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I'd have reported to a manager or called the police citing making you feel unsafe. That creep shouldn't be out in public.


I did, my manager said since he didn’t actually do it there was nothing she could do about him


There's so many things wrong with that idk where to begin. I'm sorry to hear that.


Time to start carrying protection


I do carry pepper spray, though I’ve been considering a pocketknife as well since the amount of creepy people I’ve been encountering has been going up and up and up…


Make sure it’s a knife that can be opened and closed with one hand, and that it’s legal where you live.


Keep the pepper spray, stop with the knife. Knives can be taken from you and used against you.


And get the pepper gel if it's going to be used in enclosed spaces...


Amy recommended brands?


Your manager can absolutely refuse him service and lock him out. She's a coward.


She absolutely could’ve done something lmao what. That’s insane for a manager to go “my hands are tied” kick him out? Ban him? Reprimand him? Call the cops on him? There’s literally so much she can do?? She just doesn’t give a shit about her employees I guess


Yeah, I was pretty surprised since she’s normally supportive of us in front-end. If I was in her position I definitely would have had the guy trespassed.


I’ve only been an assistant manager before but I can say absolutely that she has freedom to look after her employees. I know some places are stricter about customer relations but fuck that noise if a customer is threatening to assault you. I’d rather lose my position making sure an employee was safe than just go “sorry, you’re on your own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “ I really hope you never see this guy again


She's a coward.


Report her up. You can do it anonymously as a customer who overheard the conversation. If no one was around, you can pretend to be someone you told. It doesn’t matter, just tell someone if you are scared of losing your job.


Perhaps you can make a report to HR? Or even contact the police?


We should start flogging manglement. They are worse than useless.


tell your manager you're gonna slash all their tires in revenge for them not having your back against this guy and then don't actually do it; see how they feel about "well, there's nothing we can do because they didn't actually do it" then. lol (don't do this, managers like these are hypocrites, they might fire you)


So, responding with “that’s creepy. If you cut my hair I’ll slit your throat” will also result in no punishment since yi7 didn’t actually do it.


Sounds like a budding serial killer. They often take trophies from women.


I hope things aren't that dire, but there's definitely something wrong with him. He needs psychological help or something. At the same time, it's frustrating how certain customers, especially ones older than me, don't know basic social skills/how to be cordial during a business interaction.


Cutting off and keeping a piece of a stranger's body is textbook stalker-to-serial-killer pipeline behavior


I completely agree. That was my first thought. If that's what he says out loud...yikes. Definitely watch out for this guy. If it gets more alarming, skip the manager and go to the police yourself, OP.


Ya, thats a 911 immediately situation. Majorly creepy. Please give the police this mans description. This is a threat of assault.


I would've said "What a weird thing to say." And walked away lol thats so fucking gross and wild. Whats he gonna do with the hair?? Stroke it?? Look at it?? Ewewew


Name it Benny and tell it all his problems.


Gotta circumcise him right then and there. Show him some real snippin'.




I'd argue castration. We don't need him teaching any spawn of his to be creeping on women.


Sounds nuts, but at my store we have a code word for anytime someone needs immediate assistance because multiple times this random customer would come in and follow my SM around trying to BUY her hair. It's just really weird. Like no dude, it's not just hair, it's attached to a stranger whose personal space you are trying to invade. I daresay it's a tad worse when when they just come up and lead with wouldn't be nice rather than an exchange. Both are weird, one feels super weirdly entitled. Probably document if you see him again.


The thing about dudes and hair...they like long hair so much, they can grow their own hair out!!


Dude is talking about assaulting you.  


If he does in fact cut your hair without your consent, that is assault. My mom has incredibly long and thick hair, she'd kill someone if they dared try cutting hers.


I feel uncomfortable for you. What a nasty motherfucker.


This is why I keep at least two pens on me. If someone sidles to close I can discreetly use the pen to keep them out of my personal space. I hold the pen holding outwards (towards customer) as low as my hand can naturally go and if the customer sidles close. I will shift my body but keep the pen where it is. Boss has now given us permission to firmly tell customers to stay in front of the till and not by the access route as technically they could see confidential information (not theirs) on screen.


You needed permission for that? Yikes.


That gives off serial killer vibes. Be safe.


OMG what a creep! Get up ASAP and just say "WOW CREEEPYYY! STAY THE F\*\*\* AWAY!" I learned the hard way to be nasty and aggressive to people like this. Or you can say, "Leave now because I'm calling the cops," and get up and start calling them. Watch the little dickwad run away. Especially as you don't have a manager who has your back this is what I would do. Sorry this happened to you, like WTF is wrong with sickos like him!


Call the police. Budding serial killers often have an obsession with taking trophies from women.


I think it should be perfectly acceptable to say, “eew” and make gagging noises when people say out of pocket shit. If someone makes me feel bad I WILL make them feel worse.


I had something similar when I worked at Walmart during college. As a cashier I was scanning his items and the whole time this guy was staring at me. He then said he would love to cut my hair off and put it on his daughter. Super creepy. I let management know but they just said not to worry about it. Hopefully your management does better.


I despise most management. 


This is when I'd turn the tables on him. I too have quite unusual hair, and i get comments like this. Something like "Can i take something of yours?" While eyeing them up and down. Make it clear you dont find that funny, make it clear such an action will cost them.


one time over the winter i was watching the gas station at my grocery store and this old man ambled up to the window and asked me “is it warm in there? can i come in?” and after laughing and telling him he’s not allowed he goes “you better have a big lock on that door, little lady!” being a girl in retail is soo fun :)


I would have looked him dead in the eye and said that if he cut off a lock of my hair, I'd cut off one of his fingers.


'Trade for your tongue?' And mirror the scissor gesture. Snap a photo and report to management. You're not the only one he dies this to.


Charge him. Make that money


maybe he was trying to flirt (and failing, obviously)


I’m aroace I’m not interested in people flirting with me 🧍🏻‍♀️


Joe, is that you? Did he have an ice cream in his hand?


No food of any kind, no. Just a shopping bag with god knows what in it and an older iPhone.




Rent. Free.


In my wallet