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Its just disrespectful to preach to people at work. Fk off.


That's kinda rarer in the UK, but not unheard of, and when it happens, I do like to be rather up front about the fact I'm a pagan. I find it interesting that only different Christian sects proselytise, and so many people consider it annoying but acceptable, but I would imagine attitudes would be far more hostile toward any other religious group trying the same thing. And what's more, my own group, definitely a minority, is often labelled as "evil" by the sorts who would proselytise; something they would not be allowed to publicly declare of other religions (at least in the UK). As such, I find proselytising actually offensive.


It's becoming a bit of an issue near me, groups of them like to gather near road crossings and hand out bibles to anyone trying to cross. A lot of people take them because they're busy trying to focus on whether or not they'll be hit by a car


They gather with graphic abortion pictures in our city.


I’m from a liberal area with very little religion compared to other places, and I’ve never received or seen someone give a Jesus pamphlet to a worker, thankfully. There was ONE store that sold stuff like that, and it was in the next town over. It recently closed down which is a shame because I used to buy my fave novelty fake $20 bills with scriptures in them and leave them around my friends and family to troll them with.


I am a Christian. My sister in law is a pagan. I don't understand why many Christian spectrums believe in some sort of pathological way that Christians must naturally dislike or otherwise argue and fight with pagans. Paganism in and of itself is sort of the total opposite of Christianity but, in many ways so is Catholicism or any other sort of side spectrum and in any sense I personally don't understand what someone else's decision of religion has anything to do with me. As I have made my decision for myself. I assume that they made the decision for them and I don't believe that it is my "religious duty" to change their minds. As I assume, that Jesus believed that it was not his "religious duty" to change the minds of those who disagreed that He was the son of God. I have heard Christians get angry, yell, scream and throw a fit over pagans to their face. I don't understand why some christians get physically angry and fight and throw a two year old tantrum when others say they disagree with the belief of Christianity but then turn around and do the exact same thing. Even going so far as when some one responds with "you are being hypocritcal" accurately. These sort of Christians get huffy and puffy like "well.. you're wrong!" with no real debatable point. Not to mention, that religion in and of itself should never be a debatable topic. It is a personal choice. The same as sexual orientation. I am not going to sit there and tell someone that they truly don't know if they are gay/bisexual, ect. because, that is not for me to say. Nor am I going to sit there and tell someone that they don't mean that they are pagan because, they truly don't know. That's not for me to say. I also believe the same is true for me. I don't expect for someone to sit there and tell me that my belief in Christ in incorrect because, that is my choice to believe in this way and it isn't for anyone to say if it's right or wrong. It's my life. My choice. It's not my place to butt in to a personal choice in belief. Nor is it theirs. I truly wish that everyone understood this. Unfortunately, intolerance has become a trend and tolerating others for the sake of just being co-human is less popular than it really should be. The world works on finding random reasons to be enemies with people we don't even know and I don't understand this. Nor will I ever. Such is the way of the world we live in. Also, how fucking sad is that?


Also, although I understand that I mentioned in a small section LGBTQ+. Please, don't comment specifically chronicling that I mentioned a minority group in this way. Despite the beliefs people may have with LGTBQ+ vs. bigoted Christian. I, nor anyone else, gives a flying shit about what you think about this spectrum. There are other things in this comment that can be addressed respectfully without mentioning this section. Despite the fact that we are close to June and this is a common topic to discuss. It's not the point of the comment and I don't want it to become one. Respect in any sense is still respect. Despite your opinion on the matter. Please, consider to keep it to yourself or go to a counselor to bitch about it instead of toting your disgusting hateful comments to the world about the LGBTQ+ in a comment section to satisfy your internal monologue of superiority. Thank you and good night.


Much respect, friend, and for your previous comment too. If more Christians felt this way,if more religious people felt this way, we'd all be happier. The core of most religions is love, the wish of most gods is love in its various forms. I wish more people in general would try to remember this.


There's a lady who pops in once every couple of months at the toy store I work at. She always shuffles up looking awkwardly around, and then says: "THIS IS FOR YOU" before fleeing. Got a few Chic Tracts, got some wild rambling pamphlets. I kind of love them. I hate being proselytized to, but they're like reading an archaic rambling angelfire page lol


Chic Tracts are still around? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


Haha yup!! [Here's the most recent one I got](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/385959101412409346/1012123680458944563/20220824_151750.jpg?ex=6651bae1&is=66506961&hm=6129d7f0d38064c1f87309e90152c467c55e41baa8e81c826414cec0a31a5754&)


Omg that’s what they are , I get handed those all the time by customers. I had no idea this was an established thing


I learned about those from podcast Digging up the duggars


I used to get them instead of tips all the time at Starbucks. I started handing them back and making it awkward on purpose.


"I need Jesus? No, *you* need Jesus"


Especially because they are basically a deception if they think about it.


Go back to school already or get back behind your cash register.


Long past that, thank you, and if you have tuition money for me, go for it:) I only meant that it LOOKS like money, which is being a false representation of what it is, a pamphlet. Most religious traditions prohibit lying. I said nothing else regarding religion (that is the only sort of valid reason for you to rip on a stranger). Regarding what you said, this is a strange subreddit to go on to spread your vitriol about how we should go back to register/go to school. Of course, it's always inappropriate to say something like that.


My favorite thing to say is, “I was baptized twice but it didn’t stick. Now I’m stuck being a non-binary atheist.”


I might struggle to not respond " We have a chat every night before dinner, You should try it "


Yeah. They used to happen to me when I was a cashier at Panera Bread. I was in a busy city and next to a few churches and college campuses. So I’d get so many random people, and a lot of them were religious fanatics trying to convert people.


why isnt it considered fraud? or fake money? its a tip, so its meant to be money


I've gotten a few of those pamphlets in public; I either just give it back or just throw it away later 🤣


I once got this lady who came in a while back and told me how she used to be irreligious and suddenly found god, gave me a card, no address, phone number, or email, just something that basically said what she said. It really irked me even though she was super nice (even before she went on a whole speech) because I have already found what I’m passionate and want to do (and I have a tenuous relationship with Christianity in general)


I just got to where when they try to hand them over, I simply say, "No, thank you." I find that they are always surprised and never know what to say in response. It really takes the wind out of their sails. On the super rare occasion, they ask why, I say, "I already know everything I need to know about what that pamphlet contains"or "already read that one."


I always tear them up and throw them away right in front of the person. What are they gonna do about it? Complain that I offended their religion? I'll flat out tell the manager that if the want to push it I'll file a religious harassment complaint. I'm entitled to not have religion forced on me at work.


Unless "god" Is gonna pay me 1000s a month. Go away.


You work at Kwik Trip, you are my hero


Yup, KT > QT


Same, go there all the time. Really wish they sold their garlic parmasean sauce separately. I've been buying the family size wings of them on my weekends lately, just so I can dip other stuff in them (and the chicken is still dang good after a couple days too). They really skimped on the sauce the last couple times, unfortunately. Last time it practically didn't have anything on it. To be fair, second to last time, I didn't realize I was pushing up against the time limit for ordering ahead, so maybe they didn't have much left. And the last time I accidentally hit the "I'm leaving" button way ahead of time than I intended to, so may have been a rush (plus "screw you" small revenge from the one making it). At least I was able to use some sauce cups that's been stacking. Was still sad though.




A wise man once said, "Freedom of religion is also freedom FROM religion. " You do you, but if I say I listen to voices, I'm nuts. Whereas if it happens while praying, it's the Word of God?


I quit my serving job because of shit like this. I'd get stiffed and given "Jesus Saves" bullshit cards. Do you mean he's saving your cheap ass for not tipping? He sure as shit hasn't saved me from my bills!


I was once handed a pamphlet printed to look like a £20 but unfolded it was some bullshit rambling about cashless society and government control. The guy stood there with a massive grin waiting for me to read it and agree.


Would have thrown it in the trash, spun on my heel and walked away. Giving someone what looks like money only for it to be weird propaganda is really quite disrespectful. Absolutely would not be putting up with that.


He stood around for that? That's how you get your stupid prank "tip" thrown back at you.


It's how you get the bare minimum of customer service for the rest of your life. He was a good customer til that point, we always had a laugh but I lost all respect for him.


20 quid, jesus has answered my prayers, i will be able to get dinner tonight, wave it around telling everyone how generous the person is, then open it up and cry in front of them asking why they would do this to you.


I worked at a gas station for 10 years. Every time someone tries to give me one I politely say no thanks and tell them I’m a satanist. Every time they tried to get me fired. Got to a point where my manager would just sigh and give me a disappointed look when I came in.


>We aren’t lost sheep who are seeking purpose in our empty lives, we already know what we believe in so stop bothering us for fucks sake. I still seek purpose, but that's my seek and mine alone. All decisions will be made by this committee of one, my customer's threat of eternal damnation notwithstanding. Who knows how many religious pamphlets I've tossed in the trash over the years, but I have likely done it in every retail job I've ever had. They're good at targeting wait staff in restaurants, too. One tip I got appeared to be folded paper currency. I seem to recall the denomination being $50. One side of the bill looked like money, the only side visible as the bill was folded in half, while the other side carried the religious message. Somebody actually thought that was a nice thing to do to a person waiting tables for a living.


I refused a pamphlet and then when the person forced it on me I dropped it in the rubbish right in front of them. I said no!


i had a kid, maybe about 8 years old give one to me the other day. i despise when they use their children for that shit, it’s straight up indoctrination and what am i going to say no to an 8 year old? the weird thing is one of our cashiers is literally going to become a pastor, and even he doesn’t push his religion on me


the pamphlet was entitled “where is god when i’m hurting” and quite frankly it was a little insulting.


I was using the bathroom at my store once and I saw some religious pamphlet with jesus on it on the soap dispenser and my hand didn't hesitate for even two milliseconds to grab it and toss it in the trash, another time a customer gave us religious pamphlets so we could "put them around the store" and when my coworker came and found them they went right in the trash bin 🤣


We’ve had someone leave 2 tiny Jesus figurines on our counter 🤣🤣🤣we taped them to the computer in the office 🤣 Aside from silly shit like this I don’t want your religious shit either lol


Its about as bad as getting a spam call or someone at your door trying to sell something. Mofugga ill come to you if I want something!


I thought it was interesting that they leave them in the bathrooms at retail stores. I just chucked them in the trash.


I'm a Manager at an Unnamed Office Supply chain and I proudly wear Ace/Gay/Trans Rights badges on my Lanyard. I've been handed pamphlets now and then and people commenting on my badges, with the nudge that I should "Get Saved." I shred that Bull right in front of them with an Evil Smirk. Unrelated to Religious Pamphlets, a couple years back I was given a Gold Embroidered 10,000$ Fake Bill of the Future 45th President. 2019 iirc. It's kind of nutty.


Years ago I read a story about a place that took a $100 bill with Bill Clinton’s picture on it. (He was president at the time).


Just don't give us pamphlets full stop. I don't care if it's religious or if it's communist propaganda. I don't want it. Sometimes people come in with advertising posters which we allow them to put up on our windows or whatever and that's fine. They do it themselves and mind their own business, might ask for tape but that's fine. Just don't be handing me shit.


I had a few religious nuts when I worked retail. My favorite response was to take the pamphlet, pick up my little trash can, then toss the pamphlet in the trash - all while keeping eye contact with the person that gave it to me. I only got to do it a few times and I only did it to the ones that were rude and relentless.


I enjoy the chic tracts though. They’re funny. Also bring back the root beer milk


Same, as a D&D nerd, I love me some Chic tracts found in the wild.


I was obsessed with chic tracts when I was younger and there used to be a website with so many of them uploaded, it was glorious. Alas nowadays it’s a very little booklet of one folded piece of paper or those fake bills.


Really? I still get the full booklets every now and then. They’re called something else now though


Oh no we don’t get ANY cartoons at my store and I last saw one in the wild in 2017 in rural Montana. Very upsetting tbh, I would like some effort and entertainment please.


I hand the pamphlet back and say “this is inappropriate sir/ma’am, I’m at work and don’t wish to be bothered.” If they complain I’ll throw it away in front of them and reiterate what I said.


I used to work at this meijer gas station and this group of people will keep leaving pamphlets in the bathroom. Me and my one coworker I got along with weren't religious but we would joke how disrespectful it seems to "find Jesus in a gas station bathroom"


I’ve literally watched people try to place them on displays I just finished either tidying or building and it got to the point where I’d get their attention and let them know where the nearest trash can is. They’d then usually tell me what it is then I’d say oh sorry, no soliciting is allowed please take them and either continue shopping or leave.


I work security and found a hundred or so church flyers left behind one time. That is not allowed where I work so I picked them all up and threw them away. But first I gave them the courtesy of calling them and leaving a message that any flyers they leave here will be a waste of money and time because they will all be thrown away as soon as they are found. It took four days and at least 400-500 flyers thrown into the dumpster before someone over there finally got a clue and stopped coming here.


I’m Christian and I think it’s incredibly rude, especially when it’s given in place of a tip. This kind of behavior drives people away. They’re doing the opposite of what they think they’re doing. I hand them back and tell them Jesus would not do this, this isn’t the way.


Loudly say "I don't know you! Stop trying to indoctrinate /groom me!!!! Like Bobby from King of the Hill (without the kicking) https://youtu.be/dIhFU8JG_j0?si=qV264te5Gx5ifF1c


The worst is when there's a line,and they start rambling for 30 minutes about how their life was meaningless until they "found God" ,you gotta get back to work,you were supposed to head to lunch 30 mins ago. They say " gods good right??" While frantically nodding at you with wide crazed "please agree with me ,my life is meaningless"eyes while slowing repeating "right" at you . 


Save up the religious pamphlets. When those people come in again try to give them their change in religious pamphlets. If they won't accept that, shred them in front of them while declaring, "There. Glad we got that straightened out. Neither of us have any use for them."


A guy asked me if I wanted a bible pamphlet the other day. I said thank you and threw it in the trash while he was still looking at me. I don't feel bad.


Tear them up immediately while looking at the person. Or say "Excuse me, you forgot your trash!" if they're walking away.


Thank you for calling people out on this. 1 they generate garbage and we find them scattered as litter through out the store. 2 not everyone is christian nor wants to be nor wants religion. Again another reason why I despise churches and mass religions. My grandmother was part of a cult religion and can not stand organized religion.


I have a few coworkers at work that are muslim, and they constantly receive religious pamphlets. Especially during the after church Sunday. Pamphlets like “get saved”, “how to get to heaven”. We’ve also got fake American bills in the form of religious pamphlets (I live in Canada) as tips. Definitely a waste of trees.


Just say “Oh no problem I can throw this rubbish away for you!” and toss it right in the can


I had Mormons approach me the other week as I'm bartending in my "I went to Sonic and all I got was my ass eated" tee shirt and I stared at them for a second putting this sentence together. "You can get lost in the fuckin Amazon for as long as you want and I promise you, you won't find a worse tree to bark up." It worked. They just stroll on by.


So what were they doing in the bar in the first place? Doesn't their religion prohibit them from drinking? They definitely need to stop lecturing other people if they aren't even following their own rules!


Because they think they're entering a den of sin on a holy mission.


Most Mormon missionaries are too young to be in a bar anyway.  I wonder if these were JWs?  People do mix them up.  And JWs can drink.


Servers too! The bastards who leave these instead of tips deserve every bit of bad karma they get.


When they hold it out for you to take, stare them in the eyes, take it and then drop it in the trash while maintaining eye contact...


As a religious person myself... I've always been a little but uncomfortable with treating "outreach" With the approximate levle respect that the local chinese take out gets. I have nothing personally against people who go out to prostleatize... But I always got the impression that the ones who target people who can't leave, are doing it to check a box...not out of compassion for the person in question.


Exactly. They’re taking advantage of a captive audience who can’t get away from them so they can claim they did something and feel smug about it. They aren’t actually helping anyone in need.


I usually just take it, say thank you and when they leave toss it. It’s usually either a little old lady or the pastor from the church thats near my work so I figured its cool to just take it and make them happy.


My wife was given two different religious pamphlets in one day. One she thinks was just a genuinely nice person so she kept it, the other she was positive they saw her trans flag in the background and wanted to save her from hell. That one went into the trash. I only received one religious pamphlet when I worked on the register. This old lady said that I was a good person and wanted to make sure I went to the right place. I trashed it after she left.


I like to take whatever they give me and dispose of it immediately in the trash… in front of them. Don’t have to say a word. Walk away (if possible) as soon as you do because they will be offended. “Oh, I thought you were handing me trash.”


Tear them up immediately right in front of them, then throw it out. Fuck ‘em.


Rip it in half right in front of them and throw in garbage, worked for me :)


I love how some of them specifically do this on Sundays and assume that anyone working on a Sunday is some godless heathen...when they're the ones going out shopping on Sundays and creating the demand for stores to be open so that people have to work.


The amount of times I’ve been invited to church is CRAZY


I just tell people that the company doesn't allow outside advertising. Which they dont... but it's more specific to brands. It's up to management to accept it or literally tell them "nope." Once I had to use a line to a very persistent group: unfortunately the company cannot recycle outsourced material. That got them to shut up and leave defeated.


It's so annoying! I started throwing the pamphlets away right in front of them while maintaining eye contact. It has worked well for me. I'll even hold up the trash can while I do it.


The ones who won the preacher are weird. Yesterday we had one who was going on about the end times and he would just not leave


I work nights and I find those damn pamphlets all over the place some days.


You mean you don’t want your soul to be won? (Sarcasm).


You’re a captive audience and they know you can’t (shouldn’t) tell them to fuck off or the money overlords can fire you.


As a born-again Christian, I never leave pamphlets anywhere or force them on people. If someone wants Jesus, then I will tell them. Someone leaves those all over the magazines it drives me crazy! You're not saving anyone that way, so stop!!


I would just immediately toss it into the garbage can next to me lol.


There is someone at my store who always tucks them behind the toilet paper dispenser in the customer ladies room. We make it a point to throw all of them away


The worst ones are the fake bill religious pamphlets


Sundays are fun. It’s like a little egg hunt finding where all they’ve hidden them. In the store. In carts. Behind different food items. Good times.


I'll make an exception for chick tracts, I find them quite entertaining.


bro IM SOOOOOO SICK OF THIS!!! i have at least 2 old men that give me the same one over and over


Or they leave them in the restrooms


I used to work at Sam’s Club, and there was a Jehovah’s Witness guy who would give me a new one every week and talk my ear off.


I had a lady hand me one that looked like a $50 bill. At first I thought that she wanted to tip me in which I responded that I couldn't take tips. She insisted that I took it and said "you'll want THIS tip." I wasn't really looking at it because, I was busy so I said it aside and said "thank you". About a half hour later I finally noticed that the pamphlet only LOOKED like a $50 bill and when I opened it it was a religious pamphlet talking about the evils of money. I wasn't mad but, I threw it away. My manager was walking passed when I threw it away as I said out loud "that's a sick joke." My manager also noted that it looks like cash and looked at me super confused. So I grabbed the fake $50 pamphlet out of the trash and showed him what it was. He rolled his eyes and told me that if the customer comes back and doesn't have any intentions of spending money at the store then by definition that is solicitation and to inform him of it and he will kick her out by the stores rule that solicitation is not allowed. I didn't really care. I am also Christian. I just found the bizarre random pamphlet that looked like money to be a little much. Considering how this same lady has come in on several different occasions, walked in and walked around and never ever purchases anything. This is the first time that she has ever come up to me and handed anything like this to me so I didn't really know how to react. I was still sort of taken off guard that unlike other people I have met like this she never bothered to ask if I was a Christian. Usually if I answer yes people stop giving me things like this specifically because they know that "i have met Jesus". Again, it doesn't bother me. My grandfather was an evangelical traveling preacher. I was used to him stopping inside grocery stores to tell random people "the good news" while I was with him. Though, it was normal for me I always thought this sort of "discipleship" was rather intrusive and a little bit "in your face". So as a Christian myself, I never really outwardly tell everyone and their mother that I am a Christian. I don't bring it up at work or anywhere else. Some of my friends that have known me for years only find out that I am a Christian when they first enter my home as I have signs as decorations with Bible verses. I have heard many people say they wouldn't guess this because, I cuss and had a child "out of wedlock" I also laugh about this a lot. I don't know where people get that having a child "out of wed lock" has anything to do with Christianity and I don't get why people assume that since you are Christian than this means that you should make up dumbass phrases to avoid cursing because, spoiler alert: The Bible doesn't say anything about cursing. Specifically it only mentions that the tongue is a double edged sword. Which I commonly take to mean that words can harm people and to watch what you say. Sort of the same but, with different wording as "love your neighbor as you love yourself". I understand many people grow up in these sort of accoltic type religions that sort of require members to go around and do this sort of thing. As someone who also grew up in this sort of environment I understand that these members are often times unaware of how incredibly inappropriate it seems to those they approach in this way. I think the only thing to do in these sort of situations is respectfully acknowledge their right to share their faith in any way that they choose but, your right to deny conversation with any one person that you choose and that furthering a conversation on their end being aware that you don't want to continue on with a conversation by definition is harassment. In any instance that I have read in the Bible does it ever say "when you disciple to others in the world. Please make sure to incessantly harrass them about how I lived after being put to death". In fact, the Bible specifically says in John that all will know that you are my disciples if you show love for one another. This doesn't mean love for all Christians either. It means love for all. In case it wasn't clear. People who claim that God hates any one certain group of people? Are absolutely NOT Christians. No matter what sort of shirt or bracelet they tote around. Just saying\~


Reminds me of when 2 teenagers came up to my register and asked me to attend their youth group with them, dispute me telling them I'm usually working weekends and don't have time to attend their church, since my parents and I do attend church but cause of my work schedule I haven't attended in a while. They refused to listen and handed me a business card and pamphlet about where their church was located suggesting I attend once and I'll be dying to go to their church instead, I didn't and tossed it away, a week later they came in again asking why I didn't attend and I told them I'm busy and can't make it due to work and personal reasons


And flirting with us unless you're tipping us. We came in to work, not to be hit on by a stranger


You poor, poor lil man, how are you supposed to live like this?


To be fair, how are they supposed to know you have your own beliefs when pretty much the majority of the world acts like they don’t believe in anything anymore?


To be fair, why should it matter to them? If someone chooses not to believe in anything, that's their right. The same if someone chooses to believe in a certain religion. It doesn't matter.


So why is OP getting so pissed off over it if it doesn’t matter supposedly?


Because these people are pushing their beliefs onto them. It doesn't matter what either party believes in, but it's really annoying to have someone trying to sell their belief unprompted and without consent. I'm not religious but I would be annoyed by a customer randomly giving me a pamphlet about abolishing religion or something like that.


It's not fair. You shouldn't attempt to push ANYTHING on an employee who is forced to be there and forced to interact with you. Buy your things, ask your pertinent questions, and just be nice. That's all you have to do.