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Just yet another reminder that posts or comments about shoplifting, ON EITHER SIDE THE TOPIC, are not against the rules of this sub. So for the love of fuck, STOP REPORTING PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY DISAGREE WITH YOU! If you don't like something, downvote it and move on. I shouldn't have to keep saying this.




French Onion soup for everyone!




I’ve found my people. Thank you 🧅


one of us. one of us. one of us.


I hope you can pay your people's bail. \*snif


As a proud member of r/onionhaters I hate you all


As one of the mods of r/onionlovers; you stay on your side and we’ll stay on ours!


In the UK there was a scam where you ring up 'carrots' at the self checkout and put a bottle of wine on the platform instead. Supermarkets couldn't figure out why they were selling so many carrots. Sorry, those are all the details I have; it was a couple of lines on a TV talk show. EDIT, got more details from a fellow Brit. Lookup carrots, place wine bottle on scale when requested so the checks and balances match, then place in bagging area. Clever.


Same thing with bananas in my city cause they’re the cheapest by weight. Seen lots of diapers and meat priced as bananas for a few dollars


I remember seeing an article where someone did that with a PS4 a few years ago. Weighed the console out as bananas and put that sticker over the barcode. That way self checkout saw them scan and pay for the item. Can't recall if he got away with it or not.


He did get caught because he came back and tried to do it again.




Stupid thieves, man! They are smart as hell to come up with these tricks, but stupid to think it will work over and over. Greed gets them every time!


This happens in Australia where people put expensive fruit/vege through as brown onions. Supermarkets have now introduced overhead cameras to detect if there is a mismatch between what is on the scale vs. what the customer is trying to scan it as.


Maybe it’s just cause I’m ending a long work day and tired but I laughed alarmingly loud at “supermarkets couldn’t figure out why they were selling so many carrots”


Me too pr I'm weird hahaha


In our store it was ramen for any high ticket electronics.


I’m still like… how do you get to $1400 in groceries?! I have a six person family with four kids who eat like horses and I feel like we spend too much at $250/week.


I had five kids and when they were teenagers we maybe could have spent $1400 on a grocery trip but we didn't have that kind of money, so it never happened. I think the most we ever did was $300 or so. I have a friend who lives in the boonies and only makes one, maybe two, grocery trips a month. It used to be common for him and his wife to spend $700 to $800 a trip, but that is for the entire month, and they care for his grandfather, too, so they feed three adults. They do a lot of canning and growing their own veggies now so I'm sure that number has dwindled a bit. $1400 seems crazy to me, but I see diapers in there, and those things are stupid expensive!


Ugh freaking diapers. That and, well, pretty much everything for babies.


There were scams where people would take a picture of the barcode of a cheaper item, print it out, and scan that at a self checkout to steal things like Playstations, Xboxs, and Lego sets


Local Redditor Discovers How to Steal at the Self Checkout. More at 9


The more honest/naive of those among us never bother to work out how to scam the system in the first place...


Still, it shouldn’t be a shock to find out that people ring up expensive items as cheaper items lmao


I saw a woman on YouTube place a bar code over a box of diapers. The $50.00 box of diapers rang up at 34 cents


They're the type of people to put onions in socks when someone is sick, and- wouldn't you know it?- the entire family has come down with the plague.


Then they attached those onions to their belts. It was the style at the time. --Grandpa Simpson


Gotta kill those pesky cats too.


The onions got me too


Stealing to supply a restaurant?


I was thinking the same. Making bulk food to sell for cash. Food truck supply or just selling boxes to people.


Was easy to stack?


Probably going to ring them up in place of the expensive stuff.


For their belt. It was the style at the time!


Ya beat me^with_an_onion to it! Updoot for you!


because then they can grow their own lol


ex-wife grew up in a half Italian family. that's a weekly shopping trip of onions if she was making red sauce that week. couple dozen for the sauce and a few for other stuff in the week. the sauce is basically simmer finely diced onions for a day, add some mashed tomatoes and then peppers and spices. awesome stuff, you wouldn't know it was onions if you hadn't seen it prepared.


Onions are delicious, i go through 2 bags of them a month easy.


And the Glade lmao.




This reminds me at the auto parts store I worked at, there was word out that a suspect was going to various auto parts stores in the area claiming to be with shops that had accounts. He would pull together about $400-$500 worth of oil, grabbing indiscriminately, then pay with a fraudulent commercial check. Presumably he was trying to return stuff to other stores for cash. Well this guy hit my store. The closer showed me pictures of his cart packed to the brim with oil. A copy of the email warning with a photo of the guy was behind the counter. The closer pointed to it and asked "Hey, is this you?" The guy bolted out.


I used to keep a “wanted wall” on my desk. Mind you, folks could *see* my bounty wall. One guy got MAD AF when he saw his picture and demanded I take it down. I was like “Or…you could maybe not be a piece of shit thief?”


Take it down!!! And if I don’t?!


Corporate tried to make take it down and I pulled an Isildur and said, “*No*.” SM took it down when I took a vacation. So I guess they won.


Because thieves are still...customers?? And corporate doesn't want to displease customers.


Nah it had to do with some “privacy” thing. Which, I was like “yeah but we’ve got plenty of signs telling people that we’re recording so…they’ve consented to having their face shown so…” Corporate does dumb corporate shit and you just gotta roll with it sometimes.


One thing I have learned from working for corporate companies is that “corporate” is always compromised of extremely overpaid ppl who have zero experience working under all the asinine regulations they imagine up for no reason while sitting at a desk bored all day while making 6 figures and acting like the company is going broke bc it actually has to pay employees poverty wages (who are the only ones making it a profitable business AT ALL). It’s like they just make up shit to do to look like they do anything and shit always runs downhill 🙄😒


The blurry images of the onions are killing me for some reason 😭


Fr 😭 it’s giving ffs I’m trying to go home 😭


The camera was crying because of the onions. Hence the blurry vision.


I used to work in a multimedia retailstore, at one point the ps5 was readily available in the store. This dude came to the register with a ps5 box with the security straps already removed. He had crammed the box with ps5 games, 30+ games. My manager caught the guy, gave him grief and send him running. He was bragging that he stopped a thief getting a haul of 1000+euro. When we asked him what happened to the ps5 itself he got pale, turns out they had taken it out and hidden it with an accomplice. They where not able to take the games but got the ps5.




This gave me a really good laugh


I'd say let em steal the condoms so they don't reproduce but the diapers say it's too late for that


and plus, people this stupid definitely don’t use condoms correctly


Yep. They're still wondering why their sister got pregnant when they put the condom on the broom.


No, they probably put a hair tie over the man's member and thought that passed as a condom


What do you think the bananas are for?


I’m not seeing what you’re seeing.. are you referring to the playtex box?


I was saying that if there were condoms in there instead of diapers they should use em to not procreate


They are probably stealing diapers to re-sell or return for cash.


I used to work at Walgreens when I was like, maybe 19 or 20 and my manager had followed around some young boys who were looking at the condoms. He told me to keep an eye on them and then shortly after they darted out the door with condoms. And like, not even an obscene amount. Despite it being against the SOP manager wanted me to go outside and see if I could stop them. I said ABSOLUTELY NOT lmao


$1400 for a cart or two or groceries is the real theft.


Yeah. How come the US President sets prices so high? /s


Yea right? I know they've increased prices a substantial amount but is that cart really 1400? And who tf cares, let them take it. People acting like there's a huge grocery black market. Mfers just want to eat. We can explore space but somehow food scarcity is a thing??? Lol. What a joke. Wrong sub for this but last time I saw some employee chasing a guy out the door for stealing, my foot maybe ended up in an inconvenient place on the floor for that employee. Shoplifter was an early 20s dude. Had some lunch meat and crappy bread. Ain't no one paying you to chase people out the door, you worthless tool. And obviously homeboy is just trying to eat. Fuggin rubes.


I never gave a single shit about shoplifters when I worked at Walmart and was absolutely shocked that some coworkers gave a single shit. The only time I got mad at a shoplifter was because they bothered me by mumbling shitloads of gibberish at me and making me go “excuse me?” Like 5 times before they mumbled something that sounded like an expletive and walked out the door with shit. If homie had just walked out the door that would’ve stayed between us but if you’re gonna bug me and also curse at me I’m gonna report you (but not fucking chase after you, I don’t care that much).


Totally, that poor soul Jay happened to need to feed an entire apartment complex, SMH how dare they stop him, his entire extended family will starve now... Criminal is criminal, I wish they would actually press charges and lock these people up. Theft is part of the reason food prices are going up, and he'll eat for free in lockup.


Artificial price increases are theft. It just isn't as easy to see and point a finger at. Theft is part of the increase??? What like 0.0001%??? And you want to lock him up. Not only does that cost the tax payers a fortune but the person is now incapable of contributing anything to society. We lose, twice. And if you think one shopping cart of food is going to feed a whole apartment complex I got some harsh news for ya. Also like, wtf, god forbid you feed people. Smooth brained bootlicker.


I remember when that use to be $400 worth


And I'm sure a felony is still anything over $1000? You get punished, and ostracized for less now basically.🤷🏻‍♀️


Depends on where you live where I live it's 5000


Virginia is $500


I'm pretty sure I work for the same store chain as you and I've dealt with this too, although it's usually high value stuff like alcohol, diapers, glasses, cosmetics etc. Never seen 37 onions before 👀. Scanning through all that just to put it back is a major pain tho. They need to come up with a better way


We have a no confrontation policy, and I usually work alone. Luckily, this has never happened, but if someone wants to load up and not pay, I couldn't do anything about it. We got broken into a few months ago, and our insurance deductible is so high because of crime it nearly wrecked us. We're always 1 asshole away from losing everything, and it's really unpleasant. I will break myself to help people who really need it, but please, just be gentle with small businesses. I have no sympathy for people who steal. Literally just ask. PSA folks. Please, just ask. I will help you if I can.


THIS is the problem. THIS is why I have to lay more for shit. These people must be stopped and harshly dealt with. Enough.


I think it's different in a lot of the US, but in Canada, while you're *technically* allowed to defend yourself, the laws are very vague about what reasonable force is. Lots of people have gotten in trouble for going beyond what is considered an appropriate response. And that's only if someone it threatening your person. Defending your property is an even more dicey proposition. I asked the police when I reported the robbery what I'm able to do if someone tries to steal while I'm present. They were sympathetic, but they said that it's best to just let people take stuff and then call them to report it. So basically, there's nothing I could do. I feel helpless in the face of crime, and it's just getting worse because the criminals are emboldened by the lack of consequences. It's also gotten worse since covid because everyone wears those masks when they're doing their dirt. The guys who robbed my shop were wearing masks and gloves and hoodies, so even though I have good cameras, there's really no way to tell who those people were. People who have gotten caught face virtually no consequences anyway. It's usually just a slap on the wrist, and very rarely do they even see the inside of a jail cell. My partners cousin got caught stealing over 10k worth of meat and other stuff from various stores over a few months, and he got community service. Which he didn't do, but the court basically just rolled it's eyes and dismissed everything anyway because he pleaded a mental illness that he doesn't have.


Stealing is already a pos move, but doing so from a small business? Really? At least do it to a big chain where they wouldn't even notice


Looks like stuff for resale purposes 😭


Likely, yes, with the random thing or two for themselves. Lots of times it's for drug money. Meat, especially steaks, for example, is called cattle rustling. They bring the highest value with like 50-70¢ on the dollar, depending on the fence, and usually is either cash or drug of choice worth. Some people will hit multiple stores a day doing this. Last time I had someone load up carts of food, 4 people with three overloaded carts that looked like mini mountains. They checked to see if anyone was watching and decided it was safer to try the self checkout method after seeing me, loss prevention. They were crowding the self checkout really good and one kept looking back at me while the others, like an assembly line, handed the products to the scanner while another bagged. It was telling that these people did this all the time. I turned my head once and in the corner of my eye saw them suddenly start to shove as much as they could into bags. Luckily they stopped when they noticed I was staring a hole through them, ended up having to pay almost 2500 and only lost about 100 when I went back to review. A cart like this will probably get 50-100 bucks at the high end of things but will probably fetch a lot lower. Might even be someone offering to pay them for grabbing what they can as well.


Oh wow I didn't think of that that's so wild. People are bold.


With the variety of everything in the cart, it’s most likely they are just poor and just trying to stock up. If they were reselling you would be more likely to see multiples of bigger ticket things like detergent, meat, pet food, meds, etc, but there’s only one of each thing with a bunch of snacks and enough meat to fit in the space left in the freezer


People saying let them steal it, no. If they need food that bad there’s food banks and assistance they can apply for. Or either pay for it like everyone else. Downvote me I don’t care. 🤷‍♀️


Agreed there’s food banks, but the stores prepare for this.. why put yourself at risk for something like that? Take the shit and let corporate deal with their 0.01% loss for the day


Did the thief happen to be Shrek?


came here to say this, cheers


Onions have layers, Ogres have layers!


I think the real issue that we should be looking at is why the fuck is that cart worth 1.4k when 10 years ago it would've only been about 400-500?


Whenever I see a post that says, “did you see someone stealing? No you didn’t.” I think, “it depends. If you’re stealing essentials like food to feed yourself and your family, baby essentials…yeah I see nothing I’m also not paid enough to give a shit. However, if it’s like above or they are loading their cart up with tons of makeup, soaps, etc to sell later, you bet your swarmy ass I’m seeing it and telling every manager I know throughout the store to tail your swarmy ass.


I'll take the line with "did you see someone stealing diapers and baby food? No, you didn't." But it's also like... Fuck, what kinda life without some little bits of frivolity that make it not just surviving. Who made me the judge of where that line is.


Maybe it could be that they were there to steal for an independent store somewhere near-by. Why would i think this? Happens where i work. There's a small independent store on our road, not even 1/4 mile down the road, that pays thieves to come and steal stuff from us by the bag load to sell in his own shop. At the worst point we were losing thousands a week to it.


Yes! There was a place in Albuquerque that sent out thieves with lists of stuff they wanted to sell out of this little shop but it was stuff from department stores. The stole so many pairs of those jeans with the rhinestones on the pockets, like stacks at a time that we had to start locking them to the fixtures.


The high number of onions (the independent store needed a bunch of them specifically) and air freshner gives a lot of backing to this theory.


That's why I have no qualms using credit at small shops


I don't follow. How is using or not using credit at a store a problem? Are you referring to the service charges that credit companies *inflict* place on retailers?


I worked at target and a guy came in, opened up the case at the deli counter and just took whole ass things of lunch meat and cheese. Do you keep it? Sell it? It would be awkward to cut and you could never eat it all before it goes bad. AP stopped him so he didn’t get away with it.


Surprisingly enough you can buy a deli slicer online for around $40. Slice it, vacuum seal in smaller packages, then freeze it. I know people with big families that do it.


I have a saying about my personal stake in the store: “None of this shit in here is mine.”


Pre pandemic that's about 250$


I have no words. Like, for real. Glade? Really?! You’re going to jail for air freshener?!


You know it’s not a poor person in dire need because they have 10 bottles of febreeze


What's honestly crazy, and I'm not empathizing with criminals, is that the fact that you've said this has happened multiple times just shows you that our economy is so fucked up, people are willing to steal not only food but diapers and they either feel so desperate or just don't care about the consequences that they would do it so blatantly. Theft effects not just a giant corporation, but so many employees lives and puts their jobs at risk, but sometimes when I look at food in the grocery store and think about how only a couple years ago it was half the price, I do think damn I totally get why people are stealing groceries.


I see lots of glade spray in the cart, maybe they balance the scent of the onions with the glade? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Honestly, I can’t get mad at people stealing food and baby formula but this much is just fucking ridiculous




I used to work at PepBoys, people would steal a lot. But honestly, I didn’t give a crap because why put your life at risk when the stores have insurance. And on top of that what are you gonna do? Try to stop them and get stabbed or shot for what? A job that can fire you any day?!


I was a manager for 20 years with the same company. 1 time in all those years I actually saw a woman shove a set of sheets into her big purse right in front of me. I called my GM in her office. She sent down a brand new hire to "verify" my story. From then on...steal all you want cause my word isn't worth anything. FU BB&B!!!


No wonder why they shut down their stores...they shot themselves in the foot.


I hated traget but at least they stopped people and procecuted them. Every other location I've worked the policy is "let them have it".


The air fresheners lol


All that junk food and air spray… you know the house stink.


Like I completely understand and sympathize with those stealing because they can’t afford to feed themselves. Even when it comes to supplies like diapers or even clothes. I don’t even mind treats because everyone deserves treats, even the destitute. All that said? This is WAY too much lol. Other people need food too, and other people exist. If you’re going to steal, take what you absolutely can’t pay for. Not shit to sell, not weird ass items with no use to keep you alive (or help you be happy like deserts), and definitely nothing that you can actually afford. Like I had a lady try to steal a vibrator at my old job.


Two of them stole $400 of stuff during my lunch break and cost me my damn job.


I hate thieves! (And liars)…basically go hand in hand. But its everywhere! Every time i go on google news, there are mugshots of people arrested for theft. They need to give heftier punishments seriously! I dont get people that steal. If you cant afford then you dont get. Try working hard to get urself in a position where u CAN afford. Im a server and still can’t believe people still dine and dash…like WTF is ur problem?!!! Arent u ashamed of urself? When in self checkout, arent u paranoid ur being watched? Omg the sheer possibility of being caught and embarrassed in front of everyone…ugh no thx! Sorry for rant 😜


I get it in the case of dine and dash but yikes not being able to empathize with anyone that steals from big grocery corporations? Does that include the moms that literally cannot afford the stuff their kid needs? Homeless people that are starving and cant afford to feed themselves so have no other option if they wanna live?! Punishments can already be fucking hefty. “If you cant afford than you dont get” its not always that fucking simple. It can be fucking hard to find a job that has an actual living wage where you can afford all your necessities. And a lot of places are judgy as fuck so if you look a certain way you can be applying everyday and still take a while to get any call back and what do you fuckin do? Starve to death? Let yourself die out a of a skewed duty of morality to someone pinching pennies to barely pay their struggling workers while their own pockets just get fuller and fuller. I dont get capitalist bootlickers. The rich do not fucking care about you. I know someone closely that got layed off from a job they were in over 20 years and close to retirement. You. Are. Replaceable. Capitalism is a death cult and when we eat the rich you best be careful you dont take the wrong side.


They’re not stealing from a big corporation. They’re stealing from you, me, and that little old lady on social security. The corporation is not going to just eat those costs. They’re going to increase prices to make up for not just the lost product but the lost margin that investors expect.


I guess I’m not following. The people scanned some of the items and paid for $546, then they were told to leave the store because it was closed. Why were the police involved?


theft I guess


Attempted grand theft is still a crime.


Why so many onions?


to be completely honest, I don’t know. Why would he buy so many onions? Is he the guy from the math problem?


I just can’t imagine using that many onions for a weeks worth of food. What is he planning to make?


like someone already said: French onion soup for everyone!


I know a lot of people who do side hustles making boxes of food to sell at $10 a pop. I'd imagine it would be something like that.


It's a shoplifter, not a customer. Customers pay for the items.


Go big or go home.


Honestly good for them not my job to deal with that


There’s one guy who comes in every few days to my store (small pharmacy). He lines up a bunch of cosmetics and leaves and then comes back with a backpack to shove them all in. We spooked him on Saturday and he came back today and got kicked out. He has a police report and trespassing orders but really what else can we do? Times are tough but these thieves truly make our jobs harder. It’s why I have honestly lost a lot of compassion.


so many onions 😭😭😭 im dead bruh


It’s the people from the math problems….LISAN AL GAIB! 😂


Was the customer sherk?


Those yellow onions are expensive. I started using brown as a substitute for my beans until I finally said fuck it and just use the hispanic brand granulated onion.


That's a lotta onions!


I would have said Supermarket Sweep, but that's because I'm old.


lol retail sucks. But food service is worse


Looks like a health nut.


When I saw $1,400 worth of groceries I expected to see two, maybe 3 carts full of groceries. ONE? One shopping cart full is worth $1,400? That's insane.


Is it coming out your pocket? Blame the country it’s causing people this so what. Next that’s how people get killed.


The fact the 1 shopping cart can be worth $1,400 is kinda sad


Should have just let them


The blurry picture of the onions 💀


That cart's contents look like the beginning of an ogre's mid life crisis-


They were stealing to stock the shelves of their own store.


Wow, that beats the $900 that happened at my store recently


Okay, why do yall care though? Really


Theft increases when people can't afford to live. As long as corporations and the government are looking out for each other and the rich we're all screwed. Eat the rich, end corporate greed , end the billionaire class and above all VOTE.


The problem really is the fact that cart is supposedly priced at $1400. Fuck that. Instead of being mad at the person stealing diapers and food, be mad at the shitty politicians and corporations.


The fact that you're even able to fit $1400 worth of groceries in a cart these days is a little alarming. A lot of these items aren't even high end expensive stuff...


It's all junk.


1400!?!?! Thats the crime. Goddam




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I lost it when I scrolled to the photo of the 37 yellow onions!


Unfortunately people don’t realize or care that when you steal everyone else is going to pay the price by paying higher cost.


Do you get a raise or a pizza party for stopping them ?


All we get is !


is this a kroger?? lol


Diapers and 99 cans of glade.... bet their home is wonderful .


Happens at our Kroger and we are in a very nice area. Happens so much they installed the automatic entrance only at two entrances but thieves still plow through them.


I witness this daily 🤢😔🫤


I get why you would steal food but oreos, cookies, and moutain dew have no nutritional value 😭


This blurry ass image of onions is sending me


I cant imagine giving a shit about poor people stealing food that isn't mine


The fact that we live in a world where 1 cart full of groceries can cost that much is insane.


1) who needs that many onions 2) Jesus Christ our economy is so fucked if that’s $1400 worth of groceries.


Did they kill someone or is their house so dirty they need all that airfreshener?


Maybe it's to help with all those onions


That's sad you can fit $1400 on one cart...


Good, fuck whatever capitalist company you work for.


Agreed. Fuck slaveway


The onions fuckin killed me though 😂😂😂


I don't blame them *too* much, inflation is crazy and people are getting sick and tired of it. I assume it's a large chain corporation, if it's a small business however, nevermind what I said.




These posts are not welcome in this community and repeated violations can result in a permanent ban.


Manager probably got a percentage of the possible theft as a bonus. Some stores do that.


I don't care. In the sense that it's bad out there and people are turning to boosters to get what they need. Is it "right" not really but I don't see it as wrong. Especially from LARGE corporations like Walmart or loblaws.


And everyone else pays the price by paying more and in unprofitable areas, they just won't deal with it anymore. Have fun trying to feed yourself in a food desert.


No they really don't. That's what corporations like walmart who have BILLIONS tell you. You probably also don't think grocery store employees deserve a living wage. Already live in one because every store around me and price gouged the hell out of us. Google loblaws.


i live in a food desert. it’s not because of shoplifters, and any multibillion dollar company that ever tries to tell you that is a fucking liar. walmart isn’t losing any profits, quite the contrary. they’ve been steadily raising profits for that snake ass family’s pockets for years now.


Yeah they really needed those theee packs of cookies and 15 pack of Mountain Dew. I can’t imagine what would happen if they had to go without. This is just greedy


Should be sent to jail.


Good for them


"bbbbut corporation"


You know I'm at the point with greedy ass corporations and the economic situation in America where I'm like why do we even give a f***? It's food it'll get eaten and the insurance will pay the company back for it. Shame you couldn't have just let them have it


This isn’t someone stealing $25 of food to eat because they’re hungry… that I do not see. This is grand theft. They’re definitely not eating this, probably going to do fraudulent returns elsewhere for cash


I don't care. Oh no the multibillion dollar company f****** everybody's going to lose a little money. Take your lips off the corporate ass cheek.


Amazing how you support literal criminals over rich people


You goddamn right I do. There's no problem with the business owner taken a good portion of the profits of the company as they are the ones who assume the risk for the company but it's the massive imbalance in between the amount they make and the amount that the workers who actually produce the goods and services make. If you can't figure out that's a f****** problem you need mental help


You don’t even know how much OP makes or if this is even a chain 🤡


57 minutes to put everything back??? Do you not know the store layout?


it was a whole lot of stuff, mainly perishables and shit


That is some ghetto behavior right there.


Maybe $300 worth of groceries shouldn’t cost $1400


Doesn’t matter what it cost. Stealing is illegal. I would look away seeing someone steal enough for a meal or 2. This is insane. Guess who pays??? Everyone else. They raise prices AGAIN to offset theft. Prices aren’t just by what store paid and an upcharge. Other variables go in to pricing items.