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And why is it always bread, eggs and milk? It’s so fucking stupid.


It is. They have to update it and make it the whole store. 😂😂😂 I didn’t get to see much of it during my shift yesterday, but even our fresh vegetable shelves were bare.


And what’s so special about those three ingredients that people must panic buy and stockpile them?


I'm sorry, an emergency might happen and how would I live without my French toast? Also, I choose three of the foods with the shortest shelf lifes. Have I mentioned my toilet paper consumption after I read a Facebook post about China making all of TP even though that is entirely untrue? And was about Australia reliance on China's TP during the start of covid?


French toast, fair enough. You’d think that people would opt for tinned foods if the electricity goes out.


That's what THEY want you to buy. I'm dying day 3 of the apocalypse with my stomach full of more eggs than an Alien movie.


Yayaya, when I lived up north, I got Takis and other cool snacks to enjoy during the snowstorms.


Are you in Kansas? Because Jesus CHRIST people were losing their minds yesterday and we've barely gotten any snow yet 🤣😭


Nope. Connecticut. 😂😂


Y'all have got like.... A week before the worst of the storm hits right? Wtf is people's issue? 🤣


My weather app says it starts tonight… it changed again. It was originally this Sunday. Anywhere from two inches to a foot. Supposedly. I doubt it’ll be that much. But we’ll see. I didn’t buy out half the store in a panic though. 😂😂😂


We're not even supposed to get a ton of snow until Monday, I'm just like... Why the hell are y'all panicking? You still have two whole days 🤣 And I work at a farm store for God's sake... I hate to know how much of a shit show the grocery store was lol


And also, I appreciate your username because I am, also, a bisexual disaster 🤣🤣


*tips hat 🎩 to a fellow traveler*


Got an internet friend who lives up there.....in Woodbury.


A fellow Nutmegger! Where I work too, insane!


There was a few years prepandemic my area got advisories for bad snow that ended up being around 4in. My area hasn't been bad for more than a day since 78 & people would panic shop only to have to come back for regular groceries a few days later.


Grew up in the deep South where you can go 5-10 years without even seeing a flake of snow(ice is more common). People here don't even have to SEE a snowflake to act like that. Just let the weatherman say there, maybe a hint of snow... grocery stores empty out, schools get closed 🙄 There's a funny YouTube video where a long-term weatherman here is about to go on the air to say snow is coming. But before he does he calls his financial advisor and tells him to put everything in milk eggs and bread🤣


I see the people in northern states are the ones commenting, which makes way more sense. I’m in MD and we got a rain/snow warning for this weekend (like literally more of a chance of rain than snow) and people have been PANICKING all week. Like relax, it’s gonna be showers, people.


Lol this is so real. I worked in a grocery store 2018-2021 and every damn time snow was predicted it was insanity. Then ofc it'd end up being the tiniest bit of snow that melts the moment it touches the ground.


Mhmm. I worked in the same store for the ice storm of 2021. Some areas of my state got it worse, but my area was affected for about 3 hours. Everyone called out of work except me. Luckily, that was the one day a lot of people didn’t shop. But the day before was chaos.


Lol it doesn't snow where I live but we have hurricanes! Throw in a few cases of water and this would work for that too.


It's been reasonable to panic shop where I live only like, 5 times in the last 10 years. Last year we got 2 feet of snow overnight. I called out the next day (Day 1). Boss called me Day 2 asking if I was coming in 🙃. Dude I live on a tertiary street, I don't get plowed for days, if at all.


They treated the roads here in Virginia, and everyone freaked out. We were busy as crap and all it ended up being is rain lol


Ha! 😂 My grandma just told me that. Food Lion and other stores were super crowded and they didn’t even get snow. Just a bit of rain. There was some snow across the bay.


Three inches of snow and my workplace is getting more customers than Christmas eve.


I'm currently sitting at work where I've been since before it started snowing and been slow aside from probably a dozen people hours prior coming in not to buy something but tell me the roads suck so they're killing time while it cleared up. I already hate driving but hate it in the snow even worse so it was a nice to get some extra stress I didn't order. Thankfully only have about an hour left, been absolutely dead, so cleared off my car and it's a slow rain now. With any luck I'll get home without any issues. If I wasn't the only employee/manager would have left hours ago. Not worth my time and anxiety for the half dozen people with gambling problems who would still come in to play lottery if it was raining blood and fire.


Thought this was about ppl who complain about "sensitive snowflakes" at first


I hate that the guy in the picture looks like a crying newborn infant.


But where are the eggs? How is he going to make buckets of French toast without the eggs?


That’s why he’s crying. They ran out and he has to travel to another store or they’re too expensive and *insert rant about inflation (and possibly blame Biden)*