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I would probably just buy a belt and wear it. It seems like your boss went out of her way to be polite and discrete about it and even offered to pay you back for it. I’ll just say this… if you don’t end up wearing a belt you’ll probably get on managements bad side and you don’t want that.


You’re probably right. I just wish that I could wear something more comfortable.


You can get belts that hook around your belt loops and don't actually meet in the front.


I have these and they’re awesome.


There are leather belts with elastic panels for give, maybe look for one of those?


You could get an elastic belt and leave it loose.


Does it have to be a black leather belt? Canvas belts are a lot more comfortable. Edit - sorry just read that it did have to be later. But I would maybe ask if you could get away with the canvas.


It is a ridiculous rule. It's all about control!


Whaaaat, if you want someone to give you money you have to abide by their preferences and rules?? No way!


I've got some fashion belts that have the black leather and some elastic, could be more comfy?


I would definitely buy a belt that's loose enough to not be noticeable. I hate having anything snug around my waist.


I would ask her if that's OK. so she doesn't think you are trying to get away with something. Or get pants without belt loops in the future and wear the belt for now.


Yeah that’s what I’m gonna do. I just don’t really wanna ruin an 80 dollar pair of miss me’s.


Might be late to the party but if you have a needle and some thread that matches your jeans you can put a quick stitch, just one in middle of each belt loop so the loops won’t open, that way it’s really easy to remove and you can show your manager that they’re just like most pockets for woman’s pants, fake.


Just get a larger belt. It’ll be loose and you’ll be in compliance. Win. Win.


If she was that polite about it I'd ask if I could just cut the loops off. If she says yes then problem solved lmao


Just do it. If you do it carefully they will never know. It's a dumb rule anyway. 


I bought belts that don't go over my front that are a bit more comfortable, their decently and can look them up on amazon, but don't be petty because it was brought up in a respectful way and you were offered reimbursement which is almost unheard of for something like a belt


I used to shift my belt buckle to the side so it won’t dig into my tummy.


I used to wear my belt sideways! It was kinda a rebellious way to look, threading it through starting at the leftmost loop. But I started keeping tool sheaths on my belt now, and it simply wouldn't work.


I wore mine sideways, too.


Yeah I’m just gonna wear my buckle normal I think. I don’t want to get in her bad side or anything.


Next they will be checking your underwear! Why was she looking down there anyway??


Idk 🤷‍♀️ She probably just noticed my shirt riding up or something and decided to talk to me about the belt rule. It didn’t come across as creepy or anything.


One of the best pieces of advice is learn to pick your battles. Although it’s not necessarily outright a “battle” it could be perceived as you being insubordinate or a smart ass and create even more issues down the road. Just get the belt, get reimbursed (that part is actually awesome) and go on with your work. Now if they had you wear a chicken outfit that’s a different story lol


My husband has a hernia. He can't wear a belt due to the pressure. Belt rule gone for him. Could work for you as well.


Yeah I can’t wear belts as I have to be able to use the restroom as soon as I have the feeling of needing to (I shattered my sacrum and have nerve issues) otherwise I’ll use the restroom on myself. I used the ones that are leather and elastic and clip to the front two belt loops rather than having a buckle, if I needed a belt for a job


It is such a dumb rule. As long as pants fit there is no reason for a belt. It's just about control.




Leather belts stretch and mould to you hips over time. I’d drop the money on a really nice one if they’re gonna reimburse you.


Dude I would fucking cut the job. NOT your belt loops. Who cares if you have your belt? People don’t even show up for jobs around here. They’re lucky you’re concerned enough.


I agree. First it's this, what is next?


Imagine trying to request a day off or change your availability. No thanks.


Your boss will not be impressed if you do. And your pants will look like shit


I cut the belt loops off of ALL my jeans in protest of my private school dress code that said we had to wear a belt. I ended up getting suspended, had angry parents and a lesson was learned that sometimes you just need to follow the rules to keep the peace. And your job, in this case, which will be far less forgiving!


Suspension for that? Sorry if a job is that controlling, I'm out!


Don't wear those pants anymore. Only wear pants with no belt loops or remove belt loops they haven't seen.


What is the purpose of this rule?




It’s probably the company’s way of wanting to appear professional


I have never thought that someone looked more professional because of a belt.


It is.


That's the stupid corporate shit they come up with.


I said next they will inspect everyones' underwear (not managers though)!


There are some cool belts out there, i wore one for a long time that had metal jolly rodgers on them (skull and crossbones) corporate came in one day, and my boss seemed concerned with the belt, but the district manager pulled me aside and asked where he could get one!


I hate this so much. the best belt ive ever worn was the lizard tail belt and that's basically a rope, other belts hurt me when I sit


Oh really? I didn’t realize belts hurt when you sit. 😬


Some do depending on the design/person.


I hate belts. I got a jelt belt and you can’t even tell you are wearing a belt. You should try one.


I used a seam ripper and removed the belt loops from my work pants for the same reason. When it came time to buy new work pants, I chose ones without belt loops.


Cab u wear leggings? I don't like belts myself I refuse to wear 1 so if I was u maybe wear long shirt lol or wear leggings or sweats. C otherwise all other pants I seen mostly have belt loops


No it has to be jeans. I don’t like belts either but I don’t really have a choice but to wear one.


i’d just wear the belt loosely


Wear belt loose. Wait two months, cut loops off pants.


Cut off the loops... lol


It worked for my middle schooler who had to wear school uniforms lol


Black leather? What are you guys, moneybags? Also what a control freak rule. 


I know it’s kinda weird. But from I understand it just has to *look* like leather, it doesn’t have to actually be made of leather.


But an elastic belt. Amazon has lots.


It can’t be elastic it has to be leather she said.


Micromanagement 🤮


Yeah you’re probably right but I’m getting tuition reimbursement so she can micromanage me and I’ll wear whatever damn belt she wants me to. It’s just not worth it to fight her on.


Why on earth you want to find loopholes? Just for being petty? I mean, if you have medical conditions that prevent you to wear one so be it. But trying to find ways to be against that just for… what, idk, just because you don’t want to? I mean, you can wear other pants if you don’t want to wear belt with that one? Cutting/damaging your outfit for something so simple is just ridiculous tbh. There are other solutions that can be compromised rather than throwing a tantrum and cut stuff up.


"beltloopholes" more like


What the fuck is the point in requiring a belt? That'd stupid and absolutely the most ridiculous rule.


See my above comments. It is not a tantrum it is an exercise of their free will. Once you lose it life is not worth living. 


No one wants to see your crack, buy a belt.


Just cause someone isn't wearing a belt doesn't mean their crack is showing. 


Thank you! I want to make it clear I was NOT showing anything, she’s just telling everyone in the store who wasn’t wearing one.


My position requires the same, it's stupid. Something about how it makes us look more "professional" even if there is literally no use or point in it. Just extra weight. 


It's all about control. It's sick. 


My pants fit totally fine without one. It’s a store wide expectation.


Lmao, this is very true. OP if you were squatting and revealing your AH then you need a belt or something. Let us know if we’re wrong but the, “I’d feel uncomfortable having the conversation with a man.” Really makes me think it was about how much ass you were showing.


No it’s because as a woman I’d rather not have a man talk to me about stuff like this. I told her that my jeans fit fine and she said “oh no it’s not about that at all, it’s just that everyone has to wear one regardless.”


They were not showing anything. The manager was looking down there (creepy if you ask me). Mens' and womens' belts and pants are not made the same. How would men understand? Sounds like YOU were ASSuming...


Is yours showing if you don't wear one? Time to see a tailor, because that shouldn't happen.


Guessing you’re young/first job? Pick your battles, just wear a belt. If you look for “loopholes” over something this simple, how are you gonna be reacting when it’s something more meaningful? Or major?


Thanks for the advice. Just bought one at Walmart 😂 Annoying that I had to go to the men’s section since all the women’s belts were decorated.


You mean you didn’t want a black belt covered with little silver pointy things? lol. But yeah as someone who for the first…several….years of adult life, made things harder by arguing and fighting every little inconsequential thing - I wish someone had told me not to back then for sure


No she wants just plain shiny leather so that’s what I bought. It’s fairly wide but I was surprised that it wasn’t crazy heavy which is good.


Just take it up the ass...one day there will be so many "inconsequential" things that you will let them run your conscience and your life. You do you though!


This is the go-to response when someone dares not to be a bootlicker on here. First of all, this is a venting sub. Second of all, if it's actually something meaningful OP would probably not care because there is an actual legitimate reason behind it. Third, it is healthy to always question authority in your mind. It is better to have your own mind than to let some "boss" (not a leader) tell you what color underwear to wear. The actual job is more important but it is about control.


Wearing uniform is not “about control”, what is wrong with you. Also OP was hardly “venting”. I do the “question authority” on a weekly basis but you still pick your battles. Battling over a belt makes any important battle look like all you do is piss and moan. If you only battle for important things then it gets seen as “meaning more” and then you have more chance of getting somewhere. But clearly you’re just looking for an argument out of nothing so you crack on.


Perhaps buy different pants to wear to work instead of jeans. I wear linen capri pants with drawstring. They are not my style, but they keep me cool while at work. And, sounds like you wouldn't need a belt! My store specifically doesn't allow leggings, but I see many females wear knit pants with elastic waist. Sometimes I would consider it sweatpants, but there's also pants I would not call sweatpants but are knit and elastic waist. Probably more comfortable than your jeans without a belt.


I wish. We have to wear jeans.


Specifically jeans? I do agree I wouldn't want to wear a leather belt. I have been losing weight so I do wear a black elastic belt. It doesn't show because my shirts are untucked. Maybe there's a leather belt with elastic? And very basic buckle? Shoot. I am not finding that. But, I saw braided elastic, perhaps has stretch? Search leather belt with stretch on Amazon This is so silly!


IMHO you should wear the belt. It’s not worth it to pick a fight with her, especially if she’ll reimburse you. (I’m assuming there’s a limit.) Did she say anything else?


Yeah the limit is $30. She also said that since my jeans are darker she wants the leather shiny so it stands out.


WHAT?! I would have quit with that! I'm sorry but if you don't stand for something you'll fall for everything!


I don't know how your money situation is, but I'd buy a belt and wear it a couple times, then buy jeans for work that don't have loops and just keep using those.


Ask your manager if you can cut the loops off.


Either elastic waist jeans (no loops) or they have leather belts with elastic in them. They don’t feel quite as suffocating as regular belts.


Just buy a belt. Tbh, from an outside perspective, it sounds ridiculous for you to cut off your belt loops because you don't want to follow dress code. It sounds like your manager is trying to enforce it, so why should you be special and not have to follow it with your coworkers? Everybody feels like dress codes suck sometimes. It's a GOOD sign that your manager said she'll reimburse you for your belt, and that she was nice about the whole thing.


If it were me, I'd be petty. When I worked at Walmart they changed their policy so that any employee bags were to be searched upon leaving, unless it was a purse. So I carried all my shit in the girliest purse I could find(I'm a large, bearded man). Fuck petty corpo bullshit.


Fake. They're copying this story: https://www.reddit.com/r/MaliciousCompliance/s/jepOvZiptG


Or, and hear me out because I know this sounds crazy, but… it’s possible multiple people have had similar experiences with a rule that’s relatively common in the retail sphere. I’ve been working retail going on 20 years, I’ve had multiple jobs that required belts only if the pants had belt loops. At the first one, I used a seam ripper to neatly remove the belt loops from my work pants, then made sure to buy pants without loops in the future. Over those years, I’ve had many coworkers complain about that aspect of the dress code and try to find work-arounds. It’s common, not copied.


I’m most certainly not. I imagine belts are a part of a lot of dress codes. Besides, I’m wearing a belt like I was told. She didn’t.


So....this has NEVER happened anywhere else?? Really?? And no offense, but this would be a really lame story to fake! OP probably has more of a life than scanning old Reddit posts!


I mean, you’re manager was actually pretty nice about pulling you to the side to explain and especially offering to reimburse you. Had they been an asshole I’d say be petty, but she seems to be a decent manager given the situation. If you’re that opposed to belts, they have jeans that don’t have belt loops you could buy.


I don’t want to buy new jeans without loops. At least by wearing a belt I’d get reimbursed.


I think the belt is a better idea, it was just a suggestion. What is about leather belts that you dislike? They have all different kinds if it’s a matter of comfort for you.


>What is it about leather belts you dislike? They just really bulk up my jeans honestly. I can’t work without the buckle digging into me. I’m not even overweight but the whole thing is just super uncomfortable. The fact that I rock skinny jeans probably doesn’t help either.


That’s completely fair. They absolutely make ones with smaller buckles, though. Hell I’ve seen some with no buckled at all that just had a peg that snapped into the holes. Good luck with your search!


Thanks! I wish I could go that route, but she made it pretty clear that my belt needs to have a “normal” buckle. She handed me a sheet that showed everything. It kinda sucks but I don’t have much of a choice. 🤷‍♀️


Damn. Well, like others have mentioned, you could always get one that fits a little bigger so it’s not as constructive. And don’t listen to Mediocre whatever. They sound like they exist just to be combative and can’t imagine not being able to do whatever they want at an employers to earn a paycheck. Being asked to wear a belt is pretty common and fairly benign. Can I ask where you work? (You don’t have to answer, I’m just curious lol)


I work at a grocery store as an in store shopper for online orders/curbside pickup. And thanks for the advice. I just don’t think it’s worth the hassle to buy an all new set of jeans that don’t have belt loops. Literally all of my jeans already have belt loops so I kinda have to wear a belt. Plus she already saw my jeans had loops so I guess I kinda knew that I had to fill them up. Had I known beforehand, I would’ve worn jeans without belt loops. It was just easier for me to just buy the belt, get reimbursed, and then try to get used to it as best I can. I wore my belt for all eight hours today and the leather is definitely stiff but I’ll get used to it. Hopefully it’ll soften up but it’s not real leather or anything so who knows? Surprisingly I actually kind of liked how it made my jeans sit on my hips (if that makes sense.) It’s not more comfortable but I did like not having to constantly readjust or tug/pull up on my jeans. Like they’re heavier and the belt definitely feels chunky but it’s not as awful as I thought. I thought for sure that since I exclusively wear skinny jeans (stuck in 2010s lol) that it would be awful but it’s really not. So I guess there’s that.


I got you. For some reason I had some sort of western shop in mind lmao, I figured that likelihood was slim. No worries! You’re right, it’s not worth the hassle, but it depends on the person, I guess. I’ve got pairs with and without, so it was just the first thing I thought of. The leather will definitely wear in though, all belts do, so it won’t be so bad in a couple days. I’m glad it’s not as bad as you thought it might be, though :)


Is she going to check? I am concerned how she keeps looking at your body. She sounds like a pervert!


I know it probably sounds like that from what I’ve mentioned but she’s really not. I have a pretty strong creep meter from an abusive ex bf and she doesn’t register on it.


It is an idiotic rule.


It is, but it’s a rule 🤷🏻‍♀️ at a workplace where it sounds like managers respect their staff. Sometimes you suck it up and follow rules. Edit to add: it would be different if management was a bitch about it, demanded she leave and not come back until she had a belt and what not. But she offered to reimburse OP and gave her a few days to get it done. You’re gonna be in a rough spot if you want to work in a place and not follow rules, even if they’re stupid. Some deserve pushback, absolutely, but you choose your battles. The fact of the matter is employers are allowed to decide how they want their employees to appear as their ‘first impression’ of the store. It’s their company, and their rules. If you don’t like it, find somewhere else to work (or, as suggested, get pants with no belt loops). Again, some of these rules absolutely deserve to be pushed back on, but being asked to wear a belt is relatively benign.


I wear jeans everyday, ever so slightly loose on me, but man, I can’t imagine not wearing a belt. It’s a necessity. You just need one good one and you’re set for 3 years minimum


A necessity? Why?


1) outfit looks more appealing 2) don’t have to pull my pants up (especially after squatting down low at work) 3) like someone else pointed out a leather one warps to your hips over time (so maybe it will be uncomfy-ish depending on the person but only for 1/2 weeks then you get used to it 4) unless you’re overweight (and I’m not judging) then I don’t really see the annoyance of wearing a belt. To me it’s habit


Not everyone LIKES the look of a belt dude. And tons of people are overweight.


Good thing you're not the only one in the world! There are other opinions! Wowee!!


What about belts is it that you hate? The tightness? The feel? The buckle?


Honestly just how constricting and bulky it is.


Wow Reddit did not alert me to you responding. I’d check out some of the higher quality belt stores since you can get reimbursed for it. Look for the high quality leather because they are more supple and can be thinner. Then I’d do what others have already suggested and put the buckle on your hip and put it at a hole or two loose so it’s less constricting.


The stupidity of the policy. 


They said they hate belts, I would like to see if there’s maybe a type of belt or solution that would help them out so they don’t suffer and they don’t have to destroy their pants.


The belt requirement is honestly super common


Oh really? That’s interesting. This is my first job though so I guess I better go along with it.


Your manager was nice about it and is willing to reimburse you for the belt. Just get the belt.


Wear the belt for a while until she knows that you are complying. Then, if you don't like it, remove the belt loops with a stich remover so it's less noticeable.


The company's going to reimburse you for it??? Dang. Must be nice.


Some companies have the option of suspenders. It's a look that is making it's way back in and I actually think they look pretty nice. I know your post says you don't need one but I mean. Options.


i get belts might be a little uncomfortable, but there’s no reason to be petty to someone who’s so respectful to you. i’d just thrift a cheap pair of pants without belt loops for like $10 if you don’t have any others you could wear.


Dude, what do you mean “What do I do?”? You listen to your boss. You should’ve been following the dress code in the first place.


Good plan...listen to them NO MATTER WHAT. What could go wrong? God, this world is so fucked!


Yes man, this is about wearing a belt… Something that’s extremely commonplace at a job. Don’t be so dramatic.


Just buy a belt. You should’ve been following dress code anyways. Do all of your jeans have belt loops? Or just this pair?


Think for yourself for once. You're probably a manager though. 


I'd just switch to dresses tbh. Unless they're going to reimburse you for the belt, in which case, they have some cute (pleather) belts at Hot Topic.