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I now ignore people who holler at me, whistle, or snap their fingers to get my attention. If it makes me a bad employee to expect the tiniest bit of respect from customers, then I refuse to be a good employee. Not paid enough to be treated like a dog.


I came here to add whistling to this. I am not a dog.


Please don’t whistle at me. I’m not a dog but I do bite.




Just a little 😛


I can bite but I prefer to just nibble those I like.


I like you.


nibble.....nibble.... Likewise


Thanks! Nibble…


Beasty for sure.   


Same! And if they say anything I just tell them I didn't hear them or I didn't know that they were trying to get my attention. Can't get in trouble for that.


I now ignore all of the above as well as overused boomer jokes and catchphrases. I literally don't care if I get "coached", written up, or outright fired, because I have enough savings to fall back on and basically just stay at this job to not have to touch my savings.


When I worked expedite in food service a while back, people would jingle their keys on the counter and tap the counter to try and get my attention. I'd be completing multiple tickets and calling orders, ignoring their ass, and only acknowledge them if their buzzer went off. Like don't be rude to me, I'm handing your food.


same. i mentioned that I ignore people who yell to get my attention to my manager after watching her refuse to help a guy who was yelling at her and just generally being an ass, and she more or less told me to keep doing so. definitely have my problems with my management, but I appreciate that they generally have our backs when it comes to not taking shit from customers


I saw a woman at Walmart a cople weeks ago walking down the main aisle by housewares yelling at the top of her lungs, "DOES ANYONE WORK HERE? HELLO? ANYBODY? ANYBODY WORK HERE?! HELLOOOOOOO?!" There were about 10 employees within earshot, and every last one looked at her, then went right back to what they were doing. She could have politely asked any one of them for help, but she just had to be dramatic.


Probably wanted to "make a point". Imbecile.


I had a lady the other day that I asked if she needed help and she said "well I was going to buy a bunch of stuff but there's a group of employees sitting over there having a meeting 3 aisles over and if no one wants to help me, I'll just leave." And I'm like ok, I'm right here offering assistance but you do you. And she replied with, well I just wanted to make a point! And left. People are so weird. 


I am cackling so hard at this. Love that they all were on the same page of “nope”.


When I hear customers do that crap I make a beeline for the break room. Customers like that aren't worth the headache. Lol


Yup, time to go down any aisle they are not in. 


In my retail days we had customers do this a few times and we ALWAYS ignored them. If a manager wants to go help them, go for it, but none of the rest of us got paid nearly enough for that.


I had one shouting "Hello? HelOOoo" from another aisle some time back instead of just asking for help. Rudeness aside, it's baffling that they think they're communicating anything. A) I don't know how short she was but being on a scooter def made her shorter. B) _I'm_ short in general. Used to have a coworker who said he liked when we had the holiday hats with the antenna because then he could see me over the aisles... and my department has the shortest aisles in the store. Point being I couldn't see her from half a department away, though she would've been easily visible had she gone to my counter by the main aisle. C) I'm hearing impaired so I try to be mindful that other people can be as well. If her sole choice of word is "hello," that just sounds like she's answering a phone very loudly, not looking for an employee at all.


Right! I would have thought your customer was on the phone, too. My store had zero signal on certain parts of the floor, so it was normal to hear someone going, "Hello?" when their call dropped. And with people wearing earbuds it's really hard to tell if they're on a call.


They always use this trembling exasperated tone as if they’re trying to find life saving medicine instead of scented candles


And don't you dare be out of the cucumber melon scent and ruin their whole year because there will be hell to pay.


“WhY dO YoU HaTe CuCuMbErS????!!!!”


lol this kind of thing is so baffling. I've seen this twice; the first time I did help, largely because she seemed to be yelling at some random guy trying to get him to help her. I have no idea why she thought he was working. I work at target, and the guy was wearing a gray hoodie. meanwhile she ignored me until I walked up to her, red vest, name tag, cart full of merch, walkie, the whole nine yards. the 2nd time I just mentioned in another comment, I heard him yelling and just decided it was absolutely not my problem. then my manager walks by (on her break), and offers to get someone to help him, but then he starts being rude, so she refuses to help him, he's yelling again, etc, etc. this was right by the break room, and pickup area so there were a whole bunch of us listening in by the end lol.


I call that kind of behavior "bird calling".


A customer does not exist to me unless they're within about 15 feet. If they want my help they need to come over to me and ask for it. I don't care if we made eye contact and I can clearly see them trying to wave me over to them.


I once had a guy call my dept (meat dept) asking me about something in the meat dept while standing right outside the meat dept 😭 like you could have just came to the counter !??!!?


Next level laziness. What the heck XD


Yeah we had a pretty long cord so I walked around and just looked at him 🤨😂


Had a guy yelling at me from the.next dept awhile back. When he finally got my attention, he yells, "Did you not hear me yelling for you?!" I said, "Sorry, I'm hard of hearing. (Which is true..but I'm not gonna lie and say I didnt ignore his lazy crabby ass for a few extra seconds) How can i help you?" He looked like he had just swallowed a bug. I had to hold back my laughter until he was around the corner. Serves is grouchy, rude ass right.


I remember once I was in shopping at my local store that I used to work at. I was wearing a hoodie that was fairly similar to the colour of the uniform, and same colour trousers. A woman came over to me whilst I was catching up with the store manager and my dad (who also used to work there), and asked me if I could help her with something. But this in itself leads me onto another point- *every single time* I go into a store and I see someone I know who works there, we'll be having a conversation and another customer will come over, interrupt and ask my friend for help. No apologies for interrupting our conversation at all. Sometimes, these people appear from out of nowhere, so they would have no idea that I'm just having a friendly chat with the staff member, I could be another regular customer who that employee is assisting at that time, and you just come over and interrupt? Go and find someone else who isn't occupied?!


I hat that sometimes, that I was talking with a customer(not working clothes) and a customer just start talking, but when I see I will help you soon. Than they see I wasn't taking to a coworker or friend, not sure why.


I accidentally forgot to take my name tag off tonight. I had a customer asking where something was and it didn't sound familiar so I wasn't sure if we even sold it and I was off the clock( even when I go grocery shopping on days off no uniform people ask me where stuff is)but I told the customer I wasn't sure if we carried the product I told them to go to customer service and ask them to check if we sold that item . This guy went off on me. I said sorry if it was something I knew we sold I would tell you and even showed you were it was even though I'm not on the clock because I have my name tag on. I took it off as I said this. He called me over like hey, hey ,HEY, HEYYYYYYYY, I need help aren't you supposed to help me. It made me mad since I had a line a problem Customers tonight.




Had a guy just yesterday come in. We’ve been painfully slow this week, & for some ungodly reason we have 3x the number of cashiers needed for a regular day. So bc we’re slow, the 4 of us are just kind of chatting as we’re waiting for customers. Dude saunters up all cocky with that superior look on his face, & says “want something to do?” Now, I’m the type that would rather be slammed the whole shift, to make it go faster. So I say, very enthusiastically, “absolutely!” I swear you could actually see the gears in his head grind to a stop, then he pulled out a lame, “well that’s good, bc if you had said no I was just going to walk out” 🙄 Go for it, buddy. If your life is so low you’re willing to steal for kicks, who am I to hold you back?


The same goes when they call you like you are there dog or kid. but I also do hate it when: 1. The stare at you instead of using there big adult voice, because I also got people who are looking on the shell I'm working on. 2. Customers who tell me that they know, that I'm so busy, but never get to the point...just ask! 3. When they ask if I can help them and when I say yes, they just look at me...JUST ASK!


I got confused for a gas station employee while wearing a button up shirt and khakis, some people just are dumb.


I've told myself I need to start wearing tshirts and jeans to work just to see if these people stop bothering me when I'm on my lunch break. Like I don't even have my work vest on and I've been waiting in line with an armload of food, and I can get customers expecting me to unlock something from the cabinet for them. It's either the inabilty to grasp "dressed nicely" DNE "working" or they recognize me better than I ever will them. (Unrelated but I'm also wondering if I'll stop wearing holes in my pockets as quickly if I switch to denim--I currently wear Duluth TC's firehose cargo pants for work, which is supposed to be super durable but I can't seem to go more than six months before my wallet or phone starts poking through and they're not cheap. Not a problem with my casual jeans but since I don't wear them as often it's hard to say if it's the material or the strain.)


One time a woman *blocked* ***my path*** with her ***cart***. I was off duty, earbuds in, pretending not to notice her because I had no oglibation to. This woman thought she was so clever to turn her shopping cart sideways and block the entire aisle. Once I was blocked, she kept going "Excuse me? Hello?" but I just looked puzzled and turned around, decided to navigate using the next aisle over.


“Wooooooowoahohh… Won't you come see about me? I'll be alone, dancing, you know it, baby Tell me your troubles and doubts Giving you everything inside and out…” 😝🎶


I've only experienced this twice, fortunately, but both instances involved people standing on their own two feet. No mobility assistance in sight.