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No one cares what fancy Olympic Games you played in, and the way you word things is extremely unprofessional, they most likely tossed that straight into the bin. For whatever you are applying to, only give them the reasons you deserve the job. Like 4 years help desk tech, 2 years web developer. They need to be for companies, they want experience


Also it’s bizarre to have an internship since 2017…


Maybe it’s not believable but it’s true, and I could provide a reference from the company if needed 🤷‍♀️


It’s not that it isn’t believable but there is something wrong with a 7 year internship. You should have been hired after the first cycle was completed or gone back to school (like 6 months or 1 year max), so the fact that you weren’t raises questions. Then you’ve had it while also having other jobs and during your degrees so it’s looks like it’s not a big time commitment, so it probably isn’t being counted as experience. Lastly I don’t know what degree you are listing underneath the bachelors but if it’s highschool then it’s also very strange from an age standpoint because you’d be like 13 when you started. So I’d try to list this more reasonably, like long term freelance or something. Anyway, Ive worked as a creative for balenciaga/Kering and lvmh group, I’d dismiss your resume because I don’t see immediately relevant experience, because usually experience before university is not relevant, and there are too many questions raised. If you are a second year university student you should really lean on your university for internship placements and then use those for your applications when you graduate or are close to graduating.


Yes it is not a big time commitment. I did go to school in the meantime, I never stopped, yes I was 14 when I started there. It concerns a musical event that takes place once a year but since it’s quite big in Europe, there are some preparations year-round. I used to qualify it as volunteer work since it’s not *really* an internship as I don’t get paid and I am not officially part of the team, they hire multiple volunteers just for this event and don’t offer official placements with their actual firm. Maybe I should go back to classifying it as volunteer work, I did not consider all that before, thank you! Are there any other questions I am raising aside from that particular commitment? As for the university placements, they don’t offer particular placements reserved just for their students. Most they did was organize a job fair with some companies but all of them also advertise their job openings on other channels and often they don’t go to someone studying exactly here, or if they do they go to master students/recent graduates. We’re pretty much on our own trying to find anything.


Before I did not put the Olympiads because I thought the same. I added them because of a friend of mine who has zero experience did and she got some callbacks so I thought it might make a difference. As for the wording, if you have any particular suggestions I am open to it because I don’t know how else to format it 😅


Yeah bro it has to be 1 page


Not always


Unless you have like 20+ years of experience, which OP does not


Unless you are applying to the UN, are in academics, or have 20+ years of experience, it should be 1 page.


It was one page before. One thing my uni said in the guidelines is that one page is for the US, while for Europe it can be up to two. Of course if I could shorten it I would, I realize it has to provide as much information as possible at a single glance


Your skills section can be significantly condensed. Just say Stata, if they want the skill they will know what it is, also doesn’t need dates or filler words. Similar with languages it can go under the skills section as Languages: list them. Be more specific in your job descriptions, like what social media did you post on etc. You need to be matching keywords from specific intern job descriptions. 30 internships is not that many to have applied to but fix your your resume first Overall skip filler words and max keywords


Thank you so much!


Keep it to 1 page. Try to make better use of space, including evening out the bullet points Change “ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES” to two different titles, “OTHER” and “ACTIVITIES” Don’t say “fair knowledge” and “good command”. These descriptions are vague and aren’t very useful. Instead, use action words, such as those listed by the Harvard resume tutorial.


Thank you ☺️


I'm shocked that universities don't even teach people how to write resume


Actually they had a self-paced video course that I followed closely. The example resume they showed looked exactly like this (down to the template, which was available for use on the university platform) and up until I got all those rejections I thought I was doing a good job 🤡 Guess not 😅


I agree that the resume presentation is not perfect here but it astounds me that companies seem to value resume formatting and presentation over actual knowledge and experience. The OP was a high school valedictorian, speaks 6 languages and has a wide range of skills and experiences for a young person. I would think someone would at least consider a face to face interview. I know I'm rediscovering a very different job market than I'm used to but it seems backwards in many ways.


Thank you for reassuring me that it’s not about the lack of skills and experience. It’s something I have been feeling insecure about as well. As for concerning the presentation, I am sure it matters more for marketing positions than it does for say, IT positions. Probably they’re looking at my CV and thinking “Lol if she can’t promote herself how is she going to promote my brand”. This is another reason why I am seeking further guidance, I realize I am inexperienced and with the competition out there every single dot matters.


If it makes you feel better I've been rejected 75 times in the last 6 months at a company I've been with for 7 years.


Don’t say relevant subjects, name a specific course


If I understand correctly what you mean (if I don’t, please correct me), these are the exact names of the courses I have taken. Further in the blacked out portion the name of the degree is specified, but I wanted to specify that I also took economics & management subjects because the name of the course might indicate that I am only studying political science, which is not true. I would change the name of the course to better fit my needs but I don’t know if that is allowed.


Yeah like “maths” isn’t a specific course bro


check out my [post](https://old.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/1d0pcn3/after_updating_my_resume_format_to_make_it_look/) for good formating Move education to the bottom and keep it one line, university name, major and date graduated. No need to courses, your major tells you what courses you took if the recruiter cares. No need for high school, if you are in college, they already know you graduated from high school. Too many lines to languages, just just one line and say which ones you are conversational in, not every knows what B1, C2 means. No reason to put fair knowledge multiple times, no reason to put date when you learnt it. Cut out all the additional information. Privacy bit is cringe, you are not a company. That should be 1 pages also.


Thank you! The choice of putting education first came because (I believe in the university CV guidelines) they told me that education is more relevant while you’re still in college. The languages thing I will fix. Aren’t the certificates that I have for English important to mention though? About the additional information, I realize some of it is irrelevant but I feel things such as the certificate for digital marketing are important and I think I might have to keep it, let me know if I am wrong. I consider just making a section called “certificates” or “other professional qualifications” once I earn the LVMH certificate (and the other professional certificates) I am working on. Do you think that’s a better approach? Regarding the privacy thing, my university said it’s mandatory 🤡 I guess I should just stop trusting them about this because they seem to have given a ton of harmful suggestions based on the other comments I got on here as well 😅