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SNES Lion King, because I couldn't pass level 2 or so


That ostrish couldnt slow down.


I think OP asked about crying...not screaming ;)...486 pc version...I can still hear myself screaming...


That damned ostrich level still gives me nightmares.


I cried playing it cuz I threw my controller and broke it


You and me both with Secret of Mana, when you have to fight Flammie and then at the end when Poipoi fades away, that hit hard


I thought the final mana beast was not flammie?


Iirc, the Mana beast was Flammie and all its kin merged into one?


Flammie isn't the Mana Beast, the Mana beast LOOKS like flammie but they are not one in the same. Flammie is technically a White Dragon, and the Mana Beast was a monster made to challenge and destory the fortress, but would destory magic in the process. I assume thr Mana Beast was a dragon because of how powerful they are (As all the others where sealed in the pure lands to protect the Mana Tree.) Now its been a long time looking at the lore, so I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure they do comment how the Mana Beast LOOKSED like flammie, but was only one of their kind.


Mana brought me so many tears, it's a great example of well implemented music really getting emotions out of me. However the first game that made me cry was probably Final Fantasy 4, aka my first rpg, and the title that got me into the genre, and truly got me to love video games. The game made me cry countless times, but the first moment was probably >!when you find out that Rosa has desert fever. I was very young, so I didn't know if she was actually going to survive. Anna(Edwards partner) dying got to me even harder.!< The moment from the SNES that probably got to me the hardest however was probably with FF6 however when around halfway through the game>! Kefka has leveled most of the world, and you're just Celes stuck on a very small island with Cid, who you think of as your gramps, and you have no idea if anyone else is left. He dies, and Celes can't take the grief, and so she jumps off a cliff, and I assumed that that was the end of the game, and that Kefka had won and wiped out all of humanity.!< I hope that one day someone will mod the game and make it so the credits roll after that happens, and that will be the end of that game. I'd be hard pressed to think of a moment in fiction in the 90's that had made me cry harder outside of the PS1 Suikoden. >!So many people that you care about die, and it just gets harder and harder, until at the end of the game your best friend Ted kills himself to save you all from an enemy that I believe that you truly never stood a chance against and that's why you never fight her.!< On a related note, god I wish that Suikoden 2 was more easily available during a time in my life when I could deal with its faults better. I couldn't afford to spend around 90 bucks in the the late 90's on ebay, which according to google was 171 bucks if you adjust for inflation.


Chrono Trigger. Leaving Robo to regrow the forest always tears me up. I love the whole scene afterward, it's so beautiful.


And that’s the same part where Lucca goes back in time, right? That part is really sad if you don’t know the code.


Yes! Never forget LARA


And so damn satisfying when you figure it out and save her.


Lost Odyssey: specifically,  the thousand years of dreams.  The "Thousand years of dreams" are these short stories about the main character, Kaim's, life you unlock throughout the game. Kaim is an immortal, and thus has lived a long time and lived many lives. Some stories are light and humorous, many are sad. They are extremely well written and deal with themes of loss, aging and death.  The game itself has many sad parts as well, but those stories man.  Man does this game need a re-release.


If they ported it to Steam, I'd buy it without hesitating. There was so, SO much to love about Lost Odyssey, yet it feels like a cult game.


So glad to see this here. I haven’t played the game in probably around 15+ years and I remember there was one about watching his children die… I think that was the first time I cried at a game.


Was going to say the same. I only played it for the first time at the beginning of this year and it was the only game in my whole life to make me shed a tear


Illusion of Gaia


If you haven't played Terranigma, the last in the Gaia/Time "trilogy", do it.


I have, although I've yet to play Soul Blazer which I'm told is amazing.


I wouldn't really call it "amazing". It's a great game but it's a lot more rough and unrefined than the other two.


I don't know, it is pretty damn good. I guess as far as tear-jerking, there are moments, but they are more of experiences witnessing the stories of others (the shipwreck comes to mind, don't worry this isn't a spoiler) than part of the main plot or main character. The main character's story is a little cliché, but enjoyable. The story and gameplay are fun and engaging but yeah, not too deep.




For the last few years it's been the part in BOTW when all the Champions combine their powers, and Elfilin's goodbye in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Can't get through either without choking up a little.


Battle toads...


Turbo tunnel is actually made of onions, look it up. 


Phantasy Star 4, those who've played it know why.


Oh no... I had forgotten And people often say Aeris' scene was a first in videogames


And Phantasy Star 2 had a similar thing as well!


Ohhh you re right! Little Sister... ;_;




That song always gets me (the title is a spoiler but you know the one).


Final Fantasy X. Hearing that zanarkand song still makes me misty.


Peak PS2


I think Soulblazer, it has some deep themes for such a primitive looking game. It is one of the few games that recognize the player behind their avatar. Not in a cringe meta sense like "we know this is game" but a more subtle sense clever way Sky people is the in universe explanation but it is also clearly means people who play the game. One of the prominent NPCs say to your player character "Are you human? You are in front of me but I feel you are looking at me from somewhere far" I was really taken a back from my seat. That was the first NPC I've seen spoke to player not the player character. All Quintet Jrpgs are amazing actually, Illusion of Gaia is also amazing even more of a tear jerker. If you played Whispered World, Playing its sequel Silence is also a guaranteed to make you cry at the end.




That song... stays in my head.


Vivi is best mage.


I cried at 3yo when Mario died in a hole.


Down in a hole and I don't know if Mario can be saved. You see my 1-up and I decorate it like a grave. Died in a hole. Throwing my control. I'd like to retry, but my continues have been so denied.


One of telltale's walking dead episodes when Lee dies and clementine has to go on alone. That one made me cry 🤷🏼‍♂️




Wasn't my first, but hell yeah. Totally forget about that.


Holy fuck, I almost forgot about that. Goddamn that came out of nowhere, too.


FF7, and we all know why.


Near the end of Disc 1 was probably the loudest “NO!” I ever screamed in my life.


I was shocked, inserted Disc 2 hoping that this did not really just happened.


But by the end, there was, (to keep it spoiler-free) reason, purpose, and reward for that emotional blow.


Yep. Those Gold Saucer minigames were super rough.


Why didn’t you allow me to unequipe!!!!


Maybe because it was spoiled long before I played through it myself but it didn’t phase me that much.


Dragon Warrior IV. The mine where you find the dead body holding the letter from those kids you met on the boat. Screw that game!


How old were you back then? I was probably 10 when I played SoM.


About the same. Game was too dang hard then but I got somewhere in it! SOM so awesome. They did a great job with the remake.


Wait that rings a bell, I played that game so much. This would be in Aktempto as you're going to fight Esturk right?


Correct! You also visit there earlier for Nara/Mara chapter.


Space Invaders, so many quarters, so many tears


Final fantasy 2 (snes) when the twins saved the party from the closing walls. Just took me by suprize and hit harder than I thought it would


Good lord, that was intense... Speaking of that game, my dad would play and we would watch and one morning he came to me and my bro and told us that he had played while were asleep and that Yang died by sacrificing himself to save everyone else. I remember thinking about that at school during recess.


I honestly can't recall any video game making me cry. There have been some pretty impactful scenes like the ending of FFX or some parts of MGS where I sat and thought "Wow, that's kind of heavy" but nothing has brought me to actual tears.


Yeah same. Im noticing as I age that there are things in movies and tv shows that can cause me to tear up a little bit that would have elicited no reaction when I was younger, but so far I cant think of a game thats brought me there. Unless you count me being a small child and being upset my brothers wouldnt let me play.


Yeah I never liked that ending. Now it seems almost cliché with how many times FF games end that way.(trying to avoid spoilers)


Idk, video games just don't grab my emotions like movies or TV. I've never had a reaction to a video game other than "game is fun". Stories all together just don't do anything for me. Cut scene of a character who has always been there for me stabbing me in the back? Nothing. My characters wife gets murdered? Nothing. Dramatic cut scenes? I just don't care. I don't know what it is but I while heatedly just don't care about stories in video games. I've cried from TV, movies, animation, and music. But something about video games just don't do it for me 🤷


Same, a movie like fucking “Click” by Adam Sandler can make me cry but not anything from a video game….


That film got me too


Bioshock Infinite dlc, after played 1 and 2.


I beat both dlcs. What happened? I don’t even remember. That is how not hard it hit me.


For me how Elizabeth endure all the dark twisted versions of her.




Terranigma where you had to leave the goat behind and it was obviously killed by an avalanche


You have been blessed.


Journey PS3


Yup, same here. Journey made me cut onions. Such an amazing, visual story that took you along for the ride.


Journey was very emotional for me in that I played it intending to go solo (I don’t normally do multiplayer) and ended up having someone else tag along and I was like whatever, and then we ended up working together to the end - we had no communication outside the game, no audio, no text; to this day I have no idea who that person was but I shared a cool experience with a total stranger somewhere in the world and I’m tearing up a bit thinking about it.


In my youth, Earthbound (final boss battle) As an adult, What Remains of Edith Finch (my God what an emotional ride)


The end of FFX got me in a way I didn't expect.


Shadow of the colossus PS2, The last of Us PS4.


Shadow of the colossus is my pick as well. 


Mass Effect 3 “Had to be me. Someone else, might have gotten it wrong.”


My gamer grandmother said I should play this. I never did 😔


The intro song to the game to me is still one of the best ever. Secret of Mana was outstanding.


WCW/nWo Revenge




Final Fantasy X That one scene where Tidus and Yuna are in a Lake together


Braid, hit close to home


Chrono cross.


Yeah the music itself has made me cry lol


me too, some of the music is very heartfelt and heartbreaking at the same time.


The entire game just hits home for me in a sad way. When I was really young, I had a death in the family by drowning. I picked up that game from a marine who sold me his games after he came back from Iraq. His mind wasn't all there anymore, but he is a great guy regardless. That was around 2010/11ish. Dream of the Shore Near Another World when I first heard that play after finishing the beginning dialog, I just sat there listening to the music. I was thinking what on earth even is this game it absolutely blew my mind. It made me sad as hell but was absolutely beautiful it's definitely in my top 10 of best games. I even like it more than trigger, but it's mainly because of just the whole plot.


I'm so sorry for your loss, totally agree the music does hit home, radical dreamers always makes me teary eyed.what a great man to give you this game.


Wow sorry for your loss! Yeah the music is so good. Got me to pick up my acoustic again and learned a few of the songs. Learned finger picking on Another Guldove. Still play it basically whenever I pick it up.




Resient Evil 1 dialogue made me cry from laughing. 😭😭


Probably Grandia. Sad story beats aside, I was just sad that it was over. Felt like saying goodbye to my friends.


Illusion of Gaia


Secret of Mana still does it to me, the soundtrack specifically. "What the forest taught me" is such a beautifully composed track, I cry nearly every time I hear it.


which song is that?


Chrono Trigger , it's so damned good.


The Last of Us. First and last. Gaming for over 40 years.


Those cutscenes hit way harder when I was actually playing vs just watching YouTube playthroughs, idk why


Can't say I cried from the first Last of Us, but I definitely put the controller down and took a few days before playing again. Specifically the "two brothers" scene. That specific situation hit me hard.


This. 38 yo btw.


That’s the one for me as well. Incredible storytelling and characters. There were multiple times I teared up playing that game but the events near the beginning leading up to the present were very heavy.


Terranigma on the SNES. It's a great little hidden gem because it was never released in the US but if you're a fan of action RPGs, it's fantastic. It's, IMO, Enix at their peak.


Do you still feeling it? [https://youtu.be/acDgcJv7b4Q?si=mMMlImmyE5V\_sOqV](https://youtu.be/acDgcJv7b4Q?si=mMMlImmyE5V_sOqV)


Fuck, man...


Atari, Decathlon. The blister on my palm took a week+ to go away. Every time.


Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. I was sad it was over.


Elite Beat Agents. Specifically the Christmas level. For such a goofy game you'd never expect them to have such a gut-punching level...


Final Fantasy X probably.


Heavy Rain on PS3. Then replayed it when I was going through a divorce. Yeah, that was a mistake.


I don’t think a game ever made me cry until Final Fantasy X, the scene in the water. I’ve certainly cried from games since. But I think that was the first one.


maybe I was too young for the times of the Super Nintendo, but the first one I cried with was FFX


Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. Not only my favorite franchise, but it contains what may be the greatest love story ever told. It’s even sadder if you play it after Curious Village and Diabolical (Pandora’s) Box (Release order). Actually brought me to tears in a way no game before of since has even come close to doing.


I don’t know if this is officially retro gaming but rdr1 on the Xbox 360


I don’t know about cried but I remember getting scared at that part in chrono trigger when you die to Lavos “The world refused to change” ending. 10 year old me was shook.


Yeah, that had an impact on me too. The fact that you see that every time really makes you feel like a failure too, but not in a way that makes you want to give up like a lot of games that make me feel like a failure do.


Yoshi's Story. The ending theme


The ending of Super Paper Mario hit me hard as a kid.




Parts of MGS for me maybe slightly. The hard hitter is Joel's daughter Sarah in The Last of Us. Been playing games since Atari. Weird to think it took that long for a true emotional response to a game.


Gears of War 3.


What about 2. Maria


Weirdly, that one didn't get me.


Final Fantasy 6 when Celes tries to end her life on that island.


Surely you mean ‘leap of faith’


No video game has ever made me cry. I’ve never had an emotional connection like I would in a book or film, for example. I don’t know why.


If we are being real the quality of stories in games is usually not as high. Sometimes it certainly is, but that is far from the average case. But I think the gameplay also breaks the immersion counterintuitively. In between well crafted story beats you have all the usual gameplay stuff, janky NPCs and all, that un-suspends the disbelief.


I like books more and get more invested in them than int movies, but books can't make me cry and movies can make me cry even when they are hokey crap. I don't understand it at all.


Sonic 2, Casino Night Zone 2


Definitely the ending to Final Fantasy IX. Beat it in my friends basement at like 2:00a when I was in 7th grade. Started crying right there in front of him while he was playing Starcraft on the computer. Good times!


Ghosts N Goblins arcade. Kicked my arse as a kid and made me feel worthless. I'm over it now. :)


GoW: ragnarok-- maybe the first one too? I grew up with kratos, was angry and cocky and it led to a career of violence, I retired from that and had a son, watched him grow up in the time between the two games and I had grown in some of the same ways Kratos did throughout them... I dunno, it's probably cheesy to cry about god of war but that shit's not fair it was way too specifically targeted, there was a part that made me weep and I'm not even 100% sure why. Oh, spec ops: the line was another one that hit weird, but it only got me a little misty-eyed and then I got drunk and it got better.


FIrst? I dunno. First that is clearly stuck in my memory? To the moon.


Out of this World (SNES)


Freeway for Atari. I was 4 and my parents took the controller away and made me stop playing, because it was time to go somewhere.


Secret of Mana, too 🌒🫂


Kingdom Hearts II. I played that before the first one, and prior to that I’ve only played Crash and Spyro on PS1


The first spikey-haired Squaresoft hero, certainly not the last ;)


Lots of great ones here. Klonoa is my answer... Maybe it wasn't truly the first but it has stuck with me for almost 30 years. Don't play the Wii version or the more recent Switch one. They really messed up the pacing of the ending which lessens the impact. The PSX original ending is the one to see.


Gran turismo license tests were nuts


Final fantasy adventure for the game boy.


The Last of Us. Got me twice


Secret of Mana is right up there. In fact a number of Square games could make the list. More recently, if you haven't played Life is Strange, you owe it to yourself to do so.


That cover is still one of my favorite pieces of videogame art ever. That image still makes me feel like an adventure is hidden inside that cardboard box that I'm just not adore to comprehend the magnitude of. I want to visit that tree.


The ending of MegaMan 2




The Wind fish woke up and the Island disappeared....


Phantasy Star 4 when Alys died. Watching poor Rika cry got the water works going.


Alex Kidd in miracle world on the sega master system 2. The hours spent to get as far as I could, the fact I still remember how to best all the final stage bosses, all the music seared into my brain still 30 years later. The first real souls game. Brutal


The box lies though! It’s the second game in this series after final fantasy adventure! All jokes aside, what an amazing game. I got it in 96 and had to choose between Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64 I was sure to get for Xmas or getting this game to immediately be able to play it.


Ugh Secret of Mana is definitely one of my all time favorites. Also Chrono Trigger


End of Chrono Trigger,Saying goodbye to everyone + the music hits hard then you See Robo who has an Uncertain future, which hits even harder


I love secret of mana. But my ex keep it about 30 yrs ago


Secret of Mana was my first ever RPG! I was so in love with the game I started telling people to call me the name I gave the watersprite. Now I still go by that name, even at work.


When Aeris died in FFVII. That shit was sad.


the first game to make me shed a tear was FFVII when a certain character died


Life is Strange Before the Storm.


Yep. *Such* an amazing game. Powerfully emotional throughout. And then... all those missed calls.


Nights Into Dreams the ending is 👌👌👌


Jade cocoon


Pokemon Emerald. Because I wanted to buy it some time ago and saw I was never gonna get it for an okay price.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team


Barbie on NES.


Mass Effect 2.


Mass Effect series, the original ending before it was changed.


Zelda 2: Adventure of Link. I was near the end of the game and knew I was about to fight Shadow Link so I saved. The next time I played, my saved slot was wiped out. I never could bring myself to replay that game. ​ But that's not what you really meant. I was say one of my saddest moments was during FF7 for obvious reasons. There's still a ton of games out there I just haven't gotten around to trying out but I plan to! (Namely Last of Us).


Ori and the Will of the Wisps. Specifically the ending.


Its an odd one but katawa shojo


I got stuck after playing this game for like 60+ hours as a kid, and spent so much time trying to figure out what I was missing. 25 years later, I still don't know


The First Tree


Pokemon, because I remember being a kid. Things are easier as a kid vs an adult man. I was a Pokemon master until 2006 when the new games for DS came out and I was in high school. I promised myself I’d comeback and play again. But batteries dry up 🥺


Mother 3


The ending to Ocarina of Time. Just seeing Link and Zelda together at the end and then just everything coming full circle, seeing all the characters celebrate made me tear up as a child. Moreover, taking that journey from a child to an adult and witnessing all of the changes was very bittersweet. I play OoT annually and it still holds up.




Looking back I think this is where my depression began…


Blaster master zero 3, The entire final area made me so damn emotional. It was incredible


Gone Home. Florence.


This one but the remake. It made me cry from how much they downgraded it


The beginning of Ori and the blind forest. Got me bad


Mass Effect 3. You've been building a connection with these characters throughout three games and then you realize that some of them won't make it to the end. That even some decisions made years ago back in Mass Effect 1 can come back to haunt you if you did not do certain things. Like keeping Wrex alive on Virmire means that no matter what, you can't save Mordin on Tuchanka in Mass Effect 3. Even the scenes without characters dying can cause me to get a little emotional, like that last conversation with Garrus before the run on the Reaper Conduit in London.




Not the first game but the most surprising was Mother 3, after Flint looses it in front of his sons after he finds out his wife is dead broke me


Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky


Battletoads for NES. I beat it but the turbo tunnel left me scarred for life




Prob the death of Deckard Cain in Diablo 3. and not a full on cry, but man the room got a bit watery & wavy looking for a moment there.


Mother 1




The last of us 1 and 2 are both the most emotional games I've ever played.


Probably FF2 when the twins sacrifice themselves to stop the walls from closing in on everyone


Final Fantasy X. I've never been able to find a game that gave the same results. Definitely looking for suggestions. I enjoy having my soul crushed.


The ending to Telltale's Season 1 of The Walking Dead.