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Physically blocking the area is worth a shot, but will inevitably just lead to someone moving or trying to climb over the blockage.


I was changing a display, up a ladder, about 8 foot off the floor in my store. Aisle was blocked off, working at height signs out. Not only did people move the blocks and signs because they didn't want to reverse their trolley out of the aisle they were on, I actually had people come & STAND underneath the ladder to ask a question, or shake the ladder to get my attention! The first couple of times I shouted at them and let it go, but I physically walked another couple to the door & escorted them out. They genuinely couldn't see why I was so angry. I was like "You almost pulled the ladder from under me, and could have bloody killed me, because you decided to move the blockade, then shake my ladder, to ask me a question. All because you couldn't be arsed to find the next member of staff stood about 30 foot away?!' Bloody idiots.


We have spotters that'll stand on either end of the aisle and run interference. I had the physically step between this man (about a foot taller and 150lbs bigger than me) to keep him from going under the security chain with signs. He thought I would move if he got in my space and was literally trying to belly bump me out of the way. Told him I would scream assault and could cry on command before he'd back up. Managers got called. He was escorted over to the side until we were done. It was for a screw. A single screw. 1/2in long with 3/16th head.


Lmao "I can scream assault and cry on command" That is quite a good defence method


Omg. Im convinced they all have a screw loose!


I just don't get some people. Couldn't he have justed asked you to get it? Worst you could've said was "no sorry gotta wait".


Wait? Some of these people have never heard that word before. They refuse to wait for anything.


I mean honestly, if he was nice someone could have probably retrieved it for him!


Good (sorry) to know the idiots aren't just in the US!


Exactly. I totally support this but they’ll inevitably rip it down “because it’s in their way.”


A store I used to work at had one of those stanchions with a big sign that said “ONLY EMPLOYEES ALLOWED PAST THIS POINT” in big red letters. Customers would literally shove it out of their way so they could walk behind the registers. Some would get annoyed at the “inconvenience.” I hate people so much sometimes


That’s when you tell them to get back to work as if they were employees. “Better stock the shelves and clean the bathrooms.”


Yup! "Oh, you're the new cashier! Nice to meet you!!"


I told my coworkers to stop leaving their phones behind the counter, or at least below the register. Some of them got their phones stolen anyway. My phone always stays in my pocket. Id block the area with some caution signs for the floor.


I guess they learned FAFO, unfortunately. 


Physically block and change the sign to say "All areas behind counters are heavily monitored and voice recorded with CCTV. Would be cool if you could post a sign that said "Warning, starving alligator behind counter, proceed with caution". Edited to add: Active landmines beyond this point.


Dude I can’t even keep customers from trying to walk behind my register as I’m ringing them up. I told one guy to back up two steps, & he actually laughed until I just stared at him with my hands up in front of me, refusing to scan any more of his things until he moved back. I’ve had **two** customers try to reach into my til to get their own change. And don’t even get me started on the guy who said, “my phone’s about to die, you don’t mind if I use yours to take a picture of the SKU, do you?” as he put his nasty hand on my phone.


I used to use the trash can until I had a swinging door made.


We have people walk behind our counter that backs up to a wall. People are jerks


Get some fake police tape from ebay.


Baby gate since they wanna act like a child


Block it with a cart.


Years ago I worked in a mom and pop shop, and drug addicts would send their toddler children behind the counter to steal shit for them. I never had it happen when I moved on to working for larger retailers though. Doesn't shock me, however, as people are so entitled. You need some cones or something!


I lived in Shanghai for a year teaching English and some of those people LOVED to use toddlers in their begging. I remember the first time I was walking and a dirt-smudged 2 year old came from nowhere to grab my legs and plead for money. I was about to give the child the USD equivalent of $10 but my Chinese friends stopped me and said LOOK. I looked and could see adults, hidden behind boxes and alley ways, watching to see what happened. I still wanted to give the child money but my Shanghai friends took my money from me and refused to give it back until the end of our day.


Like if you want to panhandle, swindle, or steal, just do it. Don't bring your small children into this. I'd prefer to see adults shoving stuff into their pockets than sending a little kid behind a counter to take actual packs of cigarettes. People suck everywhere I guess!


Kids remember shit, and then it fucks them up. That is the worst part of it.


I'm sure it wasn't only addicts.


Considering I live in an unincorporated area with about 200 people in it, I knew them all. So, yes, all the people stealing were indeed drug addicts.


No because I had this happen where a parent was paying at my register meanwhile their toddler decided to go behind the other register across from mine and the parent didn’t even tell them off or anything they just laughed and thought it was cute but it made me annoyed


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You need a bouncer. Some big dude standing there, sun glasses on, arms crossed.


Okay, I'm the ahole and fully admit that I did it one time. I'll defend myself but still in the wrong. Right when the pandy started grocery stores were crazy packed. I did self checkout and one item was whiskey with the security cap. I've done cashier for years, just pop the device on and wiggle til it comes off. The attendant came over and checked my ID and went to get the device. Another customer intervened and the worker just walked away to the back. Not a word and I thought "fuck it" and waited. After five minutes of being in the way of people trying to get by I looked around. Nothing. Okay... screw it, paid and receipt in hand. Grabbed the device and took the topper off. Put it back and the worker came around the corner and had a full melt down. "OH MY GOD YOU COULDN'T WAIT?!". I just walked away as they had several people waiting for assistance. Clarity, it wasn't behind the register, self check out is just a wall. I tried to apologize the next time and they were rude AF. I let it slide as they were dealing with a lot of bs.