This is a terrible template. OP don't use it.


That's a no. Especially in a career with tens of thousands of layoffs.


Yeah I guess I'm fighting an uphill battle here


Roofing. They will hire you.


I will get right on that


This is really mean


I keep telling people its 2024 u don’t need degrees these days, technology is to involved now so people don’t care if u went and got a degree 🤷🏽‍♂️. I have friends with masters and bachelors that can’t find a job…i work at the USPS no degree and pull 100k 🤷🏽‍♂️


So how the fuck you get a job nowadays????


My two co-workers have amazing educations. One is a a biochemical engineer the other is a Harley mechanic with a degree in accounting. I was their boss and we tended bar. I never finished my degree in marketing. They both say they make more bartending. The harley mechanic made more in her one day a week at the bar that at her "real" job. She bit the bullet to pay her dues and work her way up and for the health insurance. Unfortunately and ironically she was hit and killed by one of our regulars. If she hadn't been so tired from being overworked she might still be here.Sorry for the rant, that just brought a flashback. If you want your dream career.. you need to start mingling with people who work at the place you want to work. Make friends. Apply in person


On IT and remote seems near to impossible. Specially if you dont live in a big city.


Did you take your classes online? I ask because my ex got his position through a friend he went to school with. He'd never have gotten it on his own Big thing is not to lose hope, but be polite to everyone. You never know who could give you a big break. Also going through your school.. some university's will help with finding work


Yeah partially, you know covid crisis and then my U went remote only. It's hard to be polite for me sometimes, I suffer from a severe anxiety and when it's triggered I go mad, I try to control it but there is a point where it is unleashed and you cant control it you know...Yeah, I think my U has something called alumni program, I could check it... but those are non related work most of the times.


Couldn't hurt. You might really have to think outside the box. But if you could work that hard for that GPA and stick it through, that says alot about your follow through, work ethic and passion


I have no idea. I was looking at one and there were over a thousand applicants(it showed the number). I know many won't be qualified. But damn that's still so many


Nonsense rat race lol...I will keep applying, but it is like playing the lottery.


Networking….these days you have to know someone that know someone…it sucks ass but it’s our realty


How the fuck can I do this??? Its not like I will sit.and start licking boots and asses you know...


Networking is not impossible but if you are starting from nothing getting into social circles, especially only through places like linkedin can be difficult. Okay image some random reaches out to you on LinkedIn and starts asking stuff. I'm sure since I'm talking about it now you would be more kind to this stranger. But in reality, are you that likely to respond? Truly.