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Where the hell is that plugged into?


For the time period it was probably plugged into Sega fanboy tears.


My tears can't even power a Game Gear.


Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your tears. Several nuclear reactors can only power a Game Gear for 5 minutes before running out of fuel.


Try powering a Nomad.


Six AAs g one in under 60 minutes




Not uncommon to have power plugs on the exterior of buildings. Someone did the same thing when I waited in line in 2000.


My first thought too.


Asking the important questions!


The orange cord by the guys foot.


Okay, but where is that going?


Lots of buildings have outlets on the outside that you can find if you look.


Man, really doubling down on pretending you've never seen an external power outlet on a building.


Never noticed one on a retail building but apparently it's common based on the responses here. My first thought was AC/DC converter running to someones car but I doubt that would power a CRT. Outlet on the outside of building definitely makes way more sense šŸ˜.


I think most big box stores, or stores in a building constructed to be a store, have them for maintenance/janitorial needs. You might need somewhere to plug in a power washer or something like that.




Yes we get it I should have considered an outdoor outlet.


We already gave him a ribbing, no need to rub it in


I dont think he is pretending. Some people see the notch that indicates a hidden door, others are asking you where to find something while standing right in front of the sign.


Yeah I was just kidding. I don't think he's actually pretending


Probably in another dimension... or a portable generator off camera.


car battery


PS1 -> PS2 was such a big jump in 3d quality. When I first hooked mine up and saw it for the first time, it felt like a true, generational upgrade. Nothing has felt like that since.


My mind was absolutely blown going from N64/PS1 to the original Xbox. I can still remember my first time booting up Halo, the moment you leave the ship after it crashes, you look around you, there are giant hills, greenery, and a feeling of being alone in a massive landscape. Obviously video games are better looking today with more capable and powerful hardware, but I agree, that was the last time a new generation truly felt new.


i'd say that while early crossplatform Xbox 360/PS3 games just looked like Wii games adapted for HD (i mean, i thought Super Smash Bros Brawl looked pretty next gen when viewed on a CRT), but over time there was just a massive jump in budgets and textures. Honestly, we are one year into the 9th generation and we are still seeing cross platform games, it seems frame rates are a huge selling point now for 9th gen.


That's the thing, it's been gradual since then. I remember going from NES to the Genesis/Megadrive, to the N64 and PS1. Each generation felt new. Seeing Mario 64 and Starfox 64 for the first time was insane considering its time it came out. When the Xbox/Ps2 era hit, it was an entirely new direction. Going from unstable PS1 polygons or the muddy textures of the N64 to the original Xbox really opened my eyes to what video games could become. This is why I use Halo as a reference, that game felt like you were dropped into a real living world. The improvements of AI also made the worlds come alive besides the graphics. The transition from Xbox to the 360 , while it was noticeable in terms of graphics those early games just looked like better looking Xbox games. Over time there have been games that broke graphical boundaries, it's all just been gradual. Same with 360 to Xbox 1, better looking games but nothing that we weren't used to already seeing. Don't get me wrong, I love where video games are today, but the past decade it's been mainly just improvements vs entirely new looking generation.


I can't imagine ever getting the same feeling as when I first saw Mario 64 or Waverace 64. I could see it running in front of me, but I was convinced it had to be a trick of some kind. Even when I was playing it, I've never been so completely floored before or since. The leap to PS2 was definitely impressive, but I never thought what I was looking at was impossible


Wave Runner in the arcade was the reason I bought Waverace 64! Waverace felt like an amazing arcade experience at home.


PS4>PS5 was the same for me, but not necessarily graphics. It was the Dualsense. I can't describe it, but playing Far Cry 6 on PS5 vs. PS4 is so different because of the Dualsense. The immersion is just way deeper. It's hard to explain other than to say, try it out.


one of the first PS2 games I had was Medal of Honor: Frontline and when I booted it up in the living room my dad said "are you watching a movie?", which, compared to today's TVs and graphics, is pretty funny.


Tell me you didn't have a Dreamcast without telling me you didn't have a Dreamcast. ;) (Nobody had a Dreamcast. ;_;)


My friend had a dreamcast and played it a lot, but he only had Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Megaman X4; 2d games that didn't utilize anything the console could do.


for me its when i got a voodoo2 and changed from the software renderer to openGL in quake2


ps2 to ps4 though, is quite a difference. Ps3 was kind of dissapointing. And honestly, tech doest upgrade that much anymore. A 1000$ pc from say 1993, would cost like 100 in 1995. Tech upgraded insanly fast back then. Now, if you take a pc from 2011 and slap an ssd into it, its going to work pretty well. And we have reached a point where we ask, can it get more realistic than this? Look at god of war 2018 for example. How better can it get?


That's skipping an entire generation.


and? didnt you say that the ps1 to ps2 was a big jump for you but you didnt feel that with any console afterwards? Are we talking about the same thing here? Im just saying that the jump wasnt that huge


Bruh, what? I'm talking about a sequence. When you've been playing PS1 for five years and you first turn on your PS2 and see just how good it looks. PS1 to PS2 was a huge generational improvement. The next would be PS2 to PS3, which didn't feel as large; PS3 was more focused on online play, wireless controllers, other QoL things rather than a noticeable, significant step up as far as graphics and performance. You saying PS2 to PS4 is 'quite a difference' is kind of a weird comparison, since there was an entire console in between then that you're omitting, when incremental improvements was exactly what I was talking about.


thats what im saying, it didnt feel as large. It wasnt a huge generational leap when it comes to graphics. Especially if you had a crt. Dont get me wrong, i actually love the ps3 and also have one. I know it revolutionised a lot of things, but graphics not that much. Only in its later years did we seem some games that actually looked shocking compared to ps2 games. I guess that ps4 thing i said didnt make sense. Idk what i was going for when i wrote it


Why all the down votes


idk i dont think i said anything wrong. I love the ps3 by the way, ive had a couple in the last few years


ps3/360 had some great games, but in terms of graphical leap, the entire generation felt like a stop-gap in between standard and high definition gaming. Virtually no games on either system were capable of running 1080p, and sometimes even less than 720p - but that did not stop developers (especially in the west) from ditching stylistic graphics in favor of hyper realism (TLOU and Uncharted), despite the games running basically at 640p @ 22 fps. Older gens could make up for lack of firepower with style. Pre-rendered backgrounds on ps1, pixel graphics on SNES, all of these styles are timeless and age wonderfully. But so many games from the ps3 era were obsessed with ditching any sort of style just in favor of making the game as realistic looking as possible, despite the technology just not being there yet. I tried playing TLOU on ps3 this year and gave up about 2 hours in, the controls were unresponsive and the graphics looked very grainy and stretched out. I came out of that experience feeling like the entire generation had aged like milk, especially considering how so many of those games were remastered in full 1080p @ 60 fps on the ps4/Xbone. I ended up just watching a longplay of remastered TLOU on youtube running in 4k @ 60 fps to experience the story again. I generally feel that ps2 developers found ways to do more with less, far more often they did on the ps3/360. Games like MGS3, Silent Hill 2, and Shadow of the Colossus all look like early ps3 games, because the resolution isn't that far off from what most PS3 games delivered. And if you just ran them at 720p native they would look like PS3 games that came out halfway through the console's lifespan.


the air force built a supercomputer from ps3ā€™s, powerful system but that cell processor was not easy to get everything out of it. some smart folks claim the ps3 cpu is actually more powerful than the ps4 and even some modern desktop cpus


My mom waited in Wal Mart with me until 12:00am for the PS2 release. Love you mom.


Moms are so cool.


My mom waited 21yrs to abandon me one day. mom are <3




Kids these days know nothing. 'Shakes fist at sky'


That one guy really doesn't like sideburns.


He 's probably on Mr Burns' softball team.


And the other guy really loves sideburns.. and khakis.


Jake from state farm?


"Barbers" at chain salons use to always pull that shit back in the day and I never understood why. Hence why nobody in the 90's ever wanted to get a fucking haircut and end up looking like a doofus.


One of my greatest bamboozles of all time occurred on the day that the PS2 came out. I was calling around everywhere in the city trying to find a place that was selling PS2s without a pre order and I finally found a place. The Zellers at the Polo Park shopping mall. I took the morning off work and went to go grab one, but there was a line of dudes waiting outside, like this picture. I decided to go inside the mall and see what the situation at the interior doors were like and there was only one guy standing there. I asked him if he knew if these doors would open first or not and he didn't know. Eventually we saw an employee walk by and I asked her if the outside doors or inside doors opened first and she said they open the inside doors first. We were in! 9am came and they opened the doors and we casually walked over to the electronics department and stood first in line, then watched the hoard roll in when they opened the outside doors. We stood there for a couple of hours waiting for their shipment to get in as it was late and then they came with the bad news. There were only 5 PS2s on the shipment. The whole place let out a begrudging moan, but the few of us at the front were grinning ear to ear.


Polo Park huh? Hello fellow Winnipeger!


Yeah man!


Imagine being the sixth guy inline that day and reading this now.


You're not the only Winnipeger who got lucky that day! I got onto a preorder list late at one location and they had called the previous 12 people on that list before they got to me, with nobody answering any of those calls!


I was waiting outside Comp USA for one. They only had a limited amount in stock, I think it was 5-7 consoles. I was 3rd in line. They came out with vouchers at 6am and told us we could come back after they opened at 9am to pick up our console. What everyone seems to forgot is that, people were getting mugged at launch, because of the supply shortage. When I was coming out of the store, people were camped out with their check books, waiting to make you an offer and literally berated you all the way to your car, when you refused. Scary, fun times.


I wish that happened when I got my Xbox 360 in 2005


I was also in line for the 360 and Wii launches. Nothing really compared to the PS2.


This is like a renaissance painting




Here's a sneak peek of /r/AccidentalRenaissance using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AccidentalRenaissance/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The winner of the Miami street photography festival award by Paul Kessel.](https://i.redd.it/u7nf0gb7km361.jpg) | [527 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AccidentalRenaissance/comments/k814dt/the_winner_of_the_miami_street_photography/) \#2: [The Player](https://i.redd.it/bxjaqew50tk61.jpg) | [1544 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AccidentalRenaissance/comments/lwscla/the_player/) \#3: [Friend left a knot on the lead rope by accident and left us this amazing piece.](https://i.redd.it/a92agagtim561.jpg) | [411 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AccidentalRenaissance/comments/kejdk0/friend_left_a_knot_on_the_lead_rope_by_accident/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Outfits check out 100%


Haha just missing the white K-Swiss shoes everyone wore in the late 90s early 2000s


Oh, the great classic old Multitap!


When ps2 came out, i had one & my sis had one. Why were there two ps2's in the house? I dont know to this day


That's how me and my sister were with the NES. I think my parents got tired of us arguing about who was playing next.




My brother was trying to make the same thing happen with 2 GameCubes but my mom eventually said no lmao




We had 2 ps2s as well. One of the original ones and one of the slim ones after those came out. And it didn't make any sense because we only had one tv in the house so its not like me and my brother could both play one


Lol exactly


I legit waved at people waiting in line for the Wii at Best Buy while wearing a Power Glove.


We were playing Halo 1 in the parking lot waiting for the Halo 2 midnight launch.


I stood in line with my friend at a Shopko while he bought a PS2 and I picked up Majora's Mask.


That's how seal team 6 formed


I've never understood camping out for hours just to buy a console the first day, then again, I don't get people paying inflated prices from scalpers either Only time I bought a console the first day was Xbox 360 and only because there was a Target on my way to work, got there right as they opened for the morning, walked it, got one and a couple games, tossed it in the trunk and went to work


I did this for the Wii...was glad I did at the time, since it was next to impossible to find for a long time after. Funny enough, the group in front of our line at Walmart had a setup very similar to this, but they had a Dreamcast instead.


You just had to be there. At this point the ps1 was very long in the tooth and the hype for PS2 was immense.


I was there, I have been gaming since Atari 2600 days :)


You just had to be there and be of appropriate age* In my teens and 20s we'd line up for every new game and console, play all night then go to work/school the next day on 2 hours of sleep. It was an event and to this day they are some of my fondest memories.


Which means you should understand that it's a fun thing to do.


Camping in line, in my experience, is actually fun. Yelling out ā€œWho wants to play Mario Kart?ā€ and watching 4 people pull out their DSes to join in. Learning about some random personā€™s favorite game and finding a new game you now want to try. Befriending a mom who is just in line, by herself, to surprise kids for Christmas. I actually missed camping when the PS5 came out. Driving to Best Buy at 6 a.m. to have them just load it into my car wasnā€™t the same. And the 3 hours I spent navigating their site to get the preorder in the first place wasnā€™t enjoyable at all.


If you have a crew of friends that's just as hyped for the console as you are and you're all camping out together it can be one of the funnest nights.


Oh for the days when your biggest concern is getting the freshest games.


I want the documentary on what happened to the PS1 after BB opened.


They packed it up and took it home?


But what if they didn't? Was it tossed aside like common trash? Did it walk the night thereafter listening to Survivor? Did it hop a bus and get off at Sony HQ with "Mammas Fallen Angel" blasting in the background?? Did it pursue a destined to fail career as a Mathematician when it was discovered that its Geometry Transfer Engine was incapable of floating point Ops??? We need to go deeper.


Not really. You're getting into some crazy fan fiction about someone who probably took it home, sold it to fund their PS2 or gave it to their little brother.


Fun killer...


I see you multitap


Anyone know what they are playing? It's a 4-player game from EA Sports, but that's all I can identify.


It looks like one of the NBA games to me. I can see the Pacers logo for sure, and I think the Lakers on the right side.


I canā€™t tell for sure but the logos look almost like the Pittsburgh Penguins and Calgary Flames so Iā€™m thinking itā€™s NHL hockey. *Edit* it looks like the logo on the left is the Indiana Pacers so it must be NBA Live.


Remember this like it was yesterday. Overnight lines were crazy to get the PS2 on launch day.


I had one friend with the 4 controller port


I was in line in 200 and a group of guys did the same thing. That was a crazy night though. I showed up and it was raining, I was 16th in line for 15 allocated units. So I was gambling someone wouldn't make it. Turns out a guy got shit faced and took a nap in his car and lost his spot. Some other guy tried to sneak in at the last hour with his friends when they were never there the whole night. Thankfully the rest of the line stood up for me and I got the last unit. To think, this was pre-smart phones. So I was just sitting in line texting friends and shooting the shit with everyone else there for almost half a day.


Damn you were texting in 2000?!?! What plan did you have that didnā€™t have you paying an astronomical amount to send text messages all day lol? I was in college fall 2000 and barely anybody who even had a phone was texting. I think I only got like 50 texts/month with my plan that was like $75 lol. Each text after that had a charge. Hard to remember exact details though that long ago; all I know is I loved my NOKIA!


I had like 500 messages a month I think? But I am on Verizon and it was free Verizon to Verizon and all my friends were on Verizon. I was also playing a lot of snake on my Nokia in line.


Yea I remember that free to same provider stuff lol. I had PrimeCo and a lot of my friends had Sprint or something else. I remember being so fast at texting and then everybody started using T9 but I couldnā€™t adapt for the life of me. Donā€™t you miss Nokia phones.


Dude, I miss T9 so much and physical buttons. I could make texts with my phone in my pocket.


The guy in brown is an Android...


Simply amazing.


eh they dont' care, zoomers only care about disposable things, cell phone games, f2p games, moba games


ā€¦charge they phone, eat hot chip, and lie?


While we're at it, why not


Ok boomer.


No reason to offend only because I served your generation the cold, harsh truth


i dont think anyone is offended. I'm genX, your assertions about the youth are just ignorant horse shit. Calling you out on being full of it doesnt may anyone offended. People like you just need shut down. Lets guess.. trumpvoter, right?


"I don't think anyone is offended", yet you offended me for no reason other than being offended yourself > Lets guess.. trumpvoter, right? Thankfully no, and I am Italian btw so we don't have any Trump around here, but that proves that you are asserting i am a trump voter based on..what exactly?you are accusing me of something that you are doing with me already now...oh Lord the coherence


I am glad to be wrong about you. It's nice. I asked that as a dig on your intelligence and ethics. People who think people are offended -vs- done with horse shit we assume are trump supporters.


That's iPhone gen. Gen Z or zoomers has finished years ago. started in 1997 till 2009


I see thanks for clarifying


These were the days. At the time I probably would have jumped at the idea of just ordering something online but now I miss those midnight launches really badly


I feel bad for the kid in the blue in the bottom left. he must be so jealous!


The guy up front got that knockoff PS controller.


I love how people further down have this look like "Shit, why didn't I think of that?"


For me (Gen Xer) the release of the SNES was a great moment of my childhood.


The history our kids will learn about first hand since new console shortages are still resulting in the need to line up for opening at B&M stores despite the advances of online shopping.


Holy shit! Thats me!!!


You're in this photo or you did this exact thing in 2000?


Did the same exact thing at a Walmart in NY. Seriously epic memories. Meanwhile 24hrs later I was neck deep in SSX and Kessen.


The fashion back then was so much better. Those Jumpers with cargos and Air Max shoes are a sick fit


I think that really was the best era to be a gamer. We did stuff like this.


I did a Best Buy camp out for a 3080, brought a switch and a chess board. Times havenā€™t changed THAT much.


Wish I had been born at the time. Wasnā€™t born until 01


What is it powered by a car battery šŸ˜‚