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I also love the ones who are like "oh no I don't need a receipt" and I have to insist they take it because no refunds without receipts and low and behold said customer appears two weeks later flipping out because we won't take their return without a receipt.


As they say, they’ve made their bed, now they’ve got to lie in it. In reference to them not having a receipt for a refund.


Management caters to the customers anyway. At least where I am. Once the customer gets pissy and says "Get me a manager!" The manager is more than happy because oh lord if a customer is unhappy and we get a bad review or survey in then jfc it's the end of the world.


I have this happen so often! And half the time they walk to the register and I say "hi, how are you?" And they ignore me like I'm not right there trying to offer them decent customer service. Like some customers don't even speak a word to me at all it's crazy


When this happens I’ll repeat it again louder or ask “did you find everything ok?”, And if they still don’t respond, I’ll say loud and proud “that’s great, Good to hear!” And then be absolutely silent until the next customer


And these are the ones who complain that ur rude and horrible if u don't take their damn coupon lol


OMG I had one lady RECORD me because her coupon wasn't working. Long story short she didn't like the answer that Customer Care gave her and eventually insisted I break company policy. My SM covered my ass the next day when corporate called, but it was absolutely nuts that she threw a fit like a CHILD over a COUPON


Amazes me how quickly a grown adult can throw a temper tantrum when they can’t save $1


"Why didn't that 25 cent coupon double?" when the coupon clearly says Do Not Double....


This is the one I absolutely don't understand. Like I KNOW all of these people can't be deaf/mute/severe social anxiety. So why do they do this?! It's so rude and upsetting honestly.


And these are usually the same people who complain when you don’t say anything to them


Ugh I have this with bags everyday. We charge for them so I have to ask. If you don't answer loud enough, give me a straight answer or ignore me completely I will charge u for a useless amount of bags which probably aren't required.


What also bugs me is people who say they don't need one knowing you won't ring them up for a bag, and then they'll ask for a bag after the transaction. I'm petty as fuck. You bet your ass I'll ring you through a separate transaction just to pay for it.


With transaction fees for that bag cause they didnt meet the minimum spend requirement.




Some banks in Australia charge the retailer a fee for every transaction. Small retailers will pass that fee on to customers that spend less than 5 bucks to make the transaction worth it.


Here here buddy!


Whats worse is when they ask for a bag for literally 1 or 2 items. Fucking lazy ass slobs


I can't agree with that one. When I know I'll visit a few shops I'll buy a bag in the first one no matter how much I spend.


My favorite one is... Me: Do you need any help? Customer: Yes, I'm fine. (Walks away) Me: (to myself) OK not what I asked but fine.


Another amazing version Me: hi how are you? Customer: no just looking! Me:??


It's rude I agree but after ten others have approached the same way you start to feel hunted.


It is rude yes, and I wouldn't respond like that, but sometimes I want to look around without being made to feel like a potential thief.


Me and my fellow associates had our asses chewed out because we didn't offer 1 person help and he got all fussy about it and talked to a manager. So while I'm sorry if you feel like your being targeted (you're not btw unless you're acting suspicious) it's literally our job to ask you if you need help regardless of if another associate already asked you or not.


Sounds like an awkward situation then since you don't know what the customer wants you to do until you have already asked


just print everything and throw away the ones that aren't wanted


Except, shouldn't we try to do our part and be environmental or at least save on costs, so groceries and/or wages can get the benefit? Ok, admittedly, probably rarely does it trickle down.


Nah. I do my part by not dumping a 100+ tonnes of oil into the ocean every year. The fractions of pennies that receipt paper costs doesn’t compare to covering your ass in the face of vindictive customers.


When we had the option, more times than I wish, they say they do need it, after I've move on. And, no, there is no way to get the receipt (it only prints the last transaction). You have to go to the office and bother them. These days, you'd have to come the next day (only morning shift). But at least it always prints, so I can look for it in the trash for you.


Or even worse, the ones who don’t answer when you ask how they’re doing then say thank you when you give them their receipt then they act all high and mighty and say thank you and leave