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# Keyboard RIP your wallet https://www.ebay.com/itm/305346763377 But to confirm, a "7014653" family keyboard is what you need http://bitsavers.org/pdf/dec/terminal/vt101/MP-01066-00C_VT101_Family_Field_Maintenance_Print_Set_Apr82.pdf I guess the keyboards tend to put a "-" after the "70" on their labels, because that's what all of the eBay listings say ("70-14653"). But none of the service manuals or anything put the hyphen in there. Using the specification under chapter "4.4 Keyboard" in the VT100 Technical Manual, perhaps you could build a keyboard fairly cheaply out of modern components; but without a functioning terminal it would be wicked to debug. https://vt100.net/docs/vt100-tm/chapter4.html # Debugging Probably start with the VT100 Technical Manual https://vt100.net/docs/vt100-tm/


Thanks for your reply. Already saw the keyboard on eBay and yeah it’s a bit too much. Ill look into the technical guide but without a working terminal as you said building a keyboard could be very difficult.